What treatment is Ma Tuo Film and Television ready to give Zhou Wei.

Jing Tian didn’t dig into the bottom of the matter.

Instead, he asked why Li Kun called her over.

Li Kun said: “Thank you in person for your assist, without your timely singing assistance, the popularity of “Slight Smile” before it started would not be so high, and it would be difficult for the premiere score to reach the current level…”

Jing Tian blushed a little, “I thought you were going to blame me for rubbing your heat.” ”

“You rubbed me, and I rubbed you, mutual.”

Li Kun teased her, “Besides, rubbing over and rubbing over can deepen each other’s feelings, I wish you rubbed a few more times, it is best to rub deeper.” ”

Jing Tian faintly noticed that Li Kun was driving in the seam, and couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “I’m red now, I don’t need to rub your heat!” ”

Li Kun raised his eyebrows, “Are you sure?” ”


“This way…..”

Li Kun dragged his tail tone, “I originally planned to invite you to show your face on a variety show with me, since you don’t need it, then I’d better find someone else.” ”

Jing Tian was surprised and delighted, “You want to come on the show with me?” ”

Li Kun looked at her with a smile, “Aren’t you red, don’t you need to rub my heat?” ”

Jing Tian’s face was straight, and he said righteously:

“Who is so outrageous that he dares to call himself red in front of our newly promoted top teacher Li Kun… Too arrogant, too measureless, it’s good that I’m not this kind of person!! ”

Li Kun was happy, “Yes, the skin is getting thicker…”

“Hee-hee, my mom said that girls with thick skins are more likable.”

After all, I didn’t just get acquainted.

Jing Tian now dares to be coquettish in front of Li Kun, just like Li Kun often sees and drives in front of her.

She took Li Kun’s big hand and shook it, “Senior brother, you don’t remember the villain, just take me, I super super want to be on the show with you…”

Li Kun pretended to be displeased, “Call Senior Brother when you need it, and call Li Kun directly when you don’t need it, is it so realistic as you?” ”

Jing Tian blinked his big eyes, “Don’t you think it’s closer to shouting names?” ”

Calling husband is closer!!

Shout overlord close to double!!

Why don’t you shout?!

Li Kun resisted continuing to tease her mind, and returned to the topic:

“I called you to come to the company, one is to thank you in person, and the other is to let you not rush to release the next two songs, and cooperate with me to continue to add heat to “Slight Smile”.”

Jing Tian assured: “No problem, Senior Brother, when do you let me sing, I will listen to the instructions, and point where to fight.” ”

Li Kun raised his hand to signal her to listen to herself first, “Originally, it was just two things to ask you to come to the company, but just after calling you, I then received a call from Mr. Huang…”

“Teacher Huang?”

“Teacher Huang Lei.”

Jing Tian couldn’t help but guess in her heart.

Sure enough-

Only to hear Li Kun continue: 813 “On behalf of the yearning program group, he invited me to record an episode of yearning, well….. You can bring a female guest. ”

Jing Tian raised his eyebrows, and his small mouth smeared honey-like patting, “It’s still Senior Brother, you have a big face, even Teacher Huang took the initiative to invite you to his show, Thai pants are spicy~”

Li Kun smiled noncommittally.

Huang Lei invited him to the show.

It has little to do with his face.

More because of the benefits.

First of all, Li Kun, as a former student of Huang Lei, is now popular, Huang Lei is in the same frame as him, and he can casually say a few interesting things that happened during college on the show, and stage a wave of master-apprentice love, which can fill up the gimmick.

Secondly, the second round of broadcast rights of “A Little Smile” was sold two days ago, and one of the sellers had a mango station.

Li Kun recorded yearning at this time.

When it airs.

Just enough to warm up the second round of “Smiling Softly”.


It’s to rub traffic.

“Yearning” currently has good ratings.

But there’s no show that doesn’t want higher ratings.

Li Kun, as a new top streamer, is currently experiencing strong traffic, and his variety show debut after becoming the top stream, many viewers and fans will admire it to see it.

All in all:

Invite Li Kun to record “Yearning”.

The mango table eats more fish and earns numbness.

Of course.

Li Kun did not suffer a loss.

“Yearning” obtains more audiences, traffic, and topics through him.

He can also use the good platform of “Yearning” to gain the love of more audiences, thereby consolidating his top throne.


You can also stir-fry CP with Jing Tian.

Prepare for the follow-up “The Beginning”.

Director Li thought deeply.

The TV series has not yet been filmed.

I was already thinking about foreshadowing propaganda!!

Jing Tian didn’t know that Li Kun was secretly playing a little calculation in his heart, immersed in the joy of being able to record “Yearning” with Li Kun.

After a while.

She couldn’t help but ask tentatively: “Senior brother, why do you think of taking me to record the show?” ”

Obviously you can take your gossip girlfriend Di Lireba!!


Could it be that Senior Brother, you have a crush on me?

Jing Tian thought here.

Rapid heartbeat.

Two clouds of blush quickly rose on his cheeks.

Li Kun smiled and asked, “What do you think?” ”

Jing Tian felt that he was discharging himself, and did not dare to look at him at all, and whispered: “How do I know what you think in your heart…”

Men’s hearts, soul needles.

I have known Li Kun for so long.

Jing Tian often had the illusion that he liked me.

But….. (caee)

And I never got a clear response.


Li Kun covered his chest, looking heartbroken, “I thought I was acting so obviously, you can understand my mind, I can’t imagine that I made a lot of feelings…”

Jing Tian once again had the illusion that he liked me, and plucked up the courage to say, “Senior brother, what do you mean?” ”

She was a little tangled.

If Li Kun confesses at this time.

Would she agree?

Agree… Feeling anxious, she doesn’t know enough about Li Kun, and Li Kun also has a gossip girlfriend Di Lireba, what is the relationship between the two, she hasn’t figured it out yet.

Disagree… What if it hurts Li Kun’s heart? She has a good impression of Li Kun, a handsome guy who wrote five songs for herself, it is difficult to have this village if she misses this store!!

Seeing that Jing Tian is about to tear the corners of his clothes~

Li Kunyi grabbed her hand and began with a sincere face, “Of course, I invited you to record the show together, of course, out of gratitude.” ”


Jing Tian only felt as if a crow flew over his head.

His face was also a little embarrassed.

Li Kun only didn’t see it, and continued to soar his acting skills, “Tiantian, when I was penniless, you spent 15 million to buy my film adaptation rights, and invested 20 million for me to shoot “Slight Smile”. ”

“After that, before “A Little Smile” was broadcast, you trusted me very much to vote for 50 million to shoot “The Beginning”!!”

“After that, I quoted a song for a sky-high price of 5 million, and you didn’t want to haggle, but said to me, my song is worth this price, and I spent 25 million to buy my five songs!!”


Li Kun’s tears were about to burst out, “You are my Bole!!” ”

Jing Tian was about to burst into tears when he heard it.

Feelings, you only treat me as a bole.

Why is that making the atmosphere so ambiguous?!

She was angry.

I don’t know where to attack~

It’s hard to hold back.

Li Kun secretly observed her expression, snickering in his heart, but his face was full of seriousness, “As a Maxima, I am now popular, of course, I have to drive Bole farther.” ”

“Don’t worry, as long as there is a place for me in the entertainment industry, there will definitely be a place for you!!”

“Take you to record your yearning, but it’s just the beginning……”(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Jing Tian barely squeezed out a smile, “I thank you.” ”

Li Kun returned with a smile, “No thanks, I should~”

Ten minutes later.

Guan Xiaopu went and returned.

Push open the door.

I didn’t see Li Kun in the reception room.

She was curious: “What about Senior Brother?” ”

Jing Tian said angrily: “How do I know?” I’m not his wife!! ”

“Yo….. The tone is not right. ”

Guan Xiaopu sat down next to Jing Tian, squeezed his eyebrows and said, “Hurry up, what happened in the twenty minutes that I left?” Did you covet Senior Brother Li Kun’s peerless appearance and vainly tried to forcibly possess him, but he strictly refused? ”

Jing Tian thought of his self-inflicted affection, and was very angry, “I forcibly possessed him? Is it possible?! ”

“Then he can’t forcibly possess you…..”

Guan Xiaopu couldn’t help but pause when he said this, his eyes widened, and he roared urgently: “Won’t it? No way?! You gave Senior Brother Li Kun?! ”

Jing Tian became even more fiery, “What do you mean?” I have an idea for him, he strictly refuses, he has an idea for me, I should give it to him?! ”

“Nonsense, Senior Brother Li Kun is handsome and talented, you are stupid to refuse?!”

Subconsciously stunned.

Guan Xiaopu saw that Jing Tian’s face was wrong, “What’s going on?” Looking at your demeanor, it seems that your mood is very complicated, it won’t be at such a time when I leave, you and Senior Brother Li Kun, is there really a situation?! ”

Jing Tian’s mouth opened and opened, and he didn’t know how to open his mouth…

Guan Xiaopu said: “Twisting and pinching can’t solve the problem, I can still give you advice~”

Jing Tian made up his mind.

She considered the wording, “Sometimes I feel that Li Kun seems to like me, and sometimes I feel that I am making a lot of feelings.” ”

“For example, just now, he first hinted at all kinds of things, as if he had some different feelings for me.”

“Finally, suddenly God turned around, saying that it was gratitude, gratitude to me for being his bole…”

Guan Xiaopu frowned, “It’s such a little thing, it is possible that you are really doing something amorous?!” ”

“Of course not only.”

Jing Tian hesitated and touched out his phone, “And before, I chatted with him, I could feel from his text and voice, he liked me, but when I asked, he would change the topic…”

“For example, I’ll show you these few V chats.”

Jing Tian opened the mobile phone V letter.

Looking through the chat history with Li Kun.

Guan Xiaopu looked at the long chat box between the two, and was shocked, “You two are chatting so hotly, when I came here earlier, I asked you if Senior Brother Li Kun was a brother-in-law, and you still denied it, okay?!” ”

“You asked so bluntly, I’m a little shy~”

Jing Tian flipped through the chat records that she felt were clearly directed.

Handed it to Guan Xiaopu, “Don’t laugh~”

Guan Xiaopu waved his hand, “Don’t worry, the stirring of men and women when they are in love and adultery, understand and understand.” ”

Say it.

She carefully flipped through the chat history.

For a long time~

Guan Xiaopu fell silent.

Jing Tian pushed her a little nervously, “Speak, what do you think Li Kun means to me?!” ”

Guan Xiaopu looked deep, “According to my rich emotional experience…”

Jing Tian interrupted: “You have a fart emotional experience. ”

Guan Xiaopu grinned, “I haven’t eaten pork and I’ve seen pigs run, I’ve read romance novels since I was a child, from poor Yao dog blood flow, down to pure love and innocence, in addition to years of real cases in the entertainment industry…”

I saw Jing Tian’s impatient face.

She quickly concluded: “I conclude that Li Kun is a scumbag!! ”

Senior Brother didn’t call anymore.

Jing Tian’s expression was stunned, “Scumbag? ”


Guan Xiaopu held his head high, and Zhizhu was in his hand:

“From the V letter record he chatted with you, you can see that he never mentions that he loves you or likes you, but he always gives you the illusion that he likes you.”

“When you fall step by step and indulge in it, he withdraws and makes you suffer and lose.”

“What’s next for him?”

“It’s for you to take the initiative to pursue him!!”

“And he….. Do not take the initiative, do not be responsible, do not refuse!! ”

“This is an obvious scumbag routine.”

Guan Xiaopu said seriously: “Sweet, such a man’s rank is too high, you can’t control it, still…”

Jing Tian knew that she didn’t hold her fart, “Or leave it to you to control?!” ”

Guan Xiaopu smiled playfully, “The so-called who goes to hell if I don’t go to hell, instead of letting Li Kun harm you, it’s better for me to feed the tiger with my body and persuade him to turn back to the shore!” ”

Jing Tian sneered, “You all say that he is a scumbag, how can it be so easy to turn back to the shore?!” ”

Guan Xiaopu didn’t care: “We are actors, suffering an emotional beating, which helps us experience life and open up the way to play.” ”

Jing Tian didn’t want to skin with her, and said positively: “You really think so?!” ”

“Of course it’s fake.”

Guan Xiaopupil rolled his eyes, “Scumbag, are you still far away?” ”

Jing Tian was a little tangled, “But…..”

Guan Xiaopu glared at her, “You won’t have already fallen, right?” ”

Jing Tian shook his head like a rattle, “I don’t, I think such an arbitrary conclusion is not fair enough for Li Kun, what if he is not the kind of person you say?” ”

Guan Xiaopu looked exaggerated, “It’s over, you have already fallen, such an obvious scumbag behavior, you even said that it was not fair enough, you are not killed by his scum.” ”

Jing Tian said weakly: “But he has known me for so long, and he has not carried out any practical actions, at most, he just likes mouth flowers?!” ”

Guan Xiaopu said firmly:

“That’s because you have a lot of financial resources and can be his behind-the-scenes financial master, he doesn’t want to break up with you because of impulse, I don’t believe you try to change a woman, keep him and show his stuffing every minute!!”

Jing Tian’s mind flashed, “Or not…. You go help me try him?! ”

Guan Xiaopu was unable to complain, “Sweet you are crazy, my young beautiful girl like a flower, go to help you seduce men?” ”

“Not a seduction, but a test.”

Jing Tian corrected, “Didn’t you say what you said and judged Li Kun to be a scumbag?” How? Don’t you dare?! ”

“What don’t I dare?!”

Guan Xiaopui’s little temper came up when he boarded, “Test is test, I’m afraid that you will finally see the truth as I expected, and you will be heartbroken.” ”

“I won’t…”

Jing Tian first denied it.

Then shook his head sharply, “No, I can’t let you try, who knows if you deliberately fooled me, just wait for me to complete you and Li Kun!” ”

Guan Xiaopu was suddenly angry enough, “Jing Tian, you are too much, I have such bad intentions?!” ”

Jing Tian sneered at each other, “The suspenders on a cold day with black silk are not enough to have bad intentions?!” ”

“Isn’t that before I didn’t know that Li Kun had scumbag potential? And I asked you if you have any ideas about Li Kun, you denied me before deciding, fat water does not flow outside the field! ! ! ”

Jing Tian looked at her long legs wrapped in black silk, “Anyway, your true purpose is doubtful, I can’t let you come to help me test…”

And you dress like this.

What man can refuse?!

Jing Tian quickly had a new idea, “Has Xiao Yuan’s contract been signed?” ”

“How can it be so fast, there is a rip-off.”

Guan Xiaopu understood as soon as he heard it, “You want Xiao Wei to help you test Li Kun?” ”

Jing Tian asked rhetorically, “Can’t it?” ”

“Xiao Yi she has shallow experience, in case …..”

“As long as we discuss the plan with Xiao Wei in advance, there is no case, Li Kun can’t force a relationship with her, right? Aren’t you afraid that we will sue him?! ”

“Well, this is also ~”

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