Entertainment: Star Escape 365 Days

028. Take Revenge For Us! ! (Tenth Update)

Just at this time.

A rush of phone calls woke up the resting staff.


"Hello! Is this the "Star Escape" pursuit team?"

"Yes, please."

"My side is the transportation department. We have already made the route of the van of Lu A: 29345 that you requested to investigate just now. We have faxed it to you. Please check it."


After the staff member hung up the phone, he immediately walked to the desk and pressed the fax receiving button.

And Liu Guowei seemed to have a premonition of something, and stood up suddenly from the ground.

Because he was too anxious to get up, he even staggered a little in the first two steps he rushed over.



The fax machine is printing out the fugitive's route map sent by the traffic department bit by bit.

This road map obviously only takes 5 seconds to print out, but in Liu Guowei's view, these 5 seconds seem to be as long as more than ten years.

Before the road map was printed completely, Liu Guowei grabbed the fax paper.

After one glance, his face turned pale.

"It's over, it's over..."

A red line on the road map is very clearly marked.

At 6:34 in the morning, the white van had already started driving aimlessly around the national highway outside Donghai City.

At 8:02 in the morning, the originally aimless action route of the fugitive group seemed to have suddenly found its destination.

At 9:15 in the morning, the white van was only 500 meters away from the office building where the expert meeting room of the pursuit team was located.

current time! !

12:21 noon.

Liu Guowei looked at Li Guoliang with a pale face.

"They found us three hours ago."

At this time!

There was a crisp sound of "pop".

A small crack suddenly appeared on the glass door of the conference room not far from Liu Guowei.

Then the speed visible to the naked eye.

This tiny crack spread rapidly, and within two seconds, like a spider web, fission covered the entire glass door.

"Clang clang!!!"

Under the noses of Li Guoliang and Liu Guowei, the glass door shattered and hit the ground, shattering into a pile of glass shards.

Lin Wen, who was sleeping on the table, woke up suddenly, and then opened his eyes: "What's wrong!"

The next moment, Lin Wen saw veteran expert Liu Guowei sitting on a chair with a thud.

The investigators who had just woken up got up in a panic and looked around blankly.

Because the entire meeting room is kept secret.

So except the glass door is transparent.

All other places are all frosted glass, the outside cannot be seen from the inside, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

When Li Guoliang rushed out of the meeting room, he saw that the surrounding glass walls were covered with white paper.

On each piece of paper was written a bloody word "explosion" with a red pen! !



"what does it mean?"

"Yeah, who is it, a prank?"

Ordinary investigators hadn't reacted yet, but Li Guoliang came to the broken glass door again.

He picked up a small wreck of electronic equipment from the ground, with a piece of scotch tape still attached to it.

This thing has blown up.

But it can still be seen that this is an automatic timing detonation device.

Although the explosive power of this detonating device may be slightly stronger than that produced when the lighter hits the ground.

But if this thing is placed on the most suitable stress point for the glass door.

Indeed, glass doors can be shattered.

And about five meters away from Li Guoliang, there was a black package on the ground.

Li Guoliang walked towards the package slowly.

He seemed to be praying for something.

However, he also knew that praying this time was of no use at all.

"Guoliang, what's the matter? What happened?" Lin Wen rushed out, his eyes bloodshot.

Li Guoliang smiled wryly, and gently lifted the black package back to the table in the meeting room, and then dumped everything inside on the meeting table.

"Resistive wires, salt, glycerin, gunpowder...this is..." Lin Wen just glanced at it, and felt cold sweat breaking out all over his body.

"This is the raw material for directional blasting bombs???"

Although Li Guoliang didn't want to say this very much, he still couldn't help but looked at Lin Wen and said, "It's useless, it's already too late."

"Now we..."

"It should be dead..."

Lin Wen was shocked.

He looked around at the panicked environment around him, and seemed to want to make sure again.

"Are we... dead?"

After speaking, Lin Wen's eyes stayed on the raw materials on the conference table.

He made a rough estimate in his mind.

doses of these materials.

It's almost time to explain everyone in the conference room.

"That guy didn't realize it, and he planted directional bombs here."

"And this black package is just to prove that if he wants to, we are dead."

The old expert Liu Guowei stood up slowly after being stunned for a while, and poured the cold tea in the cup into the flowerpot behind him.

Then slowly closed the cup lid.

He who was only sixty years old now looks like he has suddenly aged twenty years.

His slightly cloudy eyes flicked to every investigator on the scene.

There are men and women among these elite investigators, the oldest is only in his 40s, and the youngest is only in his early 20s.

"1, 2, 3... 14, 15 people."

After Lao Liu finished counting, he didn't know what it was like.

"Fifteen elite investigators, just die like this?"


"ding dong"

Ten minutes later, the elevator doors opened again.

With a woman's exclamation, the hot coffee in Mieko's hand fell to the ground.

At the same time, Okada Shinichi saw the broken glass door and the red "explosion" characters plastered all over the wall!

"Mr. Lin! Mr. Liu!!"

Follow him into the meeting room.

All the investigators who were busy before going downstairs just now sat quietly in their chairs.

Everyone's eyes were filled with darkness and numbness.

"Mr. Lin Wen, you..." Okada Shinichi shook his head slowly when he saw Lin Wenchong.

There was a piece of A4 printing paper on the meeting table with a few lines written on it.

"He has been here."

"It's a directed blast bomb."

"Except for you, all the investigation colleagues in the pursuit team died."

"Avenge us."

"Catch that man! Catch him!!"

Look at the words on this A4 paper.

A picture flashed through Okada Shinichi's mind like an electric shock.

He just passed me in the elevator!

Could it be Su Chen?

How dare he rush into the pursuit team!

How dare he single-handedly rush into the pursuit team, and then blow up the entire pursuit expert stronghold!

When everyone was wondering who he was going to kill next!

He actually blew up the entire expert investigation team? ? ?

An uproar has kicked off...

At this moment, all the audience in front of the TV were stunned watching this scene!

Su Chen this time.

Scared everyone out of their wits!


The ten watch arrives in the account, with a total of 23,250 characters.

The time now is five thirty in the morning.

The author went to bed, the old rules, continue to code after getting up tomorrow.

Thank you very much for the rewards, flowers, monthly tickets and other data bigwigs.

Thank you! Thank you!

There is nothing to repay, only to work hard!

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Immediate recharge (activity time: August 10th to August 20th)

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