"Li Mubai: Labor and management are already laughing like crazy!"

"This is forced, I give full marks!"

"I've never touched a girl, and I'm not interested in girls, because the happiest time is when I watched Philosophy♂Wrestling at station B 91 times a month..."

"Hahahaha it's the source of all evil!"

"How can this be held back, the CCTV host is too powerful!"

"Li Mubai: Hold on, if you laugh, you might lose your job."


To be honest, most people were just silent and heartbroken, just like the audience watching live TV, at best they smiled dumbly.

But being led by the dense barrage, the online audience couldn't help but tease Ma Yun and Li Mubai, and took screenshots of the famous scene at this moment.

They didn't know that at the same time, "Let's Talk" also staged a famous scene. Sa Baining stood beside Wang Jianlin and tried hard to hold back a smile.

If you know, the barrage will be more boiling at this moment!

During the live broadcast, Ma Yun acted unmoved and said: "Because my happiest time was when I was a teacher with 91 yuan a month.

Back then I was saving money every month and I knew I could buy a bike in a few more months.

There is no such demand now, and I will not worry about whether the money is enough. Money is a valuable resource for me!

The more money you have, the more things you have to do! "

He raised a finger and looked at Li Mubai, whose expression had returned to normal, and said seriously, "Some people say that China's richest man is the richest man in China. I think this rich man is the "negative" of the person in charge."

I think it's a father's father, and a lot of people want a rich dad!

After silently adding a sentence in his heart, Li Mubai nodded in agreement.

Enough is enough!

"Seeing" is a well-known heartwarming show after all, and it is really unsightly to continue to skin it.

And this gimmick is already enough, Ma Yun is really super loving!

Ma Yun definitely didn't know that he was being tricked, and said seriously: "After walking through it, you will realize that if you don't have the right thinking, the right way, you are not with the best people, and you don't have persevering efforts, are you not? likely to succeed."

Li Mubai continued to agree: "Indeed, this is an era when you wake up too slowly, and you don't need to wake up at all;

This is an era when it's not that the opponent is too strong, but that you don't know who the opponent is.

In such an era of globalization, it is true that only by continuous learning can we be invincible. ".

Chapter 160

CCTV Building, the office area of ​​the six technical groups of the Xuanfa Group.

The person in charge, who was full of acne, stood in front of a row of ceiling-mounted computers with his arms folded, and looked up at the data above at a forty-five-degree angle.

The data of the first phase of Sofure 108 City has been uploaded to the display screen.

All the data of "Seeing: Meeting the Big Coffee" that he is in charge of is also placed on the No. 4 screen in front of him at this moment.

Standing next to the four-eyed girl, she also raised her head in surprise and said, "The audience rating of 108 cities is 0.312%, the audience share is 4.275%, and it ranks third in the same period."

The person in charge loosened his arms, twisted his neck, and said with a smile on his face: "Nine o'clock belongs to the prime time, the ace shows of various stations are on the air, and the TV series has just aired the second episode.

Although today is not Friday and Zhou, it is very, very good that the talk show "Seeing" can make it to the top three! "

"More than good!"

The four-eyed girl shook her head and said in admiration, "Ma Yunba is really awesome, the phrase "I don't love money, I've never touched it" is absolutely amazing!

I am sure that with the blessing of his famous pretending scene, the ratings of the second wave will definitely increase. "

The person in charge of Acne nodded in agreement, thought for a moment and said, "Has the video I ordered been edited? We need to stir up the heat as soon as possible!"

Siyanmei turned her head and said seriously: "The video is still being edited, but it's the first time. Tonight, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin are acting together, and Li Mubai and Teacher Sa Baining are laughing together. Such a wonderful combination is put together. Difficult!"

"That's right, Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin have been fighting each other, and Teacher Sa and Mu Bai are CCTV boys again. This kind of gimmick is too much!"

At this time, an employee named Liu Qiang came over and echoed with a smile.

After speaking, he snapped his fingers and said, "Boss, the video has already been uploaded to Weibo, and then it can be reposted on major short video platforms step by step. Our team is ready, just waiting for your order."

With a thumbs up to show his appreciation, the person in charge of Acne asked, "Does Ma Yun say anything else to pretend?"

Liu Qiang shook his head and recalled: "The following content is very serious, Li Mubai did not visit Ma Yun's brilliant resume too much, but talked about the details.

This leaves Ma Yun with little room to play, but it can be seen that he is very touched! "

Thinking of the interview with Xingye, which was popular all over the Internet, Siyanmei said: "Mu Bai is really good at asking questions, and he can touch the heart of the interviewer inadvertently!"


"I didn't find it funny when I heard what Ma Yun said, but seeing Li Mubai's stubborn face burst into laughter!"

"Ma Yun is pretending to be forced, and what he said does make sense."

"Li Mubai is so patient, as expected from CCTV (beautiful)"

"I admire the person surnamed Ma the most in my life. The first Marcos changed my thinking, the second Ma Yun changed my consumption concept, and the third Masek stopped my chatter about human civilization. The fourth Ma Rong subverted my outlook on life, and the fifth Ma Huateng made me bankrupt"

"Li Mubai: We are professionally trained and generally don't laugh unless we can't help it"

"Exchange all the property for 18-year-old youth, and then continue to make money with more than [*] years of knowledge and experience. This wave is really not a loss."

"I can't help but laugh after watching it 5 times... Li Mubai loves to laugh so much and can't help it, it's really professionalism!"

"Ma Yun must say this. He is very smart and very clever. Because China will never allow capital giants to appear, that's why he said that bad luck started."


The barrage of the live channel was buzzing, and the interview of "Seeing: Meeting the Big Guys" was coming to an end.

【Video Highlights】:

In 1983, Ma Yun took the college entrance examination for the second time, and again fell off the list, and his mathematics improved to 19 points.

Ma Yun's parents persuaded him to give up his desire to go to college and learn his craft. After that, Ma Yun began to ride the worn-out bicycle through the streets and alleys of Hangzhou.

A year later, despite the strong opposition of his family, Ma Yun took the college entrance examination for the third time. This time, he scored 89 points in the mathematics test, but the total separation of undergraduates was still 5 points away.

Since the enrollment target for English majors is not full, some excellent English students have the opportunity to be promoted. Ma Yun was promoted to the undergraduate foreign language major by Hangzhou Normal University.


When the screen changed, Li Mubai said in a gentle voice: "As far as we know, after entering the university, you will become a good student with excellent academic performance, and you will be ranked in the top five in the foreign language department with your excellent English.

The three college entrance examinations are a rare hurdle in your life. Many people also take this to say that exam-oriented education cannot cultivate talents, and you are the best example.

This kind of argument has been making a lot of noise recently because of the news of Maotanchang High School, do you think so too? "

"I don't think so."

Jack Ma shook his head firmly standing at the country, and expounded with a serious expression: "I also read the news of Maotanchang High School you mentioned, and after reading it, I felt very shocked, but also very gratified.

Because the higher you stand, the farther you can see!

Now, any decision I make on Alibaba must be made according to the national conditions of our country, and I know that everything has a law of growth.

I have to admit that under the constraints of our country's huge population base, for most children from ordinary families, the college entrance examination is still the only way to change their fate. "

After a pause, he was determined not to be used by the fishing reels: "The reason why I was among the best at the time was because of my hard work in studying. At that time, I was much thinner than now, and I really looked like ET...

Therefore, I deeply believe that reading to change fate is still the only choice for most children at present! "

Li Mubai nodded and continued to ask according to Ma Yun's wishes.

This is one of the issues that have been agreed in advance. If you deepen Ma Yun's positive energy, you can taste it and stop it.

Time passed slowly, and when the three newly selected netizens were asked the most liked questions, there were five minutes left until the end of the show.

Near the end, Li Mubai smiled and said, "Everyone knows that you like Jin Yong's martial arts very much. It is said that you also want to star in a martial arts movie. I wonder if you can find a satisfactory script?"

Ma Yun first shook his head regretfully, and then asked back: "Mu Bai, you are a recognized talent, I wonder if you have a good idea?"


Li Mubai was stunned for a while, and the plot of the banknote ability came to his mind——

There is a good man in the north of the city, whose surname is Ma and his name is La.

Walking on the bustling street one day, I saw the word Huashan among the green grass and safflower. Mara's eyes closed slightly, and the universe moved in his mind, entering a boundless imaginary realm.

Afterwards, four top-level pictures of confrontation with major martial arts masters began.

Fighting against French boxing masters, Japanese black belt successors, Muay Thai martial arts, Wing Chun Dana and other martial arts figures, Mara repelled them one after another.

But when he returned to reality and opened his eyes, he realized that the place he went was not the Huashan faction, but the Huashan faction, and was driven out by several big caps.

It turned out that the word "exit" was blocked by leaves before, and he didn't see it! .

Chapter 161

CCTV News Channel, "Seeing: Meeting Big Coffee".

The program entered the last [*] seconds countdown, Li Mubai stood in front of the public log again, and made a summary statement in a soft voice:

"This is my first interview with business figures, and I'm sorry it's not rigorous, normative, and even full of loopholes.

But I had to.

Not only because of the limited interview time, but most importantly, because I was facing Jack Ma.

This person loves challenges and is never afraid.

He wants others to do the same.

He said that in Alibaba, you can forgive imperfection, but you can't accept a person who doesn't try to get close to his own limit.

During that process, perhaps a person will feel fear and insecurity.

But he will also realize what is the fun of exploring the unknown, and what is the value of hard work that Jack Ma said. "

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