It can be expected that the title fee and sponsorship fee for the next season will break through a level, officially equal to the national variety show.

Unexpectedly, "Challenging the Impossible" will repeatedly win awards. By then, he will be a gold medal producer! With many thoughts in his heart, Li Mubai picked up his mobile phone to check the time, and found that it was 0:2 in the morning, and the message column said Many WeChat messages not viewed

Endured exhaustion, clicked it, and found that his wife Li Sisi, who was at the top of the message bar, sent a few voices.

Listening one by one, nothing more than caring about him, let him drink more hot porridge in a thermos to warm his stomach, and drive carefully when you get home

The porridge was sent by my wife before the recording, and the preserved egg and lean meat porridge was specially made for him.

In addition, Lu Yu of Zhonghua Book Company also sent a voice message

Connected, the senior's magnetic voice came into his ears: [Mu Bai, you are really happy today! First of all, congratulations on your program ratings and word of mouth, and secondly, I will tell you the good news "Things in the Ming Dynasty" The sales volume has reached 200 million copies! According to the previous rules, the sales volume must have exceeded 100 million copies, and it is estimated that there will be 10 copies.

How long has it been? My estimate of 200 million copies may be a bit conservative, and it seems that more printing will be required.

You are my lucky star, Mu Bai.

By the way, the bookstore is scheduled to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the 322nd

When the stock goes up, the seniors will definitely give you a big red envelope, thank you Mubai for your help

】The voice stopped abruptly here, but Lu Yu's red face seemed to be lingering in front of him all the time.

He knows that Lu Xuechang has been running around for the listing, he and Ma Baiyong, two popular writers, have been signed with a lot of money, and he has devoted almost all his efforts to the success of the listing.

At present, the situation is looking good, and we will wait for the final decision on the 22nd.

I wish you a successful listing, and I wish me to sell tens of millions of copies and get a share of the sales. Whether I am rich or not depends on this hammer sale! Mumbling in my heart, Li Mubai continued to look at the news column.

Up to now, his status has not been what it used to be

Therefore, the relationship between good or general information is full, and it takes a long time to scroll down to see the head.

I picked a few good ones to reply one by one, usually I just sent a group reply, and after a while of red envelopes raining in the group of colleagues and classmates, I just turned off the phone with a smile.

Thinking of the emoji that swiped the screen in the group of classmates, "We promised to be a dog together, but you quietly made it out. I couldn't help but shook my head with a wry smile.

In the eyes of classmates and colleagues, Li Mubai is a rare successful person in the contemporary era.

But who knows that the 400 yuan he just distributed is the only half of the wealth left in his card.

When I was robbed in an instant, that... I feel bad! And the reason why there are so few is because I just paid most of the expenses for the wedding yesterday, what hotel, banquet, ceremony, etc.

He was also taken away by his wife under the pretext of saving 60, fearing that he would invest in "The Wandering Earth"

This month's salary won't be paid until the end of the month, so he's a pauper now

It's been almost three years, how can I still be so poor and bemoan when I hear a knock on the office door

Quickly correcting his sad expression, Li Mubai sat up and said solemnly: "Come in"

The door opened, and his wife Li Sisi's pretty face came into view, and she blinked at him with a smile.

After being stunned for a while, Li Mubai reprimanded a little: "Didn't I tell you not to come? It's so cold!"

"I just went to the hospital, come by the way!"

After talking and closing the door, Li Sisi folded his arms and tilted his head and said, "Hey, what bad things did it affect you?"

With a dumb smile, Li Mubai said with concern, "Go to the hospital, yes."


Touching the head lightly, Li Sisi confirmed: "A world-renowned German pediatrician has come to the hospital. Xiao Ni's child was in line until eleven o'clock in the evening, and the diagnosis has just been completed."

"how is the situation"

“Save, but have to go to Hamburg”

Finding that her lover didn't quite understand it, Li Sisi explained in detail: "It's the pediatric hospital where this ... expert is located, where there are the most advanced medical equipment and various unimported special medicines.

You also know that Germany is definitely one of the regions with the most developed medical technology in the world.”

Nodding his head, Li Mubai said happily: "It's good to be saved, I thought this child was going to die!"

"Who is not!"

Sighing and walking to the desk, Li Sisi opened the thermos and looked at it, and found that it was almost bottomed out, and smiled with satisfaction: "Now that Fu Jitai is here, experts say that there is such a precedent, and the four patients who received treatment in their hospital were all healed"


Li Mubai praised: "In high-tech and biomedical technology, we are still a long way from the West to catch up! By the way, how are Xiaoni and Pasha feeling?"

After screwing on the thermos cap, Li Sisi smiled and said, "I'm all crying happily, Xiaoni squatted on the ground and cried.

Husband, you weren't there, I don't know! At that moment, I really felt the cloud over their house dissipated, and that feeling was very obvious"

Carefully looking at his wife's slightly swollen eye bags, Li Mubai said softly, "That's why you're also moved, wife, she's such a kind-hearted beauty!"

"That's it!"

Glancing at his lover with satisfaction, he lifted up the thermos bottle, and Li Sisi said crisply, "What are you doing here, go home?"

"Got it!"

Sitting up with a smile, Li Mubai walked quickly to his wife, put his arms around her shoulders and leaned into his arms, and praised: "Today's lean meat porridge is really delicious, wife, your skills have improved!"

If you don't rise, how can you record "Hello Life", your partner has been worse than your partner. Your appearance and cooking skills have been completely defeated. If you don't work hard, someone will really gossip! Feeling angry and murmuring carefully, Li Si Si Jiao said angrily. : "Your boasting is too perfunctory, the lean meat porridge can still taste rising"

"Of course you can"

Chapter 572: Hello Auntie

["Challenging the Impossible" China-Japan Competition

Wang Yuheng's craziest time

Despising the neon contestants throughout the whole process]——Fun News Entertainment News ["Brother Water" at the China-Japan International Competition

Wang Yuheng, the metaphor of those words is awe-inspiring

] - Yangcheng Evening News [How to evaluate Chen Ranran's performance in the 20th China-Japan match in "Challenge the Impossible"] - Zhihu ["Youth Spokesperson"

, "The Strongest Questioner"

, The strongest brain players swept the TV screen one after another, "Challenge Impossible" will meet you every Saturday night!] - CCTV News [Mental Math Goddess Defying the Sky and Mental Math Kills the Audience] - Netease Entertainment [] The next day at Qingming, fishing reels was occupied by last night's competition

Under the strong publicity ability of CCTV, mainstream media and even well-known universities commented on the Sino-Japanese confrontation and analyzed each wonderful detail.

With their help, many details that the audience did not notice were pushed to the front one after another.

For example, Wang Yuheng's folding fan speech made countless people respect him, such as the military uniform rehearsal of the original oral license, and many angry audiences scolded hypocrisy and disgusting, such as Chen Ranran's identity, and the mysterious Chinese superpower talent pool. For example, the photo of Chen Ranran and Wang Yuheng with a face, made countless netizens shout together

There were so many highlights last night, especially the photo of Chen Ranran holding Wang Yuheng's arm, which made fans feel like they couldn't eat melons

As for the backstage chorus like Li Mubai and Zhou Dilun, and the Chinese and Japanese women's assault, they can only stand aside

With the passage of time, these gimmicks not only show no signs of going out, but become more and more hot

Of course, Li Mubai, one of the masters, did not enjoy this "success" too much.

, The next day, after a bit of stammering, he threw himself into the "China-Germany Competition" a few days later.

The Sino-German competition was also full of gimmicks, so the program team had to prepare carefully

Because there are two star players in this game, Zhou Wei from China Rain Man, Rudiger Gamm from German Rain Man

The duel between the two has been on the rise for a long time. Not only domestic audiences are looking forward to it, but the West has also cast their attention. Many newspapers have reported it more than once.

Just because these newspapers reported it, some leaders kept calling and paying attention, saying that it would not hurt their face if they wanted to do it beautifully, and that it was impossible for the bad program team to take a break.

In the conference room, seeing Tong hang up the call from the third leader, Li Mubai almost vomited three liters of blood

According to what he meant, of course, the home field must have the advantage of the home field, otherwise it would be called a home field.

But these sloppy bastards just turned the home game into an away game.

Although the ratings and word of mouth exploded last night, netizens have not stopped criticizing this aspect, and he has not been spared.

What kind of foreign devils, are they really that fragrant? Guotong understood Li Mubai's thoughts, looked at his expressionless handsome face, and smiled: "This is the common problem of some poor people in the previous generation, and they were shocked by the prosperity of the West. Mind, after kneeling down and never getting up again

But your generation has done a great job! When you come to the front, you will be able to dream CCTV."

Shaking his head, Li Mubai said in a sullen mood, "Then I got something, isn't it all thanks to the flowers?"

Haha laughing, Wang Xiaozhen is both joking and: "There must be a dream, right!"

"Then it's up to you to dream!"

Standing up, Ma Liu packed up the documents and picked them up. Mu Bai waved his hand and said, "I'm going to the "Huaxia Fishing Wheel Farm" program group. There will be a live broadcast tonight, so I won't accompany you old guys."

"Go, busy man"

Speechless all the way, Li Mubai quickly arrived at the show work area of ​​the fishing reel farm

After saying hello again and again, he walked into the office, pushed open the glass door, and saw Li Hong sitting on the sofa, holding a big cup of milk tea in his hand, talking non-stop.

Panning along her line of sight, she saw the mobile phone holder and mobile phone on the coffee table

When did Sister Hong also start the live broadcast, she was surprised, Li Mubai walked to his desk and sat down: , and flipped through the live broadcast script that was already placed on the table.

Li Hong also found him and said with a smile: "Mu Bai is here, have you eaten breakfast?"

"eat it"

Raising his head to look over, Li Mubai asked curiously, "Sister Hong, when did you start the live broadcast? How can you take this one?"

Shrugging, Li Hong took a sip of the milk tea and replied, "Liang Zichen and the others have live broadcasts. They have been pulled to make cameo appearances a few times, so I will try it as a guest!"

Suddenly nodding, Li Mubai couldn't help laughing.

Except for Wang Yuheng, who stands out from the crowd, the attributes of the strongest brain players doom them to no way to become idol stars

But they have the potential to become Internet celebrities. After all, the season catalog has been recorded, and everyone has gained a group of loyal fans.

During this period, Bibi: matches, live broadcasts, and is expected to earn two or three million a year.

Coupled with the salary of your own occupation, it is no problem to successfully join a well-off family

Among them, the notice fee occupies a large part, according to the number of games they play.

The players who advance to the international competition will earn more, and there will be a lot of money if they win. It can be said that both material and spiritual

By the way, when will a player income ranking list come out, so as to attract more talents to join in?

The players in this season are all too strong. If Zhuyu is in front, the recording of the next season will not be easy! I muttered in my heart, and Li Hong's pleasant voice sounded in my ears.

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