"Scent is Scent"

In the first episode of the program, Dong Li inevitably said honestly: "But the blogger who brings goods makes a lot of money, and Li Jiaqi makes even more. The annual income of the team is hundreds of millions."

When it comes to money, bad memories linger in my mind. I can't get rid of it. Covering my heart to prevent the pain from spreading, Li Mubai said very seriously: "Any form of language will be boring to listen to, just like when I broadcast "Common Concern" live , The frequency of the two groups of jokes in four days also made some viewers impatient."

"That's just the envy, jealousy and hatred of others!"

Sun Yizhou obviously knew about the fact that the national Duanzi went offline, and sincerely praised: "Mubai, your knowledge level, you are quick-witted, and the national level is strong."

Gulinaza nodded in agreement, and sighed with emotion: "Since I reconnected with him, I have realized the importance of reading."

The three of them looked over, and Li Mubai said with a smile, "I'm very down-to-earth, okay?"

Without looking at him, Gu Li Nazha kept saying: "Because talking with him, you will instantly realize how beautiful, so beautiful" and "Yun like clothes and flowers like a face, the spring breeze blows on the threshold of Revlon" and the difference between "sleeping and sleeping" Trough, there are many birds, many birds' and the sunset and the solitary fowl fly together, the autumn waters grow together and the sky is the same color: the difference between '"

"Haha, this is a scumbag, there is a sense of picture!"

Li Mubai laughed and applauded, and immediately said in surprise: "Nah, Shibei should treat each other with admiration for three days, you have become: you have a lot of depth, and you can actually say such a picture-like summary!"

"Then, of course, people will be divided into groups based on similarities, eh!"

Rarely praised by old classmates, Gu Li Naza suddenly became arrogant and arrogant.

Chapter 598: Everywhere is a group pet

"On this show, you really need to have goods in your stomach to admire"

"Nazha was constantly being teased in this episode, just like Hua Shao Sanli, she sure enough a beautiful girl with a good personality will laugh and cry everywhere."

"The favorite is Mubai, and the broadcaster is not something ordinary people can be hahaha"

"National-level blogger with goods, where can I buy it?"

“National and breathtaking”


Looking at the dense barrage that kept floating past, the eyes of the magistrate surnamed Niu in a county in Hubei Province became brighter and brighter, and a plan gradually took shape in his mind.

The hype and price hike for three consecutive years made the fishermen and farmers in the nearby counties plant a lot of Fritillaria last year, and this year ushered in the expected bumper harvest.

Then unexpectedly, the price of fritillary plummeted

Compared with last year, the price has dropped by nearly [*]%, and it is unavoidable that countless fishermen and farmers have suffered huge economic losses.

The situation in his district and county is particularly serious. These days, the entire leadership team has scratched their heads and has not come up with a good solution.

Today, I have a rare spare time to watch live video with my daughter, and I happen to see a CCTV anchor bringing goods. Is it possible to contact CCTV and save a large number of fishermen and farmers together? CCTV sends several well-known hosts to help bring goods for public welfare. Consumption power, the storage capacity of several counties is simply not worth mentioning

By the way, you can also get other agricultural and sideline products, and come up with a plan to comprehensively promote small farmers to become well-off

Thinking of the excitement, he patted the armrest of the sofa and said loudly: "That's it!"


The thunder-like voice sounded in my ears, and my daughter was terrified and complained: "Dad, you scared me to death, you were shocked!"

Li Mubai didn't know that someone had been thinking about him, he smiled and said: "Is the tea really inedible? Is it just used to make tea? No, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, we Chinese people drank matcha, which is to grind the tea leaves into powder, then add water to drink

But when it comes to matcha, the first thing that comes to mind is neon

In fact, matcha originated in our Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it was passed down in the Tang and Song Dynasties."

Sun Yizhou nodded his head and said in agreement: "Tea is really a very typical traditional Chinese culture, and it is worth passing on from generation to generation."

After agreeing with "um", Dong Li said with a difficult expression: "If you are my age, if you go out and get a teapot to make a cup of tea, people will think of me."

This guy won't age before he gets old

"Young people can also be divided into many kinds of good or bad"

Li Mubai disagreed and said with a smile: "Today is the first time everyone has seen each other, so I don't have the embarrassment to bring my teacup, because I am afraid that you will see the wolfberry in my teacup hahaha"

Looking sideways, Sun Yizhou said with contempt: I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence."

Dong Li had a stunned look, and gave a long 'oh' with a smirk.

Only Nazha didn't understand much, and didn't understand what the relationship between drinking wolfberry and driving was. In her hometown of Ulumuqi, they all drink eight treasures Gaiwan tea at all weddings and funerals, and there are wolfberries in the eight treasures.

Li Mubai has lived in Ulumuqi City since he was a child, isn't it normal to develop the habit of drinking wolfberry tea? Nazha to sum up the feeling of drinking tea today"

He lightly nodded his head, he was sitting in a posture of making a publicity report, his hands were flat on the table, and he was sitting upright, his voice was cute and cute: "I want to encourage young people to drink more tea, and then not always drink beverages, this is right. If you are not healthy, you will be deficient in calcium.”

The last three words were drawn in a long tone, and after speaking, he gestured towards Li Mubai with an orchid finger.

The smile on his face slowly froze, and Li Mubai's face was shocked, and he subconsciously rubbed the goosebumps that didn't exist.

Immediately, he confessed and said, "Continue to continue, this feeling is too superficial."

Speechless gave the guy a blank look, and Nazha continued: "I will also learn a lot to taste tea in the future, instead of always eating tea bags.

Because I don't know if I always eat tea bags will affect my health"

"Eating too much of any food is definitely not good, and a balanced intake of various nutrients is required"

Looking at Nazha and smiling, Li Mubai applauded: "Seeing everyone discussing tea so enthusiastically, I'm still very pleased.

Just like the habit of foreigners drinking tea was transmitted from China, from China to the rest of the world through the Silk Road

But after arriving in different regions, its tea culture has derived various styles and characteristics, just like the bamboos in the mountains.”

He gestured with his hands and explained: "Its roots will grow horizontally and spread imperceptibly.

Then I couldn't help but think, the mountain is tangible, and where are its tendons and tendons are all the bamboo trees"


Dong Li agreed and explained: "How to fix the mountain there, I feel that it is really possible that it is bamboo and those big trees and grasses, that root is deeply stabbed, and then the mountain is fixed there, and there is a mountain in our eyes. "

After applauding, Sun Yizhou laughed and joked: "Dong Li, I think this is the most valuable sentence you said today, really."

"Yeah, hahaha"

Dong Li scratched his head and smiled, and Nazha couldn't help laughing


Li Mubai applauded and said with a smile: "I think it can be derived from Dong Li's words.

It is the squid dance that I learned with my children in that school today. Those who play around will know what squid lanterns are. This is traditional culture! Traditional culture is like these bamboos. The horizontal inheritance is to expand its area. The vertical inheritance is to increase its depth

Then, we also need to allow more bamboo shoots to grow little by little.”

"There should be applause here"

Sun Yizhou clapped his hands and said with admiration: "Raise a topic to such a level of thought, I am afraid that only your national team has this ability!"

Gu Linaza and Dong Li agreed and applauded, and felt that they were indeed very CCTV-like! "This is not such a grand dream and vision, this is what the country has been doing in a down-to-earth manner."

He replied with a smile, and Li Mubai kept saying: "As the old ancestor said, green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains.

This is not to say that we go to the mountains to mine and buy these trees and bamboos. It is not so simple.

Rather, it means that you develop some economic benefits in the clear waters and lush mountains, and let it be scattered like stars and gathered together like a fire.”

Three people 3 If you have any understanding, you can understand that Li Mubai is describing education and this nation.

Without giving them a chance to speak, he then pointed to the bamboo house full of artistic conception and said with a smile: "Look here, all the utensils are made of bamboo.

Small as tea baskets, trays, as large as the tables and chairs we sit on"

Gu Li Nazha nodded and said, "It's all made of bamboo, and it smells like a faint bamboo fragrance, it smells really good."

"This is the taste of our nation"

Chapter 599: Homophonic stalk, deduct money


[The spirit of bamboo lies not only in its lofty aspirations, but also in its unique growth method

Its spread does not depend on the wind and birds, but on the inheritance and inheritance buried deep in the ground

These roots have grown to distant places now

The mountain of the green king, the water of the green king, until the green bamboo shoots break the ground, and the warehouse is full of fish and rice

When the wind blows, listen to the bamboo roar with you

】Every once in a while, Li Mubai's magnetic and low-pitched narration will always play, making an admirable summary of each link

Along with these copywriters, who are praised as perfect compositions by netizens, the recording journey of Four People 4 is interesting and peaceful.

Just like a cup of cool white blossoms in the shade, drinking it, Juanjuan warms the hearts of all audiences like a trickle

At the end of the tea tasting, Li Mubai went to the small town to discuss the export of bamboo culture with the visiting Cameron team, and sang and danced with them.

Of course, it is indispensable to discuss football, after all, this country is most famous for football

How famous is it? They are frequent visitors to the World Cup! After finishing this topic that made fans worried, the four of them went to the Bamboo Gallery again, sat together in a glass room surrounded by bamboo forests, and each created a picture about bamboo. painting

The overall level of presentation is not bad, each has its own set: the fallacy of self-justification for garbage painting skills

Li Mubai is definitely not in the category of garbage painting skills. After his works were displayed, they were robbed.

Facts have proved that people who can write will never be bad at painting, especially with Wen Jing, Kang Hui and the others for a long time, Li Da Cai has also practiced good painting skills.

His works are still difficult to be seen, but it is enough to bluff these three people.

Sure enough, once it was displayed, it was highly praised by three scumbags, and was eventually won by Sun Yizhou.

He threatened to frame it when he went back and pass it on as a family heirloom

This is definitely a joke, but it also shows from the side that Li Mubai's painting level is really good, which is comparable to the ten-yuan print paintings of roadside stalls.

Smile and laugh, the time has come to evening

The lengthy commercials passed, and the screen cut into the live room

Under the high-definition bird's-eye view shot by DJI drones, the audience saw four people tinkering with barbecue tools on a platform

Meat skewers, vegetables, chicken wings, drinks are all ready, it's time to start grilling

The camera gradually zoomed in, aiming at Sun Yizhou and Dong Li

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