Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Farce Of The 569 Celebration Party, The Duel Between Leonardo Dicaprio And Bale, And The Battle

the other side.

Qin Nuo didn't know that there were so many interesting things happening on the ship.

He arrived a little earlier than everyone else.

the reason is simple.

Qin Nuo has private jets and cruise ships.

Just drive here yourself.

But if he had known that he would have to deal with so many things here, he shouldn't have come.

"Mr. Moses, no need, you go and do your work, I can just take a look!"

"It's okay, Director Qin, I'll show you the many beautiful attractions on our Gemstone Island!" Moses was wearing a suit, and his belly looked like he was pregnant.

Quite the boss.

But the smile on his face never broke.

"How about I take you to the hot springs in the mountains?"

"No, no, no!" Qin Nuo was speechless.

"I'm a little tired, let's go back to the hotel first!"

"no problem."

Just arrived at the hotel.

Xiao Lizi came in just in time.

Looking at Qin Nuo, his face was filled with joy. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time.

But his face soon changed.

"Qin, stop!"

Xiao Lizi shouted quickly.

Looking at Leonardo like an angry Erha, Qin Nuo also roughly knew the reason and said to Moses.

"You go first, my friend is here!"

"Qin, are you sure Leon is your friend?" Moses looked at the angry little plum, feeling a little strange.

"Really, that's how he usually is.

"Oh well!"

Moses reluctantly left, 27 actually.

He quite likes Qin Nuo. The reason why he pleases Qin Nuo first is because he is also a fan of Qin Nuo.

It's nice to have more contact with idols.

The second nature is because Qin Nuo can bring a large number of customers.

If Qin Nuo’s movie celebration party can be arranged in Kosi Island in the future.

With the fame of Qin Nuo, Kochy Island will definitely become the most famous island in the world.

Kochy Island is not bad though.

But there are too many competitors, so speaking of it, there really isn’t much of an advantage.

Xiao Lizi ran to Qin Nuo, with anger on his face.

Qin Nuo, on the other hand, looked casual. Xiao Lizi was very popular, but he still didn't admit his mistakes after doing bad things.


"Qin, if you don't explain, you bastard promised to give me the Oscar, but you actually played dirty tricks.

Leon is very bitter, and his The Revenant has been released for about ten days now.

The results are not bad.

He was also nominated for this year's Oscar for Best Actor.

There are not many competitors this time.

Unexpectedly, something happened to the Dark Knight.

Here comes a very strong competitor, Bell.

To be honest, others don't know much about it, and DiCaprio is very worried about Oscar trying to appease the anger of DC fans.

What if the best actor was given to Bale?

It's entirely possible.

Some people in the circle who don’t know the truth also feel that this is a possibility.

They didn’t think the Oscars would give Best Picture and Best Director to The Dark Knight.

But Best Actor is still possible.

Although it is a superhero movie, The Dark Knight has depth and content, and it also made such a big splash.

The most important thing is that the box office exceeded 2 billion!!!

This Oscar cannot be ignored.

A two-billion-dollar movie is too brutal.

To put it bluntly, the Oscars still serve movies.

The Dark Knight also helped spread Hollywood's reputation to a certain extent.

If Oscar doesn't take it seriously, then the big guys in Hollywood will be unhappy.

"I'm talking about Xiao Lizi. Why are you worried? How can Bell be qualified to compete with you!"

Qin Nuo, who knew the inside story, rolled his eyes.

He has already made an agreement with Oscar.

The py transaction between both parties has been completed, and the biggest award the Dark Knight has won is Best Supporting Actor.

"Huh, that's not necessarily true. This guy Bell is really willing to spend money. He spent almost five million on it!"

"so much?"

Qin Nuo also widened his eyes and said secretly.

Bell, a guy who doesn't usually talk much, was unexpectedly very generous in his actions.

Five million is a lot.

His salary for The Dark Knight was only 6 million~

"Then there's nothing I can do!" It's impossible for Qin Nuo to tell DiCaprio and Oscar in advance.

This kind of thing is not honorable.

But he was lucky and looked up.

Just in time, Bell and Hathaway and their entourage arrived.

See this.

Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"Why don't you tell Bell yourself?"

"Humph, I'll say it myself." Xiao Lizi was very disdainful.

"You think I'm afraid of him? Are you kidding me?"

"What's so great about those dead muscles he developed in the gym?

"I have learned karate, like him, one punch at a time!"

As he spoke, he raised his fist.

He looked arrogant.

Qin Nuo "………………"

He didn't know what to say. He glanced at Bell and saw that the guy's eyes had narrowed.

It seems that I have heard it.

Hathaway and others next to them also had smiles on their faces.

As a good friend of Xiao Lizi, Qin Nuo still planned to help this guy.

Bell is not some dead muscle, he has a fist as big as a casserole.

Hitting someone hurts.

"That Leon, the Bell people are very good. Don't talk nonsense about fighting or not fighting."

"We are quality people. If you have a good talk with him, you might even be able to become friends!"

But the little plum in front of him obviously didn't realize this.

continued to brag.

"Qin, I have seen people like Bell a lot. He seems to have a good temper, but in fact, he is a villain secretly.

"They are very dark. If I see people like this, I will beat them up!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo slapped his forehead.

Forget it, since Xiao Lizi wants to die.

He couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

Let it be.

"Then tell him yourself."

"What?" Xiao Lizi was still a little confused.

The next second, a pair of big hands rested on Xiao Lizi's shoulders.

"Leon, are you serious?"

Little Li Zi turned around and saw Bell, who was more than half his head taller than him, looking down at him.

I was stunned for a moment.

And he felt that his shoulder hurt.

It really hurts.

This stupid big guy pinched me so much that it hurt.

Bell smiled.

"Leon, actually I've wanted to see your power for a long time, why don't we find some time to practice.

"If I lose, what if I don't participate in the Oscars this time!"

Xiao Lizi looked at Bell's fist as big as a casserole, then turned to look at Qin Nuo.

His eyes seemed to be asking.

Why didn't you remind me when he came?

Qin Nuo spread his hands and looked innocent.


"I have reminded you many times that you are going to commit suicide."

Hathaway, Brad and others next to them saw this situation.

I almost laughed out loud.

Leonardo 440 is so funny.

The contrast between before and after is really amazing.

He is worthy of being the best actor who has been with him for more than ten years.

Absolutely amazing!

Brad said with a smile.

"Leon, don't be a coward. Come on, Bell has dead muscles. Beat him!"

Allen next to him also came over.

"That's right, don't be afraid of Leon, beat him, I can't stand Bell's face for a long time!"

"How about you hold an arena competition!" Hathaway smiled like a little fox.

"I can help you contact WWE. If you two big stars fight, the ratings will definitely explode."

"Maybe we can even split the money? How about calling it the Oscar for Best Actor?"

"I agree!

"I agree!"


When Bell heard this, he looked at Little Li Zi who was smaller than him and still had some fat on his belly.

"I don't have any objection, I can give all the money I make to Little Plum."

"Just think of it as money for his soup and medicine!"


This guy's face turned red. I want you to pay for the soup and medicine.


He shook off Bell's hand and straightened his clothes.

"Why are you fighting? I'm a qualified person, so I won't play with you. Let's go!"

After saying that, Xiao Lizi ran away in despair, his voice still heard in the wind.

"Bell, just wait for me, I will remember this grudge!"


"Bell, if you calm down your momentum, you'll scare Leon!"

Turning to look at Qin Nuo, Bell smiled happily and sincerely.

"Director Qin, this guy has a bad mouth. I couldn't offend him before, but now I'm not afraid of him!"

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