
There was sparse applause at the scene.

Li Mubai climbed high and looked into the distance, and found that most of them came from the Chinese delegation and third world countries.

As for the West, that's it!

Bowing politely, Li Mubai put his hands in front of his stomach and stood straight by the podium.

The emcee named James didn't mean to move away from the podium, but turned to ask: "Li, Greta's speech this morning caused a sensation in the world.

As a representative of Huaxia, what's your comment on Greta, this lovely environmentalist? "

After speaking, he smiled and let go of the microphone.

"What can you say, is neuropathy okay?"

With a sigh in his heart, Li Mubai nodded slightly and walked to the microphone to stand still.

Bright eyes glanced at the giants of various countries under the stage, and his heart was surprisingly calm, and he didn't mean to be nervous at all.

Before that, he always thought that he would be nervous and anxious...

After all, there are many No. [*]s from Eastern and Western countries, the elegant and domineering Foreign Minister Wang, and the world-renowned celebrities and rich people sitting in the audience.

These people gathered together, the spiritual oppression caused by ordinary people is indeed shocking enough!

Can really stand on the podium.

His state of mind was like a deep pool, unable to sway many ripples.

I don't know if the system skills are affecting it?

Or are you born with such audacity?

Secretly complaining about his life in his heart, Li Mubai Junyi smiled and stated in Chinese with a magnetic and steady voice:

"A United Nations official approached a painter to paint a painting 'Greta's speech at the climate conference' '".

Simultaneous translation is doing translation at the same time.

More than [*] language experts translated this sentence into different languages ​​for the first time.

Li Mubai looked ahead and said calmly, "Three days later, the painter said that the painting was finished.

United Nations officials came and looked stunned!

Because the picture is a group of black-haired and yellow-skinned people planting trees in the desert.

UN official asks: Where are you drawing?

The painter replied: Kubuqi Desert.

Who are these people?

The painter said: A member of Huaxia's forestry team.

But where is Greta?

UN officials almost shouted. "

The conference site was constantly echoed by men and women, and translations in various languages.

The participants also understood what Li Mubai was trying to convey.

Because it's a very western irony, they've gone crazy with their own memes, so everyone looks like a lot of fun.

Except for the Rui iodine delegation, whose face turned dark, the eyes staring at Li Mubai were full of accusations.

It seems to be saying: spraying on a great environmental protection girl, the Chinese people are simply too rubbish and too inhumane!

The big screen camera was also aimed at the "great" Rui Iodine girl.

Everyone saw it with their own eyes. After listening to the translation with her earphones covered, her face became cold, and she muttered something in her mouth.

Although I can't hear what she is saying?

But there is no need to guess what the content is, it must be fragrant.

This caused the Western politicians and media practitioners to keep shaking their heads.

He secretly sighed that the little girl is still too young to be able to achieve the state of smiling on her face and numbness in her heart.

At the same time, they are also waiting for the ultimate irony of the Chinese people.

Li Mubai did not disappoint them, and spread his hands: "The painter said: Greta is giving a speech at the climate conference."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

After a brief silence for three seconds, there was a burst of uncontrollable laughter.

Li Mubai kept saying, "I solemnly state here that of course I have no intention of laughing at Miss Greta.

Facts have proved that her dream of running for environmental protection is still very admirable! "

Many people in the Huaxia delegation smiled and tried their best not to laugh out loud.

Hou Guming muttered to Gao Jun: "Mu Bai's acting skills are still very good, look at how serious this serious nonsense expression is!"


There was uncontrollable laughter from the girls in the front row, and Gao Jun also gave his subordinate a cold face.

On the podium, Li Mubai stated calmly: "The reason why I tell this story is just to state one thing.

In China, there are actually many boys and girls who are concerned about environmental protection.

It's just that they don't use speeches to protect the environment like Miss Greta, they use more practical actions to do it. "

After a short pause, when the translator was almost done, he talked eloquently:

"In February 2016 last year, my country's Alipay public welfare sector officially launched Ant Forest.

The carbon emissions saved by users walking instead of driving, online payment of water, electricity and coal, and online ticket purchases will be calculated as virtual "green energy" and used to grow virtual trees in their mobile phones.

After the virtual tree grows, Alipay Ant Forest and its public welfare partners will plant a real tree on the earth, or guard a corresponding area of ​​protected land, so as to cultivate and motivate users' low-carbon and environmentally friendly behaviors. "

Ant Forest has just been implemented, and Westerners don't know much about it.

But they can understand the (Zhao's) prospect of this model!

Looking at each other, they all showed curiosity.

Li Mubai said in a deep and sincere voice: "Up to now, Ant Forest has cultivated more than 5 million young users, and the cumulative carbon emission reduction has reached 492 million tons.

These countless boys and girls about the same age as Miss Greta have planted 8755 million real trees on the earth, an area equivalent to the size of Singapore. "


"What? This is fake!"

There were uncontrollable exclamations from the scene, and many people who didn't know about this were incredulous.

Facts have also proved that any achievement must be based on data.

The 8755 million real trees and the tree planting area in Xinjiapo sound very shocking and intuitive, giving people a feeling of trembling directly to the soul.

And Greta, who can only condemn, is simply...

Chapter 244

The next morning, at 9 o'clock in the capital time.

News Channel, "News Live Room".

Title: [The last drop of water on earth may be our human tears]

Video screen, the scene of the World Climate Conference——

Li Mubai: "Water is the source of life and the foundation of all things.

Throughout the history of human development, all nations live by water, cities are built following water, and civilizations thrive because of water.

My hometown is the famous water garden.

At that time, the peasants had a saying, saying that there is no need to use buckets for drinking water, the fire fork stabs the lotus pods, and there are eel holes in the firewood piles.

When I was a child, wherever I went, as long as I was thirsty, I squatted down or folded a lotus leaf into a small water scoop, or held both hands, or just threw myself down and stretched my mouth into the river..."

Jiangsu Suzhou Second Hospital, in a double ward.

News was playing on the wall-mounted TV, and the content was exactly what Li Mubai said last night.

The people in the ward also watched intently, and seemed a little quiet for a while.

Smiling, he took a bowl of gruel from the insulation box, and Wang Jianing turned around and handed it to his fascinated father.

He smiled and said, "Dad, it's time to eat!"


After answering and taking it, Dad Wang took a bite and praised: "Your friend is really talented, you can perform so well on the world stage!"

"Then why don't you say they are champions!"

Wang Jianing replied with a smile, wiped his hands and sat on the stool, and turned his head slightly to look at the wall-mounted TV.

On TV, Li Mubai is handsome and handsome, and he has been talking non-stop:

"Some of the world's major rivers are in danger of drying up due to climate change, pollution and other factors;

About 41 percent of Earth's population lives in these watersheds, and at least 1 percent of the 20 species of freshwater animals and plants have become extinct.

A total of 43 countries in the world are short of water, and there are 7 million people who are short of water.

By 2025, the water-stressed population could exceed 30 billion. "

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Although the earth is a Mercury, we really don't hope that one day the last drop of water on the earth may be the tears of our human beings!"

After eating half a bowl of gruel, Dad Wang curiously asked:

"Ningning, I heard it in the news before; your friend's words are very good and have been quoted by major European media?"

Wang Jianing watched the TV and said:

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