Since it is a pilot film, it is natural to be more comprehensive.

As a strong laborer in the mushroom house, Peng Peng took on the task of exploring the terrain.

Because the director team asked the herdsmen in the vicinity in advance, the answer told by the other party was that there were no large wild animals here, which was very suitable for the program team to shoot, so Peng Peng was also very bold, and walked towards the mountain alone.

But as soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, he was surprised to see a figure coming out in front of him.

At first, Peng Peng thought that the other party was a herdsman.

But when the man approached, Peng Peng was directly dumbfounded.

“Why are you here?”

Peng Peng blurted out.

The people behind him were stunned.

Teacher He and the others quickly rushed over.

As a result, the moment they saw the man, they were all stunned.

Teacher He even subconsciously asked, “Reba, why are you here?” ”

That’s right!

The figure that appeared in front of the camera was a well-known first-line Hua Dan Reba in China.

I saw that she was wearing a sportswear, perfectly showing her exquisite curves, and when she heard this, she looked at everyone, and her face was also full of surprise: “Teacher He, Teacher Huang, why are you here?” ”


She looked at the group of people in amazement and asked tentatively: “You guys, you guys aren’t filming the seventh season, right?” ”

After all, I am in the entertainment industry.

She still has this insight.

“That’s it.”

Yixing next to him smiled and nodded, “Reba, you won’t be on vacation here, will you?” ”

They are well aware.

Reba was definitely not on the invited list of the show’s guests.

In other words.

It’s definitely a coincidence.

But the problem is, it’s too shocking.

In fact.

When they spoke, the barrage in the live broadcast room was already frying.


“What’s going on?”

“Can anyone tell me why Reba appeared in the longing pilot.”

“Is there a possibility that this is a script prepared in advance?”

“It’s not very similar, Teacher He’s reaction, as well as Peng Peng’s exclamation, it doesn’t seem to be acted.”

“But the problem is, is that too much of a coincidence? Reba actually appeared in the place where they filmed, do you think Reba is some kind of idler? ”

“Yes, Reba is so busy, a first-line actress, how can she appear here.”

“Maybe it was designed by the program team in advance.”

“This is possible, the longing program group has always liked to make moths!”

“I still think it’s a little strange, Reba is dressed up here, it’s too casual.”

“yes, she doesn’t seem to have makeup yet.”

“Hahaha, it’s actually true, no makeup!”

“Plain face to star, yearning? Impossible, absolutely a coincidence. ”


The audience was talking about it, and to be honest, most people didn’t believe it was a coincidence.

To know.

Reba is one of the most popular actresses in China.

This kind of first-line big coffee, often busy feet do not stick to the ground, how can there be time to appear on the grassland.

Maybe this is the script prepared in advance by the yearning program group, to surprise the audience and guests, not to add a new member this season, maybe it will be Reba!


This side of the steppe.

After exchanging pleasantries with everyone, Reba followed everyone to a nearby grassy area and sat down.

“Sister Reba, why are you here?”

Sister Zifeng had cooperated with Reba, so she took the initiative to ask.

After all, among these people here, she is the youngest, and it is most appropriate to ask this question.

Hearing her question, everyone else also pricked up their ears and looked at Reba curiously.

Facing everyone’s doubtful gazes, Reba shrugged her shoulders and said with a sweet smile: “I came here for a vacation, and by the way, I visited an elder.” ”



Hearing this answer, everyone was a little surprised.


Visiting elders?

This answer is also too far-fetched.

To know.

If the place where everyone is now is in a place where youth has no price, forever Hainan Sanya, or some kind of Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and so on, Reba said this, and some people will definitely believe it.

But now it is on the vast grassland, and she Reba is still a first-line dan, no matter how it sounds unlikely.

Reba is definitely lying!

There are secrets in her!

For a moment,

Whether it was Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He and others at the scene, or the nearly five million viewers in the live broadcast room, the same thoughts flashed in their minds.

They are all curious, what is this Reba hiding?

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