If Wang Yuheng's answer is correct, even if there are only one or two correct answers, the experience just now is enough to prove that he is a super genius

Hearing the applause, Yuan Zheng turned around and bowed politely, and immediately resumed his observation.

The educated side of the old man won wide acclaim, in stark contrast to Wang Yuheng, who sat arrogantly

Undoubtedly, the barrage scolded Brother Shui again

Hate that it is the mainstream, and what's more, think that he has lost all the anger of the Midsummer nation, and is not worthy of appearing in the Huaxia team.

Only Li Mubai and the program staff knew that Wang Yuheng did this for a reason.

Because during the rehearsal yesterday, when the Chinese and Japanese teams met in the background and greeted each other, this... polite original testimony was a salute to the Huaxia team with a militaristic military salute

This can fully prove that this old man is a real old man

In addition, Bao Yun was forced to retire, Yang Yi, Chen Ranran went into battle, and national hatred, all kinds of situations were intertwined, and Wang Yuheng, who had a true temperament, had such an unexpected reaction.

Watching the audience's expressions, Li Mubai figured out how to release the surveillance footage. It's best to wait until it gets hot before releasing it, and slap those [*] boys in the face.

At the same time, the Neon Team, who also knew the details, Wang Yuheng also praised after submitting the answer.

Jun Siguanggui applauded sincerely: "Wang is really amazing!"

Keno Hino stared at the big screen: "I really want to try to open his head and see what the structure is inside."

This scene happened to be broadcast live, and people shouted 'you dare'

If you scold Wang Yuheng for being too arrogant, you have to scold your own family. The little devil must not scold his own players.

The camera switched again, aiming at Li Chunbo who was talking sideways

"Professor Yan, I think we must tell our players about the situation in the future to prevent this from happening again."

Yan Cui's face is full of confusion, and she is speechless in her heart.

If she could control these geniuses, she would have tried so hard to persuade Wang Yuheng to rush up and strangle him.

In her heart... the fire of the divine beast! Nodding her head slightly, Yan Cui's eyes turned to the stage again.

Time passed slowly, and at the 21st minute, the original oral certificate finally submitted the answer after double-checking

The polite applause rang out, and the two beautiful assistants immediately covered the answering board, holding the "1"

The title is divided between Li Mubai and his left and right:

Too much time has been wasted, Li Mubai didn't say anything, and went straight to the topic: "According to the rules, we will start with the original oral certificate that takes a long time.

Let's take a look first, the original oral testimony's answer."

The shorter and beautiful assistant slowly opened the question board and said crisply: "The answer given by the contestant is noodles, 02"

"Okay, let's look at the answer given by Wang Yuheng"

Wearing high-heeled shoes, the beautiful assistant who was about the same height as Li Mubai said slowly: "The answer given by Wang Yuheng, the coordinates of the fan are the plane, 07"

"Ah! Not the same!"

Everyone's hearts were lifted with Li Mubai's exclamation, and subconsciously, they were more inclined to the original oral testimony's answer.

After all, he observed and memorized for an hour, and it took longer to submit the answer

Yang Yi and Chen Ranran's eyes are full of sorrow, and they are full of worries about the next game

With 1:1 pressure and: 2 backward pressure is completely different, if Wang Yuheng fails, they will fight with the force of being swept away

It hurts to think about that kind of scene! On the stage, Li Mubai said in control: "Okay, we will now ask the scientific assistant to send two fans to the verification area.

Well, let's first look at the answer of Mr. Yuankou, a neon contestant

Is it right?"

At his prompt, the assistant who submitted the answer with the original passport opened the folding fan

Then, I opened the folding fan where Wang Yuheng submitted the answer.

After confirming that they were two different fans, Li Mubai looked at the assistant in the middle and said, "Now, please open the fan with the correct answer. Who is correct?"

After three seconds 3, the boiling applause sounded

Li Mubai couldn't hide his excitement and said loudly: "Wang Yuheng is right"

In the live broadcast, the camera also showed a close-up of the fan and the correct fan submitted by Wang Yuheng

Immediately following, the camera immediately switched to the guest seat, the audience seat

Sa Baining and Zhou Dilun were dumbfounded, Yan Cui and Li Hong applauded with joy, Dai Simon was incredible, and the audience holding the national flag cheered

In the live channel, the barrage exploded unexpectedly at this moment - "Ah, ah, handsome Shui!"

"This is so special, I'm going to get goosebumps and be stunned"

"Fuck me, I'm so handsome I cry"


After a few swipes of the amazed barrage, Li Mubai controlled the field and said, "We are entering the next round of verification."

"The answer given by the player's original oral certificate is face, 05"

"Okay, this is Mr. Yuan's answer, let's take a look at Wang Yuheng's answer"

"The answer given by player Wang Yuheng is noodles, 05"

This time, everyone's hearts are more than half relieved

At least this question is right, both of them are right, and both are wrong, and it is not a loss if you are ahead of one question.

The results of the verification did not disappoint everyone, and the answers of both of them were correct.

In this way, Wang Yuheng will take the lead 2:1. Even if he answers the third question incorrectly and the original testimonial is correct and a draw is achieved, he will also win by the rule that takes the least amount of time.

Chapter 567: There is a fan called history

The barrage is densely packed, and everyone is sitting upright, looking forward to the announcement of the answer to the last question.

The smart ones already knew that the Huaxia team won this round, but Li Mubai didn't declare the victory, so they were happy to see the answer of the third round of verification.

"Next, it's the critical round"

Seeing the two beautiful assistants approaching, Li Mubai pointed to the two answer boards and said, "That is, the answer to the final round will be revealed."

I added in my heart: The announcement of the answer that decides how we will win is cool! Holding back his joy, he said solemnly: "Let's look at Mr. Yuan's answer first in the same way."

The camera is aimed at the original testimonial, the old gentleman is full of regret

Slightly short Kezhu said crisply: "The answer given by the player's original oral certificate is,"


Repeating it again, nodding, Li Mubai turned around and said, "Okay, let's take a look at the answer given by Wang Yuheng."

Slowly opening the flap, Gao Keke said sweetly, "The answer given by player Wang Yuheng is noodles."

Before he could say the numbers that followed, Li Mubai said loudly: "0


OK, we'll now ask the science assistant to move the two panels to the validation area"

The assistant who stood in front of the two fan walls immediately followed suit and came to the middle of the stage with the fans swiftly.

Clenching his fists tightly, Ning Qiyi said, "This round, who is right between the two of them? I just want it"

Hearing the sound, Li Chunbo laughed in a low voice: "You are stupid, Wang Yuheng has already won."


Suddenly stunned, looking at Li Chunbo's relaxed eyes for a moment, Sa Baining suddenly realized and heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhou Dilun and Li Hong, who were listening attentively, also breathed a sigh of relief, a little ashamed that they didn't realize this.

On the stage, Li Mubai said loudly: "Next, let's verify

Open the correct fan first"

Following the sound, the assistant in the middle opened the "3" selected by De Simone

folding fan

Li Mubai kept saying, "Then, which one is correct? Let's open the fans of both players at the same time."

According to Yan, two assistants, one tall and one short, opened at the same time, and the close-up was shown in front of the high-definition camera

In an instant, the recording scene and the live broadcast room exploded! Li Mubai said in surprise: "Wang Yuheng, correct"

Amidst the boiling applause, Brother Shui finally clenched his fist, unable to hide his emotions.

However, his expression was still serious, and there was not much joy on his cold face, as if he was on the losing side.

Li Mubai understood his mood and knew that he wanted to win all three games

2: victory, or 1:2 fiasco, these are not the endings he wants

With such a character, it is no wonder that in the past life, he was known as the most powerful super genius with only one

I am afraid that the light of all the players combined is not as good as the light of his own blooming.

"Congratulations Wang Yuheng, please two"

The familiar sounded, and the fierceness rose. With the cheers of countless people, Wang Yuheng got up from the challenge chair.

Looking at his majestic figure, the barrage of the live broadcast channel exploded - "Ah, ah, Wo Ri, he's so handsome, he's going to become a fan right away!"

"Water God's Handsome Flying"

"Brother Shui, do you want to see my kneeling standard? I will obey you without supporting the wall!"

"What a god-like man, can you share the scenery you see in that eye?"

"Look at that sentence now: I gave up observation, it's just domineering and sidetracking"

"Give tea to Brother Shui, kneel down for Brother Shui"


The barrage kept floating past, line by line, unable to hide his love for Brother Shui and his admiration for his incredible strength

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