"I originally liked green mountains and green waters very much, and I always wanted to go to the prairie to have a look.

Because of this problem, I dare not travel! "

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

Li Mubai laughed dumbly and joked:

"Then you still volunteered to come, this is not your own guilt~"

As he was talking, seeing Li Sisi's eyes turning bad, his tone gradually weakened...

Finally, he leaned back and confessed:

"Sister Sisi is kind-hearted, I shouldn't question your love for charity."

you fool!

Li Sisi murmured in his heart, clenched his pink fist and said, "Let's hammer you to death."

With a snort, he turned to look at Sister Wang and said, "Sister Wang, let's go quickly, don't miss the high-speed train departure time."


Not much to say along the way.

Under the arrangement of the crew members, the group sat in the last group of empty carriages.

In addition to signing autographs and taking photos with the delighted train staff.

The rest of the time was quiet and no one bothered.

Li Sisi is very tired, but she can't sleep!


A person with a problem like her is obviously tired and tired, and her eyelids are fighting, but her damn brain is always so active.

Because of this, the journey is a bit dull.

The hard time passed slowly...

Finally, three hours later, the high-speed rail arrived at the station.

After getting on the waiting UNICEF car, the group started a car journey that lasted for more than two hours.

Niu Qian drove the car and followed the convoy in front.

The two CCTV anchors sat side by side in the back row.

Turning to look at Li Sisi, who was half asleep and dozing off, frowning at her slightly shaking head,

Li Mubai struggled for a while, and finally had an obsessive-compulsive disorder. He raised his hand and pressed her head on his shoulder.


"Stop talking and go to sleep!"

Li Mubai held down Li Sisi's head that he wanted to lift up somewhat domineeringly, and said with a smile, "The best ergonomic and human-shaped pillows are loaned to you for free. How about the effect?"

When he said this, his expression was a little nervous.

After all, Li Sisi is a very assertive woman, and she hates others to impose ideas or things on her.

But he didn't notice Li Sisi's faintly smiling pear vortex.

PS: I’m simply convinced, are you still the Felu readers I know?

What about your strength?What about your unruly hairstyles?

Why do you turn into matchmakers Yuelao one by one, trying so desperately to urge marriage in the comment area?

I'm still worried... I'm worried to death, okay?

I have an outline. This is such a scribbled and definitive relationship before returning to China. Isn't it a romantic plot designed with so many brain cells in vain.

Don't push me again, push me again, I, I listened to the reader called "Knife Jun" in the comment area, I wrote that the heroine is the most beautiful prosperous beauty in this book, Sa Baining (angry you) IX.

Chapter 266

Not hearing Li Sisi's voice, Li Mubai slowly turned his head.

Into the eyes, a black hair spread like a cloud.

Gaze across her butterfly-like eyelashes, a jade nose is more endearing like a comic heroine.

Looking up like this, it gives people a very quiet and aesthetic feeling, overflowing with the pleasant temperament of everyone.

Feeling Li Mubai's breath, Li Sisi's long and curved eyelashes trembled slightly.

Looking up, it feels like two small brushes.

Li Mubai couldn't help but asked curiously, "Sister Sisi, Sisi, are you wearing false eyelashes?"

The lotus arm raised and patted the guy on the head.

Li Sisi sat up a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "You still let me sleep?"

Niu Qian's laughter came from the front~~

"Mu Bai, what should you men pay attention to..."

The little girl held back her laughter and teased, "Why is it so weird!"

Li Sisi felt the approval of the first point.

At that time, she was thinking about whether her makeup had flowers?

Is it as beautiful as the next train?


Who would have thought that this steel straight man would actually give her such a question!

"This is real eyelashes, real eyelashes are easy to cut!"

Li Sisi, a dignified and elegant woman, was speechless at this time, and she looked like she was sitting on a rotten orange.

"I know! I know!"

"It's true, it's really good!"

"Also, don't keep hitting me on the head, okay? Why do you like to pat my smart head so much?"

Li Mubai admitted his mistake with a smile, moved his shoulders, and said with concern, "Sister Sisi, hurry up and sleep!

It looks like you were a little sloppy walking just now.

Take advantage of this moment to take a rest and rest, the human pillow will be used for you to wake up. "

Glancing at the guy, Li Sisi said in a stern voice:

"The angle is a little high, sit down a little..."

"Your arm burped me, reach behind..."

Let Li Sisi command, and finally Li Mubai sat on his back with his arms stretched back, giving Li Sisi the most comfortable angle.

The elder sister took a deep breath, then closed her eyes with a smile on her pretty face.

Before long, a slight snoring sounded in the car.

"It seems that Sister Sisi is really tired!"

Li Mubai whispered to Niu Qian.

While speaking, his arm lightly wrapped around the beautiful shoulders of Li Sisi, who was dreaming peacefully.

Does it mean nothing else?

Dangchang is mainly surrounded by mountains.

The national highway is basically built on the mountain, and there will be sharp turns from time to time.

If he didn't hug him, the sleeping Li Si Si would probably be thrown away unprepared.

While hugging Li Si Si lightly, Li Mubai's expression and movements were frank and natural.

He had carried Li Sisi on his back for nearly half an hour at New York, and he had already taken it very lightly.

At this time, there was only a faint concern in his heart, and no other thoughts were born.

He himself thought so.

Outsiders are not like that!

Niu Qian glanced through the rearview mirror and smiled thoughtfully and softly:

"I've seen people like Sister Sisi who love their family. It's really hard to travel!"

After a pause, he said with a smile:

"But when there is a lover to accompany them, where in the world is not home! Right?"

Li Mubai couldn't understand, he said with a smile: "Niu Qian, you think too much, you can fall asleep even when you are so tired."

Rolling his eyes, Niu Qian said speechlessly, "You're just...!"

Finding that Li Sisi was asleep, Li Mubai asked curiously, "Niu Qian, are you a local?"

"Yes! A native of Dangchang, I love my hometown very much."

"It's like who doesn't love their hometown."

"I remember Hefei people seem to say that you don't love your hometown, and the promised "Luzhou Moon" hasn't been written yet..."

"Cough cough... I'm the host!"


While talking softly, the car drove into the county seat.

Li Mubai looked out the window.

Soon, I was attracted by the cherry trees planted on both sides of the road.

He thought that the country's third-lowest impoverished county was far behind.

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