"Brother Mu Bai is rushing to duck..."

"As soon as I returned to China, I went to the grassroots level. Such positive energy CCTV anchors are too rare!"

"Except the sun, no one can criticize me, Mubai (struggle)"

"Grab my Tianle brother's lines (squint)"


When there was a lot of discussion on the barrage, Li Mubai, who was handsome and handsome, appeared in the camera.

National team hosts online classes.

here we go--

"There are so many people here!"

Standing on the podium, Li Mubai smiled warmly: "Since that's the case, then I won't call anyone by name, let's just start lecturing, okay?"


Unanimous answers sounded.

The children have proved that their Mandarin is still very standard.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the naive principal, Li Mubai smiled and put down the list.

Immediately, he flipped through an old textbook under the roster.

"The class I'm taking today is the history class in the second class of the seventh grade. I just heard from your history teacher, Mr. Yang, that you are in this part of the Ming Dynasty."

Saying that, he looked up at the students.

I saw dozens of students nodding frequently in the middle seat area, smiling and nodding as they closed their textbooks.

Picking up the microphone on the podium, he asked, "Before starting the lecture, I want to ask all the students present.

How much do you know about the Ming Dynasty?

Everyone raised their hands to answer. "

The voice fell, and only a dozen people responded to his call.

But enough.

Walking to the first row of seats, Li Mubai said, "This classmate, please speak first."

In the live broadcast, a [*]- or [*]-year-old girl in a school uniform stood up.

Her skin was dark, and she answered timidly:

"I know that there was Qi Jiguang in the Ming Dynasty. He was a hero against Japanese."


Nodding approvingly, Li Mubai pointed at the male classmate who was holding his hand beside her and asked, "This classmate, what do you know about the Ming Dynasty?"

Being watched by so many people and cameras, the male student's voice trembled slightly:

"I've finished watching Son of Heaven, and I know that there were Jinyiwei, Dongchang, Xichang, and Yongle Grand Ceremony in the Ming Dynasty."

After speaking, the boy gathered up his courage and said:

"Mr. Li, I like your song "Thousands of Baidu" very, very much.

I went to the TV show because of your song!

Then she became a fan of Song Zuer. "

Li Mubai was dumbfounded and laughed: "Openly flattering the teacher in class is easy to pat on the horse's hoof!"

The students burst into laughter.

The male student also scratched his head in embarrassment.

Li Mubai smiled and comforted: "However, thank you very much for this classmate's liking, I will accept mine, and Song Zuer's you will convey it yourself."

As he spoke, he looked at another classmate not far away and motioned for her to speak.

"I know that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is Zhu Yuanzhang."

"I have read an online novel and know about Emperor Zhengde."


Chapter 268

"As one of the few unification dynasties in the history of China for thousands of years.

The Ming Dynasty is undoubtedly one of the most interesting ones. "

Standing abruptly behind the podium, Li Mubai talked eloquently:

"As the founder of a dynasty, it must also be very worth seeing.

Of course, historians are dedicated.

They have already made a sufficient evaluation of the character Zhu Yuanzhang, and Emperor Qiangu is the most outstanding commendation. "

Crossing his hands and fingers together, Li Mubai thought about it and said to himself:

"I am also a half Ming fan, and I have read more than [*] kinds of Ming Dynasty historical materials and notes, including "Ming Shilu".

I'm giving lectures to you little guys today, I think you should be qualified! "

More than [*] kinds of historical materials and notes, this forced dress is really beautiful and refined.

The barrage was immediately sent in a swipe of flattery—

"You're awesome", "pretend", shit him

Similar words have been brushed densely, and the fans have a great sense of participation.

Li Mubai said in a sincere voice: "In today's class, I will talk about Zhu Yuanzhang, which I have classified and summarized.

Well, I summed up a profile of him. "

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the blackboard.

Picking up the chalk, he wrote in a swish and said:

"Name: Zhu Chongba.

Heavy eight means two eights.

So, Zhu Yuanzhang originally had another cute name: Zhu Baba. "

The clear and deep voice fell.

A line of fonts with facial muscles and bones was reflected in the live broadcast.

Seeing that this font is no weaker than his calligraphy, the barrage immediately filled the screen with the word "good-looking".

Li Mubai was accustomed to this.

Turning around, his bright eyes looked at the students who couldn't help applauding, and said with a smile:

"Remember this name sounds like a baby pig.

Zhu Baba was the original name of Zhu Yuanzhang. "


More than [*] people laughed softly.

Although the class had just started for a while, the students already felt that Li Mubai was different.

His speech is very simple and easy to understand, much more grounded than the history teacher!

Most importantly, he is much more handsome than a history teacher!

"Do the students know ' '?"

Li Mubai pressed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and asked:

"Why did Zhu Yuanzhang's parents give him a name like Zhu Baba?"

This knowledge point is very cold!

How could a junior high school student know?

As they looked at each other, needles could be heard falling in the amphitheatre.

Some of the viewers watching the live broadcast know that.

But I couldn't explain it in a few words.

Therefore, the barrage also looks very confusing!

Li Mubai smiled and said, "It's definitely not because the old Zhu family is an algebra."

Hahaha! !

The students were amused and many viewers watching the live broadcast laughed.

Li Mubai kept saying: "It's because in the Yuan Dynasty, the common people were very humble.

How low is it?

So low that if you can't be admitted to a scholar and an official, you won't have the qualifications to take a name.

Official regulations: Han newborns can only be named after the sum of their parents' ages or the date of birth.

Isn't it incredible?

There is a source for this. "

After a pause, he said eloquently: "Yu Yue, editor of the Imperial Academy of the Qing Dynasty, gave the answer in "Essays in Spring".

In the Yuan system, common people with five jobs were not allowed to take names, only the name of the lineage and the total age of their parents.

It translates to what I said before. "


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