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"Oh, by the way, Xiaojing, I heard that you are going to build a house?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

The village chief looked surprised and said kindly:"Xiao Jing, now people are popular buying houses in the city, with all kinds of conveniences.……"

Zhou Yujing understood what the village chief meant. He felt that living in the village was not as good as living in the city. No one wanted to live in the countryside now.

"Village chief, I am building a villa to develop a ranch, which will be left for celebrities to live in, and for you guys to live in in the future."

The village chief didn't quite understand. Wasn't it already good enough for the ranch to be developed into its current state? He was a contented person.

Seeing that the village chief didn't quite understand, Zhou Yujing introduced to the village chief in detail his grand plan for future development, which was to build a ranch with more complete equipment than the large ranches abroad.

After listening, the village chief was shocked. He was the kind of person who would never think of this plan. For him, such a thing was harder than flying. It was impossible for him, but thinking of how many big stars had come to Zhou Yujing's house in just two weeks, and how he had brought such great changes to Huyue Village, he thought that maybe he could really do it.

Coming back to his senses, the village chief said admiringly:"The village chief is old and can't keep up with your ideas, but the village chief believes in you, and you will definitely be able to complete it. For some small matters of recruiting workers or anything else, you can rest assured and leave them to the village chief. The village chief will definitely complete them with quality and quantity."

"OK." After saying that, Zhou Yujing hurried back.

On the way back, he also went to clean the chicken coop and the cowshed. He didn't feel tired at all before because of the existence of QQ Ranch, but now it's really tiring to clean. At this time, Uncle Wang happened to pass by and said,"Boss, don't clean, leave it to me."

"Uncle Wang, don't call me boss." Zhou Yujing frowned. Uncle Wang treated him like a relative since he was a child. He really couldn't get used to Uncle Wang calling him boss.

Uncle Wang saw Zhou Yujing frowning tightly, laughed and said,"Kid, if you don't want to call me boss, then don't. But now Uncle Wang gets paid, and he should do the work of the ranch. The vineyard will be built in three days. Shouldn't Uncle Wang be more self-conscious when he has nothing to do?"

"Only three days left?"Zhou Yujing was surprised and delighted at the same time.

"Yes, Uncle Wang is quite efficient, isn't he? Uncle Wang said with a happy smile.

"Yes, very good." Zhou Yujing smiled and gave Uncle Wang a thumbs up.

Uncle Wang had already entered the chicken coop, snatched Zhou Yujing's sanitary tools, pushed Zhou Yujing out and said,"You should still have a lot of things to do, so let Uncle Wang do this."

"Then I won't be polite to Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, I'll leave first."He did have something else to do. Yan De was about to arrive, and Duoduo hadn't made breakfast yet.

He immediately went back to change his clothes, then made a simple egg scrambled milk for Duoduo to eat, and assigned a few homework assignments for Duoduo to do.

"Zhou Yujing, here I come."A car roared in and Yan De got out of the car.

"Have you eaten it?" Zhou Yujing asked

"I have eaten."

Then Yan De took out the design paper and went outside the ranch with Zhou Yujing to start gesturing, the approximate location of the building, what to put here, what to put there, the location and planning of each area.

It was the same as what Zhou Yujing thought in his mind.

"By the way, I have assigned a group of people to the construction team and they will start working tomorrow."

"You are quite efficient, brother." Zhou Yujing looked at the design sketch, which was exactly the same as what he had just described to him that day.

Yan De took out a doll and handed it to Zhou Yujing, saying,"That's a must. I saw Duoduo doing her homework just now, so I didn't disturb her. This doll said I gave it to her.

"Didn't you just send one?"

"I just like little girls, especially cute and smart ones like Duoduo."

"Haha, why don't you give birth to one too? With your previous appearance, it should be possible."

"What do you mean by your previous appearance? Although I am a little stronger and darker now, I am not ugly, okay? However, if you have a good girl, please introduce her to me!"

Zhou Yujing laughed and said,"You are very beautiful, right? Find a good girl yourself."

"Then you're not being nice enough."

"I'm at the ranch every day, where are the good girls?"

"That's true."

After a few words of small talk, Yan De left in a hurry. The development of Hengdian had just begun, and he was still very busy recently, but his good brother's business must not be delayed. As soon as

Zhou Yujing returned home, he saw Duoduo anxiously looking for something.

"What's wrong, my little princess?"

Duoduo looked at her father pitifully and said,"Dad, Garfield is missing and we can't find him."

Zhou Yujing was puzzled:"Wasn't Garfield here just now? Where did the kitten go?"

Duoduo looked anxious and wanted to cry. Niu. Milk said beside her,"Don't cry, Duoduo, I just saw Garfield go out."

"Where did you see Garfield go?"

""Riverside, riverside." The cows chirped.

Zhou Yujing held his anxious daughter and coaxed her gently:"Don't cry, don't cry, Garfield may have gone out to play, let's go find him, he is not obedient, we will come back to educate him."_

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