Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

561 Lao Mouzi Joined Qintian Entertainment, The Dark Knight Was Released, And Warner’S Stock Soared!

at the same time.

At Lao Mouzi's house, Chuncha Liu Haoyou was also trying to persuade Lao Mouzi.

"I said, can you stop being so stubborn and go to Qintian Entertainment with me?" Liu Haoyou puffed up his lips.

"Look how powerful Nuo Ge is!"

"Hey, you don't understand!" Lao Mouzi sighed.

Qintian Entertainment recently invited him, and Lao Mouzi was indeed a little tempted.

But I still couldn't make up my mind.

Actually, the treatment given by Qintian Entertainment is quite good.

If Lao Mouzi is willing to join and become a director, he can get a share of the box office every time he makes a movie.

If this method is not acceptable, you can do the same as Wu Erqian and Xu Zhen.

Participate in a studio way.

There are two ways for Lao Mouzi to choose.

It can be said to be very sincere.

But Lao Mouzi, like Feng Xiaogang, felt very embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

It would be nice if Qin Nuo was older.

too small.

Lao Mouzi was too embarrassed to go.

"Old man, you really want to save face and suffer! You deserve to never get an Oscar in your life."

Liu Hao curled his lips.

She definitely hopes that Lao Mouzi can join Qintian Entertainment, and the reason is very simple.

She also felt pressure at Qintian Entertainment.

I heard that Jiahang has been exposed, and everyone knows that Qin Nuo controls Jiahang.

In the future, when Qintian Entertainment makes movies, it can basically be said that there will be fair competition between Jiahang’s artists and Qintian Entertainment’s artists.

There will be no higher treatment.

There is just a slight advantage of being close to the water.

She herself doesn't have many connections in Qintian Entertainment.

It would be different if Lao Mouzi was dragged along, with the national master sitting behind.

Many directors will give face.

But this old guy refused to go just to save face.

"I'm too lazy to care about you. I heard that Zhang Weiping is not a good person. He secretly cheated you out of tens of millions!"

"Who did you listen to?" Lao Mouzi frowned, feeling something bad.

"Is this really happening?" Liu Haozhi's eyes widened, and then his eyes became sharp.

"Last time I went to Sister Hong's office, the door was open and I overheard."

"I thought it was a joke, is it true?"

"This bastard Zhang Weiping even cheated you!"

After listening to this, Lao Mouzi frowned deeply, and suddenly he seemed to realize something.

Liu Hao rejected this silly girl, I'm afraid she was being taken advantage of.

How can we talk about this kind of thing in the office?

Not closed yet.

This is obviously for you, silly girl!

Although Zhang Yimou is not the kind of person who is good at calculations, he has been in the entertainment industry for so long.

Nothing I haven't seen before.

It's not that he doesn't know how to calculate, it's just that he's too lazy to take care of it.

Li Hong was afraid that she had found something, and then deliberately told Liu Hao that she was close.

You Zhang Yimou doesn't care if you have been cheated out of so much money. Doesn't Liu Haoyou also care?

What kind of partner is closer than a daughter?

And although Zhang Yimou didn't really check it, he (chbg) also understood that so much money was missing.

"Okay, I will talk to Li Hong later.

"Old man, you agree!"

Liu Haochi was very excited.

She just tried it out, but she didn't expect it to work.

Lao Mouzi glanced at the fool.

Is it possible not to go?

If you don't go, this matter will definitely spread to the entire circle before long.

How embarrassing then.

It's better to resolve it privately.

Originally, he planned to part ways with Zhang Weiping.

It's just a little early now.

"Go ahead and work hard. Qintian Entertainment is a very good platform. This guy Qin Nuo..." Lao Mouzi thought for a moment.

I don’t know how to evaluate Qin Nuo.

It seems that he is not qualified to evaluate Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo easily won the foreign language film award that she had worked hard for all her life.

What a hammer review.

"You'd better not have any contact with that guy, you can't beat him."

"Hmph, who said I can't play?" Liu Haoye raised his head.

"I feel like Brother Nuo likes me very much. Maybe I will be the boss lady of Qintian Entertainment in the future!"

"Lao Mouzi"......

There were so many flaws that he didn’t know how to complain.

Even the boss lady!

Have you still not woken up in the afternoon from your dream?

With all your little calculations and thoughts, that kid Qin Nuo is like a monkey.

I'm afraid I'll see it early in the morning.

Treat you like a fool!


Lao Mouzi didn't bother to say it, as long as this woman had been beaten severely later.

For a time, media around the world poured out words of praise.

Qin Nuo has truly become one of the most famous directors in the world with The Dark Knight.

Although he was also a world-class director before.

But even though he doesn't want to admit it, Qin Nuo's previous movies all used domestic actors.

Naturally, there is a barrier for Americans and Westerners.

This time, all Hollywood actors were hired, and the twists and turns needless to be explained.

And the Dark Knight also brought DC back from the brink of bankruptcy.

It can be said that he is talented.

For this talented director, the media all over the world were so flattered that they filmed it to the sky.

Qin Nuo himself didn't feel much, but when he went out to eat in the afternoon.

Was recognized.

If it were different, I might have given a few autographs beforehand, so that we could have a good chat and it would be over.

Unexpectedly, the fans were very enthusiastic this time.

Qin Nuo was soon surrounded.

After I heard that Qin Nuo was here, there were more and more people in the restaurant.

It even almost caused a stampede.

Qin Nuo was so frightened that he ran away quickly.

He ran back to his apartment without even eating.

The enthusiasm of the fans was too high and I couldn't stand it.

I really can't stand it!

The Dark Knight was officially released the next day, with global box office reaching 2 billion 15 million.

Beyond the Planet has become the third-ranked movie in world film history!!

Second only to Avatar and Titanic.

The buzz continues.

Needless to say, everyone on Warner's side is very happy, except that DC is making a comeback.

What's more important is the actual benefits.

Don't look at it, Warner doesn't seem to make that much money.

In this month, I only made a few hundred million US dollars after all the efforts were made.

But don’t forget, Warner is a listed company, and the box office of Dark Knight is so exaggerated.

That American guy is not stupid, he will definitely buy a large amount of Warner Bros. stock.

In the span of a month, Warner Bros. stock rose ten percent!

A company worth tens of billions of dollars has increased by 10%!

That's equivalent to making billions of dollars.

So David feels that these shareholders are short-sighted.

It's nothing to give Qin Nuo that little money. The company's stock will rise, and shareholders who have stocks will know the news in advance.

Buy low and sell high.

After some operations, I don’t know how much I can earn.

Naturally, there is no need to elaborate on how listed companies operate their stocks. Anyway, the people behind Warner are making a lot of money.

Otherwise, why would they support Qin Nuo so much?

He did not hesitate to break up with some shareholders.

It's not just because of these hundreds of millions.

Of course, American retail investors are not stupid, and Warner's prospects are still very good.

The first company is an established American film company, backed by Warner Times.

The second DC universe is quite large, with Batman just appearing, Superman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, etc.

So many characters.

As long as you do it well, you will have a lot to do in the future.

No matter how many there are, they buy the stocks first. They also know that these stocks are risky.

But compared to the huge profits.

They're willing to try.

This wave seems like no one is losing and everyone is making money...


Qin Nuo came to Warner headquarters at David's strong request.

He was also very surprised as to why this old guy was looking for him so late when he had nothing to do.

Originally, he planned to return home at night.

It happened to be that he could sleep on the plane, but no one expected that this old guy would keep him for one night.

As soon as he entered David's office, Qin Nuo saw David, Carter, Smith and Sarnoff.

Qin Nuo also complained secretly in his heart.

Why do two directors, Carter and Smith, go to Warner Bros. every day?

Aren't you busy?

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