Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

558 Celebration Banquet? We Will Book An Island And Hold A Celebration Banquet That Will Attract Wor

Not just him!

There is simply no one in the world who can think of it.

It's so surprising.

"Qin, didn't you expect that too?"

Qin Nuo looked at Hathaway with a warm smile on his face.

After thinking for a while he said.

"It's a bit of a surprise. Originally, I was very satisfied with 1.9 billion, but I didn't expect... I can only say it's good luck!"

Hearing this, Hathaway and Bale both laughed.


But it's not just a matter of luck, this time the Dark Knight can break 2 billion.

Talk about luck.

That's definitely superficial.

If there weren't so many moves from Qin Nuo.

I'm afraid it can barely surpass Avengers 1.

Want to break two billion.

Absolutely impossible.

Bale and Hathaway are also excited, even though their chances of winning Oscars are slim.

But The Dark Knight also gave them a very high level of popularity.

Now Bell has become the spokesperson for DC fans around the world.

He played Batman so well that many children even shouted Batman when they saw him for the first time!

The popularity of "March 17" is overwhelming.

Commercial performances and endorsements have at least tripled.

There are some amusement parks, theme parks, and large toy stores.

The endorsement fee given to Bale is even comparable to that of Hollywood superstars!

The Dark Knight catapulted a B-list Hollywood actor into a A-list star.

Even in the DC series, Bell is undoubtedly a superstar.

Like Depp in Captain Pirates .

Hathaway isn't bad either.

The Dark Knight gained her a lot of fans, and her character in the show is very likable, at least in the West.

The acting is also very good.

Among the younger generation in Hollywood.

Hathaway stood out, and now the scripts are being accepted softly.

Endorsements and commercial performances are also rising.

So much money.

After the three of them finished chatting, Qin Nuo was pulled by the two of them to celebrate.

Qin Nuo didn't want to go at first, but he couldn't resist the two of them, so he had to change his clothes and follow them away.

at the same time.

Warner is also very excited.

David also figured it out. He will worry about the future troubles later, but he feels better now.

Look at the box office of The Dark Knight, which is less than 20 million and will reach 2 billion.

It became the third major movie in the world to exceed 2 billion.

It was like taking a sip of that thing, making me very happy.

He decided to hold a grand celebration party one week after The Dark Knight was released.

Invite famous people from all over the world to participate.

As for the cost?

What a joke.

What does this little money count for?

It's just a sprinkle of water.

Now he is thinking about how to hold a celebration banquet that people will never forget.

What the hell.

No matter what, it has to be better than the last celebration party Deng Wendi gave to Pirates of Dreams on the cruise ship!


That woman must be beeping again!

David is now disgusted with Deng Wendi, extremely, extremely disgusted.

"Okay, don't worry about anything else now." David sat on the chair.

Looking at his two right-hand men, Carter and Smith.

He said with a serious face.

"You have also seen that the Dark Knight is about to break two billion, either today or tomorrow!"

"Everyone, think of a way, I'm going to hold a grand celebration party!"

"It must be more luxurious and creative than the celebration party on the last cruise ship. I want that woman to know what a real Hollywood snake is!"

Sanoff and the others also nodded.

They also agreed that holding a luxurious celebration banquet was also a show of goodwill and respect for Qin Nuo.

No one would object to this.

It doesn't matter how much money you spend, but the problem now is to be creative and better than the last Inception celebration party.

This is a bit difficult.

Several people thought hard, but there was really no good solution.

Book a five-star hotel?

It seems quite traditional, nothing new.

How about we go on a cruise?

Royal Caribbean is just average, there are bigger and more luxurious cruise ships than it.

David thought for a while and decided to forget it.

If Deng Wendi came, it would be strange not to laugh at him.

No, no.

After thinking for a long time, no one came up with any good ideas.

David was angry.

"Sanov, Kogas, can you use it a little better? Haven't you thought of it yet?"

"BOSS can't be that easy," Sanov said with a bitter smile.

"Nowadays, celebration parties are all like that, there's really nothing new!"

"Yes BOSS, it's very difficult!"


David is very angry, you two are really useless.

Even such a small thing can't be done well.

You still expect me to hand over Warner Bros. to you two, just dream.

Carter and Smith laughed happily, and it was none of their business.

They are only responsible for paying.

The board of directors does not care about the specific operations.

Just watch a show.

"I will be promoted or retired in two years." David looked at the two of them.

"If any of you can come up with an excellent idea that can make Qin Nuo happy, then when you recommend it...

David smiled sinisterly.

"You know."

Upon hearing this, Sanov and Kogas couldn't sit still.

David's term was less than three years old and ended.

The two of them have been eyeing this CEO position for a long time.

If you can come up with an idea that surpasses the cruise ship celebration banquet, it will definitely impress people.

The two of them instantly became serious.

After a while, Kos looked at David and said.

"BOSS, we can take over the entire Malibu beach! What do you think?"

Hear this.

David touched his chin.


There is still a bit of novelty...

There have been some before, but they were very small.

Not interesting.

In addition, Malibu Beach is the best beach in the world.

If you book it, you'll save face and have a beach party.

Invite hundreds of models.

Not bad.


When Cogas saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he glanced at Sanov next to him.

Raise an eyebrow.

Old guy, you are a little worse than me.

Sanof naturally saw it, with some disdain on his face.

I thought to myself, what are you doing?

He turned to look at David and Smith and said.

"BOSS, Korgas' suggestion is indeed good, but it lacks a little creativity!"

Hearing this, Kos was a little angry.

Sarnov continued regardless.

"And Qin lives at Malibu Beach, and I'm tired of seeing it!"

"Sanov, do you have any good suggestions?" Korgas said dissatisfied.

"Don't worry Cogas, young people just can't keep calm!"


"The beach is really nice. In this case, we might as well rent an island!"

"Go on." David's eyes lit up.

Sarnov smiled and cleared his throat.

"Now there are many islands for rent in Hawaii, Australia, and Greece. We can rent an island directly!"

"Let all the guests go to the island to play. We have a lot of cooperation with Victoria's Secret in the Dark Knight!"

"We can invite Victoria's Secret to hold a swimsuit show, I believe they will not refuse!"

David, Smith and others were stunned.


The whole world is watching the Dark Knight's celebration party.

Victoria's Secret officials are not fools. With such a huge attention, even if it is 3.8, they won't pay as long as the py is good.

Absolutely no problem.

Seeing the excitement in several people's eyes, Sanov was very happy.

"BOSS, this isn't over yet. We can also invite pop stars such as Taylor, Shakira, and Britney Spears to have a short concert!"

"You can have a bonfire party afterward. You can do whatever you want on the island. No one will care about it anyway, right?"


After hearing this, David said a few words of praise and applauded, as did the two directors next to him.

He looked at Sanoff with eyes filled with admiration.

This is really good advice.

Although the cost may be relatively high, it starts at least 20 million.

But Warner doesn't care.

This little money is nothing.

As long as it creates a buzz.

Contract an island, hold a swimsuit catwalk, have a bonfire party, and have a singing party!

There is a card!

David, Carter and others happily discussed the process. Sarnov, who was sitting on the sofa, glanced at Korgas.

He smiled and ignored this guy.

Sitting aside and drinking coffee. .

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