Write songs for Jing Tian.

It’s purely a chat.

Jing Tian expressed her love for “A Little Sweet”.

And said that he once wanted to be a singer.

It’s a pity that I haven’t met a musician who is willing to write songs for her.

The hint is so obvious.

Li Kun did not express any more.

The warm manhood collapsed.

What’s more, Jing Tian has always been willing to throw money.

Write her songs without worrying about return.

Li Kun then readily agreed.

Mind Spinning.

Li Kun put on a gesture of affection, “When I lacked money to produce “A Little Smile”, Tian Tian, you invested 20 million for me without saying a word, a few songs, if you like it, how about giving them all to you? ”

Jing Tian was coaxed into a frenzy.

She kind of understood why Reba was in love with the play.

Handsome, talented, and so warm.

How many women can endure?!

She narrowed her eyes with a smile, “Li Kun, don’t be so generous, otherwise I can’t help but feel good about you before filming~”

Don’t oh.

You oh at the same time.

There is another person who wants to take the opportunity to oh to death me!!

Li Kunqing jumped straight, suppressing the pain, and his smile was reluctant, “Haha, since you said so, then I still collect money, a song of 5 million, not a penny less!” ”

“Then I have to inspect the goods~”

Jing Tian said that he once wanted to be a singer, which is no joke.

While she was studying dance at Hokumai High School.

I enrolled in an extracurricular vocal class to learn basic music theory.

So the score is understandable.

She hummed softly along to the lyrics on the A4 paper:

“You look so good when you laugh.”

“Like a spring flower.”

“Take all your troubles and all your sorrows.”

“All blown away~”

Catchy melody.

Jing Tian couldn’t help but light up his eyes after singing a few words, “It’s not bad~”


Saliva songs are also superior.

The most garbage is like “Learn to Cat Bark”.

The higher rank is like “Fleur’s Brother-in-law”.

A little higher is the level of “You Laugh So Good”.

Although the melody is simple, the lyrics are also simple and straightforward.

But not vulgar.

The overall composition of the song is biased towards children’s songs.

It will not be a shame to take it out as a masterpiece.

Li Kun was a little surprised, “Your voice is also good~”

Jing Tian’s voice is crisp and sweet.

It is surprisingly consistent with her current sweet sister image.

Jing Tian cocked her chin and said proudly: “Of course, I am a woman who aspires to become a queen in the music world…”

Finish this sentence.

She couldn’t help but giggle herself.

The laugh point is terribly low.

I don’t know if the sensitivity point is also so low.

Li Kun looked at the time.

From Jing Tian into the office.

It’s been almost ten minutes.

He was anxious in his heart to teach the disobedient Naza, and persuaded: “Sweet, you take the remaining songs back and watch them slowly, 480 can tell me which one you like…”

Jing Tian said unhappily, “Am I getting in your way here?” In such a hurry to drive me away? ”

Hinder me from stabbing someone!!

Li Kun felt that he couldn’t suppress it, “I still have a little work to deal with, otherwise I will leave you to be liquid.” ”

——Let you experience the liquid of Mr. Li’s version of thinking about you.

“Bah, I don’t want to spend the night in your office.”

I learned that Li Kun had a job.

Jing Tian did not have an ignorant forced stay, flicked a few A4s in his hand, and said cheerfully: “Then I will take these treasures away, and I will come to tell you again after I pick them up…”

“Come again?”

Li Kunxin said, aren’t you troublesome? Always run my company.

Jing Tian grinned, “I’ve moved Starlight to your building, below you, the 12th floor, welcome to visit the door~”

Li Kun was stunned.

Jing Tian’s evil taste was greatly satisfied, “Isn’t it unexpected? ”

Accidental, of course.

You have a well-fed messy moving company?!

Jing Tian didn’t know that Li Kun was complaining about her in his heart, but he still gave an explanation with a smile:

“Our company signed me as an artist, in addition to a small number of office staff, it is very convenient to move.”

“And you are now my biggest backer in the entertainment industry, of course I want to be closer to you!!”

“Backer, cover me more in the future~”

Don’t be!!

Oh again it’s broken!!

A few minutes later.

Na Za looked surprised, “Brother Kun, you and Jing Tian….”

Li Kun didn’t wait for her to finish, and preemptively attacked, “I haven’t said anything about you, you are so light and heavy?” I don’t know if some places are fragile?! ”


“Don’t me, your performance today disappointed me so much.”

Naza’s heart panicked, and tears filled his eyes, “Brother Kun, don’t be angry, I didn’t mean it, I was just jealous, and I didn’t use my strength…”

Li Kun said with a straight face: “Whether it is intentional or not, today’s family law is indispensable!” ”

“Family law?!”

Naza’s expression was stunned.

Aren’t you going to cut me off?

And what is the family law?!

Li Kun was not in a hurry to implement the family law.

After all, there are lessons from the past.

In case one does not open an eye, runs in again.

Isn’t that a disappointment?

Picking up the phone on his desk, Li Kun dialed the internal line of secretary Xiaocai:

“The next two hours.”

“No one is allowed in my office.”


“It’s anyone.”

“Miss Jing Tian come over, you said that I have an urgent matter to leave the company, let her contact me by phone…”

“Hey, Xiaopu~”

“Sweet, what’s going on?”

“You have relatives who make music, right?”

“yes, what’s wrong?”

“I have a few songs to record here, and I want to find a professional musician to work with.”

“Oh oh, yes, you come to XX’s Sugar Heart Recording Studio, I’ll go over now and pick you up at the door.”

An hour later.

Jing Tian got down from the nanny car.

At first glance, I saw Guan Xiaopu standing at the door of the sugar heart recording studio.

One meter and seven meters tall.

The two large white legs are round and long, straight.

Jing Tian’s eyes were a little hot.

This classmate of hers is really leg essence!!

I don’t know which stinky man will be cheaper in the future~

“This side and this side~”

Guan Xiaopu also saw Jing Tian getting down from the car at this time.

Hurriedly beckoned.

Unlike Jing Tian’s sweet sister’s voice, Guan Xiaopu’s voice is slightly rough, which is not good.

Jing Tian walked over quickly, “I’ll just come by myself, and trouble you to run from the school specifically~”

“It’s okay, I just happened to be tired of school for a long time…..”

Guan Xiaopu was enthusiastic, “Besides, wouldn’t it be rude for you to take care of my relatives’ business, and I didn’t accompany you?” ”

It’s okay to be rude to other students.

You can’t be rude to Jing Tian.

Guan Xiaopu debuted as a child star, born into an acting family, and participated in her first TV series at the age of four.

also played the heroine of childhood in the epic bad film “Wuji” by the little poetry expert Chen Kaige.

After that, until adulthood.

The film is about to go on and on.

Therefore, it is jokingly called the Beijing circle by some netizens.


The reason why Guan Xiaopu has good resources since childhood is because her family has a pivotal position in the Beijing circle.


Guan Xiaopu’s family lineage is okay.

My grandfather was the president of the Yanjing Opera Art Association, and my father was a drama actor and later acted in some TV series.

But the Jingquan Gege is a joke.

If she counts the Jing circle.

There are not too many grids in the Beijing circle~

She defines herself as the second generation of ordinary stars with a good family background.

Anyway, it is not comparable to Jing Tian’s debut first role is a big-production heroine with an investment of 150 million.

The experience of the debut of a child star.

Cultivated Guan Xiaopu’s precocious personality.

Since Taojing Tian enrolled in Hokage, she has deliberately had a good relationship with this famous female classmate.

Later, I learned that Jing Tian acted in “Warring States”, and he was even more enthusiastic.

What the? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Sengoku” hit the street?!

That’s a lot more about Sister Jing Tian.

Don’t invest another 150 million in one go.

It doesn’t matter if you vote.

Don’t leave a role for me!!

Of course….. Although Guan Xiaopu’s purpose of making friends with Jing Tian was not simple at the beginning, after getting along for a long time, she liked Jing Tian from the bottom of her heart.

Good personality, not bad money, generous shots.

If it weren’t for Jing Tian not bringing a handle.

Guan Xiaopu couldn’t help but send Bao away.


Jing Tian was also polite.

With her relationship with Guan Xiaopu.

She didn’t come to accompany her, and Jing Tian had an opinion in her heart.

Skillfully holding Guan Xiaopu’s arm, Jing Tian smiled and said, “Since you are here, then you can help me cut the price later~”

Guan Xiaopu pouted: “Isn’t haggling down on you a rich woman?” ”

Jing Tian cried poorly: “The rich woman’s pocket is empty, in order to buy these songs, I have to eat soil for the next few months…”

Guan Xiaopu didn’t believe a word.

But for Jing Tian buy songs.

She was very interested, “Tiantian, are you planning to switch to the music scene?” ”

“Let’s give it a try with an album…. Life is all about trying!! ”

Hearing this, Guan Xiaopu wanted to hit someone. (cabg) Who can try like you?!

Although Jing Tian is one year older than Guan Xiaopu, she is her classmate, and the two coincidentally shared a dormitory.

From freshman year to now.

Share a bed from time to time.


Although Guan Xiaopu’s complaining did not come out.

But Jing Tian understood as soon as he saw it, “Are you scolding me in your heart?” ”

Guan Xiaopu denied it, “No! ”

“Also said no, you habitually touch your ears when you lie!!”

“I’ll scold you, Versailles in front of me all day, annoying you!!”

The two fought in one way.

In the end, it ended in a fiasco for Guan Xiaopu.

“I was wrong Sister Tian, what did you eat to grow up, so much strength~”

“Hmph, it’s you who don’t grow like anything else.”

Jing Tian successfully established the majesty of his sweet sister.

Proudly straightened his waist.

Guan Xiaopu complained, but he also cared that Jing Tian was deceived, “How much did you spend on buying songs?” Music scammers run rampant, is it original? Don’t wash the plagiarized work! ”

“No, I bought these songs from Li Kun.”

Jing Tian deliberately showed off, “Li Kun knows, right? New musical talent, costume male god, star writer!! ”

Guan Xiaopu’s eyes lit up, “Really fake?” I recently loved his song “Chaser of the Light”. ”

“Of course it’s true.”

Jing Tian took out a few A4s from his bag, “There are five songs in total, Li Kun asked me to pick two, I was reluctant to give up, and I bought them all with one bite…”

Guan Xiaopu was envious and curious, “Li Kun himself has only released 4 songs so far, but he directly sold 5 songs to you, what is your relationship with him?” ”

“Want to know? Don’t tell you~”

“Wow, are you in love? We said that who fell in love first during college and who learned to bark a dog, you quickly bark twice to me!! ”

“Blah blah… I don’t have to learn how to bark. ”

At least not yet.

Jing Tian told the truth, “I am friends with Li Kun and a business partner, and I voted for “A Little Smile”, which has been very popular recently! ! ”

“Wow… Aren’t you getting rich then?! ”

Guan Xiaopu’s eyes lit up.

As an insider.

Of course, she knows that the price of a TV series like “Slight Smile” that has not been broadcast before it is popular is by no means a small amount! ! !

Jing Tian seemed to be reserved, but in fact his vanity burst out, “Fortunately, I invested 20 million, and if all the subsequent accounts are in hand, it is estimated that there will be 40 or 50 million…”

“Earned more than half.”

Guan Xiaopu gave a thumbs up, his face full of admiration, “Awesome!! ”

Jing Tian was cool for two seconds before stopping, and said with a deflated mouth: “”Warring States” also lost 100 million.” ”

Guan Xiaopu: “…….”

The two entered the recording studio.

Guan Xiaopu is a frequent visitor here.

Quickly found the boss.

That is, the relative who plays music in her mouth –

Cousin Guan Lingbao.

Guan Lingbao is more than ten years older than Guan Xiaopu.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he dropped out of school to play rock.

Formed a band.

Released albums.

Worked as the music director of a music company.

It belongs to a category of people who are not famous in the music industry, but their strength is okay.

There is never a shortage of buried musical talents in China.

Some are limited by their own vocal talent.

Others are arrogant and obsessed with niche music.

Guan Lingbao belongs to both.

He had been obsessed with heavy metal rock in his early years, but later found that he could not make money, and embraced pop music with interest.

It’s a pity because of a broken gong voice.

You can only be behind the scenes.

I’m tired of being in someone else’s company.

That’s when a recording studio was opened.

Record songs for wild road singers, arrange music and other mixed days.

I saw my cousin bring a white glowing sweet girl with a beautiful figure.

Guan Lingbao’s eyes lit up, and his heart said that he was worthy of being my good sister, knowing that it was not easy for my brother to be single in his thirties~

However, he didn’t wait for him.

Guan Xiaopu stopped in the middle, “Don’t harass my classmate, honestly record a song for her, remember, the cost price!” ”

Guan Lingbao: “…….”

Soon after.

“Your tavern closed for me.”

“The bullet was loaded in my heart~”

“If you hadn’t suddenly intruded into my life.”

“How could I let the loneliness of death go~”

“I hope that the wishes I have made will come to fruition along the way.”

“Escort the dream at that time against the wind and sand~”

“You are the wind I can’t touch.”

“Dreams that can’t wake up~”

Inside the recording studio.

Jing Tian sang one audition after another.

From “Your Tavern Closed to Me” to “Green”, and then from “Flowers All the Way” to “Dreams That Can’t Wake Up”.

She looked intoxicated.

It fully shows her love for these songs.

Outside the studio.

Guan Lingbao smoked one cigarette after another.

Guan Xiaopu looked anxious, “Brother Bao, you squeak a few times, what is the quality of these songs?” Sweet, she spent a lot of money to buy it, but don’t be deceived!! ”

Guan Lingbao: “Squeak~”

Guan Xiaopu gave him a kick angrily, “What attitude do you have?!” ”

Guan Lingbao smiled bitterly and said: “I can only squeak twice, these songs are extremely mature in terms of words and songs, and the creators even gave intimate arranging opinions, what do you call me to say?” Isn’t it an axe to say too much?! ”

Li Kun took it for Jing Tian.

It is indeed the so-called “saliva song”.

None of them are high-quality hits in his mind.

But even “saliva song”.

It is also a divine comedy verified by short videos in previous lives.

Every capital has been a sensation!!

Guan Lingbao’s own creative ability is average.

But worked as a music director.

There is still an eye for appreciation.

Of course, he can hear the value of these songs~

Maybe it won’t become a classic that has survived.

Can become an Internet celebrity.

Absolutely not a problem!!

Guan Lingbao spat out a smoke ring heavily, “This Li Kun is powerful, he has so many songs of good quality in his hand, but he is not in a hurry to take them out, and he is even willing to give them to others to sing.” ”

“I’m sure he still has stock on hand~”

At this time.

What is Li Kun, who was judged by Guan Lingbao to have inventory, doing?

He is handing over his inventory.

Once again, the new title of the book “Entertainment: Soft Rice Hard Eating, Big Honey Honey Begs Me to Keep a Low Profile”, don’t admit it wrong, hehe

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