“Teacher Chu, then you mean to say that you belong to people without talent?”

At this time.

Peng Peng asked.

After all, he graduated from a professional film school, and although he studied shadow puppetry, he still has some skills.

With a slight turn of his brain, he understood what Chu Sheng meant.

Chu Sheng laughed when he heard this: “I belong to the long talent, good looks, but the acting skills, very average, no ability to win awards, understand?” ”


Peng Peng was a little confused.

Teacher He frowned on the side, but said: “In fact, you are not completely right to say this, it is meaningless to simply discuss the talent of actors, because in the film and television industry, what kind of actors are used is decided by the main creator, that is, the director. The core of the director’s selection of actors is not the talent of the actors, but the expression of whether the actors can complete their creative intentions. ”

After all, he himself also directed movies back then, and he has also been making dramas over the years, so he knows these very well.

He was telling the truth.

Sometimes, the director will even deliberately use newcomers for that sense of youth and clumsiness.

For example, in “No One Less” filmed by the national teacher, Wei Minzhi is like this.

And Wang Baoqiang, who won the Golden Horse Best Newcomer Award with “Blind Well”, is difficult to say how good his acting skills are at the beginning, but he did interpret the role appropriately.

The most representative is Xia Yu in “Sunny Day”, who won the Venice Film Festival actor with his performance in this film, and he was only seventeen years old that year.

However, to be fair, in “Sunny Day”, Xia Yu’s performance is certainly very amazing, but Xia Yu, who won the Venetian actor, is his performance skills really comparable to domestic first-class actors such as Tang Guoqiang and Li Xuejian?

Obviously impossible.

In Xia Yu’s case, after “Sunny Day”, Xia Yu himself has never won an internationally recognized heavyweight award, and his own performance in subsequent film and television dramas is difficult to say how good it is.

This is the paradox in Xia Yu.

You say he has no talent, but people won the Venice Film Festival at a young age, which is an achievement that many actors cannot achieve in a lifetime.

But if you want to say that he has talent, why did he “disappear” later?

This also shows from another aspect that acting skills can be trained.

Teacher He also means this.

Chu Sheng smiled and looked at Chef Huang: “Teacher Huang, what do you think?” ”

Huang Xiaochu thought for a while, and then slowly said: “When we talk about acting today, it is easy to detach ourselves from specific works and situations and regard acting as an independent thing. ”

“In fact, it is wrong to think so, actors are the tools that creators use to express themselves, and each tool has its own most suitable application scenarios.”

“A good director must first know how to choose the right tool for his own creation, and even discover the hidden shiny side of the tool.”

Hearing his deterioration, everyone suddenly thought.

Inside these few people here.

Liu Tianxian, Peng Peng and Zifeng sister are pure actors, Yixing was originally a singer, but now he is trying to be a good actor.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He are considered to be cross-border and have been directors.

And Huang Xiaochef himself, who is an actor and a teacher at Yanjing Film Academy, has taught many good actors who are now active in the entertainment industry.


His words were actually made with feelings.

After listening to Huang Xiaochu’s words, Teacher He tilted his head, obviously thinking.

Chu Sheng smiled, but he recognized Huang Xiaochu’s words.

A good director really needs to be able to pick actors.

Let’s use an analogy.

In “Sunny Day”, Jiang Wen showed his excellent vision when selecting actors.

And for many actors, what they lack is not acting, but a good script and suitable roles.

Just like Zhou Gongzi, do you think she has acting skills or no acting skills?

If you look at a TV series like “The Legend of Ruyi”, you will think that Zhou Xun is a bad actor.

However, just before the filming of “The Legend of Ruyi”, Zhou Xun won the queen of the International Film Festival for his performance in “Li Mi’s Conjecture”.

Even, her previous movies and TV series have swept many awards.

But the two movies were made by the same Zhou Gongzi, why would a movie be scolded and a film win an award?

Or is it because the role in “Li Mi’s Conjecture” can be played more by Zhou Gongzi?

Of course

For directors, how to adjust actors is also a manifestation of the director’s skills.

For example, in “The Legend of Wulin”, a famous joke is that director Shang Jing first fooled Yu Entai into reading a bunch of books, but told him that those books were useless before filming, so that Yu Entai performed Lu Xiucai’s unmet energy.

And in this incident, the most interesting thing is that Yu Entai can’t enter the state by himself.

Because Yu Entai can’t tell himself, you first read some useless books, and then you have the strength to miss it.

In this way, he will never be able to act Huai Cai.

Only when the director fools him and makes him completely unaware of the matter can the final state of performance be stimulated.


A good director must be a director who knows how to adjust actors, such as Guoshi, Chen Kaige, etc.

Speaking of which.

Chu Sheng knew something interesting.

Each director has different filming styles, and the degree of stimulation for actors is also different.

Like the king of sunglasses, he will wear sunglasses to pretend, do not say good, do not say bad, and grind over and over again.

Li Yu has extremely high requirements for the qualifications of actors, otherwise he feels that he cannot communicate, and he is on the spot.

Xu Ke is very cute, he is very keen on acting in the directing circle, and has been adhering to a hobby for many years: personal demonstration.

Therefore, it is a death for a newcomer actor to meet the king of sunglasses.

If you meet Li Yu step by step, heaven step by step, and when you meet Xu Lao Wei, then steal and have fun.

He is patient and adept at transforming vases and rookies.

Several of the famous vases on Hong Kong Island were transformed by him.

It is very interesting that although actors eat talent, in fact, although many directors have not specifically studied acting, they are not inferior in acting skills.

For example, the national teacher starred in “Lao Jing” as an actor, and with this debut, he directly won the actor of the Dongying International Film Festival.

Feng Xiaogang won the Golden Horse actor with his performance in “Old Cannon”.

Many times, a good director is at least half a good actor.

But on the other hand, for directors, if there are actors who can work together for a long time, it will often make both parties have tremendous growth. This is because when the director is familiar with the actors, when designing the plot, scenes and other content, he will subconsciously change the plot to a state suitable for the actor’s play, which is not only conducive to the actor showing his acting skills, but also making his ideas better displayed.

For example, the golden partner of the national master and Gong Huang, at the beginning, it was only the national master who discovered Gong Huang’s talent, but later Gong Huang can create so many excellent characters, behind which the national master actually spent a huge amount of effort to design a plot and scene suitable for Gong Huang. When people talk about Gong Huang’s acting skills, they talk more about her acting skills in movies such as “Red Sorghum”, “Big Red Lantern Hanging High”, “Ju Dou”, “Alive”, “Qiu Ju Fights Lawsuits” and other movies, rather than acting skills in movies such as “Tang Bohu Lights Autumn Fragrance” and “Three Dozen White Bone Essences”.

In addition, for the relationship between the acting skills of actors and their roles, in the past, when recruiting students from Nortel, Chinese opera and other colleges, admissions officers would prefer to recruit different types of students.

This is because each cohort of acting students rehearses a graduation play at the end as proof of the faculty’s teaching results, so admissions officers must consider the suitability between candidates and different roles when admissions.

For example, in “Thunderstorm”, Zhou Puyuan and Zhou Chong, Zhou Ping, and Lu Dahai are all men, but the temperament they want to show is completely different.

You can’t let Liu Haoran play the old traitor Zhou Puyuan, and you can’t let Wang Baoqiang play the rich young master Zhou Chong.

They are all very good actors, but they can only play in their respective dramas, not what many people imagine to be like.

After all, not everyone is like Leung Ka Fai.

That one is really a thousand-faced actor.


They have a good chat here.

The audience in the live broadcast room was already dumbfounded.


“It’s too professional.”

“Although I don’t understand, I really think it’s awesome!”

“Yes, it feels particularly high-end and high-grade.”

“It’s still interesting.”

“I do understand what Chu Sheng and Teacher Huang mean, in fact, some actors are really like that.”

“Yes, it’s not that you act in many works, you are a good actor.”

“Indeed, some actors’ theatrical paths are indeed fixed.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“So an actor who can play anything is really awesome.”

“Those small fresh meats in China, you should really study it well, don’t be self-sufficient.”

“Haha, who are you talking about?”


The audience was talking about it, obviously.

For some of the chaos in today’s entertainment industry, everyone has something to say.

Actually, this is normal.

Now the artists in the entertainment industry are sometimes too much.

Acting in spy war films, I don’t even do the minimum basic homework, and I don’t know if I ask three questions.

Just rely on a face to break into the world.

Anyway, after a few years of red, the money has been made enough.

Speaking up.

Chu Sheng has a clear understanding of himself like this, it seems that there are really not many.

Of course.

Most likely, it is also because he is not short of money.

The director’s team here.

Watching everyone discussing there, Wang Zhengyu and Zhang Hangxi also smiled bitterly.

“Wait, you have to be on the hot search when you turn back.”

Zhang Hangxi said to Wang Zhengyu with a smile.

Wang Zhengyu shrugged: “It doesn’t matter, you can’t run away anyway.” ”

This is the truth.

Now the popularity of yearning is there, let’s talk about these things, even if they say which movie is good, it is easy to affect the box office of the movie.

This is the horror of popularity.

But to be honest, both of them felt that there was nothing wrong with what Chu Sheng said.

What Chef Huang and Teacher He both said also made sense.

Longing has always wanted to make the show deep and connotative, and now I have the opportunity to do so, whether it is Wang Zhengyu or Zhang Hangxi, I feel that it is okay.

The director team has no opinion, and the wooden house naturally continues to chat.

Yixing looked at Chu Sheng curiously and asked, “Teacher Chu, master, since actors only need to find a role that suits them, why do actors have to hone their acting skills?” ”

He did not graduate from the professional acting department, so many things were actually ignorant and groped by himself.

Previously, it was relying on the advice of Huang Bo and Huang Xiaochef and their big brothers that he had the opportunity to start his career as an actor.

Let’s be honest.

Yixing is also a more dedicated actor in idols.

When filming “A Good Show” with Huang Bo before, the actor needed to eat live fish, and as a result, Yixing really followed Huang Bo and the two to eat raw there.

To know.

At that time, he was a popular idol star in China, but he had no idol baggage at all, which was really not easy.

Now hearing a few big brothers chatting about his experience as an actor, he is naturally curious.

Chu Sheng smiled when he heard this, and looked at Huang Xiaochu.

Huang Xiaochu said to Chu Sheng, “It’s still you.” ”

Chu Sheng nodded: “It’s okay.” ”

In any case, this topic is self-inflicted, and naturally it has to be solved by itself.

Come to think of it.

Chu Sheng slowly spoke: “Because not every actor can find the right role and have a special director to help him.” For most actors, acting is a craft of eating, and the value of acting is to ensure that you have a basic lower limit when you can’t get the right role. ”

Speaking of which. 507

Chu Sheng looked at Yixing and said meaningfully: “Or, in many places where you can’t play your existing talents, you have to rely on your acting skills to get a good show.” ”

Yi Xing thoughtfully, a little bit like he understood something.

Chef Huang smiled and said, “What Mr. Chu said is why there are many old drama bones in film and television dramas. You can’t necessarily be perfect in any film and television drama alone, but at least in most works, even if it is a bad movie or a bad drama, they can still play stable. ”


Yixing was a little surprised, Peng Peng and Zifeng’s sister had a deep understanding, and Liu Tianxian also nodded.

After all, they are pure actors, compared to Yixing, they have appeared in more works, and naturally know more.

Teacher He on the side suddenly laughed and said to Yixing: “It’s like a cook can make a few specialty dishes, but you must also be able to make hundreds of other dishes, you have to ensure that when the guests don’t order your specialty dishes, the other dishes you make must also be satisfactory.” ”

“So it is.”

Yixing then understood.

He finally understood what the big brothers were saying.

In short, talent determines the upper limit of an actor’s performance, and acting determines the lower limit of an actor’s performance.

For most actors, their performance either cannot reach the level of fighting talent, or lacks a proper time to fight talent, the purpose of honing acting skills is to let themselves eat the bowl of performance when they are not fighting talent, and increase their chances of encountering the right role through the improvement of acting skills.

Looking at Yixing’s appearance, Chu Sheng smiled and said to him: “You are still young, your talent is not bad, there are still many opportunities, since you like to perform, then you must stick to it, after all, it is very happy to do what you like.” ”

He said it from the heart.

At any time, if a person can do what he likes as a job, he is very happy.

Right at this time.

His cell phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, Chu Sheng’s brows frowned, but he still pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear.

“What’s wrong?”

Chu Sheng said with a calm expression.


In the next second, Chu Sheng was stunned.

A moment later, he put down the phone with a helpless face and looked at Huang Xiaochu, Teacher He and the others.

“Teacher Chu, what’s wrong?”

Everyone noticed Chu Sheng’s strange reaction and asked with concern.

Chu Sheng sighed, and said helplessly: “That, you let the program team prepare, there will be guests tomorrow morning.” ”



Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Because they didn’t expect that Chu Sheng would actually say that there were other guests coming, what was going on? Could it be that he invited someone else?

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wuxiax.com, 11/03/2023 18:41

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