Before he finished speaking, he was caught up by his old classmates: 'beaten up', and the audience who woke up early laughed and laughed.

I have to say, the atmosphere between the two of them is really relaxing! In addition, the two are so similar, and they are still old schoolmates who are childhood sweethearts. They look like brothers and sisters, fighting each other and tearing down towers to see each other people can't stop laughing

After playing around for a while, Li Mubai looked at the students and said with emotion, "I remember the second set of elementary school students' radio gymnastics had eagles taking off and the rising sun.

The dance in middle school is the call of the times, the vitality of youth

Now the third set of radio gymnastics is dancing youth, flying ideals, hope sailing, colorful 7 sunshine"

Dong Li nodded frequently and secretly said: As expected of the strongest brain, he even remembered all the names of radio gymnastics! When Li Mu finished his vernacular, he added: "And your ghost step dance, in schools all over the country. It's also very popular, we always have this dance on school celebrations."

Nazha suggested: "I've seen a lot of related videos, and many schools dance this dance in the morning! Could it be that when we meet the master, let's dance together?"

Li Mubai and the three of them naturally had no objection, and happily agreed.

But in the end it became a childhood sweetheart show. Everyone only watched Li Mubai and Gu Linaza dancing. Sun Yizhou and Dong Li, who had never learned this dance, applauded and dressed up as the audience.

At the same time, the phalanx of the students changed, and the students holding the traditional dragon head props danced the famous "octopus dance"

Of course, the so-called famous is actually in the circle of people who pay attention to ancient culture

Except for Li Mubai, the remaining three people were obviously not confused.

"Aoyu lantern, five feet long, with a fish-headed body and a dragon. The general of the Wu State is called Lingtong. The elite soldiers fought in Xiaoyaojin. The name of the fish is preserved through the ages"

After listening to the clear and loud recitations of the children, Li Mubai couldn't help scratching his head.

Nazha just looked at him and asked curiously, "what's the matter?"

"Isn't the savior of the single soldier Gan Ning's story? When did Cheng Lingtong do it?"

After explaining a sentence, he looked at the school leader and asked, "Who wrote this word?"

Blinking her eyes, Nazha was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer because she didn't even know who Gan Ning and Ling Tong were! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend,

Chapter 593: Unremarkable host

General of the Wu State, in history, it seems that only the Three Kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu, Gan Ning and Ling Tong were characters from the Three Kingdoms period. They were murmured in their hearts. Nazha, who had filmed "Martial God Zhao Zilong", had a direction, so that he would not be too ignorant. ignorance

Li Mubai murmured again: "There are also Megatron Xiaoyaojin, it seems that Zhang Liao and Le Jin, who composed the children's songs, is it serious?"

When I saw the walking popular science emperor online, a lot of echoing content appeared on the barrage.

"The school leaders wanted to show it off, but I didn't expect to be slapped in the face and couldn't bear to look directly."

"Zhang Liao enters the live broadcast room"

"The squid lamp is five feet long, and Cao Cao scolded the mother online"

"Li Mubai is still upright, can't he pretend he doesn't know?"

"Ling Tong is very strong. He can hurt the enemy thousands of miles away, and it takes a moment between his life and his life."

"I have the general Pan Feng, you wait for the little girl, fork out"

"The children's voices are really good"


The barrage kept floating past, and the school leaders followed their reputation.

"What did you say, Mu Bai?"

Obviously the principal didn't hear clearly, he adjusted his glasses, opened his eyes wide with a look of asking for advice, and his hairline was extremely eye-catching under the rising sun.

Li Mubai's emotional intelligence is still enough, and he immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "This activity is very good, it not only exercises the body but also promotes traditional culture, very good, very good.

By the way, who wrote this word?"

When the words fell, I felt that Xiao Jian was lightly kicked.

Turning his head and looking around, he found that it was Gulinaza who smiled and listened, and pretended to be very polite. The meaning was self-evident.

I rolled my eyes in my heart and muttered: I really thought I was so stupid. The Principal was praised and laughed, but he didn't notice this scene, and said modestly: "Promoting traditional culture is our responsibility, and it is also a response to the country's call.

I wrote this children's song, it made you laugh, Mubai."

The barrage was quickly filled with the sentence 'Why don't you just laugh at it?'

Laughing and nodding, Li Mubai whispered, "Look, the principal, you are a fan of the Three Kingdoms, and I also quite like the Three Kingdoms. I have time to discuss it."

"I can't ask for it"

Eyes lit up, the principal nodded in agreement like a chicken pecking at the rice, and praised: "I have been following your "Li Mubai Talks about the Water Margin", and the explanation is really good.

But I didn't expect that you also have research on the Three Kingdoms"

"Know a little"

Humbled humbly, seeing the students finished their performances, Li Mubai shouted, "The students are amazing, you are the best!"

He walked up to them with arms raised and applauded, and kept complimenting: "You guys dance so well, what is this dance called?"

Unanimous children's voices: "Ofish Dance"

"You have been studying for a few years"

"Three Years"

"Do you think these brothers and sisters can learn?"


Covering his ears with his hands, Li Mu said, "Why are your voices so loud?"

Hahaha the kids and Gulinaza burst out laughing

With this laughter, that kind of... nervous atmosphere because of seeing a star, it all at once dissipated a lot.

Glancing at the piercing smile on her cheeks, Li Mubai said loudly, "Is your elder sister good-looking?"



With a shallow smile, Gu Li Nazha is beautiful and has a concave shape

"Is that brother handsome?"


Sun Yizhou was angry and complained loudly: "You are too shameless. What are you asking, the child will definitely choose the right answer. Are you embarrassed to say you are ugly?"

Haha laughing, Li Mubai didn't take it seriously: "Then let's dance, we will decide the outcome based on the dancing posture, what do you guys dance?"

Gu Linaza jumped, raised her hand and signed up: "I want to dance the fan dance"

"That's called evil"

Dong Li: "I dance the little fire dragon"

Li Mubai covered his face: "You are really enough"

Next, it was lively, laughing and playing for about ten minutes, and the four of Li Mubai stumbled and completed the "Ofish Dance"

s project

Spreading his hands together again, Li Mubai complained, "Why haven't I danced, monitor?"

The primary school student with the three bars smirked, not knowing how to answer Gu Li Nazha and said to help: "Maybe it's because of stupidity, you act like a zombie, I'm too embarrassed to say that you have lived in Ulumuqi for more than ten years. year"

Too lazy to talk to her, Li Mubai looked at the children and asked loudly, "Is your brother dancing well?"

In unison: "Not good"

Nazha and the others immediately laughed schadenfreude, and the children laughed too

Covering his heart, Li Mubai nodded and said, "Tell me loudly, is it okay?"

"not good"

"Thank you, thank you for your recognition of me, as the most handsome and the best dancer, I will definitely"

Dong Li finally had a chance to express himself, hugged him and pushed out: "You walk away, I have never seen you so shameless."

Sun Yizhou laughed and said, "Children, who can dance the best?"

"Sister Naza"

He raised his lotus arm and compared his heart, and then Zha looked at his old classmate with a stern expression on his face.

Only on this show, in front of Li Mubai, did she dare to restore her lively and sweet side without caring about her image.

Arm and shoulder with Dong Li, Li Mubai said in surprise: "You know her, you have seen some of her works"

"The Chosen Day"

"Do you know your brother?"

The responses suddenly became much more sparse, and only a few dozen people shouted the words 'Li Mubai'

Seeing that Li Mubai's mouth slowly opened, and then... he couldn't close and covered his heart.

All of a sudden, the millions of viewers who watched the live broadcast, as well as Gu Linaza and the others, once again gave out laughter of schadenfreude

In the hilarious laughter, I felt that it was inevitable! The programs watched by the elementary school students were TV series besides cartoons. News and variety shows were a little far away for them, and it was reasonable to not know each other.

If this issue is left in the middle school,,, university, then Li Mubai's influence will definitely be phenomenal.

Standing on a master with more than [*] million fans, I really thought popularity was a joke


Li Mubai turned around with a crying voice, as if he had been injured by a crit.

A small part of this is not fake, it's a real feeling from the heart

He, the popular fried chicken in the dignified CCTV host echelon, is not as influential in the group of primary school students as Gulinaza

According to this, what kind of Lu Niangniang, didn't Xiao Jian crush him to death? Just thinking of this, Li Mubai was speechless and funny and wanted to vomit blood.

At this moment, in the environment of laughing, a little boy was sniffing his nose and wiping his tears.

He hurriedly stepped forward, wiped the little boy's tears and asked, "Baby, what's the matter, why are you crying?"

Gu Linaza, Sun Yizhou and the others came over one after another, bending down with a concerned look on their faces.

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