"The national team playing together is also a surprise to reduce dimension"

"I challenged the host back then and watched it with my mother. My mother likes Zhang Lei and doesn't like Li Sisi. I'm rather weird. I like Yuchi and Lin Jia."

"Li Sisi is good, but I think Li Hong is more beautiful, so I don't accept refutation"


The famous CCTV anchor helped the [*] solar terms to apply for the World Heritage List. With the release of a bunch of tidbits, it successfully caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet

Especially the tidbits of Li Mubai, Li Sisi, Li Hongsanli, and the hits on major platforms are very good.

It's a pity that the topic is too positive after all, and this news did not make it to the top of the hot search list

On the contrary, Li Mubai's cappella sang "The Seed of Mango", which caused extensive discussion in the music circle.

Professional music critics believe that this is another high-quality song with a high degree of singing.

Not long ago, "Youth", which was popular all over the Internet, was released. The popularity has not dissipated, and half of "Mango" will be released soon.

It's really a pity that Li Mubai's musical talent is not in the music world! Zhengzhuer doesn't really care too much about this kind of evaluation.

Running around is not what he wants, and he thinks it is more meaningful to be the host

That night, he cleans the room under the power of his wife, bathes the two cats, and turns into a shit shovel officer to shovel shit for them.

Then he slipped into the bedroom at eleven o'clock, made a sincere confession and was forgiven, and the plot of you and me is inconvenient to explain later.

It wasn't until noon the next day that I came to the sports channel to report in a refreshing mood.

Tomorrow is Monday, and it's the day of the live broadcast of "World Football"

Today he has to record some video narration in advance, confront Ma Fanshu against the script, and then have to go back to record "Huaxia Fishing Farm"

Saturday, July, Monday, is always his busiest time

Saying hello all the way into the office that has been reserved, as expected, I saw two beautiful women, my partner Ma Fanshu and my colleague Yang Mingming.

After taking off his down jacket and hanging it up, Li Mubai rubbed his hands and breathed a sigh of relief, asking curiously, "Why are you two whispering?"

After speaking, I realized that the expressions of the two women were wrong.

Ma Fan, Shu Xiumei frowned, and Yang Mingming looked sad

He came over, pulled a chair and sat down: staring at the two of them and said solemnly: "what's the matter?"

Lifting her eyes to look at Li Mubai, Yang Mingming sipped her cheeks in tears.

Ma Fanshu explained angrily: "It's not that Zhang, who is really a public figure. Seeing that I can't hit my idea for the time being, he aimed at Mingming.

His subordinates gave Ming Ming's performance three bad reviews in a row, and if there is one more time, Ming Ming will pack up and go home, Mu Bai, you must help Ming Ming, we really can't do anything about it!"

The image of the hypocrite appeared in his mind, and Li Mubai's pair of sword eyebrows gradually wrinkled.

Having known each other for so long, Yang Mingming has already become his best friend and his wife's best friend. He is very happy to help

But the key is his big backer here, the channel director Fang Gang has been transferred to the finance channel, he is not familiar with the new channel director.

Wei Dichun's people don't know if they will give me face. While thinking about it, Ma Fanshu whispered: "Is there any way?"

"Let me try"

Yang Mingming was full of gratitude, and immediately said distressed: "Mubai, don't let us know that Director Fang has been transferred, so we didn't bother you the first time.

If it really doesn't work, I'll just go to the local station! The news sports have dug me out, and I believe that I will definitely find a job there."

Li Mubai comforted: "How can Jinxun Sports compete with Yangwu, don't be discouraged, wait until I can't solve it."

Ma Fanshu cheered: "Yes, Mu Bai will definitely find a way, we have to trust him!"

"You're like this, I'm under a lot of pressure!"

"I trust you unconditionally"

"Hey, who will believe"

Chapter 494: Whoever wins Li Mubai wins the world

Imperial Capital, a high-end villa area

"Asshole, chop suey"

Looking at the news screen on the wall-mounted display, listening to Li Mubai's magnetic voice, the sane Director Zhang burst into flames.

He is considered to be a person with excellent qi cultivation skills, and he is still very angry after being bad and good twice in a row.

Just this afternoon, Lin Yan, the new channel director, had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

In the end, he informed him with a smile that he would respond to the call of the state and launch a corporate self-examination campaign to eliminate many bad habits accumulated in Taiwan.

This self-examination will start with the audit office that he leads, and I hope he can set a positive example for the whole sports station

Of course, this is a scene, the deep meaning is not so simple

The translation is: Don't have the behavior of guarding yourself, stealing your own power, and using power for personal gain. If you are caught by me, you will be killed.

Facts have proved that the new director is dissatisfied with him! It was fine before, why did such a sudden change happen? He has been in the sports channel for decades, and his eyes are naturally open. The news network is not comparable to Li Mubai.

After leaving the director's office with a slap in the face, after some inquiries, I got a list of all the people who have met the director these days.

And today, the one who looked for Lin Yan for no reason was Li Mubai who did bad things to him last time.

Remembering that Yang Mingming and Ma Fanshu are best friends, and Li Mubai are friends, you can guess who did it with your toes

But when he thought of the return of the king of Shentai and summoned Li Mubai for the first time, he suddenly had a headache! He had no way to govern Li Mubai, nor did he have enough means to retaliate

He clenched his hands into fists and tapped his temples. At this moment, when he saw his wife walking out of the bedroom with a suitcase, he couldn't help but get even more angry.

The house leaked every night it rained, and his harem also caught fire

At the same time, on TV, the program progressed steadily - "Professor Zhang Weiwei, the second question"

Li Mubai interacted with the three heavyweight guests, saying: "We have noticed that during this important period of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there are always such a group of people in our country, they and their representatives, on the one hand, engage in double-dealing at home and abroad. Biao, they call China's achievements in various aspects, such as the recent aerospace business of Fat Wushengtian, as a face project, on the one hand, they spread rumors, and all those who oppose them are labeled as 'extreme left, and can't listen to what young people are saying to them. Some criticisms and corrections, saying that young people are wolf warriors

Some people call such a group of people 'public knowledge'

So what do you think about this group, what do you think their characteristics are, and what do you think are their views, and do you think there is a broad representation among the current domestic fishing boats?"

Zhang Weiwei nodded, thought about it, and said directly: "I think in China, the word 'public knowledge' itself has changed from a relatively neutral concept to a concept with a derogatory meaning today.

It also shows that these people who scold the Chinese people for being patriotic really belong to the category of people who can't stand up after kneeling for a long time, and they have aroused the disgust of the vast majority, especially the young people."

Ranked No. 6, this one is considered to be very little news for the audience tonight.

Seeing Li Mubai's sharp question, Zhang Shu and Professor Jin Canrong who answered later were also furious.

"Hahaha well scolded"

"The person in the world who is most reluctant to admit the rise of China is the public knowledge of China. Professor Jin's words are absolutely perfect!"

"But you can't deny that these scumbags in disguise helped the strategic flickering bureau to be funny."

"Gao said that Huaxia was an era of pickling, and he said that the air of the West was free, and the crowd was unrestrained! But he chose to live in Huaxia. You see, they are so strange."

"The old famous double standard!"

"When I talk about Gao, I think of the video where Li Mubai questioned him. I really wanted to give a thumbs up and like it."

"It's a pity it's been deleted all the time, it's very hard to find!"


For the first time, the barrage became: dense, and the ratings of the program began to climb

Of course, compared to the current trump card "Challenging the Impossible" by Chinese International, it is naturally incomparable, and the ratings are also higher than "Cross-Strait,"

But this data still makes the old Zhang, whose family is broken up, jealous, and also makes the new channel director Lin Yan feel much appreciated.

Thinking of the picture that Li Mubai painted for him at noon, he was also a TV person and felt that he had a lot to do

Take the masses as the foundation, take sports as the platform, take the city as the selling point

Listen to the core idea of ​​this show, once it is spoken, it gives people a feeling of being tall and positive

Coupled with the national glory brought by the country and the country, it can prove the market prospect of this program even more.

Three fires when the new official takes office

Lin Yan needs this torch very much, and the timing of Li Mubai's sending it is just right

When I feel emotional, I feel that there is someone sitting next to me

Turning his head and looking around, he found that it was the daughter who came back to sit with her parents, who looked like she had just taken a bath.

Wiping her hair and staring at the TV, her daughter, who also works in Yangba, said with a smile: "The one who wins Li Mubai wins the world, it seems that you have already acquired the essence, Dad.

Hey, with such a clear-cut scolding of the public, what decision is the country going to make?"

Lin Yan laughed dumbly: "What a mess, you young people know how to snap your hats"

When I said this, I remembered the power struggle during this period of time.

The daughter couldn't think of it being so far-reaching, and she said speechlessly: "How can this be counted as snapping the hat, Li Mubai is already very good, so why not go wherever he goes! Look at how popular the sports channel was some time ago, the Fried Fish Team, the fans of Zaan, Good ball, jokes Champions League, world football, from time to time on the hot search

And which of these was not brought by Li Mubai?"

Lin Yan was speechless, when he thought about it, it was true

The daughter kept saying: "Look at the current Chinese International, how much traffic a "Challenge the Impossible" has attracted, and more top 500 companies will be sponsored

Although this "Huaxia Fishing Farm" is not phenomenal, its results are not bad enough to become a word-of-mouth program, and it will be broadcast every year like "Following Today"

Finally, let's talk about the news channel with more than 150 million people.

It was only after Li Mubai joined the company that the most old-fashioned channel became a new year, and it became an Internet celebrity channel.

Such an ace host can't be called Li Mubai who wins the world."

Looking at his serious daughter, Lin Yan laughed and said, "You're right, Dad, isn't he studying? By the way, you work in the Asset Management Center. Do you know when this year's global TV media conference will be held?"

"what's the matter"

When asked in doubt, the daughter tilted her head and said, "It should be in Los Angeles in April, what's wrong?"

Nodding lightly, Lin Yan said with a sigh of relief, "It's still too late, it seems that we can prepare in advance."

"Dad, can you please clarify!"

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