This is really a treasure, and there are not many people who can perform aura.

In the next few shots, there is no role for him.

So he went outside and sat down.


Without Zou Wenping.

The resulting shots were NG several times before they passed.

Gao Tianhua sitting in the surveillance room.

Still not satisfied with these lenses.

But can't pick out too many faults.

Just make do with it.

"Everyone take a rest first!"

Shooting for a long time is also very physically exhausting for the director.

during breaks.

Gao Tianhua noticed that the script for "Gu Jian Qi Tan" lay on the table.

This is what Yang Mi put here.

Now Gao Tianhua is a little confused.

There are several more shots to follow, if each one is too NG.

I guess it's going to be midnight today.

Although this is the norm in filming.

As a director, I have become accustomed to this kind of life.


Who doesn't want to leave work early?

Anyway, I'm still upset now, so I might as well watch something.

Maybe open up your mind.

Gao Tianhua, holding the script, lay on a reclining chair.

I don't know, what parts did Yang Mi change?

0.3  …

waiting area.

Yang Mi looked around curiously for Zou Wenping.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Zou Wenping was seen as uncomfortable.

what's the situation?

Yang Mi patted him in front of him.

"It's a good workout, and your body is so strong!"

In the previous scene, Yang Mi threw herself into Zou Wenping's arms and screamed.

Although it was in play.

But when she thought about it later, she realized that she had been lying in Zou Wenping's arms for a long time!

Recall carefully.

The muscles are so strong, although I have seen it before, but I have not touched it.

This contact made her a little shy and curious.

Now, when she closed her eyes, she could still recall the feeling of hugging just now.


Today's ninth update, make up for the chapters owed!

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Chapter 93

At this time, Cen Weiting and Zhang Shuang also passed by.

"Wen Ping, I really admire your acting skills. The momentum just now, to be honest, I want to run away!"

Cen Weiting was full of admiration.

This is the first time he has experienced the feeling of being brought into the play by the aura of others.

Zhang Shuang looked at Zou Wenping with a cowardly look.

Zou Wenping may never know how much psychological shadow Zhang Shuang was caused by his crazy acting skills just now.

Of course, Zhang Shuang also knew that it was acting.

But the whole person has not completely come out of the fright.

As a result, the next two scenes were abolished, and they entered the state.

"The next time you act, can you not be so scary?"

Zhang Shuang looked at Zou Wenping with lingering fears.

Zou Wenping smiled brightly.

"No problem, I read the script, and Baili Tusu was more terrifying this time, and that's the kind of scene in the future."

Looking at Zhang Shuang, the expression of the little sister next door.

Zou Wenping smiled slightly.

However, this expression made Yang Mi feel a little bit alert.

I can't help but complain.

"This little girl, why are you afraid to harass Zou Wenping?"

"Are you out of play for the next 20 years? Why don't you hurry up and prepare?"

Of course, these mental activities, she will not easily say.

After all, in the entertainment industry, you have to be careful with your words and deeds.

Any action or sentence may be magnified and interpreted.


When Zou Wenping and the others were chatting with each other.

in the surveillance room.

Gao Tianhua muttered to himself.

In his mouth, he was chewing a word over and over again.

Then his eyes were bright.

read aloud.

"Why are you wandering away, why are you so small? Why are you separated for a long time, why are you not at ease? Zhiyun asks the way of heaven, and the qin is full of blood!"

Then the whole person slammed into the case.

"it is good!"

"This script has been changed so well!"

"Especially this sentence, it's so well written!"

"He has been struggling, how to make the three characters, Prince Changqin, Ouyang Shaogong, and Baili Tusu, become more three-dimensional!"

"In this script, with this sentence, the connection between the three people is connected."

His settings are similar to those in this script.

Crown Prince Changqin, Ouyang Shaogong, Baili Tusu, these three people, in a sense, are one person!

The ancient immortal, Prince Changqin, after violating the law of heaven.

demoted to mortals.

However, on the way to the lower world, reincarnation.

He was captured by a tribe named Longyuan using a blood-coated formation.

The Longyuan people believe in Chiyou of the Demon Race.

To oppose the gods, the blood-coated formation used is a magic formation specially designed to capture the gods!

The Longyuan clan has a great swordsmith who wants to forge seven fierce swords to fight against the heavenly court.

So, he tore off half of Prince Changqin's soul abruptly.

The pain when the soul is torn apart is thousands of times that of tearing the body.

Therefore, the half of the soul screamed and resented, and the evil spirit was generated.

This half-wield of soul was injected into the fierce sword being forged and became a sword spirit.

At this point, Fierce Sword Burning Quiet was born!

And the remaining half of the souls escaped when the swordsmith was not paying attention.

The soul is incomplete, so he can only use the technique of crossing the soul to snatch the body of the living.

It's the one often mentioned in the novel, the looting!

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