The three women nodded in unison, making a start-run gesture.

Glancing at the front, Ma Fanshu muttered, "How could this fellow Mubai leave us here? It's not a gentleman."

Li Sisi smiled: "He has been training for this race for a long time, hoping to run the entire distance.

We focus on participation, so don't do things that are messed up."

Chapter 607: Father's Love Is Like a Mountain

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I was crazy to run the whole horse, I should accompany Sisi, I'm crazy to find this guilt"

"I want to drink iced black tea after the end, I want to drink iced black tea as long as I am full"

Mumbling to himself, looking for plum to quench his thirst and drawing cakes to satisfy his hunger, Li Mubai paused and saw the middle-aged man three meters in front of him fall to the ground

Hu Chi staggered over, helped the middle-aged man with sweat stains, and comforted: "Uncle, stop when you are too tired, you are already very powerful!"

When I said this, I felt as if my voice was: smoking, and the magnetic voice seemed extraordinarily hoarse at this moment

But he still has to say this, because he has witnessed the scenes of this uncle approaching the limit and insisting on it time and time again.

Once or twice is okay, but now my face is pale, and I will definitely collapse if I continue to run.

Shaking his head weakly, the uncle fell to the ground, gasping for breath, sweat drops dripping from his forehead and temples.

Li Mubai did the same. He crouched on the ground and felt his hands trembling uncontrollably, and the piercing pain hit his cranial nerves one after another.

He still overestimated himself, and had a serious lack of awareness of his own strength! He lamented and wiped off the sweat dripping from his eyebrows, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the middle-aged uncle pulling off his gloves and staring blankly at the back of his hand. a passport photo of

In the photo is a childish teenager, looking about fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a high school uniform

Suddenly understanding something in his heart, Li Mubai said in a hoarse voice, "Uncle, is this why you must insist?"

The middle-aged man nodded, his eyes were red with a dry smile, and he immediately pulled back on his gloves and stood up with difficulty.

"Thank you"

With a more hoarse voice, he thanked the middle-aged man and limped forward.

His back is slightly thin in the sea breeze and looks haggard, but his spiritual will is extremely strong

The words 'white-haired people send black-haired people' and 'father's love is like a mountain' flashed in Li Mubai's mind, causing him to sigh deeply

It turned out that the decision that was extremely regrettable before, but in the hearts of others there was an obsession that could not be given up. Watching the middle-aged man run out more than ten meters away, he took a deep breath again, straightened up and tried to pick up the pace to catch up.

Four kilometers is not long or short. After the middle-aged man fell twice in a row, Li Mubai saw the crowded gate from afar.

Vaguely, he seemed to have seen Li Sisi's daughters

It's just that now he has no time to take care of him, and is on the verge of collapsing to the point of being supported by one breath.

Now, he just wants to rush to the finish line, and wants to see with his own eyes the scene where the father fulfills his long-cherished wish for his son, he really wants to! Running and running, the finish line is getting closer and closer

Li Mubai could clearly hear that the middle-aged man would shout his son's name to cheer him up every time he ran a distance, as if this would make his son who was separated by heaven and man hear it and let him witness that his father was fulfilling his promise.

This scene made his nose slightly sour, and tears overflowed in his eyes.

In a trance, I suddenly realized that I rarely call my parents during this time, and I care less and less about my sister who is about to take the college entrance examination.

The white-haired person sending the black-haired person is piercing, but it is also unforgettable that the child wants to be raised and the kiss is unforgettable. How did I slowly become like this! I don’t know how long it took, the remorseful Li Mubai saw the middle-aged man finish the finish line, let that ...a promise that had a less than happy ending

Then he saw that the middle-aged man suddenly burst into tears in the face of the crowd around him. The cry was heartbreaking.

"What happened"

"Medical staff, medical staff, this... needs treatment"


The scene was full of noise, and Li Mubai also ran across the finish line with heavy footsteps, stopping at the middle-aged man with his hands on his knees and gasping for breath.

For a time, more people surrounded him, including Li Sisi and Ma Fanshu

Shaking his hand with difficulty, Li Mubai said in a hoarse voice, "Save him, he's about to collapse."

After speaking, I felt that my forearms were being supported on both sides, I looked up and found that it was my wife and partner who were equally tired.

Slightly smiled at them, the middle-aged man's howling sound always occupied the eardrum

"Dad made the promise, son, have you seen it in heaven?"

"I did it, I did it, woohoo"

Without Li Mubai's reminder again, the reporter from Yangwu knew that this was big news and interviewed the middle-aged man.

Some thoughtful inquiry, just know the whole story

It turns out that the middle-aged man and his sixteen-year-old son had an agreement to challenge the Aoshima Marathon together this year. During the summer vacation last year, his son accidentally fell into the water and drowned.

For a father, this is probably the most painful experience in the world! The middle-aged man said that he felt that the whole world was black, but in order to fulfill his son's wish and the last agreement with his son, He still resolutely decided to apply for the full marathon, and insisted on running the whole course by himself.

He put a picture of his son in his glove and looked at the picture of his son whenever he was exhausted and couldn't hold on.

The voice and smile of the son are still there, as if the son is beside him and fights side by side with him

In this way, he continued to use his son as a spiritual support, and continued to cheer himself up, and finally insisted on running the whole course and reached the finish line.

When he choked up and told reporters and Li Mubai the reason behind this, everyone was so choked up that they could not speak.

Looking at several famous anchors with red eyes, the barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy

"This is the greatness of a father's love. It is resolute and strong. Father's love is a mountain front. Even if the body and mind endure the wind, frost, rain and snow, it is calm and firm."

"When I'm older, I cry when I see this"

"Father's love is like a mountain. If the child is still alive, it should be very sad for the father."

"If you are moved, then call home and cry"

"Let him vent, I think after completing this marathon, he will slowly start to let go, slowly walk out of sadness and welcome tomorrow"

"I didn't have a dad when I was 3, but I still cried"

"Brothers, cherish

My dad died when I was 16, don't scold me now

I don't even have a cup of hot water at home"

"Hey, sorry for him"


The barrage is constantly drifting by, full of emotional words and tears

However, the game is still going on, it is impossible to stop a little because of the pain of the uncle, and soon he was taken to the ambulance by the medical team.

At this time, Li Mubai rested with the help of Li Sisi and the others, and drank the mineral water in small sips.

Seeing Yang Wu's colleagues coming over, he nodded and said yes

Unexpectedly, the interview question was about this... father who loves like a mountain

After thinking about it for a while, Li Mubai said with emotion: "Father loves like a mountain, the uncle who can no longer hold back his tears as soon as he exits the gate, forgive me for not remembering his name.

Because, I can't bear to disturb him again!"

After a pause, he took a deep breath: "It is very painful for the white-haired person to send the black-haired person, but the deceased has passed away, and life has to go on. May this... father be healthy! May all fathers in the world be healthy! Finally, I want to say Dad , Mom, I love you!"

Chapter 608: The grievances and grievances with the sign language teacher

CCTV News Channel, "News Live Room"

Background image: Screenshot of Aoshima Marathon Subtitle: Father and Son's Promise After Li Wenjing sat on the anchor station, her voice was slightly choked: "The video that was broadcast just now happened at the scene of the '20 Aojima Marathon International Race' this month,"

The moment a middle-aged man crossed the finish line, he suddenly fell to his knees and burst into tears

And seeing him crying, many people at the scene were very surprised

But only he knows that this long run is to fulfill a heart-wrenching promise."

Camera switching, video screen

This... father cried and recalled: "He should have come with me. He ran for the first time last year and ran for more than three hours and forty minutes. The son told me it was okay, we will come again next year, but he can't come this year. !"

"I couldn't hold it anymore when I ran to the back, so I shouted his name to cheer for myself. The two slaps on my body hurt very much, but how can the pain in my body be compared with the pain in my heart?"

"I told him to run well and get into the top 300. He also agreed to come with me, but he had an accident, so I brought his photo and ran together."


Looking at the TV broadcasting the news in the living room, Li Mubai sighed deeply.

It has been two days since the game ended and he returned to the capital, but whenever he thinks of his father crying bitterly, he always feels sour and uneasy.

Losing their only son at the age of fifty, I am afraid that the couple will most likely experience more and more pain in the future.

This is conceivable! After all, the second half of the life of the elderly is so long, especially for the lonely elderly, who have been eliminated by society and have nothing to do, nor the ability to do anything.

Most of them will be despised and disgusted, and they will become poor people in the eyes of the neighbors and the staff of the sub-district office.

Now Mr. Li and his wife can still live a normal life, but in [*] or [*] years, when they are old and unable to work, when they are troubled by diseases, what should they do? but there is nothing he can do about the pain

At present, the only thing he can do is to serve the parents of both sides well, so that they can depend on each other, so that the life of the elderly can be as colorful as possible, and spend it in laughter and laughter.

Thinking of this, I could not help but sigh deeply

At this time, Li Si Si happened to come out of the kitchen with a fruit bowl

Looking at his lover's regretful eyes, and then watching the picture on TV, he stopped and let out a sigh of relief.

This is my husband, a caring genius! With a happy and contented murmur in my heart, I strode over again.

Sitting down beside his lover, Li Sisi picked the grapes and put them in his hands, and said softly, "Eat the freshly washed ones, and I'll pick up Cui Wa later."

Turning his head, Li Mubai picked up a mouthful and said with a wry smile, "I don't know what, but suddenly I'm a little sentimental!"

"That proves you have love"

After saving his eyes, Li Sisi said softly: Think about it, let's live our own life well, and then we can help others as much as we can.

No matter how much more, it seems that it will not be our two hosts' turn to think about doing it, right?"


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