After some laughing and joking, in the end, two trendy 'old people' went to buy vegetables, and the remaining three went to buy seafood

Five people 5 parted ways at the entrance, and the film crew and live broadcast room were also divided into two

There is no suspense, the three handsome and beautiful rooms have the largest audience, and nearly 30 people chose "face value"

, with so little talent

"Li Mubai's 'this is called a vegetable market' made me laugh to death 233"

"Kang Hui looked at the helplessness of his old father, and finally silently took the cloth bag hahaha!"

"Kang Shuai is a secretary who went to the countryside, is the old folks funny?"

In the midst of the audience's discussion, the three of them walked into the seafood area, came to the door of the nearest store, and picked up the crayfish on the stall.

It turns out that they are disabled to buy vegetables, and they put them up without asking the price.

Li Hong still pretends to be knowledgeable as an amateur, and insists on picking crayfish who can do 'sit-ups', which almost didn't make the audience die of laughter

It's enough to pick the live ones, you have to talk about crunches! During the rant, the stall owner weighed Jintou and said in Mandarin with a little dialect: "2 yuan"

Only then did Li Sisi think of bargaining

After thinking about it, the amateur said rusty: "That..., twenty-two dollars is okay, twenty-two, twenty-two dollars"

Li Mubai, who had paid for it, suddenly realized, stopped and raised his head, and said in a helpful voice, "It's cheaper!"

The female stall owner said loudly: "If you take a picture, it's only twenty."

When Liston was overjoyed, he nodded and agreed with a sense of accomplishment

Immediately, he pulled Li Hong and the four female shopkeepers together, and motioned for the male shopkeeper who took out his mobile phone to take pictures quickly.

This scene also made the audience watching the live broadcast very happy - "The bargaining is too real hahaha"

"Five yuan for a group photo, you guys are so cheap!"

"In order to sell the hue at a bargain price, I finally paid 20 yuan. You are really down to earth!"

"Before my sadness passed, you suddenly made me laugh"

"Yes, there are still tears in the corners of my eyes! Really, hahahaha"

"I earned the looks of Li Mubai and Li Sisi, the typical eighth-level crippled grocery shopping haha"

"I'm going shopping tomorrow, and the walls must be full of pictures taken together"


Amidst all the ranting and ridicule, the three people with a sense of accomplishment continued to walk in and buy the materials on the menu.

“Is there tofu here”

Li Mubai remembered that he forgot to tell the old man to buy tofu, so he hurriedly asked the stall owners who were taking pictures on both sides, and then followed the arm of one of the eldest sisters to the left stall

Leaning forward, he asked, "Is there tofu here, oh, this!"

Li Hong also saw it and pointed, "Yes, yes, this is, it's still packaged, it tastes very good!"

Picking up a pack, Li Sisi asked, "How much is it?"

Southern Fujian accent: "two pieces"

Li Mubai 'doubtedly' said, "Is it one piece for two or two pieces for one piece?"

Stall owner: "!!!"

Pushing Pippi Xiong's husband, Li Sisi said angrily, "Don't be poor, okay? Quickly pay."

With a hippie smile, Li Mubai said weakly, "I'm not bargaining!"

"What do you pay for two dollars?"

Amid the laughter of the crowd, his partner Li Hong rolled his eyes speechlessly and urged, "Hurry up and pay, by the way, auntie, how do you sell this millet pepper?"

"Hey, wait a minute they might buy it"

Li Sisi who leaned over would turn his head and say firmly: "They must have forgotten, what is it that they may have bought it!"

Rubbing his nose, Li Mubai said speechlessly, "Kang Shuai and the others are not Alzheimer's, do you trust them so much?"

Li Sisi said very like a plastic sister: "Kang Shuai is a workaholic, Sister Xun has never touched the spring water with her hands, so don't expect them to buy them all!"

Slap! The sound of a slap sounded

Immediately, a window appeared on the screen, and the content played in it was the scene of Kang Hui and Zhu Xun buying millet peppers.

The slap in the face came so quickly that the audience would die of laughter

A group of competitors who came to hear the news secretly marveled at the horror of CCTV's cloud editing video production island

The function is getting more and more powerful, and it really is fierce to be willing to spend money! Minnan grandma was scared by Li Mubai's bargaining, and emphasized: "A total of 10 yuan"

Li Mubai was funny, and replied in a curved tone: "Okay, grandma, don't stress it out, it's only a dollar for a seat."

Chapter 535: You are hurting me

"Hahaha Li Mubai is so funny!"

"Look at so many people taking pictures around, this is nationalism!"

"The hosts are really treasures, star eyes"

"Mu Bai is the soul of CCTV, and it will be funny when he gathers other people"

"The guests in this issue are amazing! Satisfy my fantasies and applaud"


With the gradual improvement of word of mouth, the audience watching the live broadcast has become: more and more

Under the call of the tap water, more and more people flocked to send their likes and thumbs up for their much-anticipated favorite sky group.

Up to now, more than 600 million viewers have watched the live broadcast, and the number of barrages has reached 10+

Although this data is far from the tens of millions of online users of "Host Contest" and "Challenging the Impossible", it is also terrifying.

Because this is only the first issue, I believe that with the fermentation of word of mouth, the data will have a qualitative improvement

At that time, the base will have to use ten million, tens of millions to talk! The five 55 down-to-earth hosts did not disappoint them, and they frequently made laughs in the following live broadcasts, making them laugh non-stop

It turns out that they really don't fit in the life of ordinary people

Some common-sense problem veterans make the audience both amused and distressed

Especially Zhu Xun's sentence: Brother, I haven't lived for a long time, it's really embarrassing! These people are stationed at the national face post day and night, and the combined salary of all of them is not as high as that of a traffic star, but they pay thousands of times. [*] times of effort

Just as Li Mubai once spoke for the old monitor Lin Wei: They should be able to get more

In the same way, national hosts with excellent professional quality and professional ethics should also be able to get more

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, the evening came

Under the farewell of the onlookers circle after circle, a group of five people who waved their hands constantly got into the business car and went to the last stop of today's beautiful life.

The rear of the car slowly disappeared in the field of vision, and Xiao Ni's low and touching narration sounded.

[In the vegetable market, you are very close to life, you can finally let go of the pressure and become a person in life

Use good oil for a good life, hello life is made of 100 years of quality, the royal family's oil, Betis Olive Oil, exclusively titled broadcast] The voice fell, and the program entered the advertising time

In the driving commercial car, a group of exhausted anchors took the time to rest, and Kang Hui, who was used to taking a nap, snored slightly.

In the last row, Li Mubai and Li Sisi are sitting together

Seeing that the other three were asleep, Li Mubai whispered: "Are you curious about who the aunt just now is?"

The voice of the lover rang quietly in his ears, and the previous scene appeared in Li Sisi's mind.

I still remember when the three of them were talking, laughing, and shopping, a middle-aged woman with a bag came out of the store, and looked well-maintained.

At that time, she saw that Li Mubai was about to snort when the... middle-aged woman's face changed.

He laughed dryly, and then walked away in a hurry

That kind of... weird atmosphere suddenly attracted her attention, and she was curious about the story of her lover and this... aunt

Li Sisi killed the idea that the elder or father-in-law of the old Li family was stumped. It is impossible for hundreds of millions of percent of the time.

With the demeanor of a mother-in-law and a strong woman, the father-in-law who has been raking his ears all his life would dare to do such a thing, and besides, the father-in-law is not that kind of person.

Thinking of curiosity, I raised my head and looked at my lover with big eyes full of hope.

Li Mubai calmly said softly, "That's Wang Jianing's mother."

His eyes narrowed for a moment, and Li Sisi subconsciously said, "Then why does she look at you with that kind of eyes? Are you hiding something from me?"

After he finished speaking, he quickly glanced at the three people who were 'sleeping' in the front seat, then looked at his lover again, tilted his head and said in a low voice: "Wang Jianing"

Li Mubai hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I haven't even held hands."

"I didn't ask you to explain, what are you guilty of?"

He pouted and asked, Li Sisi's eyes were scrutinized with scrutiny.

In fact, I was very satisfied with this answer, and the involuntary anxiety disappeared in an instant.

Never even held hands, how did Wang Jianing pose a threat to her If she remembered correctly, Wang Jianing returned to Suzhou as soon as the "2 Host Contest" ended, and the two could only have an 'online dating' relationship at most

Just thinking about online dating makes me very annoyed! Li Mubai smiled bitterly: "No guilty conscience, but Wang Jianing had the idea of ​​participating in the second season of "Host Contest", and then I was despised by this... auntie!"

When explaining, he couldn't help but think of the years when he was working alone in a foreign country. He still clearly remembers the scene where he was so angry with the spokesperson at the press conference in the afternoon, and was called down by Wang's mother at night.

Li Si Si was so smart, he realized in seconds: "You should be stubborn, otherwise, how could other people's aunt despise you?"


"When did it happen"

"When I went to Magneto"

"Oh, then when you're hit, you'll be empathetic, and when Sister Lei and I go to swim, you'll immediately target me, right?"

Li Mubai was speechless when he was wronged, rolled his eyes and said, "Please, at that time my idea was that a man's career has not been completed, and he is a good friend who can only talk to you!"

Thinking of the endless things to say on the merry-go-round, and the nearly nine months of contact that could be regarded as pen pals, Li Sisi snorted with rolling eyes.

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