The roaring applause sounded, and the dense barrage took over the silver screen.

In the exclusive place that belongs to one person, Li Mubai, who is dressed in a straight black suit, has a high posture and is handsome and handsome, steadily stepped onto the stage

After starting to serve as the mentor of "The Voice of China", Jay Chou became more and more comfortable with the atmosphere of variety shows

Applauding, he took the initiative to smile at Sa Baining next to him: "Oh, not bad, the host is more popular than me"

Shrugging, Sa Baining said, "This is his home court."

Hearing this, Li Hong on the other side sighed: "Yes, this is his home court, Mu Bai is really getting more and more popular!"

While the three of them were talking in low voices, Li Mubai walked to the middle of the stage and started the usual opening remarks.

But this time he will "Huaxia"

replaced by "world"

, heralding the official opening of the international competition

After reading the advertisement, Li Mubai looked ahead and said, "Today is the first match between China and foreign countries, and the Huaxia team is about to face the Neon team.

Well, let's welcome all the contestants today with applause and screams"

The big screen cut into the second scene,,,[*] players came into view

"My name is Jun Siguanggui. I come from Neon. So far, I have successfully restored hundreds of thousands of Rubik's cubes. Today I want to show my strength."

"I believe that the memory ability of human beings has nothing to do with age, no matter the age can be improved, please take care,"

"I have been working hard to show my strength in China, and I will do my best today"

"I have been practicing for a long time, no matter who my opponent is, I will cheer up"

Do things with a high profile, be a low profile person

The people of this nation have always been like this. The contestants have maintained a very good etiquette in front of people, and their waists are bent to [*] degrees.

Soon, it's the turn of the players from the Huaxia camp to introduce themselves

Sun Haiwei: "Today, I am a fighter, and I will use my beloved Rubik's Cube to defend the honor of the Huaxia team"

Wang Yuheng stood up second, looked in the direction of the neon team, and said seriously: "I'm standing here today, just to kill you in seconds"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Brother Shui's rare arrogance and self-confidence stunned everyone, followed by deafening cheers.

"This guy, as expected, is pretending to be forceful again, and he hasn't changed after a lifetime!"

He was muttering in his heart and looked around, Li Mubai found that many audience members were shocked, and the angry youths were clapping their hands.

The introduction did not stop, Yang Yi and Chen Ranran stood side by side and said loudly: "Because of love, we are not afraid, and because of hard work, we are invincible."

Except for Shui Ge, all the strong slogans are really very interesting! At the scene, the applause was thunderous, and the barrage was full of cheers.

Of course, there are also critics, saying that Huaxia's players have no tolerance, and Wang Yuheng is not polite to the elderly

The big screen switched back to program 1, and Li Mubai said loudly: "In this battle, who can be better?

Well, in addition to our old friend Jay Chou, we have a special guest today."

He applauded and introduced: "He is the international judge of Chinese and foreign competitions, an academician of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a world leader in the field of neuroscience research.

Also the director of the MIT student McGovern Institute for Brain Science, the renowned Professor Robert DeSimone, applauds"

Amidst the overwhelming applause, Professor Dai Simon took to the stage

Shaking hands with Li Mubai, the professor said in a standard English accent: "This game will be the most intense game in the history of "The Strongest Brain"

Because Team Neon has a Rubik's Cube world champion and an arithmetic prodigy, they're hard to beat

But I also think that the Huaxia team is also very strong and full of motivation, so the game will be very exciting."

When De Simone kept talking, he translated his words accurately with the simultaneous interpreter usually used for international conference interpreters.

When it comes to international competitions, the resources available to CCTV make the peers feel ashamed.

"Thank you, please take a seat"

Watching Dai Simon, who was obviously biased, end, Li Mubai looked at Academician Yan Ni and asked, "Professor Yan, make a prediction.

Who do you think will win today?"

After a moment of silence, Yan Cui, who was full of anger in his heart, said: "Actually, to tell the truth, today's match is the one I'm most uncertain about in all international competitions."

In my heart, I criticized: I was a sure win, but my grandmother retire Bao Yun, now I don't dare to say rhetoric! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 562: The single dog suffered billions of critical damage

"Team Neon is very strong, we must not underestimate them"

Hearing Yan Cui's solemn remarks, all the guests including Li Mubai said they agreed

Not to mention the despicable means of forcing Bao Yun to retire at the last moment, the strength of the Neon team is indeed beyond reproach, and everyone is a master of the masters.

If you look at this matter from a higher dimension, why can't you say that Neon is more powerful, knows how to make full use of its strengths and avoid weaknesses, and make full use of its advantages

Yan Cui kept saying: "But I always believe that Huaxia players can create miracles"

The audience applauded warmly, and they also believed that Brother Shui would live up to the trust of the people.

At this time, Dai Simon, who had just sat down, raised his hand.

Li Mubai agreed: "Please say"

"My point of view is different from that of Professor Yan"

Sitting upright, Dai Simon smiled and said: "I watched yesterday's drill, when the players were testing the equipment, and the Neon team performed very well.

Maybe the Huaxia team had reservations for today's game, we will wait and see"

"Ha ha"

Li Mubai smiled and secretly said: You guessed it right

Dai Simon shrugged his shoulders in a very western style: "But according to my observation yesterday, I am slightly biased towards the Neon team."

Nodding, Li Mubai said in control: "Okay, thank you two professors.

So next, let's take a look at the rules of the "Challenge the Impossible" international competition. Let's take a look."

Big screen picture——[The rules of the strongest brain international competition, the players of the two countries will compete in turn to decide the winner.

At the end of the competition, in the event of a tie, the international judge will select the most difficult project

The country that wins the project will win the final

] The short film of the rules was broadcast soon, and Li Mubai added: "There are two situations here to explain to everyone."

After a pause, he picked up his card and said: "Because there is a project in the Sino-Japanese competition, Yang Yi and Chen Ranran of the Huaxia team will play against the Neon team.

It is actually a team competition, so the score for this event is two points

The other two events are one-on-one competitions, and the score of the event is [*]%

This may lead to a tie, so whoever wins and who loses, the final referee will be handed over to Professor De Simone.”

Hearing what Li Mubai said, the barrage became even more boiling.

From Bao Yun's reluctance to withdraw from the competition to the present, the rules of the game give them a very bad feeling, that is, the home court is not the home court

As if in order to avoid suspicion, the program team gave everything

But this Dai Simon has obvious bias. If he controls the dominance, the Huaxia team will be very passive.

The barrage is full of complaining tone, and it is almost impossible to scold the show team for being spineless

Li Mubai didn't know this, so there was no delay in the introduction, and he said with a louder voice: "The match between the Huaxia team and the Neon team will start immediately."

As soon as the classic soundtrack sounds, the big screen switches players to prepare for battle

At this time, the camera was aimed at Li Qiyue, the third runner-up in the literary and art group of the 201 host competition

After the contest ended, he started on Wen International Channel and has been hosting a program called "Chinese World".

This year she finally made progress and took on a new show called "Waiting for Me"

Of course, this performance is far worse than Li Mubai, and it is also much worse than Lizhitai's Wang Jianing

They are all friends, so when choosing the second scene, when the host, Li Mubai directly selected her and gave her the opportunity to show her face this time.

Compared with her two niche programs, the chance to appear in the national variety show "Challenging the Impossible" is also what the host in the stage wants.

Li Qiyue obviously attaches great importance to this opportunity, wearing a beautiful red suit, flaming red is very feminine

Looking at the camera, he said eloquently: "Then, let's invite the first group of confrontation players tonight.

They are Jun Siguanggui of Team Neon

Facing him is Sun Haiwei, a Rubik's Cube robot of the Huaxia team."

When the voice falls, the screen switches

In the artistic soundtrack, the short film introduced the two contestants and their challenge rules successively.

At the scene of the competition,,,Li Mubai introduced: "Today, the two players will challenge the Rubik's Cube at the same time.

Under the supervision of the international judges, the representatives of the World Rubik's Cube Association, in accordance with the rules of the national competition, disrupted all kinds of regular Rubik's Cubes and Alien Rubik's Cubes.

Each challenger restores two sets of 100 Rubik's Cubes with exactly the same number, specification, orientation, and shuffled order

The one with the shortest time wins"

After speaking smoothly and quickly, he said loudly: "Okay, let's applaud Jun Siguanggui from the Neon team, and Sun Haiwei from our Huaxia team."

The door of glory opens, the ladder of glory is dazzling

The two players from China and Japan came down together, surrounded by spectators waving the national flags of the two countries, and cheers from the sky.

Politely shaking hands with the two contestants, Li Mubai looked at Jun Siguanggui and said, "First of all, welcome Jun Siguanggui, is this the first time you have come to the Imperial Capital of China?"


Looking at the guest seat, Li Mubai said with a smile: "As you can see, Jun Si is a bit shy, and he also said in the short film that he is an otaku.

This time I came to China to participate in the competition, and it was considered that I mustered up the courage, and it was difficult to make up my mind.”

Li Hong said with a smile: "Just come and play, the emperor has a lot of fun places."

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