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"Brother Yujing, who were you calling just now? The call never came through." Zhao Liying asked curiously.

"It's Yang Zi, we need to increase the order volume."

Oh, not bad, it's getting better and better, I have good news to tell you." Zhao Liying said with a smile

"What good news?" Zhou Yujing asked curiously.

"The beef you gave me last time, I gave it to my little sister. She is now working as Nicholas Tse’s assistant. Does Nicholas Tse know about this?"

"Yeah, I know. Go on."

"In addition to being a star, he is also a top gourmet. He was preparing a show recently, and my good sister brought some beef back to him. He tasted it by accident and praised it highly. He wanted to come visit you immediately."

"Visit me?"

Zhou Yujing laughed. A big star visiting me? Actually, he was just visiting the food in the ranch.

"Yes, he is visiting you, you must be prepared, after he comes, your beef cattle and sheep can be raised in large quantities, and they will definitely go abroad and into the world in a minute." Zhao Liying's tone was very confident. Zhou Yujing couldn't help but joked:"Oh, you, a foodie, are very sure about my beef."

"Hehe, that's right, I'm sure the food is really good, and the quality of the beef cattle you raise is really very good, so Nicholas Tse is interested in it, he is a very picky person."

"Oh, what a pity that you gave the beef I gave you to someone else." Zhou Yujing pretended to sigh.

Zhao Liying was anxious:"I am also reluctant to give it away, the key is that we have a very good relationship as sisters. Besides, I am close to you, so I can eat with you if I have nothing to do."

"Then you haven't had my special beef these days." Zhou Yujing joked

"Oh, yes, I am so greedy, I finally helped you, you have to thank me." Even through the phone, I could feel Zhao Liying's expression of begging for candy.

"I must thank you for coming to eat in the evening and giving you a feast."

"Hehe, you know what I'm thinking. Alas, there's something going on tonight, so why don't you send me a few more pounds of beef next time?"

"That's no problem, a big meal with unlimited beef." Zhou Yujing said readily.

Zhao Liying on the other end of the phone smiled happily. She could tell through the phone that the good news brought Zhou Yujing a very good mood. When Zhou Yujing was in a good mood, she was in a good mood too. A big meal with unlimited beef, wow, Zhou Yujing is so nice.

At this time, Duoduo called out,"Sister." Then she suddenly woke up.

Zhou Yujing looked at Duoduo and smiled dotingly and said,"My daughter seems to miss you. She calls you in her dreams."

Hearing this, Zhao Liying's heart was even more like honey:"Ah, I miss Duoduo. It's been a while since I last saw her, but it feels like three years!"

Duoduo rubbed her sleepy eyes and said,"Dad, are you talking to my sister on the phone?"

"Yes, did Duoduo dream about her sister just now? Zhou Yujing asked with a smile.

"I just dreamed of playing with my sister. I miss her so much. I want to talk to her."Duoduo said as she reached out for the phone impatiently.

"Hey, Liying, Duoduo wants to talk to you"

"Okay, give the phone to Duoduo quickly. I want to talk to her too. I miss my little baby so much."

"" Sister, I miss you so much." Every time Duoduo wakes up, her voice is sweet and a little coquettish, which makes people's heart move.

When Zhao Liying heard it, her heart melted immediately, and she asked with a smile:"How much do you miss your sister?"

"I really, really, really want to! I really, really, really want to!"

"Haha, sister misses you too." Zhao Liying said with a smile

"Sister, I can’t sleep tonight." Duoduo pouted and said coquettishly while holding the phone.

Zhao Liying was surprised:"Ah? What’s wrong, baby, why can’t you sleep?"

""Oh, I miss you so much." Duoduo sighed helplessly.

This girl is still sighing, Zhou Yujing pinched the little naughty face, soft.~

"Wow, you miss your sister so much?"

"Well, I want to sleep with my sister."

"Hey, where's Dad?" Zhao Liying asked

"Daddy... I also like to sleep with Daddy, but I like to sleep with my sister even more. I like my sister to hold me while I sleep." Duoduo said seriously.


In the studio, Zhao Liying couldn't stop laughing. Duoduo, this little baby, spoke so sweetly that it made people feel warm inside. It was so heartwarming.

"Sister also wants to hold Duoduo to sleep at night, but sister has to go to work and can't come. Duoduo, be good. Sister will come to see you when she is free."

"Um……"Duoduo thought for a while and then said,"Sister, why do you have to go to work?"

"My sister has to work to earn money for food and daily necessities."

"Duoduo doesn't need to make money, and sister doesn't need to make money either, just having dad is enough."

Duoduo woke up completely, and Zhou Yujing was speechless by Duoduo's words. You little guy, do you know that this is easy to be misunderstood? Then he looked at his daughter again, fortunately she is still young.

Zhao Liying was also stunned by what a little cute kid said, her face flushed, like the sunset, and only her giggles were in her ears.

"Sister, when can you come over?"Duoduo kept talking while holding the big phone.

It was almost three o'clock. Zhou Yujing didn't plan to take a nap. He held Duoduo and walked towards the stream. The clams raised in the ranch should be ready.

"Sister promised you, come over tomorrow, okay?"

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