Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

546 Kidnapping The Chairman Of The Jury, Qin Nuo’S Insidious Plan, Fox’S Backstabbing, Warner Is A G

David, Carter and others also had the same idea as Cogas and wanted to ask Qin Nuo why he could be so calm.

After thinking about it for a while, forget it.

Mainly because I don’t know how to speak.

After a pause and choosing his words, Kogas continued.

"Originally, we had pretty much handled the matter, but we didn't expect that other Hollywood giants would do it yesterday morning."

"Except for Fox, all of them joined the ranks of praise, just to defend Qin Nuo.

"But I think you know their true purpose, Qin!"

Qin Nuo nodded after listening, it was pretty much what he expected, although it was a little troublesome.

But he can still accept it.

It’s not too difficult to deal with either.

He had already thought of a solution on the plane.

"I see!"

Seeing that Qin Nuo was still so calm after listening, David, Carter and others couldn't sit still.

My heart was secretly emptying my stomach.

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is.

Qin, do you really have a solution, or are you just lying?

Don't play.

The situation is critical now.

"Qin, do you have any idea?" David couldn't help but ask.

"Be careful, we have received news that this bitch Robert is communicating privately with several Hollywood giants.

"They plan to do a big thing and announce the news in American DC and your fan club!"

"We have called tens of thousands of fans to surround the college building. If they succeed, it will really be over!"

"If the college building is smashed, those members will definitely not let you go!"

Everyone also looked at Qin Nuo. This matter was indeed very difficult and they didn't know what to do.

"This is a bit troublesome, but it's nothing!"

Qin Nuo looked at David and others. Said with a smile.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, Oscar is more anxious than us, they are just holding on.

"They think I can solve it and want me to take action, but why should I take action!"

Qin Nuo smiled sinisterly.

Hearing this, David and others suddenly felt chills on their backs.

What does this mean? Qin Nuo doesn't want to take action. Does he want to drag Oscar along with him to be buried with him?


"Qin, don't you want to kidnap Oscar?" David asked with a frown.

Several people were also worried.

"What kidnapping! This sounds so unpleasant." Qin Nuo looked at several people crossing their legs. He said calmly.

"We gave the money before and Oscar agreed, but now when something happens, they stand by and watch.

"It's just a dream. Those old men, we can't do anything if they don't want to contribute after we feed them!"

Qin Nuo said with a cold look.

"Think about it for yourselves, if I can't handle this matter well, this year's judges chairman and several committees will not be removed!"

"In their position, I think there are a lot of people I care about!"

After listening to Qin Nuo's words, David Smith and others understood.

Qin Nuo didn’t want to kidnap Oscar.

He wanted to kidnap several people who had interests in them.

In this situation, Qin Nuo and the others are like grasshoppers on the same rope, if the fans really blow up the college building.

The chairman of the jury and several powerful senior members will certainly be impeached.

Qin Nuo's loss is big, and theirs is not small either.

Warner and others were too worried about Qin Nuo and did not consider this at all.

"If that's the case, then you can try it!"

David nodded. Although he didn't know how Qin Nuo managed to stay so awake, it was a good method.

Now that Oscar is not taking action, Warner will do it on its own, which is very troublesome.

Many fans didn't buy it.

It would be much easier if Oscar officials could make some promises.

Fans are a group of people who are very easy to satisfy. As long as you can satisfy them, this matter is easy to handle.

And they also believe in Qin Nuo, this guy's eloquence is not ordinary.

Not only can you fool them, but you can also fool fans easily.

With a two-pronged approach, the matter will be resolved quickly

David thought about it silently in his mind, and now there was only one question left.

How can we get those guys to join in?

David looked at Qin Nuo.

"Qin, how did you get them to join in? Now they are still watching the show!"

"It's so simple." Qin Nuo looked at David and others.

"Working hard and failing to do anything will make those guys think that even if I take action, there is nothing they can do. Then they will naturally take action!"

"Do you think those old guys will watch the college building being smashed at the last moment?"

Cogas, Sarnov and others shook their heads.

They definitely don't want to see that if it is smashed, they will be sprayed to death by more than 6,000 members.

"Okay! I agree."

"I agree!"

David also knew that Qin Nuo must have other arrangements, but he just didn't want Warner to know.

But Warner doesn't mind, as long as it is handled well.

After finishing their chat, Qin Nuo stood up and prepared to leave.

Before he could go out, David called him.

"Qin, there will be some rumors outside during this period, but please believe that we, Warner, will always be your most loyal partner!"

"That's right, Qin" Smith looked at Qin Nuo. Nodding

"Warner will never do anything like river demolition, don't worry!"

Qin Nuo was a little surprised when he heard this, but he still said with a smile.

"Of course!"

After saying that, he waved to a few people and disappeared into the night.

"Is it useful?" Korgas looked at David.

Another glance at Qin Nuo's disappearing figure showed that they were not really worried about Oscar.

Qin Nuo is very good at crisis management and can be said to be unparalleled.

Even the murder case in the theater can be easily solved, but this matter pales in comparison to the murder case.

It is not difficult for him to solve it.

Qin Nuo's attitude just now also illustrates this point.

He didn't seem worried, even unusually calm.

I must have already thought of a countermeasure when I came here.

There is a way around it.

But Cogas is worried about the problems that arose at yesterday's meeting.

Some executives and directors at Warner want to burn bridges. They have no doubt that Qin Nuo will walk out of Warner's door.

Soon someone told Qin Nuo in various ways.

Let Qin Nuo know what kind of people Warner is.

This is what worries them.

...Please give me flowers...

After hearing Cogas' words, Smith, Carter and others also looked at David.

Looking at this old man who has been the CEO of Warner for ten years.

David was silent for a while.

He sighed.

"Let's wait until this matter is settled, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Carter.

"On the board of directors, you can make up your own mind. I'm a little tired too.

"The Times over there are very angry about what happened!"

Hearing this, Smith and Carter felt a chill in their backs.

Time is the largest shareholder of Warner Bros., and it controls it.

Although both of them are major shareholders of Warner Bros., their shares do not exceed 1%.

Although he is a shareholder representative, the person who really makes the decision is Renjia.

If they are not satisfied, it is not difficult to kick them both.

"Don't worry, give me a month and I will give Warner a brand new board of directors!"

Carter also nodded hastily.

"Don't worry David, the important son of the shareholder will be left to our husband!"

the other side.

Korgas and others' guess was correct. Qin Nuo had just walked out of the Warner gate and had not yet arrived home.

Deng Wendu and the others were dragged to the hotel.

Deng Wendi, Kevin and Mike looked at Qin Nuo with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, what are you doing? Did Fox pick up the money?"

Qin Nuo looked at the three of them and said strangely while eating.

Hearing this, Deng Wendi and the others laughed, not just picking up money.

This is comparable to robbing a bank!

"You don't know yet?"

"What do I know?"

"Oh, Disney took the lead in planning to destroy the college building, I know it!"

"Not this! What does this mean to you?"

Deng Wendi waved his hand.

Like David, she completely believes in Qin Nuo.

He can definitely solve this crisis perfectly.

To be honest, Deng Wendi was not worried at all.

Back then, Qin Nuo was a flawless person who could handle the dream-stealing shooting case.

This little thing is nothing.

And Disney and they won’t go too far.

It won't be good for anyone if this thing gets too big.

Besides, their goal has been achieved.

"what is that?"

Qin Nuo looked at several people.

"Warner is going to burn bridges!"

"They think you took too much!"

"Dark Knight, you can get hundreds of millions by yourself! Some people are jealous!"

"Warner held a high-level meeting yesterday, and executive director Tommy said he would give up on you!"

"Tommy is not simple. His father, Tommy Sr., is Warner's butt!"

"This shows that their Warner shareholders are not satisfied either."

"Qin Huana is just a bunch of villains, you should leave quickly! Don't worry, they won't dare to delay the money if they don't give it."

“We will help you with your lawsuit!”

ps: first update

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