"Go, Xiao Ni has invited me to be the best man, this is the first time to do this job!"

He tilted his head and said with a smile, Li Mubai said curiously, "Sister Sisi, how did they know each other?

Look at it, this dog food is too boring!

It doesn't take into account the feelings of us single dogs at all! "

Looking at Nichromemat in front of him and Pashagul, who was holding his arms and resting his head on his shoulders from time to time, Li Sisi pursed his lips and laughed lightly.

"I witnessed the love between Xiaoni and her girlfriend with my own eyes. It was during a trip to Bali in 2012."

Between the words, Li Mubai took the suitcase in his hand.

"Thank you, Mu Bai, are you pushing two suitcases?"

"It's all right."

With a smile on his face, Li Sisi continued, "During the journey, Pasha is always good at adjusting the atmosphere.

His lively and lovely character made everyone very happy, and he took care of every friend very thoughtfully.

Xiaoni saw it at the time and told us afterwards;

He also had Pasha in his heart at that time.

During the tour, Xiaoni took a lot of photos for her!

He said he was moved by the radiance and mesmerizing aura of the girl in front of him when capturing the camera. "

"Tsk tsk~~"

Smashing his mouth, Li Mubai felt the smell of old and bad dog food.

This paragraph is very graphic, and even Zhang Lei, who was on the side, shook her head enviously when she heard the words.

Li Sisi held back a smile and said softly: "After returning to China, I heard that Pasha was arranged for a blind date by his family, and Xiao Ni ran to demolish the platform.

You saw it later.

The two started their love journey. This run has been running for 5 years. This year, they will finally achieve a positive result! "

"We went to Bali for a trip together, and went to the blind date scene to demolish the stage..."

Seeing that Li Sisi was no longer speaking, Li Mubai couldn't help laughing and crying: "It's true or not, Sister Sisi, can you make up a story? Isn't this a bloody plot in a Korean drama!"

"But this is the story between them!"

Li Sisi's expression was serious, a look that I definitely didn't lie about.

After being stunned for a while, Li Mubai sighed, "I envy me to death, a single dog really can't hurt!"

Zhang Lei smiled and joked, "How old are you, Mu Bai, can't wait?"

"Uh, Sister Lei, don't look like that, we are still good friends!"

"Okay, then tell my sister, have you bought the tickets for the Super Bowl, Broadway, and Taylor's concerts?"

"Don't worry, it's all ok."

Nodding his head, Li Mubai bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhu Jun personally made the call, and we got it done right away!"


Talking and laughing all the way to the parking lot, get on the tourist minibus.

Without daring to delay, the group hurried to the pre-booked hotel.

Sitting together, a few hosts who can speak well started chatting from all over the world.

Talking about domestic anecdotes, chatting about foreign anecdotes.

The frequent punchlines made the laughter in the bus never stop.

When Zhang Lei, Li Sisi and the others talked about the schedule for surfing at Coney Island, Li Mubai habitually turned on the phone. .

Chapter 253


"The Daily Show of Jonghyun".

Cui Wa widened her eyes and broadcast the report in surprise: "Huaxia's national TV station broadcast a video we made about the content made/created by Huaxia."

The screen is switched, and the content is the material of the same day CCTV news channel.

The familiar Li Wenjing, He Jia, and Chang Xiao appeared one after another.

The same news content is broadcast:

"Today, Trevor Noah, the famous talk show host of Magnesium, complained about Magnesium's political suppression of Huaxia Hi-Tech on his show..."

Accompanied by Li Wenjing's voice, it was a screenshot of the daily show captured by CCTV.

Cui Wa spit out the eagle sauce, and said ironically:

"A lot of people said about this game that Magneto had already lost.

But luckily, Magneto has a lunatic who is willing to 'play dirty'. "

After watching the video sent by his sister for a while, Li Mubai couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"This guy, dolls yourself!"

The laughter caught the attention of Li Sisi in the same row.

Looking back from the window, he asked curiously, "What nesting doll? Is it the Olos nesting doll? I really want to buy a set. Is there any place to sell it?"

"Not the Matryoshka doll."

Li Mubai shook his head and explained, "It's a video my sister sent me. I wonder if you've seen it?"

With a smile, he stretched his arms and placed the phone at an angle where both of them could see.

Li Si Si sighed and looked away.

Zhang Lei in the back seat also stood up curiously, leaning on the seat and squinting to watch.

In the screen of the mobile phone, Cui Wa opened her hands and said with an exaggerated expression:

"Baby! Huaxia reported me, my God! Huaxia~~ ah!"

"Haha~~ This is funny!"

Li Mubai laughed casually, this scene really is very Cui Wa.

He remembered that in the previous life, Cui Wa was crazy about nesting dolls by himself.

I didn't expect this life to be ahead of schedule because of him!

Zhang Lei's laughing voice came from above her head, and she said crisply: "I've seen this before, it's very popular at station B" ."

Li Sisi tilted his head, his long hair scattered like a waterfall, and it was very interesting: "I haven't seen it before, the nesting dolls mean that!"

As he said that, he pursed his lips and couldn't help laughing.

Li Mubai said with a smile: "That's not what it means, he is crazy to doll himself, this guy is also awesome!!"

While speaking, Cui Wa in the phone kept mumbling:

"The biggest audience in the world, and the Daily Show has made a breakthrough in China.

Even better, 14 billion people heard their national TV say:

I am famous. "

He said with his arms folded, his chin slightly raised and he said:

"Hey! You see, I'm very famous."

The video stopped abruptly here, and Li Mubai and Li Sisi couldn't help laughing.

"It was reported by our CCTV for two days in a row. After this set of punches came down, Cui Wa seems to be on fire!"

Xiao Ni's voice came from the front seat, curiously said:

"By the way, Mu Bai, what exactly is the bet between you and Cui Wa?"

Li Mubai raised his head and said with a smile:

"We agreed that if I lose, I will be his recommended guest to buy books in China for free~"

Before he finished speaking, he felt that the mobile phone in his hand was 'stolen'.

Turning his head to look, he found that Li Sisi was holding the jade finger in his hand.

Feeling Li Mubai's gaze, Li Sisi said without looking up:

"You talk, I'll read the comments, not yours."

"What's the tone, there's nothing to watch on my phone, okay?"

Seeing that Li Sisi was already looking at it, Li Mubai could only mumble and look at Xiao Ni again.

"If I win, we promise him to report more real China news..."

Hearing Li Mubai's magnetic and pleasant voice in his ears, Li Sisi pursed his lips and smiled, lowered his head and looked at the comments of netizens with relish.

"Host, you are known by hundreds of millions of people in an instant, so you can expand a little."

"No nesting dolls"

"Looking at the red scarf that was already red to black, I knew that this person was not ordinary (squint smile)"

"This American humor is great, and it's great to follow current events with sarcasm."

"I didn't understand it before, but now I think it tastes good."


Before I could read a few of them, the high-speed tourist bus suddenly slammed the steering wheel and stopped with a crunch.

Following the inertia, Li Sisi's body couldn't help slanting backwards, and he collided with Li Mubai.

I just felt a pain in the back of my head.

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