More than [*] students burst into laughter.

I don't know how many times you laughed and laughed?

Anyway, one by one listened with great concentration, and their tender faces were full of devoted expressions.

Of course this is also understandable!

Their history teacher can only teach the subject according to the book, and the boring and bland courses are sleep-inducing, ten times more powerful than sleeping pills.

In the same course, Mr. Li can derive so many interesting knowledge points in one sentence, which is simply too hard to add.

Li Mubai squeezed his hands and explained with a smile:

"In the History of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang was not born by his father.

It is said that the mother had a dream at night, dreaming that a goddess fell from the sky and gave her a sparkling pill.

This pill is now poisonous food.

I don't know how big the radiation is to flash.

I estimate that it is the legendary Jiuzhuan Hui Pill and the like, and it must be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Why do you say that?

Because his mother was pregnant with Zhu Yuanzhang after eating. "

"Gluck cluck!!"

Li Sisi and Niu Qian laughed at the same time.

Niu Qian looked at the beautiful and outrageous Li Sisi, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:

"Nine-turned-returning soul pill is okay. What does this effect have to do with raising a baby? Do you really think we don't read novels?"

Li Sisi pursed his lips and chuckled.

She understood Li Mubai's intentions.

Because this also makes the students feel more involved.

After all, reading online novels has become a habit of young Chinese people.

Just like the islanders chasing more comics.

In the video, Li Mubai kept saying: "And since then, the old Zhu family's broken and leaky house has often been full of red lights and soaring into the sky.

Neighbors thought it was on fire, so they rushed to put out the fire.

But when he arrived at Lao Zhu's house, nothing happened. "

After speaking out loud, he clapped the powder on his hands and said with a smile:

"This passage is from the "History of the Ming Dynasty" Volume [*]... Mother Chen, Fang pregnant, Meng Shen gave a pill, put the light in the palm, swallowed it, and the fragrance left in the mouth.

And production, red light fills the room.

Since the night was bright, the neighbors saw it, they were shocked and thought it was a fire, and they rushed to save them. "

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

Many people said they did not understand!

More people said they have adapted!

Millions of viewers, including Li Sisi, have become accustomed to Li Mubai's casual style.

But they also have doubts;

Can an IQ really do this?

Not to mention the masters of the world.

There are also many strongmen with IQs in China.

But no one gives people such a calm feeling, right?

"So, is Li Mubai measuring low?"

Someone in the barrage asked such a question, and it was actually praised by many people.

Li Mubai didn't know about this, and continued his lesson with a clear voice:

"With so many visions, this child will get it after that!

Isn't it expensive?

The neighbors were amazed, but Zhu Yuanzhang's father squatted in the yard and frowned, not happy at all.


Certainly not because this son is not the fruit of his own labor.

But can't afford it!

At this time, the old Zhu family had no place to stand, but they had already raised five children, including Zhu Yuanzhang, that was six.

Eight mouths to eat, what can I do? "

Where do students know what to do?

With their eyes wide open, Qi Yi looked at the erudite Teacher Li.

Li Mubai did not disappoint them, and shook his head:

"Historical materials prove that the vision of Zhu Yuanzhang's birth was just a vision, and it did not bring a grain of food to the old Zhu family.

So his parents starved to death!

And about this historical data of starvation, there is also a tragic record in history;

On the 4th day of April, the father starved to death, the eldest brother starved to death on the 6th day, the eldest brother starved to death on the 9th, and the mother starved to death on the 12nd.

Basically, it was not over for a month, and four of them starved to death in the family.

Only two sisters and one brother survived. "


The students exclaimed.

This string of bloody numbers is very cold, making them feel the difficulties of the ancients, and they are very grateful that they were born in the new millennium.

Li Mubai did not continue the topic, but smiled and said:

"Of course, later this child with a vision became an emperor and became the first emperor of the ages. This is the biggest vision.

Thousands of years of history?

How many springs and autumns does the emperor have?

What didn't even happen was hit by Zhu Yuanzhang! "

PS: This plot draws on the file at the beginning of "Things in the Ming Dynasty". I checked the data and refined it into these three chapters.

I don't know how you look?

But it's really hard to find information!Nine.

Chapter 271

"The Ming Dynasty is a dynasty worthy of our pride.

Capitalism began to sprout, three of the four famous works, and Kunqu Opera and painting achieved remarkable achievements..."

After all, the time for a class is limited, and there is not much content to be covered.

See less than three minutes before the end of get out of class.

Li Mubai shook his head and retracted the topic, and made the final summary of the lesson:

"Whether it was Zhu Yuanzhang who worked hard from a peasant to the emperor who founded the Ming Dynasty, or Zhu Di's five expeditions to the desert to create a prosperous era of Yongle.

Or Zheng He's seven voyages to the West, completing a great feat in human history.

There are also many famous thinkers, military strategists, politicians...

Alright, that's it for this lesson.

This way of teaching is relatively rare.

I hope you all like it, and I hope you can bring it to your classmates~”

clang clang-! !

Before the voice fell, the crisp bell rang for the end of the get out of class.

Smiling and shrugging, Li Mubai put down the chalk in his hand and patted his hand covered with dust.

At this moment, the female student who was the first to raise her hand to speak stood up.

"stand up."


"goodbye teacher."

"goodbye students."

Immediately afterwards, prolonged applause sounded.

Feeling the appreciation and reluctance from the hearts of more than [*] students, Li Mubai's heart was instantly filled with a strong sense of achievement.

He hurriedly bowed to him (her), and Jun Yi's face was already smiling brightly.

Li Sisi kept watching the live broadcast, and her heart softened when she saw it.

She understood Li Mubai's mood very well at this moment.

Because she just experienced it not long ago, she is really fulfilled and satisfied!

With a smile, he muttered in his heart, "He's really a warm man! It can be seen from this that he has a good conscience!

But when I press my head, it is also a bit domineering and a bit macho!

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