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""Woof woof!" The handsome guy looked at Zhou Yujing, then turned his head and barked a few times. Zhou Yujing looked in the direction of the handsome guy, which was Tiger Leap Mountain. Seeing that Zhou Yujing didn't move, the handsome guy circled around Zhou Yujing and gently bit Zhou Yujing's trouser leg, signaling him to follow him.

"Do you know where it is?" Zhou Yujing asked in surprise.

""Woof!" The handsome guy nodded his dog's head. How cool! Zhou Yujing admired in his heart.

"Let's go."As if they were in sync, the handsome guy rushed out after hearing Zhou Yujing's words. His running movements were very vigorous and his muscles were well-developed.

The grassland in the afternoon was quiet and beautiful, and it was leisurely. The cattle, sheep and horses were all wagging their tails leisurely on the grassland, driving away the occasional annoying mosquitoes and flies. They were full, but they would still eat a few bites of high-quality grass when they had nothing to do.

The handsome sheepdog ran ahead with a determined look, and Zhou Yujing followed closely behind.

Passing by the rabbits blocking the road, the handsome guy had no intention of changing lanes and rushed forward directly, like a The aura of a king ignoring commoners.

In the past, those little rabbits that Zhou Yujing had been raising for the 5 gems mission, in just a few days, have grown from palm-sized white meat balls while eating high-quality grass. They have grown into adult rabbits, and some even look a bit like giant rabbits.

Several rabbits have been lying comfortably on the grassland with their eyes slightly closed. When they saw the handsome guy coming aggressively, they instantly pricked up their ears, and the leisure in their red eyes disappeared. They immediately jumped up and made way.

This is the shepherd dog, awe-inspiring without anger.

""Boss, are you going to the mountain? New tree species have been placed on the mountain path, so be careful." The person who spoke was a stranger, not from the village. Zhou Yujing thought about it and thought it should be Li Fengshou's brother.

The tree planting work on the mountain spread rapidly at a rate of 1,000 trees a day. The bare mountains and the two peaks in front were already shaded by green trees. After Wang Bo was responsible for the construction of the grape circle, Li Fengshou was the person in charge of this work. Every day at noon, a large truck would come to deliver goods, so there would be a worker on duty here at noon every day.

In this way, Li Fengshou's ability to arrange work also reassured him.

Zhou Yujing gestured to him. OK gesture, followed the handsome guy and ran quickly. His body was already sweating a little, but for Zhou Yujing, who often did horseback riding on the ranch, this amount of exercise was nothing. The broken hair on his forehead fluttered in the wind, and Zhou Yujing's heart beat a little faster. He hadn't run like this for a long time. This feeling was really refreshing.

As the worker said, the weeds were piled up in the aisle of the mountain at noon. This aisle was actually a simple weed clearing by the workers. After the workers stepped back and forth, an aisle was formed.

Where people walked, there was

For the agile shepherd dog handsome guy, these obstacles were nothing, but Zhou Yujing had to slow down. Seeing that his owner didn't catch up, the handsome guy immediately turned back and waited for Zhou Yujing in front, very well-behaved.

Looking at the dense green trees in front of him, Zhou Yujing took them all into the mountain area of the QQ farm and slowly cultivated them.

The magical thing is that the thick fog surrounded by green trees still did not dissipate.

The shepherd dog sniffed east and west in front, and then ran to Zhou Yujing.

""Woof, woof." A loud barking sound rang out on the mountain. It was a confident barking sound, just ahead.

What's going on

? Why can't Niu. Milk come back immediately from the mountain?

Zhou Yujing quickened his pace and followed the sheepdog through three mountains until he came to a familiar bush.

Isn't this the entrance that the West Asian tiger went out and back last time? The handsome guy sniffed and looked focused.

It looks like it's not far away.

The workers here haven't developed it yet. The sheepdog shuttled nimbly through the bushes. Its huge body would be stretched and scattered by the crisscrossing dead branches. Fortunately, he brought a sickle. Zhou Yujing took out the sickle from the bamboo basket behind him, clearing the way while exploring forward.

How could Niu. Milk be here? Looking at the thick fog ahead, he was puzzled and had a bad premonition.

At this moment, There was movement in QQ Ranch, and the sound of ding-ding-ding was heard.

He called out QQ Ranch, and saw that the originally blue light screen was now flashing red. Zhou Yujing checked the thumbnail of Huyueshan Ranch. The area in front of him was red, which was a sign of life.

Why was it so abnormal? There wouldn't be any wild animals ahead...

Thinking of this, Zhou Yujing continued to follow without stopping. He promised his daughter that he would let her see the cows after she woke up. He must not break his promise.

At this time, they were halfway up the fourth mountain, surrounded by thick fog, with visibility of less than 5 meters. The further he walked, the more trees there were around him. On a towering tree, there was a small animal with its back to him, moving swishily. Its tail was about 13 cm long, and there were 5 stripes on its back. What was it?

QQ Ranch message reminder [Ding, a squirrel was found, do you want to take it in? ]

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