A loud voice fell, the scene, and there was a polite applause

When the applause subsided, Li Hong couldn't help but said emotionally and sincerely: "Sun Haiwei, you have done a good job, applaud again"

The roaring applause sounded like thunder again

The camera swept slowly, Dai Simon, Yan Cui, Zhou Dilun, Sa Baining, Li Chunbo and they were all applauding

Patting Sun Haiwei's shoulder, Li Mubai said with emotion: "He is sweating all over."

Li Hong's face was full of sympathy: "Yes, it's too hard!"


Next comes the usual praise

All the guests and scientific judges expressed their appreciation for Jun Siguanggui's achievements, and also expressed strong expectations for Sun Haiwei

When Li Mubai said that Sun Haiwei wanted to participate in international competitions, but gave up because he couldn't collect the money for the air ticket, Zhou Dilun, the overbearing president, went online and said that he would pay for the room and board during the Rubik's Cube World Cup, and Jewell Music Company would pay for it.

Facts have proved that Jay Chou is getting more and more cunning, and he actually knows how to find the right time to advertise

The audience only saw his heart of cherishing talent with one punch, and applauded the musician who was destined to become a legend.

But Li Mubai knew that Jewell Company was going to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange! At best, it only cost less than [*] yuan for food, lodging, and airfare, and he could make good impression on himself and advertise for the company on the stage of hundreds of millions of audiences.

This wave has made a lot of money! Li Mubai didn't mind this, but helped to advertise for a while, and then sent the two players off.

Looking at the camera, after reading an advertisement, he said loudly: "In the first round, the Neon team leads 1:0 for the time being."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Yuheng muttered to himself in the preparation room of the players: "I will definitely get it back in the second game, and I will pull it back."

When he said this, those expressive eyes stared at the stage in the monitor.

Feeling the unparalleled determination and will, Yang Yi and Chen Ranran couldn't help surging.

Looking at each other, they strengthened their confidence

It's not enough for Brother Shui to pull back, only when he comes down can he protect the dignity of the Midsummer nation

At this time, Li Mubai's voice came: "We have invited the next challenger"

The camera switched with his voice, aiming at the eight contestants sitting in the ring

Li Qiyue stood in the middle, and said crisply: "In the crucial second round, the neon team will play the original testimonial."

Hearing his name, the old man who was sure to be a hawk stood up

Although he is hostile to China, his self-cultivation is very good, and there is no arrogance and hostility overflowing

Li Qiyue kept saying: "Huaxia team is facing the eye of the ghost - Wang Yuheng"

Standing up abruptly, Wang Yuheng, who was dressed in a long trench coat mixed with retro and fashion, nodded, and stepped forward to touch the fist of the original oral certificate lightly.

Li Mubai introduced the competition eloquently: "Today, two challengers will challenge at the same time - Rice with Fans

2 faces with similar patterns, 20 corresponding folding fans

The challengers are familiar with the match one hour in advance, and the guests randomly select three from the folding fans

The challenger observes the fanfold information and finds out the corresponding fan

The correct rate is given priority, if the correct rate is the same, the one with less time wins”

Hearing such a dynamic project again, even after nearly two months of cognitive bombardment, the audience still couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It's too difficult. Folding Fan Folding: Isn't it black when it rises?"

"This... Yuankou is a great man, with a pi of 10 digits, and is the holder of the Guinness World Records"

"I also tell you, this old man is a hawk"

"Which question is out of the question, this is too unbelievable!"

"It's not hard to be called the strongest brain"

"It's a pity Bao Yun, no one dares to challenge his project!"


The barrage of admiration continued to float by, and Li Mubai said warmly: "The applause has the original certificate of the Neon team, and Wang Yuheng of the Huaxia team."

Amidst the applause, the two walked down the ladder of glory and came to the middle of the stage to separate Li Mubai left and right:

"Welcome, Mr. Original Testimonial"

"Wang Yuheng is also welcome, and you are welcome to return to this stage"

After saying hello to the two, he raised his hand to signal the guests to start asking questions

Sa Baining looked down at the notes, raised his head to look at the original testimony, and asked, "Mr. Yuan oral testimony, you can memorize: 10 pi, did you find any trick?"

"It's not like that, I started at 39, from 3

1 to start reciting, then the more the number is recited: the more"

Zhou Dilun said in surprise: "1 people, how can this be done?"

Yan Cui explained: "The old Mr. Yuan is practicing the connection between meaningless numbers and the stories he imagined."

Comparing your imagination with God, you will think you are just a genius! With a murmur in his heart, Li Mubai said: "We have a Mr. Wu on the stage this season, the memory of that old grandfather 500, I think it is the same as Mr. Haraguchi. type, right"

When talking about Mr. Wu, many people's memories flood up

I remember that during the recording of the seventh issue, an old man suffering from Alzheimer's was ushered in on the brain stage, and he was a vulnerable group like Zhou Wei, a Chinese rainman.

He completed the challenge of 500 memories after pi, shocked and moved everyone who watched the live broadcast at that time

The three guests scored a pre-judgment score of 15 points. Everyone thought that there would be a third 150-point contestant on the brain stage.

Unexpectedly, after weighing the pros and cons, Yan Cui finally scored a very low score of 5 and eliminated the old gentleman.

At that time, the scene exploded! Li Chunbo and Sa Baining strongly opposed it, questioning the fact that the program team gave too much power to scientific judges

Although Li Hong was in the rounder at the time, she could see that she did not want the old gentleman to be eliminated.

In the end, the program team gave Yan Cui great respect and resolutely implemented the judgment of her and the scientific team.

Afterwards, this incident was once a hot search. Yan Cui faced all the doubts that Nao Wei faced in her previous life, and many people questioned her cold-blooded

Li Mubai brought it up at this time, naturally to resolve the resentment he once had.

"Yes, in the same vein"

Yan Cui, who knew what he meant, nodded and immediately reiterated: "But Mr. Yuan has already recorded 10 people, so in a sense, he is a miraculous existence."

But he is not senile dementia! Sa Baining and others whispered in their hearts, but they did not demolish the platform of their own scientific judges on the foreign battlefield

Chapter 565: I give up observation

Nodding thoughtfully, Sa Baining and the others did not break the stage.

This is a Sino-foreign confrontation filled with gunpowder. When facing foreign enemies, they must unite their guns and maintain absolute unity.

Besides, the competition on the court at that time was relatively strong, and after the recording of the program, it was not as usual to have a good time.

Therefore, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills

It's all drama, all drama! Guoyu coach Li Chunbo spoke for the first time, looked at Wang Yuheng and said: "I want to ask Wang Yuheng, your thoughts, analysis and confidence in this game, you can tell everyone about it Because the second round is about to start and we're on the back end."

Wang Yuheng's face was solemn, and he said, "I don't want to say anything now, I want to wait until the Chinese flag is here."

The last sentence was said to Li Mubai, his eyes were full of unparalleled domineering

Li Mubai had seen this kind of look on Liu Xiang's body in the 04-meter hurdles in the 110 National Games. At that time, Liu Xiang proved that the yellow race can also challenge the authority of black people in the field of sprinting.

I saw this moment in Wang Yuheng again. I don't know what kind of miracle he can create. I think a famous scene is about to be born.

Thinking of this, I involuntarily shivered in front of the camera.

And several guests and the audience were all infected with crazy applause by Shui Ge's unparalleled self-confidence

Not to mention the barrage, it is full of words like 'handsome bang' and 'beautiful', full of love for the domineering water brother, indicating that the blood tank is empty

After listening to the simultaneous translation, the original testimony squinted at Wang Yuheng with a humble expression on his face as always.

As an old fritter in his sixtieth year, he is well versed in the way of doing things in front of others and behind them, which makes him very good

When the applause fell a little, Li Mubai tutted his tongue in admiration: "Okay, it's already a little smokey now.

On the left and right sides of me are the fan walls used in the competition, I believe everyone already understands the rules, please take a look.”

When the voice falls, the automatic shutter opens

In the melody of the erhu and guzheng, 20 fan planes unfolded in front of the eyes under the bright spotlight.

Although the scene is not as expensive as [11 Dalmatians], [Honeycomb Labyrinth], [Changing the River during Qingming Festival], and [Twins], it looks very shocking.

Daisimon let out a 'wow', put down the file and kept applauding

His eyes are full of mysterious oriental culture, which makes him look forward to this project

Li Mubai explained: "Our 200 fans are taken from two famous paintings, and the 100 Huaxia fans are taken from Zhang Zeduan's "Along the River During Qingming Festival"

Then the other 100 rare ukiyo-e scrolls "Xidai Shenglan" taken from neon, can be called the Edo version of Qingming Shanghe."

In the preparation room of the players, the remaining six players sincerely praised

Chen Ranran applauded softly: "As expected of you, you are so handsome!"

Yang Yi: "If you participated in the competition before this season, it would be like that. The show team is very willing to spend money on props."

Sun Haiwei, who sat down again, nodded in agreement and muttered in his heart: "This is the difference between a buyer's show and a seller's show, there is no need to make a fuss at all"

Taking a look at the two teammates who were calm, Chen Yan nodded in agreement, and heard the Neon team whispering in his ears.

Keno Hino: "These fans are all in the same style, and the ink and wash paintings: together, I have the impression that they are all black."

Jun Siguanggui: "There should be characteristic points to be found, but in one hour, I wrote down 200 fan and folded symbols, and then found them out. I think this is a project that can only be completed by superhumans."

Rinyin Tsujikubo: "I want to drink six 66 walnuts"

Chen Ranran naturally does not understand Japanese, but the viewers who watched the live broadcast understood what they said from the subtitles

When he understood what Rinyin Kotsujikubo was thinking, Danmaku couldn't help but burst into laughter.

One yard is one yard, although the neon people are hateful, but Jun Si Guanggui and Tsujiwa Rinyin are still pretty cute

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