“If an apology is useful, why do you want the police?”

Jing Tian was frightened.

Li Kun: What does this mean?

Want to kick me out of the crew? Bye bye thoroughly?!

Her face was pale, her eyes were red and swollen, and she cried so much that she cried, “Li Kun, don’t be angry, I will listen to you in the future, I will do whatever you let me do…”

“What do you do if I tell you?”


“Then you kiss me.”


Jing Tian thought that he had auditory hallucinations.

Just wanted to ask.

Li Kun had already entered the door by himself.

Jing Tian stood at the door and hesitated for a moment.

Still followed in.

Until then.

She just noticed.

Li Kun only had a bath towel around his waist.

The back muscles, which are full of male hormones, are inverted triangular.

Not particularly exaggerated.

But the lines are smooth, natural, and strong enough.

It gives a very strong feeling.


You can even see under the bath towel…

Jing Tian’s face brushed red.

She cried for a long time in the afternoon, and her originally pale face was dyed red at this moment, and she suddenly became delicate and charming.

Li Kun turned around and glanced at her, “You look like this, it’s not like you realized a mistake.” ”

Jing Tian muttered in a low voice: “Who told you to dress so little…..”

“What are you muttering?!”

“I said….. I really know it’s wrong. ”

Jing Tian subconsciously raised his head, as if he was named by a teacher for the first time when he was a child, and his voice unconsciously raised a little.

“What’s wrong?!”

Jing Tian felt that this was a little familiar.

It seems that her mother often says this to her father.

Think about Dad’s usual answers.

She tentatively said, “….. What’s wrong? ”

“Interrogative sentence, are you implying that I am messing around? Not convinced?! ”


Jing Tian will not give the whole thing. “Two Two Seven”

The little face turned white.

Tears are falling again.

It is said that women are made of water.

Jing Tian is undoubtedly made by soaking in the sea.

Tears were shed as soon as I said it.

It’s as if there is a reservoir hidden in it.

Li Kun’s anger had almost dissipated at this time.

The reason why he refuses to let go.

It is nothing more than wanting to teach Jing Tian a heavy lesson.

lest she make random mistakes on the set in the future.

Delicate little princess.


No dot routines are used to tap.

She can’t change completely.

“Stop crying!!”

Coldly reprimanded.

Li Kun sat on the sofa and beckoned to her, “You come here.” ”

Jing Tian sobbed and slowly moved over…

Her mood was mixed.

On the one hand, she had never been treated so coldly, and she felt wronged in her heart.

On the other hand, she knew that her behavior today was wrong, and she was worried that Li Kun would part ways with her in a fit of anger, and she was afraid in her heart.

On the other hand, she had never been in a room so close to a man, and this man wore so little, which made her feel ashamed and nervous and unable to control her curious eyes.

She felt like she was going to be fine.

The head is completely confused.

Li Kun let her pass.

She sat very obediently on the sofa opposite Li Kun.

And then~

As soon as she looked up, her whole person was dumbfounded.

Huge visual impact.

Let her face blush directly to the root of her ears.

The body also became stiff.

Oh, my God.

It’s scary!!

Li Kun didn’t seem to notice her gaffe, and said in a solemn tone: “You disappointed me very much today…”

“Obviously, before I started shooting, I gave you a preventive vaccination and told you in advance that I was very strict on the set.”

“But what about you?”

“Bombastic, let me mistakenly think that you are a very strong and resilient girl.”

“But actually.”

“Your ability to withstand pressure is not even as good as that of elementary school students!!”

Jing Tian resisted the urge to remind Li Kun to add a pair of pants, lowered his head, and stared at his little hands without blinking, for fear that when he looked up, he would see something he shouldn’t.

Li Kun’s admonishing words were right in his ears.

But Jing Tian couldn’t listen to a word.

She was thinking.

I shouldn’t be able to hold it with one hand.



Li Kun frowned, “Raise your head and look at me!!” ”

“No, I don’t want it!!”

Jing Tian reacted greatly.

Li Kun’s voice was cold, “So your so-called misunderstanding is to perfunctory me?” ”

Jing Tian closed his eyes and raised his head.

Li Kun seemed angry, “I let you look at me, you are an actor!” If you are scolded by me twice, you dare not see people? The first lesson for actors, liberate nature, the school teacher did not teach you ?! ”

The teacher taught ~

But the teacher didn’t teach this liberating nature.

Jing Tian opened his eyes.

Although trying to control his gaze and not glance around.

But it’s inevitable to see what you shouldn’t see.

She blushed shyly, “I…. You…..”

“What are you trying to say?!”

“Nothing….. It’s nothing. ”

Jing Tian is a yellow flower girl after all, with a thin skin, and she dare not say it.

Li Kun sighed, “If you change to another actress today, dare to say and leave on the set, I will keep her and let her get out of the crew roll as quickly as possible.” ”

Jing Tian’s heart was confused, and he couldn’t be shy, and said with tears in his eyes: “Li Kun, don’t drive me away…”

Li Kun raised his hand to signal her to be calm, “I didn’t say I wanted to drive you away, I know that you are different from ordinary actresses, you have enjoyed the treatment of stars holding the moon since you were a child, and you are afraid of being held in your mouth, and you are afraid of breaking it in the palm of your hand, it is inevitable that your heart is relatively high and your tenacity is relatively poor.” ”

“I….. I didn’t. ”

Well sweet bottom gas is insufficient.

Li Kun continued: “If you can come to the door and apologize to me, I decided to give you another chance, but only once, if you do similar behavior in the future, even if you take out another two hundred million to smash me, I can’t keep you as the heroine.” ”

Jing Tian assured loudly, “No. ”

Li Kun nodded, “I hope you do what you say, tomorrow on the set, I will find all the main creators of the crew, and you apologize to me in front of them.” ”


Jing Tian’s little face was bitter, “I still want to apologize to you in public?” ”

“Do you feel ashamed?”

“There is….. Sort of. ”

Li Kun sneered, “You made me unable to get off the stage in public today, didn’t you think I would be embarrassed?” I am the director, the number one of the crew, you flash people if you are not happy, what do you think of me ?! ”

Jing Tian pulled his head, did not dare to bargain, and quickly said: “Apologize, must apologize, must sincerely apologize to you in public.” ”

Li Kun waved his hand, “Go back, and be on time on the set at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.” ”

Jing Tian stood up and sat down again, his face hesitant.

Li Kun frowned, “Anything else?” ”

Jing Tian said a little embarrassed: “Li Kun, can you play against me?” ”


“I know I’m bad at acting.”

Jing Tian said seriously: “Your acting skills are better than mine, you are a director, a screenwriter and an original author, you must have your own unique opinions on how to interpret the role of Li Shiqing.” ”

“Diligent can make up for it, if I play more against you, my acting will not be so bad…”


Li Kun smiled, “You are smart, but I am a director, I get up earlier than the chicken every day, come back from work, and sort out the shooting schedule and related storyboards for the next day, where is the time to accompany you to the scene?” ”

Jing Tian begged, “Two hours…. No, just stay with me for an hour a day. ”

Li Kun was silent.

Jing Tian blushed shyly.

The probe pecked him in the face.

Li Kun: “????? ”

Jing Tian lowered his head and said, “I heard it earlier, you asked me to kiss you, I have kissed it now, can you teach me?” ”

Li Kun touched the right side of his face.

Jing Tian’s lips are very warm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like heated jelly.


“Okay, okay…..”

Jing Tian saw that he didn’t speak, and he was bold and coquettish, “One hour a day, you didn’t often talk to me before that you were energetic, and three or four hours of sleep every night was enough?” ”

Li Kunxin said.

Lao Tzu sleeps three or four hours every night to explore the female universe.

Is it the same as teaching you to act?

You spicy chicken acting.

Teach you for an hour.

It feels like I’m going to live ten days less.

“Big deal, I’m kissing you…..”

Jing Tian said and leaned over again.

Li Kun raised his hand to stop it.

Jing’s sweet eyes darkened, and he felt aggrieved, “You dislike me? ”

Li Kun glanced at her, “I don’t feel it on my face, if you are sincere, come directly to your mouth.” ”

Jing Tian: “…”

Take the initiative to kiss the man’s mouth.

She was too shy to think about it.

Li Kun shook his head, “You are also here, okay, come back later, I’ll take a look at tomorrow’s shooting plan first.” ”


Jing Tian, who thought that there was no drama, was overjoyed, “Then say okay, one hour a day, starting today.” ”

Li Kun waved his hand.

Jing Tian left happily.

Li Kun looked at her back.

A smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He didn’t need to do anything about the shooting schedule at all.

First of all, the shooting is based on the original version in Director Li’s memory, Li Kun directs a film and television drama, which is not a road number at all with a normal director.

Other directors need to repeat trial and error to ensure that their shots are outstanding enough.

And he can easily find the best shooting angle, panorama or close-up, everything is smooth.

Secondly, Li Kun awakened his past life memories and not only gained amazing memory and learning ability, but even his imagination became otherworldly.

It is rumored that some top students can build a thinking palace in their minds, so as to ensure that they can hoard a huge amount of knowledge as they learn and use it as they go.

Li Kun can build the image model required for filming in his mind to ensure that he can find the best shooting plan at any time during shooting.

With these two bug-level abilities.

Li Kun didn’t need to engage in any shooting schedule or detailed storyboard drawings.

The reason why I said this to Jing Tian: 0

But on purpose.

Same for men and women.

Too easy to get.

Often do not know to cherish.

If Jing Tian said the right thing.

Li Kun immediately agreed to go with her.

Will she still be so happy that she can walk with a flutter?


It only made her feel that it was not easy to come by.

She will cherish it.

It will even be secretly moved.

I feel that Li Kun sacrificed a lot.

I don’t know.

Everything is a routine~

Including Li Kun sitting opposite her, letting her see the scenery she has never seen in her life is all intentional.

Treat different women.

There are different scenarios.

This is the summary of Director Li’s decades of rich experience.

Knock knock!!

At this moment –

Outside the house came Yang Chaoyue’s knock on the door, “Boss.” ”

Li Kun went over and opened the door for her.

Yang Chaoyue carried a food box into the room.

While walking.

He also touched Li Kun’s waist dishonestly.


Li Kun gave her unceremoniously.

Yang Chaoyue’s small mouth deflated, “It hurts~”

“Know it hurts, you still touch it?!”

“Boss, you dress so coquettishly, aren’t you deliberately seducing me?”

Yang Chaoyue looked at Li Kun’s waist and abdomen with some gluttony.

Clear mermaid line.

Even the waist and abdomen have distinct muscle lines.

Not only beautiful.

And it’s particularly powerful at first glance.

Yang Chaoyue originally thought that she didn’t like to look at muscle men.

I only know it since I know the boss.

She doesn’t like to look at ugly muscular men.

Like the boss.

She is not tired of seeing it in vain.

Li Kun glanced at her obliquely, “I find that you are getting bolder now, pay attention, don’t drop your eyes on me…”

Yang Chaoyue smiled and said, “It’s not the boss that you taught me badly?” ”

“Did I make you look at men that way?”

“You didn’t teach me to look at men, but you taught me to split every day, and you asked me to sign up for yoga classes, saying that you would reimburse me…”

“The boss pays you to learn skills, and blames the boss?”

“Don’t think I don’t know what bad idea you played, what you let me practice is to improve the flexibility of the body, not so that you can enjoy it one day in the future!”

“Who told you that?”

“I guessed for myself… I’m not stupid. ”

Li Kun knocked her with chopsticks, “Don’t be stupid and don’t sneak around and take out the food, it’s half past eight now, want to starve your boss to death?!” ”

“Boss, you tap, it hurts, I don’t understand pity Xiang Xiyu at all!!”

Yang Chaoyue complained.

But the hands did not dare to slack.

Quickly take out the three meats and one vegetarian in the food box, as well as two pots of rice.

Li Kun ate more than 12 o’clock at noon.

I have long been hungry enough to press my chest against my back.

Immediately, the food was delivered to the mouth like a windswept cloud.

Yang Chaoyue was not the first time to see Li Kun eat like this, but he still felt exaggerated, “Boss, you can eat it…”

“It’s a blessing to be able to eat.”

“My mother said that it is a rice bucket to eat!”

“You mention your mother again, believe it or not, I fired you?”

“Boss, if you don’t threaten me for a day, I’ll die 5.4, right?!”

“It’s not big or small, it’s not respectful, I didn’t directly fire you is already nostalgic.”

“Hmph, you clearly see that I look good and want to cultivate me!!”

Yang Chaoyue looked like I had already seen through the truth.

Li Kun did not deny it, and said lightly: “Since you are so smart, you should have known the prerequisites for the boss to hold you as a female star, why not take the initiative?” ”

Yang Chaoyue pretended to be stupid, “I don’t know what you say, boss, I’m still an eighteen-year-old girl~”

“When Liu Yifei was eighteen years old, she had already acted in “Golden Fan Family”, “Dragon Babu”, “Immortal Sword One”, and “The Condor Heroes”, which became popular all over the country and jumped to the front line of the TV circle, and it is necessary to become famous early, do you understand?”

“I don’t understand, but boss, you often mention Liu Yifei, do you like her?”

“One word missing.”



“Boss, you are really colorful, but I thought you were a good person at the beginning.”

Just a little effort.

Li Kun had already dried up a pot of rice.

Super physique.

It also gives him a super ability to cook rice.

Li Kun took the second pot of rice and said frankly: “The boss never hides that he is an astringent wolf, if you feel unsafe, you can leave early, your boss never forces others…”

“Then forget it, boss, you are at least a good-looking and excellent astringent wolf.”

“It’s good to know, dedicate yourself early, and the boss will hold you as a star early.”

“Can you hold it first?” When you men go to wash their feet and massage, don’t you have to give money first? ”

“The boss is different, the boss first enjoys and then decides how much money to pay!!”


Yang Chaoyue lowered his head and saw his toes at a glance, “Then I’d better practice yoga for a while.” ”

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