The movie “Infernal Affairs” definitely has a place in the history of Hong Kong Island film.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is not an exaggeration to describe it in three epic words.

Its status is what “The Godfather” is to Hollywood movies.

It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.

Historically, when “Infernal Affairs” was released in 02, the Hong Kong Island film industry was very sluggish. Hong Kong films are one dead and one is dead.

The most frightening thing is that most of the box office of a single film is around two million Hong Kong dollars, and five million is already good.

But in the end, “Infernal Affairs” grossed 55 million at the box office on Hong Kong Island, and was purchased by Warner of the United States for the remake rights at a high price, creating the largest Asian film and regaining the confidence of Hong Kong Island films.

This is the commercial and brand success of the Infernal Affairs series.

At the Hong Kong Island Awards in 03, “Infernal Affairs” received 16 nominations and finally won seven important awards including Best Picture and Best Actor, becoming the biggest winner.

This is an artistic affirmation of Infernal Affairs.

Gangster movies have always been one of the most important genres of Hong Kong films, but after 95 years, they have a sense that they are no longer what they used to be, and many such films are difficult to make new ideas, and the audience is lost.

The great thing about “Infernal Affairs” is that it fearlessly chooses the theme of gangster undercover, and is ingenious, the heaviest part of the pen and ink is not placed in the opposition between the underworld and the police, but the star is placed on the entanglement of people’s hearts, the inversion of the identity of the police and bandits, the morality of the world, and other spiritual realms at a very high level, in a sense, it opens the idea of Hong Kong Island police and bandit movies.

After all, the theme of undercover has been around for a long time, but there are really not many such a different way as “Infernal Affairs”.

What is it like to be undercover?

There’s a passage about the sadness of being an undercover agent: you want to gain the trust of others to achieve your goals, but you are destined to betray that trust. The more successful you do, the stronger your sense of failure.

It is different from people’s daily undercover agents, hiding themselves and sacrificing their positions. The undercover agents in “Infernal Affairs” do not have any autonomy, and they are just dolls and pawns who have suffered from criminal law from beginning to end, and their sense of failure and depression is exponentially amplified by “successfully living” again and again.

The director secretly gave the subject of the undercover identity a linear development trajectory: “accept the mission”, “struggle and resist”, and “helplessly yield”.

It seems that the state of the character is more obvious, that is, from passive to active to passive.

In this arrangement, the extremely sad sense of fate on the undercover agent becomes the background color of all writing and painting, lingering.

11 The undercover agent of the entire movie is mainly about two people.

Chen Yongren and Liu Jianming.

That is, the roles played by Liang Yingdi and Liu Tianwang.

It has to be said.

These two really acted out that sense of fatalism.


As the director of photography of the film, Duke Feng’s ghost guy is also really awesome, and his presentation of the rooftop is cold and not lyrical.

Above the roof is bright, but below is the evil hidden city, and the city is inhabited by sentient beings.

And Hong Kong people are good Buddhas.

The English name of “Infernal Affairs” is “Infenalaffairs”, which literally translates to the matter of hell.

The opening of the film bluntly states that the nineteenth volume of the Nirvana Sutra: the most of the eight hells, that is, the endless hell, means to suffer great suffering without interruption, hence the name

Grammatically, it means continuous, and when placed in a space filled with the concept of gods and Buddhas, such as hell, its meaning is immediately religious.

Throughout the story of Infernal Affairs, all choices are irreversible and unchangeable.

As soon as Chen Yongren left the police academy, he could never go back.

Liu Jianming chose to go underworld, which means killing one Han Chen, and killing a second and third.

Behind every simple detail is the foreshadowing of the plot and the main theme of the film, without a single extra shot.

For example, in the scene where Inspector Huang and Han Chen face each other, Inspector Huang said: If anyone loses, they will die.

As a result, I didn’t expect that both Huang and Han died.

This may mean that in the director’s view, there are no winners in life, and everyone is suffering.

And the most conspicuous philosophical thinking of “Infernal Affairs” is that the boundary between black and white is not clear.

The police and the underworld, the good guys and the bad guys, the strong and the vulnerable, the subject is not unique – the identity changes frequently.

And life is often like this, when any symbol, event, and background becomes a trap, and the meaning they originally carried may become completely replaced by the opposite meaning.

If you are obsessed with dividing everything clearly and clearly, it is easy to become boring, tired, old and desperate.

Let’s be honest.

The film really influenced a lot of later directors.

But no one expected that the investor in this drama turned out to be Chu Sheng.

At this moment, the entire audience who yearned for the live broadcast room were shocked.

On Chef Huang’s side, everyone is more curious about what Chu Sheng has done on Hong Kong Island.

“Mr. Chu, when you were on Hong Kong Island, you wouldn’t have invested only in the drama “Infernal Affairs”, right?”

As the entire yearning IQ responsible, Huang Xiaochu was undoubtedly the smartest person, and he immediately realized the problem and asked Chu Sheng.

“Not really.”

Chu Sheng smiled when he heard this, and said casually: “I don’t remember at that time, anyway, I invested in a lot of movies.” ”

That’s the truth.

At that time, Chu Sheng Investment really didn’t read the script very much, just look at the name, feel like it, will invest.

“Gunfire seems to have been invested in by you too.”

Brother Fa thought about it and said to Chu Sheng with a smile.

“I’m not impressed.”

Chu Sheng shook his head: “You also know, I was more amorous at that time. ”



Hearing these words, everyone’s eyes lit up at once.

Especially people like Chu Sheng.

“Brother Fa, Brother Fa, you talk quickly.”

Even Huang Xiaochu looked at Zhou Minfa with interest.

After all, as a first-hand witness, he is undoubtedly the most vocal person.

Zhou Minfa laughed, but did not speak immediately, but looked at Chu Sheng.

After all, Chu Sheng is the party, and without his permission, it is definitely inappropriate to say this matter himself.

“Feel free.”

Chu Sheng shrugged and said, “It’s not a shameful thing, everyone is this age, sprinkle water.” ”

Listening to his words in Cantonese, everyone burst out laughing.

Don’t really say it.

Chu Sheng’s attitude, everyone felt that he should not care.

But Brother Fa looked at Chu Sheng, but he had a special taste in his heart.

This person was not an ordinary investor on Hong Kong Island back then.

There are rumors that when Guan Zhilin was stuffed with a golf ball and asked her to go to the hospital in the middle of the night to take it out, a ball of 10 million Hong Kong dollars was the Mr. Chu in front of him.


The people who taught Liu Jialing back then also had a great relationship with him.

It’s just that there is no evidence for this kind of thing, and Zhou Minfa does not dare to speak indiscriminately.

What’s more, the other party is still the richest man in the world today, with a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars, he is an actor, of course, he knows what to talk about and what not to say.

Justice has never existed in the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island.

Brother Fa is also a person, and he also has to live.

Growing up in a place like Hong Kong Island, Brother Fa knows better than anyone what the consequences of offending the rich are.

When he was young, Brother Fa was indeed a little unintelligent, but by now, he had already matured.

This is the truth.

In the early years, Brother Fa really didn’t know the height of the sky.

In 82, the skinhead Mai Jia of New Arts City was backed by Hong Kong Island bus tycoon Lei Lao Hu, and it was the time when he was in high spirits, pointing out the words and preparing to do a big job.

And his goal, the first to top the big brother Jiahe Company in the film circle.


Mai bald head found a messy brother who was on the small screen at that time, to play the summer masterpiece of New Art City, known as the male protagonist of the Hong Kong version of James Bond, that is, it became popular later, creating box office records and stirring up a series of “Best Partner”.

But the problem was that Brother Fa at that time was not in the mood to engage in a career at all.

He was busy making trouble with his girlfriend Chen Lianmei, so he arrogantly refused.


Zhou Minfa actually refused!

For the sake of feelings, he chose to give up his career.

Of course

Later results proved a truth, that is, if the relationship is broken, no amount of saving it will help.

It is better to keep each other’s beauty in the moment when there is no resentment and choose to let go.

All in all anyway.

Singer Xu Guanjie actually belongs to the spare tire of New Art City.


Xu Guanjie is also very courageous, at that time he also worked hard to engage in this movie, since your new art city wants to play with Jiahe to the end, then I will also accompany you to play a big one!

After all, he actually belonged to Jiahe at that time.

At that time, Xu’s Film Company was backed by Jiahe, which could be described as infinitely beautiful.

Xu Gewang has unlimited scenery in the music industry, and the film industry is also awe-inspiring, and the films such as “Half a Pound and Eight Taels” and “Loser Boy” filmed before have been sold at the box office for many consecutive times and swept Southeast Asia. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


This one is also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The stuff in people’s heads is simple, no matter what, if you want me to fight back, you have to open up enough exciting chips.

As for the model of salary plus box office sharing, it was itself proposed by Boss Zou Wenhuai, the founder of Jiahe, and even the star studio opened by later stars is played by Boss Zou.

Boss Zou is still a filmmaker with a heart and responsibility.

This is much better than others. It is much more long-term than a few intriguing guys in New Art City.


He is still a patriotic man, which is rare.

And after listening to Xu Gewang’s quote, Mai Guang’s head was about to explode, and in desperation, he had to find his top boss, Lei Jue Kunlei Tycoon, the owner of Hong Kong Island Kowloon Bus.

He was also very interesting, and when he reported, he first talked about the situation on Jiahe’s side.

He told Lei Tycoon: Jiahe has already found Cheng Long and Hong Jinbao, the fat man who is expected to shoot “Young Master Long”, a proper big production. If we want to lie down on them, we have to go out of Xu Guanjie, the king of songs!

Who is Lei Juekun?

He ambitiously founded the Golden Princess Cinema Line and invested in film companies such as New Art City and Yongjia, just to do a big job, how could he admit defeat at this time.

Not to mention.

People are rich, tycoon-level figures, directly without saying a word, throw Mai Guang’s checkbook, on.

Isn’t it money?

What Lao Tzu has is money!

Therefore, everything later was known, Xu Gewang was handsome for a while because of “Best Partner”.

Only Brother Fa was left holding Lian Mei and the two staged the drama of “you are cold, you are ruthless, you are vexatious…” and tears were exchanged for each other.

and secretly hurt himself, played self-harm, played suicide.

The beautiful boy’s hair almost turned into lying corpse hair.

A generation of superstars even came close to dying on a bottle of cleaner.

If it wasn’t for the maid to find out in time, how would Brother Fa complete the Omen Keng Money series of movies in the later life.


Brother Fa is also a bitter man.

If it weren’t for Wu Baige later asking him to shoot “The True Color of Heroes”, Brother Fa had a notoriety for box office poison in the film circle, and he might not have to bear it for a long time.


Brother Fa’s mind wandered here.

Huang Xiaochu and the others did not intend to let Chu Sheng go, they all looked at Chu Sheng curiously.

“Godfather, what did you go to Hong Kong Island for?”

Reba asked Chu Sheng puzzled.

“Yes, Teacher Chu, you don’t seem to be old in the nineties, right?”

Chef Huang on the side was also very interested.

Facing everyone’s question, Chu Sheng sighed helplessly: “Don’t you know?” I fought Soros on Hong Kong Island in ’97. ”



Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Only then did I remember that if I remember correctly, during the financial crisis in ’97, Chu Sheng did have a fight with Soros on Hong Kong Island.

When Soros issued a statement that he was disgusting to Chu Sheng before, everyone already knew about it.

At that time, Chu Sheng was the controller of the 330 Excalibur Capital of the Eight Classics, and he was also a member of the international financial speculators, and together with Soros’s Quantum Fund, he was making waves in the financial markets of Asia and even around the world.

It was only when the Quantum Fund attacked the financial market of Hong Kong Island later that Chu Sheng joined forces with the rich people and the state on Hong Kong Island to drive out the Soros guy.


Chu Sheng also caused Soros to lose more than a billion US dollars.

The two have since become enemies and often target each other.

So much so that Soros has obviously retired, and as soon as he heard the news of Chu Sheng, he immediately jumped out and issued a statement.

“Well, just because of this?”

Looking at Chu Sheng, Liu Tianxian asked with some suspicion.

It’s not that she doesn’t believe Chu Sheng, but she feels that something is wrong.

Chu Sheng’s words just now were obviously a bit of a change of topic.


Chu Sheng likes beautiful women, Liu Tianxian knows.

There are too many women who have had scandals with him for so many years, but the media has not reported it.

There are so many beautiful female stars on Hong Kong Island, and the bloody Chu Sheng did not know them, and Liu Tianxian did not believe it.

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He also did not believe it.

Even Jiang Wen and Ge You looked at Chu Sheng suspiciously.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they didn’t believe it even more.

“I don’t believe it!”

“Yes, in the mid-to-late nineties, it was the heyday of the Hong Kong Island entertainment industry, and there were too many beautiful women at that time.”

“But Teacher Chu was only eighteen years old at that time.”

“What’s wrong with eighteen, when a boy is eighteen, his emotions are just beginning, isn’t it normal to like beautiful women?”

“How many people are in love as teenagers now?”

“That’s right, and that place on Hong Kong Island is very open, teenage super rich, will those female stars not like it.”

“Hahahaha, it makes sense.”

“There is definitely a problem, Teacher Chu didn’t tell the truth.”

“Are there any Hong Kong Islanders, answer me.”

“Yes, it is better for the party to answer this kind of thing.”

“In fact, it is a very simple answer, just ask the stars of Hong Kong Island at that time, they are about the same age.”

“More than twenty years ago, celebrities in their forties can ask now.”

“Yes, yes, hurry up and inquire.”


The audience expressed their opinions on the barrage, and most of them did not believe Chu Shenggang’s words.

After all, this year, the popularity of the Internet has long made netizens not as easy to be deceived as long ago.

One thing is clear to everyone.

That is what public figures say, often mixed with moisture.

Although Chu Sheng has a good reputation on weekdays, in this matter, everyone still feels that he can’t be uninvolved with those female stars!

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