Jiashi Media signed a gambling agreement with Shangshi Film to earn 300 million yuan in three years.

If it weren’t for “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” becoming a hit.

There is no chance of success.

And “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” can explode.

As the heroine, Da Honey has made great achievements.


Kagata’s other ace, Reba.

It is also thanks to Da Mimi that she can milk it all the way as a nanny.

The right share allocation for this company.

It should be big honey to take the lion’s share!!

On the other hand, look at the Ma Tuo Film and Television founded by Li Kun.

Big honey comes over and belongs to the icing on the cake.

Not indispensable.

Without her.

Li Kun is also confident that the company will be built.


Naturally, she cannot be given too high a share.

Give 10% to Big Honey.

Li Kun asked himself that he was already quite generous!!


Big Honey doesn’t see it that way.

Although Da Mimi recognizes Li Kun’s talent, she also believes that he can occupy a place in the entertainment industry.

But she doesn’t have the vision to see through the future.

Ponder for a moment.

Extinguished the heart of job-hopping, “If you let me be a major shareholder, I don’t mind following you, 10%, too little…”

Li Kun raised his eyebrows, “Will you come?” ”

“Don’t come.”

Da Mimi snorted, “We have successfully operated several small movies and TV series, you Ma Tease Film and Television, now it is an empty shell, I will pass when I am stupid…”

Li Kun smacked his lips, “Okay, when you change your mind later, it’s impossible to want 10%…”

Da Mimi was upset that Li Kun despised her, “What do you mean?” How many points of shares do you want to solicit me? ”

“Zhen Jia can let you work for her with a dozen points, I will give you a few points, you are following me to eat fragrant and spicy food, it’s already a lot~”

Li Kun’s tone was determined, “I am definitely stronger than Zhen Jia, let’s go and see.” ”

“Just look!!”

Da Mimi pouted, “Can you still make a splash?” ”

Failed to collect big honey for horse boys.

Li Kun was somewhat regretful.

But only so much loss.

He started a film and television company.

One is because he loves the industry.

The second is that he loves girls in this industry.

Not entirely to make money.

The ceiling of the film and television industry is too low.

The film and television company with the highest market value in China is Huayi Brothers a few years ago.

At its peak.

The market capitalization is nearly 100 billion.


Three or five billion is the ceiling of this industry.

Li Kun really wants to make money, but it is easier to invest.

Now speculate on futures.

and so on have accumulated a certain amount of funds.

can be as an angel investor.

Invest in some Internet companies or science and technology companies with development prospects.

With his prophetic foresight.

Not to mention that you can also mix tens of billions of net worth.

And by a film and television company alone.

Want to be a rich man of this level.

It’s hard to climb to the sky!!

So here’s the question –

Since it is difficult for film and television companies to make a lot of money.

Why did Li Kun still create Ma Tuo Film and Television?

The answer is great and noble:

In order to better support young actors!!

Especially beautiful young actresses with connotations!!

Revitalize domestic entertainment.

Start with me.

——This is the lifelong ambition of Brother Chicken of the Great Eel Man!!

Early the next morning.

Da Mimi refused Li Kun’s offer to do morning exercises.

If you’re a fast guy, it’s okay to do a few morning exercises.

It’s a pity that your concept of time is different from ordinary people.

Everyone else is recess.

You are a lesson drill.

One lesson is not enough.

Da Mimi gave Li Kun a comforting kiss, “Wait to satisfy you when you are idle, Sister Honey is now focused on making money and is gone~”

Li Kun also got up with her.

Put her on the plane.

Back to the crew, continue to busy shooting.

Time flies.

Half a month passed.

“Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” began the propaganda bombing before the broadcast.

Big Honey leads the team.

Frequently appeared on major variety shows.

Even Reba.

Also took a week off to run publicity.

Although Li Kun dodged the early propaganda.

But people are not in the rivers and lakes, but there are legends of him everywhere in the rivers and lakes.

Under the joint promotion of Huace Film and Television and Jiaxiang Media.

“Cool and Cool”, as the promotional song and episode of “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms”, quickly opened the hegemony mode.

Go live for one day.

Just kill the soaring charts and new song lists of several music platforms!!

With Zhang Bichen on a certain sound complex.

A male contestant covered the song.

The popularity of “Cool and Cool” is even more straightforward.

Hit the hot song list in one fell swoop!!

As an original singer and songwriter.

Li Kun also got his second masterpiece of song.

And prove to the industry:

His talent for music creation.

It’s not a flash in the pan!!

Of course….. Li Kun has been hiding without showing up, which also makes his fans quite complaining.

But not for Li Kun.

But for the “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” crew:

“What the hell! Why didn’t we follow along with the show’? ”

“Did Jia Shape and Huace deliberately suppress us Kunkun?!”

“I want to listen to Kun Kun’s live version of “Cool and Cool!!”

“Kun Kun doesn’t show up, Ai Kun resolutely doesn’t watch “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms!!”

Ai Kun is also the new nickname for Li Kun’s die-hard fans.

The original nickname “Chicken Fan” was boycotted by a group of new fans because it was too ugly.

Li Kun could only get fans to re-propose.

And then well.

Not surprisingly, he took the luck of another kunkun.

OK…… There is no all-in-one.

After all, people are ikun

And Li Kun’s iron fan is Ai Kun.

Ai Kun huddled and tore the crew by hand.

Directly out of a small hot search.

The two major production companies of “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” were forced to help.

I had to explain with the official V cloth of “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms”:

[Teacher Li Kun has been busy filming new dramas recently, and when he is busy, he will participate in publicity work…. ] I also ask for your understanding. 】

Li Kun also sent a V to appease the Ai Kun.

In this way, this small turmoil has been revealed.

This incident brought some negative comments to Li Kun.

Some people think that he just became popular and played a big name, even the crew publicity refused to cooperate, and his self-esteem was too high.

But everything that is lost is gained.

While harvesting a batch of black powder.

Li Kun also proved his popularity through this matter!!

Some important figures in film and television companies, online broadcasting platforms and TV stations have raised his importance to a notch in their hearts:

“At present, there is no film and television masterpiece that is comparable to the popular traffic…”

“Once there is a little achievement in film and television, it is another top class.”

Today’s entertainment industry.

Top stream.

It means business value!!

Many laymen hate the word “top”, thinking that their existence has lowered the average level of the film and television industry.

As everyone knows, any market pays attention to the rate of return.

The top may not have good acting skills, or they may not be dedicated enough.

But they have popularity, popularity, and fans.

These….. It is the basic guarantee for the smooth profit of a film and television work!!

To use the simplest analogy –

Spending 30 million to invite the top stream as the male protagonist may lead to a movie’s sparse reputation because of the top stream’s acting skills. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the takeaway is:

Top die-hard fans can contribute the same or even double the box office.

Spend some money to hype the hype and trick some netizens who are watching the excitement into entering the cinema, and the movie will be successfully profitable.

And spending 500,000 to hire a powerful man as the male protagonist may be because of his outstanding acting skills, which makes the level of a movie go to a higher level.

But at the cost:

The powerful are not famous, not popular, one is not good, and the movie cannot be sold at the box office of 1 million.

So there is no room for hype.

The aroma of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

Although the film and television industry also has examples of counterattacks by word of mouth.

But there is no such example, it is too scarce.

Most film and television companies will not bet on the probability of none of these ten thousands.

They are willing to spend money to hire a top stream who is not good, but has a basic box office and ratings guarantee.

– At least safely.

Li Kun verified that he has the possibility of becoming a top class.

Also let some webcasting platforms, TV stations.

Focused on the new drama he was filming.

“A Slight Smile Falls on the City”

When the shooting is over.

You can participate in the trial and focus on it.

“Come on, Abin, honor your unsatisfactory high school grades!!”

“Don’t come, don’t come, Mr. Li, I brag, my high school grades are actually very ideal, more than 600 college entrance examinations, if it weren’t for my love of photography, I could have gone to Yanjing University.”

“Then you should honor your superb photography skills!!”

“I was wrong Mr. Li, I shouldn’t have provoked you, I am guilty, I…. Goo, don’t pour, you’re going to die!! ”

“Don’t worry, I’m measured.”

“Poof, yue~”

At the finale banquet of “A Little Smile”.

Li Kun held a head-sized porcelain basin containing white wine, looking around.

With the crew’s most drinkable cinematographer Abin falling.

This wine fight.

He relies on his open physique.

Success wins.


Li Kun drank the white wine in the porcelain basin with a melancholy face.

Guo, who couldn’t drink alcohol after catching a cold, so he was not frightened by being poured, stared at the porcelain basin in Li Kun’s hand with a suspicious expression, “Is this really baijiu?” ”

Drink like water.

What kind of people?!

Li Kun smiled and handed the porcelain basin to his eyes, “Let’s try it, it’s only 52 degrees, drink it can’t be dead~”

Guo Jiao smelled the choking wine and waved his hand repeatedly, “I ate cephalosporin.” ”

“The head cannon is served with wine, carried away overnight, don’t you often say that it is not interesting to live? Take advantage of this opportunity to take a trip that you can walk away…..”

“Ahem…. I’m kidding. ”

Guo stunned, “Great life, I wish I could not live another five hundred years.” ”

Li Kun did not embarrass him.

He casually threw the porcelain basin in his hand aside, felt out a pack of huazi, and handed one to him.

Guo Jiao was amazed while swallowing the clouds and spitting fog, “You have drunk at least 6 pounds of liquor, and your face is not red, I doubt you can still drink…”

“How about you accompany me for another drink?” Li Kun quipped.

Guo Jiao has self-awareness, “Don’t say that I can’t drink it after eating cephalosporin, even if it’s good, I can’t do you, you are in ancient times, you can call yourself a fairy in wine, if Li Bai sees you, he will be happy to make friends for you.” ”

“Haha, compared to Li Bai, I want to make friends with Yang Guifei.”

Li Kun shook his head and got back to business, “…. How did you think about the things I mentioned to you before the banquet? ”

Guo Jiao scratched his head, “You offered me such a high price, I am not sure in my heart.” ”

Before the finale banquet.

Li Kun specially called Guo Jiao to the room.

Took out a contract with excessively good conditions and asked him if he had any intention to be a contracted director of Ma Tuo Film and Television.

For this high-priced contract.

Guo Bluff, of course, is heartwarming.

But he felt guilty, “Although you let me hang the name of the chief director in the play “Slight Smile”, to be honest, you are the core of the crew, and with me or without me, it will not affect the quality of this drama. ”

Li Kun deliberately teased him, “It’s good to have a forced number, I thought you would shamelessly take all the credit on yourself.” ”


Guo Jiao pretended to splash him with wine, “Am I the kind of person who has no sense of proportion? ”

Li Kun snatched the wine glass from his hand, “I have tens of thousands of this suit, don’t blame me for buying a new one if it’s dirty.” ”

Guo Jiao gave a sour mouth, “You have Reba to buy for you, what do you want me to buy?” ”

Li Kun haha straightforward, “Don’t you also have a sister-in-law?” How? Sister-in-law doesn’t spend money on you? ”

“Don’t mention it….. Smoking a cigarette is a lot of. ”

A few idle words.

Li Kun’s expression became serious:

“Sign it brother, you can also see my creative ability, there will be no shortage of projects in the future.”

“I want to be a director and an actor again, and I can’t do it alone.”

“You come to help me, if you have better development opportunities in the future, I will not stop you.”

Li Kun said this.

If Guo Jiao doesn’t sign again, he doesn’t know how to lift.

Not to mention the conditions that Li Kun gave him.

Too good for him to refuse!!

Guo Jiao spat out a smoke ring heavily, “In the future, I will sell you this hundred pounds, Mr. Li, you must pity me~”

See Guo Bluff agrees.

Li Kun breathed a sigh of relief.

Guo Bluff’s level of directing.

Not necessarily the best in the industry.

But Li Kun was willing to give him a valuable contract.

It was his character.

Who doesn’t like a down-to-earth, hard-working subordinate who is not proud and obedient enough to be a boss?

Li Kun patted Guo Qiao’s shoulder and said with a smile: “When I go to President Li’s room tonight, President Li hurts you well.” ”

Guo Jiao buried his face, “Go and go, you are Reba’s front foot just left, and the back foot is worried about my chrysanthemum?” ”

Reba left the group the day before the crew was finished.

Or for the publicity of “(De Zhao Zhao) Three Lives and Three Lives and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms”.

Just two days ago.

“Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” opened a two-star simulcast every night on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV and Modu Satellite TV.

In Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV, the premiere rating was 0.6%.

In Modu TV, it is 0.58%.

Let’s look at it for now.

Not too high.

But this drama was broadcast on Aiqiyi Network, but it caused great repercussions.

Internet popularity trend.

Initial manifestations!!

Now is the apocalyptic era of TV dramas.

Whether a drama can be called a hit.

Ratings are only one of the bases for evaluation.

Discussion posts on the web.

The number of views of the webcast platform.

It is also an important basis for assessment.

The audience of “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” is young people.

And this group of people.

Most of them don’t watch much TV anymore.

Webcasting platform.

It’s their choice!!

After the banquet.

Li Kun and Guo Jiao did not separate, but returned to Ma Tuo Film and Television together the next day to participate in the post-production of “A Little Smile”.

Same as “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms”.

Halfway through the filming of this drama, Li Kun found a special effects company to do special effects.

As of now.

The special effects needed for the first few episodes have all been taken care of.

Well…. The special effects are relatively simple.

Li Kun did not force special effects companies to make special effects comparable to Hollywood blockbusters in order to force the situation.

No need.

After all, it is an idol drama.

The audience came for handsome guys and beautiful women and sweet love.

Special effects make a flower.

Those who don’t like this show still don’t like it.

Enough to use!!

Li Kun and Guo Jiao participated in post-production.

The division of labor is different.

Guo Bluff wants to focus on color grading, editing, and editing periodicals.

Li Kun is responsible for the OST creation of the entire drama.

Speaking in human terms –

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