“Okay, don’t say anything, let’s hurry up and go to the village chief’s house to visit.”

The chief director’s old face turned red, and he deliberately pretended to be impatient and said.

The village chief is the person who speaks in the face of Heling Village, which is of great help to their program team, and if it were not for the village chief giving them the green light all the way, the filming and recording process of the last program would not have been so smooth.

Besides, the program group left for more than a week, and the village chief specially arranged for people to come to the mushroom house every day to clean and clean, so that the mushroom house was kept clean and spotless, which saved them a lot of work.

It makes sense that you should visit the village chief.

Of course, the person that the chief director and Huang Lei, He Jiong and others want to visit more must be Teacher Yang Fan.

But Yang Fan’s yard is not something that anyone can enter, let alone they can enter if they want to.

Just the stone maze array at the door was enough to make the trespasser feel what “three seven three” was called despair.

The face of the program group is really not so big in front of Yang Fan, even if the chief director wants to visit, he may not be able to succeed.

It’s a pity that Reba and Zhao Xiaobone are not there, if the two of them are still there, maybe there will be some chances.

After all, Reba and Zhao Xiaobone have a good relationship with Teacher Yang Fan, and Teacher Yang Fan seems to appreciate the two actresses, so he is very friendly and tolerant to them.

Even Reba could directly call out the big yellow dog of Teacher Yang Fan’s family outside the yard and take her into the yard.

If you change to the chief director and others, don’t say enter the door, don’t even think about entering the window.

Even if they break their throats outside the yard, it is estimated that no one will pay attention to them.

Under the leadership of the chief director, photographer Lao Zhu, deputy director Lao Zhang, and the five guests of this program walked to the village chief’s house together.

On the way to the village chief’s house, you have to pass by the courtyard of Yang Fan’s house.

“Nini, Liu Tao, this is Teacher Yang Fan’s yard, if you have the opportunity to enter in the future, then you must not eat alone.”

Huang Lei pointed to Yang Fan’s yard and said to Nini and Liu Tao.

“Teacher Huang, since you got off the plane until now, you have said this sentence eight times, is it interesting?”

Nini had a straightforward personality, rolled her eyes directly at Huang Lei, and said angrily.

“Eight times? Are there so many? Hahaha, this person is old, it is easy to forget things! ”

An embarrassed smile appeared on Huang Lei’s face, and he said sarcastically.

“Teacher Huang Lei is almost crazy about wanting to eat Teacher Yang Fan’s food, and this week he has been complaining to me that the dishes made by the chefs of those five-star hotels are garbage, urging the chief director to hurry to Heling Village to record the second program.”

He Jiong said to everyone with a smile.

“Teacher He, you are excessive, how can you expose people’s shortcomings in front of people?”

Being exposed by He Jiong, the expression on Huang Lei’s face became even more embarrassed.

“Are the dishes made by Teacher Yang Fan really that delicious? Can you make Teacher Huang Lei obsessed like this? ”

Liu Tao asked curiously.

“Sister Tao, you haven’t eaten the dishes made by Teacher Yang Fan, Dao, that kind of food should only be in the sky, how many times can you taste it in the world?” It’s simply the best in the world, and tasting it once is enough to make people last a lifetime.”

Huang Lei smashed his mouth and said with endless aftertaste.

“Teacher Huang, when you are old, you can call Sister Liu Taotao like me, do you want to take advantage of Sister Tao, or do you want to call Sister Tao old?”

Liu Xianhua was far away and shouted at Huang Lei.

I don’t know what’s going on, today’s Liu Xianhua especially looks at Huang Lei unfavorably, and always wants to scare him.

“Hey, I said you unlucky child, believe it or not, I pumped you with the soles of my shoes!”

Huang Lei saw that Liu Xianhua actually ate leopard gall, and repeatedly dismantled his own platform, and suddenly he was so angry that he couldn’t wait to take off his shoes and beat him fiercely.

Liu Xianhua had long expected that Huang Lei would become angry and had long hid far away, so that Huang Lei could not make a sneak attack on him.

“Teacher Yang Fan’s yard is quite ordinary, why don’t you dare to visit him?”

Nini looked at Yang Fan’s courtyard and said to He Jiong and the others in bewilderment.

“Nini, don’t underestimate Teacher Yang Fan’s yard, if he doesn’t want to disturb people, no one can come near his yard.”

He Jiong pointed to the rows of seemingly chaotic stones placed outside the courtyard, and said to Nini: “Did you see those stones?” That was the stone array arranged by Teacher Yang Fan, if you broke in without his permission, you would definitely be trapped inside, and you would not be able to enter the courtyard at all. ”

“Is it really that amazing?”

Nini’s eyes lit up and she said in surprise.

“Of course it’s true, if you don’t believe it, you can try it, it’s guaranteed to open your eyes.”

Liu Xianhua interjected.

“Since this stone formation is so amazing, wouldn’t the people who break into it be in danger?”

Liu Tao asked curiously.

“There will be no danger in this, the main purpose of Teacher Yang Fan’s arrangement of this formation is to prevent others from entering his yard and prevent others from disturbing his purity, not to hurt people…”

He Jiong explained with a smile: “So as long as you stop advancing and slowly retreat, you can safely get out of the formation.” ”

“Since it’s not dangerous, then I’ll try it!”

Nini couldn’t resist the curiosity in her heart, and strode directly towards Yang Fan’s yard, crashing into the stone maze outside the courtyard.

The current Stone Lost Array is in a semi-open state, which can block the advance of others, but will not trap those who retreat.

As soon as Nini rushed into the stone formation, the formation was activated, completely trapping Nini inside.

Obviously, Yang Fan’s yard is in front of her, but Nini just can’t walk over, no matter how she detours and crosses, she is always trapped in the formation and can’t break out.

“How so? Why does Nini keep spinning around there? ”

Liu Tao outside the formation looked at Nini like a headless fly, covering his head inside, and he couldn’t step over the stone formation at all.

“That stone formation looks very ordinary and nothing special, but as soon as you enter the stone formation, you will be trapped to death, no matter how hard you try, you can’t break through that stone formation.”

He Jiong smiled and said to Liu Tao: “Doesn’t it think it’s amazing? Would you like to try it too? Pretty interesting! ”

“It’s quite interesting, I will also experience this magical stone formation!”

Liu Tao showed an expression of emotion on his face1.4. Then, like Nini, he walked directly into the stone formation.

Anyway, Teacher He Jiong has already said that there is no danger in this stone formation, as long as you don’t break forward, you can retreat safely.

In that case, why not experience this magical stone circle for yourself, which is not something that everyone has the opportunity to experience.

Since you are here, of course, you have to give it a try.

“Is this Stonehenge? Sure enough, it was magical, and it was completely different from what you saw outside. ”

Liu Tao, who entered the stone formation, suddenly felt that his vision was disturbed by an inexplicable force, making what he saw in his eyes very strange.

Like Nini, she walked along the stone circle, and then tried to stride directly over the chaotic rows of stones, but in the end failed.

No matter what method he used, there was no way to break through the stone circle and go to the courtyard that was close at hand. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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