It smells so good now! Looking a little embarrassed, Fang Gang stepped forward and patted Li Mubai on the shoulder. He said, "Remember to go to Weitai's office tomorrow."

Li Mubai had to be turned away and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Fang?"

Fang Gang smiled and said, "It's a good thing, you'll know tomorrow."

Seeing that he is still selling off, Li Mubai said quietly: "I only hope that this is the last time I will explain the national football game this year."

"cough cough"

After a few coughs, Fang Gang said 'heroically': "Don't worry, I'll let you explain the stars later, how about the slam dunk contest?"

"This can be"


Not long after saying goodbye to Fang Gang, Li Mubai met an acquaintance again

Looking at Xiaowen, who had changed her dress style in front of her, she smiled bitterly: "You're just holding on to me and don't let me go, right? If you run to the sports channel, you will chase after me too"

Xiaowen said with a smile: "I said that you are the most popular among the audience, CCTV is a start-up, it's hard work for those who are capable!"

"I haven't seen you pay me wages!"

Li Mubai was depressed and said 'dissatisfied': "La Zhuang Ding is not like this, this time there is no benefit and absolutely will not cooperate."

"Please go to the Kanghui Hotel for a meal, please."

Xiaowen was even more 'dissatisfied' and said, "I shot your immortal love by chance. It's fine if you're not grateful, it's still not enough friends."

When Li Mubai didn't hear it, he patted his mouth and said, "Okay, let's get started."

"It's already started"

"This episode aired"

"should probably probably"

After some friends teasing each other, Li Mubai packed up his emotions and stood in front of the camera

Xiaowen: "The second round of the "Host Contest" is about to hit, and the online appeal to Mubai to bring "Common Concern" to the stage is very loud. What do you expect from this?"


Raising his eyebrows, Li Mubai smiled and said, "Last year at this time, I made a New Year's wish to ask Kang Hui to schedule less shifts for me, and the bonuses can be flipped over.

If I participate in the professional review again, it will give me the feeling that the car with bonuses this year will be overturned

This year my bonus will bend like a small river, and the workload will be like a big river with wide waves

Sign language interpreter, please solve it by yourself”

Chapter 397: Host of the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Station B

the next day, early morning

In addition to the humiliating defeat last night, which caused a sensation on the Internet and caused ridicule from all media groups

Li Mubai's "New Year's Wish"

, also attracted the attention of fans

"Society my brother Li, people are more cruel"

"Kang Hui: I really thought that if I went to the sports channel, Director Kang would have nothing to do with you."

"Kang Hui's heart has always been a boy, and that boy is Li Mubai"

"The male host of CCTV's specialty dog ​​department, Sar Keji, Husky Bai, Golden Retriever Hui"

"Don't I, Nichromemat, deserve to have a name?"

"Not only can the witty words in the mouth also be able to pass through the present, without saying whether there is something wrong

Prep first, but the talent is amazing!"

"My scalp is numb when I rhyme, and my arms are numb when I sign dance"


The long-lost Kang Bai! The father and son's deep affection is visible to the naked eye! This has made countless fans who knocked them down with emotion and called on CCTV executives to lift the punishment as soon as possible

Although Li Mubai left the sports channel and brought a new life to the sports program, it seems to be quite good

But the news channel does not have this... God, I always feel that there is less flavor

Those who are capable work hard. Like Sa Beining, they do programs on several channels. Isn't it beautiful that Li Mubai doesn't know about the discussions on the Internet?

I drove to the company, and after separating from Li Sisi, I went to Wei Dichun's office.

After some greetings, Wei Dichun did not talk nonsense, and the topic went straight to the topic

"It's like this, the Bilibili video website that cooperates with our CCTV is about to hold its 10th anniversary celebration."

Hear "10th Anniversary"

Li Mubai was quite surprised by this word.

He remembered that the 201th anniversary celebration of Bilibili in his previous life was in 201, and in 10 this life was established for [*] years.

There is also the butterfly effect of the parallel world. When I found Wei Dichun at the station, I was still puzzled. Wei Dichun said: "They want you to be the host of the 10th anniversary celebration. The senior management in the platform discussed it and agreed that you should go."

Suddenly nodding, Li Mubai asked, "What about Li Tai?"

"As the country's most popular platform for mainstream media and young people, the cooperation between the station and the station is very important, and it is related to the promotion of our CCTV.

Now you are highly sought after by young people on Bilibili, and you must be among all the hosts, Lao Li will not be so visionary.”

Wei Dichun's voice was flat, but Li Mubai understood the meaning.

In addition to the literal meaning, there is also a hidden meaning: don't be selfish, kid, people don't have the time to stare at you all the time

Well, in your eyes, I am indeed a jerk! After sweating secretly, Li Mubai changed the subject and said, "Wei Tai, when is the 10th anniversary celebration?"

"Wednesday in a week, the schedule, no problem"

After thinking about it, Li Mubai shook his head: "No"

With a smile, Wei Dichun nodded and said, "I have one more thing to inform you about this outside work."

"Wei Tai, you said"

"In view of your serious work, positive attitude, and outstanding performance these days, Taili has decided to gradually withdraw your punishment."

After a pause, he smiled and said: "Since the Internet calls for you to return to the professional jury seat, then you can go to participate in tonight's recording."

"Great, thank you Weitai for cultivation"

The sensible person didn't ask Li Tai any more. Li Mubai nodded happily and agreed.

Wei Dichun didn't say anything.

He tapped the desk with a pen, and said gently: "Since there is no problem, let's prepare."

This is an expulsion order! Li Mubai stood up clearly, greeted politely and left the office

At the moment when the office door closed, Wei Dichun laughed dumbly.

————2:[*]:[*] pm, CCTV News Channel

"Common Concern" 0 Studio

After being away for nearly a whole year, Li Mubai's mood is inevitably complicated when he walks into this familiar live broadcast room again.

Looking at the new tempered glass anchor station that has more than doubled in size, it really feels like an eternity

The old leader Jiang Qiudi followed, seeing the same mixed feelings

Since the loss of this tiger general, the ratings of "Common Concern" have become more and more sluggish

Today, the brilliance of last year is no longer the same! Correspondingly, his career has stopped there, and it will be even more difficult to go further.

What a pity! Sigh!! At this moment, the voice of cameraman Huang Wei, Li Mubai's former neighbor, came

"The machine is ready, Director Jiang, Mu Bai, can record"


Li Mubai waved with a smile, moved his steps and sat in front of the anchor's stage

Jiang Qiudi smiled and said: "Mu Bai, how are you thinking about the lines, don't get stuck in a while?"

"Aren't you worried about me?"

Li Mubai smiled confidently, patted his shoulders and said, "This talented man came here with his mouth open, so he's not afraid of the lawyer's letter of warning."


Jiang Qiudi is not a person who eats ancients and does not change, this joke is still understandable

He also understands why Li Mubai said that because during the recording of the "Echoing Loud" program in February this year, the director of the 2 version of "Journey to the West", Grandma Yang Jie burst into tears,

She said that this TV series is a knot in her heart forever, a pain, she has not watched it for 10 years

The reason why half a year has passed, with her passing away, this kind of grievance and hatred has already been picked up by the media with supernatural powers.

In the end, the information from all parties was summarized, and it was found that it was because of the arrogant "Zhang: the mouth came"

Originally, the matter of the old artist did not cause much waves, and only circulated in a small area.

But in this year's 4th, Grandma Yang Jie passed away

"Chapter: Come with your mouth"

Going to mourn and then selling films in the mourning hall, the despicable practice has caused widespread condemnation of fishing boats

As in the previous life, Zhang:'s reputation is completely stinky, "lawyer letter warning"

, "Two Blossoms"

These words have also become popular, and they have become the material of the ghost and animal areas.

Maybe it's because people get old and their brains don't clear! Or there is no way to make money easily! Chapter: I catch everyone like a mad dog and scold everyone. I even scolded the "Echoing Loud" from the origin of the incident on Weibo. The host Li Sisi also not spared

Therefore, Li Mubai and Zhang: Sir, these two great gods who stand in the ghost and animal area have a grudge.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qiudi pointed at him and said, "You ah you ah"

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