"Seven minutes?"

"This is incredible!"

"God! The speed of Huaxia is too terrifying!"

The audience was suddenly filled with a continuous stream of admiration.

Everyone's expressions were shocked, and even Colbert was dumbfounded.

To be honest, the comparison between one and a half hours and seven minutes is simply too sensational!

(Zhao Haohao) Infrastructure maniac, ah Huai!

I couldn't help but admire, and Latif kept saying, "I was thinking of taking a break, but it's only 7 minutes away. I was really stunned at the time!"

It was so funny that many people laughed.

Masaichi Kosaka felt that he was being brought into a rhythm, and said, "I want to say, is the problem of our political discourse in speed?"

Smiling kindly at Batie's brother Latif, Li Mubai looked at him and said solemnly, "The problem is speed!"


The audience burst into laughter again, and Kosaka Masaichi was about to vomit blood.

Li Mubai didn't bother to talk to him any more, and introduced: "In addition to the domestic railway construction, a high-speed railway line from Beiqi to Russia is still under construction.

As long as this railway line that runs through the Eurasian continent is completed, it will be possible to reach any country in Europe by high-speed rail in the future, and the earth will really become a village. "

"My God! Terrifying Huaxia Project!".

Chapter 234

As a person of two lifetimes, Li Mubai's mind is still very rational.

He knows that China is not as powerful as the media say.

Especially in terms of high-tech, the gap with the West is not a little bit, and there is still a long way to catch up.

Videos like "Amazing My Country"!

After reading it, it did greatly boost national pride, but it also made young people become a little blind and arrogant.

Now many young people really feel this way;

There is no rival in the world except Ying-chan.

Even the world powers such as Britain, France and Germany are not in the eye, let alone the weaker countries such as Japan, South Korea and India?

Facts have proved that this is a very wrong perception.

There is really no country that is simple!

Every policy that looks like a sand sculpture actually has its own calculations in it.

Every show of weakness or strength, also has its own wisdom shining.

But as a CCTV reporter in a foreign country full of prejudice, Li Mubai must be unswervingly patriotic.

It is his duty to diligently spread the good side of China, and it is his mission to let the world realize that China is still real.

He is not the only one doing it. Countless Chinese people who have studied abroad are also doing it.

Because a person is abroad, he is really a country.

With the strong influence of "The Conalbert Show", he tried his best to express the beautiful side of China in a straightforward boy's way.

Of course, the program group did not want such a result.

They need a tougher matchup.

Therefore, after finishing the topic of high-speed rail, Colbert immediately began to guide the argument.

"Li, is it because of Indane's relationship that the friendship between China and Pakistan has become more and more stable?"

After a short pause, he asked: "The border issue in the 'Kemi' area has recently attracted the attention of the Western world. It seems that your two countries have also launched more cooperation projects based on this?"

Happy brother's brain is running fast, and he needs to find a fatal argument.

Li Mubai shook his head without hesitation and retorted: "The friendship between China and Pakistan is definitely not what you said.

the establishment of friendship between nations;

It is the selfless help of Pakistan Railways mobilizing all the reserve resources before every catastrophe!

It is the sincerity of the old people who have been guarding the cemetery of the martyrs who have aided Pakistan for decades!

This is how I was taught since I was a child, they are our brother country and we must help them. "

In reality, it should not be as moving as Li Mubai said.

For many Chinese people, Batie is still a little far away.

It is true to take out the national reserve tents to support Huaxia, and it is true that the old man Ba ​​Tie carefully takes care of the cemetery of the martyrs of the Pakistan aid engineering team.

But most Chinese people only know that the relationship between the two countries is good, and they are habitually called Batie, and they know very little about the rest.

For example, what is the capital of Pakistan?

Ninety percent of the people in the country definitely don't know.

But it must be said at this time, because it is the correct treatment.

Sure enough, Brother Xing had a dog-like expression, and Latif had a family-like smile on his face.

Colbert scolded 'cunningly', looked at Latif and said, "Does Baguo think the same way about Huaxia? I'm curious, I want to ask."

"There is a saying in our country."

Latif smiled warmly, and said in a magnetic voice: "The relationship between Pakistan and China is higher than the Himalayas, deeper than the bottom of the sea, and sweeter than honey!"


"Blood Alliance, this is!!"

There was a sudden burst of strange screams at the scene, and many people were stunned.

Of course, when tsk tsk admiration, there is some envy, jealousy and hatred in it.

They also want a brother country with such a blood alliance!

At this moment, only the happy brother is nauseated and depressed to the point of vomiting blood~~~

He brewed a belly of arguments, but under the attack of this wave of "dog food", there was nothing left, leaving only a belly of rancidity.

In fact, not only Brother Happy and the others had goosebumps, Li Mubai himself had some goosebumps.

Latif is so boring!

This confession gives a feeling of being in love!

However, it is not surprising to think that they have printed the Chinese national flag on their currency.

Of course, nations have only eternal interests.

As a media reporter, he has always believed in this.

Kelbert controlled the field and smiled: "The relationship is so good, what about the relationship between Inden and Pakistan?"

Latif: "It should be very, very bad..."

Happy brother: "..."

The next political discussion will have nothing to do with Li Mubai.

The old friends of India and Pakistan tore the wall for a while, and soon it was the turn of the lovers of South Korea and Japan, who loved and killed each other.

After more than ten minutes of debate, on a digression to distinguish Chinese, Japanese and Korean tourists, Colbert looked at Rui iodine reporter Alves.

"As one of the largest tourist countries in Europe, Yar, you should be able to distinguish tourists from China, Japan and South Korea easily, right?"

"Our country has an easy way to tell the difference."

"Oh, I would like to hear about it."

Alves nodded with a smile, and explained, "As long as people from these three countries walk into the coffee shop, Chu himself often orders the smallest cups, Han people order ordinary cups, and Chinese people often order the largest cups."

The seemingly normal explanation actually has a serious taste of discrimination.

Li Mubai, who had been listening quietly, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and his brain started to work rapidly.

He knew why the Rui iodine reporter did this?

Last year, Ruiyu SVT TV openly used an incomplete map of China, and refused to apologize after Chinese netizens protested.

This incident was very sensational for a time, and even caused the people to resist Rui iodine.

The most important thing is that Alves is from SVT TV and is a well-known emerging reporter of the TV station.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

While waiting for the headset to be turned on with many thoughts in my heart, the reporters around me laughed in cooperation.

Alves was full of aggressiveness towards Huaxia, and everyone present was as clear as a mirror.

In addition to Latif, the rest of the TV stations are also the main force to promote the lack of quality of Chinese tourists.

In this situation, of course, they have to cooperate a little bit.

Alves looked at Li Mubai and said with a serious expression: "Often, the biggest cup unconditionally, I don't know why?"

"Because the country is big!"

Li Mubai immediately blurted out, "We have a vast territory in China, so everything has to be big, can't we?"

Alves hehe: "It's amazing!"

Li Mubai said solemnly: "It must be magical, that kind of feeling of being the best in everything and doing the best in everything.

To put it bluntly, it is the external manifestation brought by the symbol of national strength, which a country as small as Rui Iodine will definitely not understand. "

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Brother Mao Zi, and said by analogy: "Just like the Russians, who drink vodka and use the bottle directly, this is the style of a big country, and your small country definitely doesn't understand it!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!".

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