Haha laughing, Li Mubai kept saying: "But the school has given me the greatest honor today, which makes me really honored and fearful.

At the same time, the school leaders also hope that I can talk about it and teach you successful experiences to the outstanding students, so that you can avoid some detours after graduation.”

Spreading his hands, he tilted his head and asked curiously, "Isn't this what Sa Baining should do?"

Hahaha, hearing Li Mubai's outstanding graduates and CCTV's combination bonus, all the students couldn't help laughing out loud.

Squeezing his hands, Li Mubai smiled and said, "Of course, we have to say it, but we still have to say it. What are we going to say today?"

"Zhu Yuanzhang"




The topics the students wanted to hear were different, Li Mubai, who had already had a case, smiled and said, "Today we will talk about yesterday's hot topics.

At yesterday's press conference, the director of the National Development and Reform Commission said that the per capita income of 6 million is only [*]. Many people were shocked and even caused heated discussions.

Of course, as for the purpose behind it, everyone has their own views.

CCTV Documentary Channel has also continuously broadcast documentaries related to drought and lack of rain and water on the Loess Plateau in the central and southern part of summer in the last week.

Although the documentary is only a real record and does not express too many personal opinions, it still caused a lot of controversy.”

Chapter 546: The Familiar Upright Boy

"I also watched the documentary, and the filming is very pertinent. What's so controversial about this?"

"No way, there are too many steel bars in China!"

"I think there should be more public knowledge. I read a few blog posts against it, all of them are public knowledge accounts, a group of buzzing flies"


The students below whispered and expressed strong malice towards the public officials.

On the podium, Li Mubai kept talking eloquently: "Our country is a country with a vast land of 960 million square kilometers.

The place where the per capita monthly income exceeds 100 is the place where the per capita monthly income in our country is less than [*], and it is also the place in our country.

We can't just limit ourselves to the one-third of an acre and use the narrowest vision to refute those things that are beyond our knowledge

Just like the people in Chengdu don’t know the Daliangshan area in the same province, they think everyone lives a quiet and comfortable life, playing mahjong and tasting big bowls of tea.

Smaller, only 6

In the 6 square kilometers of 寯寯毯 summer, people living in the northern plains are completely unable to imagine the life of the people in the central and southern arid regions.

That’s why the ancients said: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than reading ten thousand volumes of books, and learning from paper will end up being shallow.”

Students who can study in the two most prestigious universities in China are naturally the dragons and phoenixes among the people, and they have their own ideas and vision to understand the world.

Hearing what Li Mubai said, they all nodded in agreement.

They don't like the content on the Internet that is always uplifting or belittling. Li Mubai can talk about the country's problems from an objective and fair perspective, which makes them agree with them very much.

"The reporter is referred to as the reporter, Li Mubai has the essence!"

"I've been offended so much by people in Cheng Du, haha"

"Reporting that seeks truth from facts is much better than Daddy Ma who can only pour chicken soup!"

Familiar students whispered, as did professors and doctors from the front row

Experts know if there is any..., Li Mubai is worthy of being a national host, and the author of the best historical popular science books

This easy-to-follow calmness is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Nearly three years of experience have proved that Li Mubai is the kind of... Mr. Big Scene

The more you talk about him, the easier it is. All kinds of knowledge points that you have seen are gathered and integrated in the brain, and they are transformed into simple words.

"About the first episode of the documentary about the drought and lack of rain in the summer, we explained the situation in advance, and only focused on its central and southern regions, that is, the Xihaigu area.

And its northern area has the reputation of being on the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times because the Yellow River flows through it.

After the feedback from the previous documentaries, many big questions were raised: Why does the country not allow people to relocate as a whole in such a ten-year drought, and instead spend a lot of money on afforestation and poverty alleviation?”

Speaking of which, Li Mubai paused for a moment, but did not get the slightest feedback and interaction,

Smile slightly and continue to tell the story

He knows that for the well-known people who are refined and selfish, the post-90s and post-00s of Xinyi have become less and less likely to buy their accounts, and they are even more reluctant to use applause to interact,

Ignoring is the best compliment to them

It's the consensus

"To make it clear that this issue is very complicated, it cannot be explained in a few words.

You must know that the Xihaigu area is a place with a population of more than 200 million and a land area of ​​nearly 2 square kilometers.

It is impossible for us to allow such a large area of ​​land to be desertified, not to mention that the local plot of the Chinese people is very important

It is said that the homeland is hard to leave. In any major migration in history, it took hundreds of years and 100 years to take the Dangxiang people who once built a glorious civilization on this land. It took more than 370 years to finally arrive here to establish the Xixia Dynasty.

Although technology is advanced today, if we want to achieve a population migration of millions in a short period of time, it is definitely not something that can be achieved by someone typing on a keyboard.”

The last sentence subtly satirized the well-known keyboard warrior, and the students applauded.

Witnessing this scene, Professor Zuan Zheng Rong nodded with satisfaction

To be honest, he is very pleased that he can train scientists and students with national attributes in the public knowledge base camp attacked by fishing boats

This time to give the patriotic upright reputation is that he defied the public opinion, also brought two classes he led, is to let the students see the demeanor of one of the strongest post-90s on the surface

Li Mubai's performance in the West has really won the hearts of many people

His eyes swept over this...Professor Zuan, who should be the president of your university, squeezed his hands, and Li Mubai smiled and said, "Although this is a world-class problem, our country made up its mind in 199 and planned to rebuild it. One is on the south of the Yangtze River"

He turned around and looked at the monitor behind him.

"The current location on the big screen is the Hongsibao District in the middle of the summer.

More than [*] years ago, this place was the same as the area shown in the previous episodes of our documentary, it was a desert with little rainfall.

Until 20 years ago, that is, in 199, the state launched the Yanghuang Irrigation Project and the Resettlement Relocation Project, which is the largest project in China so far, with the main purpose of poverty alleviation.

To put it simply, it is to introduce the Yellow River water into this area for people to drink and water the land

Then move some of the most difficult people in the Xihaigu area to settle here.

At that time, the project planned to invest more than 30 billion yuan, develop 200 million mu of land, and resettle 100 million immigrants.”

Looking at the screen on the screen, the students could not help but awe

That kind of... spontaneous sense of identity, but also from the bottom of my heart.

9 years of Huaxia is still in its infancy, 30 billion is by no means a small number, it can create a lot of capital

At that time, the country was so determined to help the poor in the west, and its vision and courage were really heartbreaking: Li Mubai also sighed: "The words are simple, and the drawings are easy to draw, but to achieve this goal, it is definitely not a simple task. simple thing

You should all know that the Xihaigu area in the summer is a hilly landform of the Loess Plateau.

The only way to bring low-altitude water sources to high places is to use large pumps to pump water.

Fortunately, Hongsibao is not very far from the bank of the Yellow River, and the straight-line distance is only 20 kilometers.

That's why the country chose this place as the main battlefield for the resettlement project."

The water diversion facilities are played on the big screen, and 20 years is enough to stain the vicissitudes of history for these projects, as well as the heavy harvest.

Shaking his head, Li Mubai said: "Actually, it's relatively easy to implement a project, as long as the money is in place, the problem can be solved.

The biggest problem is persuading immigrants to move here to live

It is said that many people were reluctant to come at the beginning of the construction

Even after he came, in the face of the water diversion project that had not seen much success at that time, there was no tree, no oil road, and there was a strong sense of resistance.

In fact, I think about it and understand, if it was you, you wouldn't want to come, right?"

The girl who was locked by Li Mubai's eyes nodded and chose to follow her heart without hesitation.

She swears, she really has electricity, she has no strength in her body! With a slight smile, Li Mubai retracted her gaze and took a small step: "There are ready-made cave dwellings and houses in my hometown, there is nothing here, and everything has to be restarted from scratch. , there is also the phenomenon of escaping and retreating

Twenty years later, we can see that the sand dunes of Hongsibao have turned into tall buildings, and the desert has turned into an oasis. Up to now, more than 120 mu of forests have been planted, more than 70 mu of land have been developed, and the cumulative number of immigrants has reached as many as 23. The country's largest resettlement area for poverty alleviation

In addition, it also vigorously develops low-water consumption industries such as planting, wolfberry, daylily and pasture.

It can be said that the people who moved here before were the poorest people in the Xihaigu area.

Now for them, getting rid of poverty is no longer a problem, and how to get rich is the next goal."

Chapter 547: Professor Zuan's Reminder

[This is my third year in CCTV. It is because of this special job that I have seen a lot and traveled a lot.

I can say responsibly that I have witnessed and understood the prosperity and poverty of many places with my own eyes, which makes me cherish the beauty of this era even more.

Especially what happened in the past two years has also made many people see clearly that the moon in foreign countries is not more round than ours.

Indeed, the country is nowhere near to the point where everyone is satisfied

But in those remote areas that we have never imagined and seen, those areas that should be abandoned by a civilized society where interests are paramount, this country is quietly working hard to make everyone enjoy the dignity of living.

This is the China I see! A China with almost all the landforms in the world and an area of ​​960 million square kilometers; a China with 56 ethnic characteristics; a drought and waterlogging, rich and poor, with a splendid civilization and a long history of China A China that we both criticize and eagerly look forward to, a China that I love so much! 】 The speed of the Internet is extremely terrifying, Li Mubai's signing ceremony is only halfway through, and his last sublimated speech has spread on the Internet.

Such positive speeches are naturally promoted by major short video platforms

So within two and a half hours, more than [*] million people have watched this video

"In the end, it actually sublimated, and the prostitution failed!"

"Li Mubai's three views are very positive and must be praised"

"Since he has been a fan of Li Mubai, his words and actions have always been profound, not impetuous, and praised."

"Outstanding composition, impassioned, and finally cheer for my country"

"Give it to you, I don't want any more money."

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