Chapter 248

"how can that be?"

With Cui Wa's exclamation, the camera zoomed in on the DVD player.

Inside the removed rear cover are the old electronic components and dusty wiring of the DVD player.

The white expert wiped off the dust on the label of a certain part, and found the blackened English of "madeinchana" in the dense English letters.

This line of letters is clearly visible, which directly made Cui Wa dumbfounded.

Holding his head and looking at Li Mubai next to the camera, he said in shock, "What? This is our national brand!"

Li Mubai shrugged.

He muttered in his heart and replied, "Hehe, the national brand in the world is made in China."

The white expert explained: "This part of the DVD playing DVD is produced in Huaxia, according to the rules, so it needs to be moved out."

The staff of the moving company hurried forward to take the DVD player and walked out of the villa with a hug.

For the effect of the show, Li Mubai and Cui Wa agreed to move the identified "Huaxia Production" to the yard, where a large tarpaulin was already laid.

Cui Wa said, wanting to cry without tears: "Hi! Brother, slow down, that's my adult birthday present."

"rest assured."

The white expert stood up at this time and walked to the vacuum cleaner beside the TV cabinet.

Li Mubai said, "So is the vacuum cleaner?"

The white expert said firmly: "This is definitely made in China."


Cui Wa let out a far-fetched laugh, pointed to the TV set of the famous brand of Magnesium and said, "What about this latest TV?"

The white expert turned his head and said with regret: "I won't dismantle this, but I can guarantee that there are at least [*] parts from China in it!"


After shaving her head, Cui Wa pointed at the TV cabinet in disbelief and said, "What about this?"

Hearing the sound, an expert in this field said: "Because of the increase in labor costs in China, the origin of wooden furniture is mostly transferred to Southeast Asia, which should not be ' '."

Cui Wa was stunned and said, "The furniture isn't from Magneto?"

Shrugging, the expert nodded and said, "Yes, I'm sure of this, but I'm not sure yet. Is the TV cabinet made in China? Or is it made in Southeast Asia?"

"Watfark, shit like Magnesium!"

Cui Wa's complaint should be made with emotion, and it cannot deny the super comprehensive strength of Magnesium to beat the world.

It's just that most domestic audiences are accustomed to self-healing!

Sure enough, the direction of the barrage changed drastically.

Many people get a great sense of accomplishment from this sentence.

In the next ten minutes, one by one made in China was recognized.

The leather and spring of the sofa are produced in Huaxia, carry it out!

The tempered glass and aluminum alloy parts of the coffee table are produced in Huaxia, and carry them out!

After searching for a long time, I finally found the source of the TV cabinet. In fact, it also came from Huaxia Wenzhou. Take it out!

The ceiling headlights are [*]% produced in China, and the bulbs that can be removed are removed!

The same [*]% air conditioner produced in Huaxia, it is too troublesome to remove, label it!

There are so many large household appliances, not to mention small items and small items!

Coffee cups, kettles, air fresheners, scales…

One piece of merchandise was carried out, the living room became empty at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the national self-esteem of the audience continued to rise.

"This pill! How does the Strategic Fudge Bureau work?"

"I don't believe it either, it's impossible, come on! Come and deal with the traitor Li Mubai from the Zhanhu Bureau!"

"The motherland's manufacturing industry is strong!"

"The World Factory is no joke!"

"In fact, it is not difficult to find that there are almost all products made by Huaxia in the world, but there are really few Huaxia creations. I hope the motherland will become stronger and stronger."

"According to the parts, it's really a lot [embarrassed]"

"It's not that others can't do it, it's that we do it cheaply"


CCTV Building, Central Third Work Area.

Li Sisi was dressed in a snow-white lady's slim fit suit with a turtleneck sweater underneath, which set off her slender neck and graceful figure.

At this time, she was watching the live broadcast with her cheeks in her forehand.

Watching the live broadcast of colleague Li Mubai.

In fact, it's not just her, all the idle anchors of CCTV are watching.

When the camera was aimed at the three European and American stars and saw their stunned expressions, Li Si Si Shuya's face was full of smiles that couldn't help but laugh.

Wang Liang, the host of "The Voice of the Film and Television" couldn't help but sighed: "Mu Bai is really appealing. Look at the number of live broadcasts, it's almost 400 million!"

Li Sisi smiled gracefully, which she already knew.

After staring at the computer screen for a while, he tilted his head and said, "Suddenly I remembered an allusion!"

"What allusion?"

Zhang Lei, another hostess who was watching together, was curious and turned her head to ask softly.

Li Sisi Cirou said: "¨In the Spring and Autumn Period, the king of Qi ordered his ministers to wear silk clothes.

However, only grain is allowed to be planted in China, and mulberry trees are not allowed.

This has led to an increase in the demand for silk in Qi and the rising price of silk, which caused neighboring countries such as Lu and Liang to stop growing grain and switch to mulberry.

A few years later, the King of Qi ordered that only commoner clothes be worn, and that food was not allowed to be sold to other countries.

As a result, Lu, Liang and other countries were in chaos due to famine, and they declined without fighting.

Qi State enjoyed its success and expanded its territory. "

Wang Liang and Zhang Lei were thoughtful, and Li Sisi kept saying:

"In fact, it is the same in China now. It has unknowingly changed the clothing, food, housing and transportation of other countries, and China's manufacturing has spread all over the world.

When Chinese manufacturing continues to replace the manufacturing of other countries, once the supply is stopped, the living needs of their countries will inevitably be in short supply, and the resulting financial crisis is immeasurable.

The leaders of the older generation are really brilliant! "

Zhang Lei nodded and said: "Guan Zhong is really amazing, there is one more detail in this story, that is, the state of Qi subsidizes a lot of clothing, so that the state of Lu can make more profit from planting mulberry leaves than food.

what is this?

This is a trade war!

Our ancestors played this thing three thousand years ago! "

Wang Liang: "I remember that Guan Zhong returned to Qi to give Duke Huan a proposal. At that time, I thought Guan Zhong was very powerful!"


Different from the "beautiful" who filled the screen with the barrage, the female academic bullies talked about very advanced points.

Talking and talking, it has reached the point of citing the scriptures!

You and I said each sentence for a while, and the three mobile phones rang in unison.

Li Sisi's pretty girly phone happened to be at hand, he picked it up and unlocked it with his fingerprint, and clicked into the group chat message Liang.

[Zhu Jun: @Everyone: This year's host Fu Li in Taili released it.This time, it is a tour of four countries in Europe and the United States, which lasted 10 days. Those who have holidays and want to go can sign up, and those who don't want to go are the old rules].

Chapter 249

Looking out at the empty living room, at the antler artwork fixed to the wall.

And a few wine cabinets and shoe cabinets from Southeast Asia.

Not only Cui Wa was stunned, but even Brother Hammer and Sister Worker had incredible expressions on their faces!

After being stunned for a while, the model worker said with a fragrant mouth:

"Watfark, this is horrific!"

She and Cui Wa have a certain favorable impression of China, and they are not full of prejudice like most Westerners.

But this feeling is moderate!

If she had to make a choice, she would definitely support her country unconditionally.

With such a large area of ​​"Made in China" flooding the entire villa, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

If Huaxia stops supplying, will Magnesium Emperor collapse?

Li Mubai stood beside her, heard the words and said, "It's not scary at all!"

The model worker turned her head, and Brother Hammer also turned her head.

Li Mubai shrugged and said, "Developed countries produce high-tech products, while developing countries produce low-end lifestyle products. This is the way the world rules.

This kind of low-end commodity can be made without Huaxia, and nothing is irreplaceable.

Not high tech?

Isn't it high risk?

But the cost is definitely higher than that made in Huaxia.

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