At this moment, she deeply understood! These people, these barrages, are the reasons why she and her lover stick to this profession

When Tian Tian smiled, the live broadcast screen re-aligned with the game scene,

"In the morning, a total of 12 players participated in this round of qualifiers"

Li Mubai kept introducing: "Among them, Yang Jian and Yang Hao, well-known Chinese players, will also participate in this round of preliminaries.

According to the competition order obtained by drawing lots before the competition, their competition order is 9th and 11th respectively.

In the men's three-meter springboard competition, the players have to complete five rounds of movements, and they must come from different groups."

Talking and introducing, a player from Malesia stepped onto the three-meter springboard platform

"The game officially started, the first round was Huang Ziliang from Malaysia

His set difficulty is 20


When it comes to the professional field, Olympic champion Chen Ruolin finally said: "The first jump is 515, the forward tossing for two and a half weeks, and the twist for two weeks"

When the voice fell, Huang Ziliang completed his diving.

take off stretch

Water splash is small

The level shown is a high score even for non-professionals

Unexpectedly, the scene was greeted with warm applause

Li Mubai interacted with the Olympic champion in admiration, and said, "Huang Ziliang is really high!"

Chen Ruolin: "Yes, from the first jump, we can see the men's three-meter springboard. Indeed, the competition is still very fierce."


I nodded in agreement, and the slow motion started to play on the screen.

Li Mubai commented: "Huang Ziliang's takeoff height is very high, and the angle of entering the water is still very vertical.

In such a single event, it is a competition of ability and talent

Just not making mistakes is not enough to get good grades, you have to perform very well

And these players who are interested in medals, often his scores are between 8 and 8.

5 points or more”

Nodding in agreement, Chen Ruolin said with admiration: "Indeed, Mubai, it seems that you know a lot about diving competitions!"

Li Mubai smiled and flipped through a page of information.

Seeing that the judges were still grading, Chen Ruolin asked with the meaning of being a teacher: "Then I will test you. Guess how many points Huang Ziliang will get."

smile for a moment

Applying the recited scoring formula, Li Mubai predicted: "I think it will be at 77.


Before he finished speaking, Huang Ziliang's score was displayed on the screen.



Seeing such a close score, the barrage was immediately filled with "beautiful"

Two characters

Zhou Ya, the person in charge on the side, also offered a sentence when he saw it - awesome

Compared with ordinary audiences such as Pan Xiaoting, she is ignorant! She has truly witnessed the miracle and witnessed Li Mubai's transformation from a freshman to a half-expert.

Although the scoring formula is not too complicated

But for such a short period of time, she could only do anything about her lack of culture, and said, "Fuck,"

It's all over the world! Fang Gang, who was not completely relieved, also stood in the corner of the studio, and was completely relieved when he saw this

He applauded softly and praised: "As expected of Wei Tai's envoy who tricked him, look at this skilled host, how cute and new he looks!"

In front of the anchor

Chen Ruolin gave a thumbs up and a big thumbs up.

For diving competitions: 0

The score is actually a very big difference

The competition between the players is often a showdown between a few tenths

However, for a non-professional host, it is very valuable to be able to predict this step! It can be seen that Li Mubai has paid attention to the rules.

With a smile, Li Mubai introduced by looking at the screen: "We can see that the second player has stepped onto the three-meter diving platform.

He is from Africa and his name is

a young player"

Chapter 370: The Frying Fish Team Blind People's Eyes

In the live broadcast, this ... very non-Lipin-looking player exhales and looks a little nervous

In the live broadcast room, Li Mubai skillfully controlled the field and said: "Next, it is his first jump from non-Philippines. He rolls out for two and a half weeks, and hugs his knees. Let's see how he does it."

Chen Ruolin followed up: "It's not very difficult, it seems that the non-Lipian players chose to be on the safe side for the first jump."

Nodding his head slightly, looking at the display screen in front of him, Li Mubai somehow felt that this contestant was very familiar.

Smart brain memory surges, "Fried Fish Team"

Three words popped up in my heart! No, it was too late to be shocked, and the No. 1 seed player of the Fried Fish team started his own action.

I saw him speeding forward, stepping on the springboard and jumping high subconsciously, Li Mubai commented: "The non-Lubin players have strong movements and take off with the momentum of a last-ditch battle."

Accompanied by his voice, it is difficult to flicker and move in the air

The voice of the commentary kept on saying: "Twenty-week rotation in the air, the back breaks into the water"

I have to say that this jump from the non-Libinian player jumped out of the soul, out of the height, out of style! In the end, he fell into the water and made several meters of water, which would splash on the referee! It really deserves the name of the team that sacrificed itself to fry fish.

Hahaha!!! This scene is very funny, plus Li Mubai "brings a prophet"

The commentary successfully made everyone laugh

Gu Gu Gu Olympic champion Chen Ruolin covered her mouth with her hands, her facial features knitted together, how painful it was to endure a laugh

"OMG! Hahaha"

Pan Xiaoting was in her own home at the moment, and when she saw this, she laughed without image.

Audiences all over the country also laughed like bear children

"Hahaha my eyes are blurry!"

"What kind of crazy diving is this?"

"Please accept my knee, Li Mubai, are you bringing a prophet?"

"The phrase "the last stand"

It's really great to use!"

"Real last stand"

"Seriously, I was eating rice and it just spewed out"


As the future sister of CCTV, Li Sisi is very capable of laughing

But seeing the expression in this scene, Jackie Chan's mother collapsed instantly, and she couldn't help laughing and became an emoji

Although every athlete can get on the stage of the competition, they have made great efforts behind it, and they deserve everyone's respect.

But sometimes I really want to laugh! But when I was laughing, I also felt that my boyfriend might be poisonous to save the scene temporarily, and I could encounter such a burst of gimmick news.

Today's hot search is set! Li Mubai doesn't have superpowers, so naturally he won't know about his girlfriend's complaints

At this time, the serious force - "It is well known that in the power diving competition, the back enters the water and produces a stronger splash.

However, due to the existence of blind spots, any choice is a risky challenge.

The confidence of non-Philippine players comes from hard work on weekdays”

What is serious nonsense Li Mubai this is

However, he can hold back his laughter and keep talking in an official voice, which is quite powerful.

Pan Xiaoting held her cheeks with both hands in admiration! The barrage of the live channel was full of 666. Chen Ruolin also recovered some words at this time, and said with a vibrato: "You're right, this way of entering the water is very dangerous!"

Li Mubai hurriedly continued: "A warm reminder here: Dear viewers and friends in front of the TV! If you can't dive, don't think it's cool and want to imitate the diving movements of professional athletes.

Jumping from such a high platform, if you do not master the way of entering the water, it is no different from falling from the second floor to the concrete floor.”

The barrage keeps floating past "You think too much"

The four words met Chen Ruolin's gaze, and Li Mubai smiled and said, "Don't ask me how I know."

After a pause, he said with emotion: "The hospital meal is really unpalatable!"

After all, without giving everyone time to react, he kept explaining: "The judges are rubbing their faces and scoring, I believe they will give him a beautiful score."

Very poisonous, followed by a series of 000 on the screen

Accompanying it, there are also the Huaxia female players cheering on the diving athletes in the stands

After seeing such a mistake, they all leaned forward and backward in joy, and the smiley expressions emerged one after another.

This face is really fragrant! The honey juice was silent for 3 seconds, and Li Mubai was the first to react

With a normal expression, he changed the topic and said, "Actually, diving is indeed a more dangerous event.

From take-off to entering the water, athletes need to step on the pedals steadily, and also consider the impact of aerial movements

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