Magistrate Niu had no objection, nodded and agreed.

The four people sat down for 4 minutes on both sides: Kang Hui opened the document and said, "Mr. Niu, the document you brought, and we learned through inquiry that the agricultural and sideline products of the two lakes are indeed seriously unsalable this year, affecting millions of people. Livelihoods of Fishermen and Farmers”


"So, do you want us to report on this incident?"

Asking the countenance of Niu County, Kang Hui assured: "Here I can make a promise that the relevant news will be featured on other news programs other than the simulcast tonight.

Then when the momentum picks up, the simulcast will make a summary report.”

Hearing this, with gratitude on his face, the head of Niu County said with tears: "Thank you, thank you, for this, on behalf of the 16 farmers in Junyuan County, I would like to thank you for your great help."

"As it should be, we are the national station"

In the last six 66 words, Kang Hui said it with extra weight and solemnity

'Hmm' nodded again and again, the county magistrate Niu looked relieved, and the people were full of blue sky

With a slight smile, Kang Hui said: "Then it's settled. We will come up with a detailed plan as soon as possible and produce a series of public welfare programs. We hope that your county will cooperate with you at that time."

"Our county team has made all preparations, Director Kang, you can do as you tell me when the time comes."

After saying this, the county magistrate Niu thoughtfully said: "That... Director Kang, we are naturally grateful for being able to appear on the news program. In fact, I am coming to your station this time."

Instantly understanding the meaning, Kang Hui suddenly smiled and said, "Come on, Magistrate Niu, you already have a plan."

"There are indeed plans"

With a simple and honest smile, Magistrate Niu didn't answer and asked, "I know Director Kang, have you... watched the latest issue of "Hello Life""

I am proud of my disciple's works, what do I think about and nod in my heart, Kang Hui is all ears

With a smile on his face, Magistrate Niu explained: "It's like this, in the second episode, Mu Bai imitated Li Jiaqi, a blogger who brought goods, to bring goods for a certain mineral water.

Later, on the hot search, there was a large increase in the sales of mineral water, and the comment area on the official website was full of news about the comments purchased by fans.”

Looking at each other, the middle-aged woman sitting on Kang Hui's right said dumbly, "I didn't expect the current county-level administrative staff to be so trendy?"

The middle-aged man on the left also said dumbly: "Yeah, you are all paying attention to the hot search, this is really incredible!"

The county magistrate Niu said with a wry smile: "One person's livelihood, and so many fishermen and farmers in the surrounding counties and cities, are really forced to do nothing, so they have to adopt the strategies provided by young people.

After all, this is the world of young people, and maybe their approach will work wonders."

Nodding lightly, Kang Hui said, "So, you want Mu Bai to bring goods for these agricultural and sideline products."

"It would be even better if it was your CCTV!"

Looking at the ambitious Niu County Magistrate, Kang Hui was dumbfounded for a while, but he was also a little moved.

Not to mention that CCTV has not been on the same stage for a long time, I still miss it when I think about it! Just say that after the New Year, he seems to have quit the group except for once on the same stage with his proud disciples in "Hello Life".

Watching 'Sa Li' contribute to the famous scene in "Challenging the Impossible", watching the three sets sign in the proud disciples to form Ni Li's partner

Now Li Mubai has become a panacea. Wherever it needs to be painted, every station covets it.

It is said that the ten sets are working hard to promote "The 10th Screening Room", and the 2 sets want to create a "gut duo"

, a set also wants to use "China on the tip of the tongue" to trap the proud disciple

If this goes on like this, will the Sun Monkey who was released still be taken back? Kang Hui is pessimistic about this, and does not think that his influence alone can be greater than that of Xu Qiang and all of Tong's capable men.

This time, the news department will take over the delivery. Is it possible to use this to get Mu Bai back? After thinking about the words, Kang Hui said, "We need to discuss this, and we will give you an answer as soon as possible."

"Then I'll trouble you. I hope this cooperation can be facilitated. After all, the main force of consumers is young people."


Li Mubai didn't know what happened in the company. At this time, he was taking Cui Wa and his wife to taste delicious food and strolling around the crowded pedestrian street.

As it approached seven o'clock in the evening, the two of them were sent off to the hotel to rest, and it took nearly half an hour to rush home.

Parked the car, and before anyone got out of the cab, the couple heard a loud scream

After listening for a while, Li Sisi discerned, "It seems to be the sound of Aunt Pan's crying and the barking of dogs, isn't it?"

Could this sentence arouse Li Mubai's memory, reminding him of the annoying scene half a month ago

Uncle Pan and Auntie Pan live in the same building as them, because they have just moved in, and they are usually just acquaintances, so I don't think there is any problem.

He didn't know what kind of people this family was until half a month ago

Recently, the Pan family has a German Shepherd, the kind of adult large dog.

Raising a large dog, Li Mubai, can be tolerated, as long as it doesn't affect their normal life

The key is that this Auntie Pan thinks her dog is very obedient, and she is careless when walking the dog, causing a 6-year-old [*]-year-old boy in the opposite building to be bitten by a German Shepherd.

Through the video of the control circulating in the community, I know that if the mother of the child hadn't kicked and beat like crazy, the child would have been bitten and seriously injured.

Then the most abhorrent scene appeared! This... Aunt Pan came to hear the news, not only did not apologize, but instead accused the mother of the child, which led to a big fight between the two families.

Chapter 614: The Light of the Right Path

Li Mubai still remembered that he was in a hurry to get to work, and then he heard a series of bastard words as soon as he got out of the elevator

What's not bitten again, but after biting, 'the big deal is to get rabies vaccine', 'I don't have money to lose' and so on

I was so angry at him at the time, I can't wait to slap this bastard

The child was frightened and vomited by the dog, crying with tears and snot all over her face, no apology, no apology, and a look like my dog ​​is more noble than your child, it really makes people want to beat her

Uncle Pan, who used to be a public servant, has a slightly better attitude, but he is also raking his ears, and he does not have the responsibility and dignity that a man should have.

Li Mubai is in favor of pampering women, and has always been pampering his wife

But a pet is a pet, there must be a bottom line, and the truth of being a man cannot be exceeded

This Uncle Pan, who has spent his whole life in the hands of such a woman, may not even be able to live as a dog! He was muttering in his heart, and hearing the screams and barking around the corner, his face turned ugly.

The two got out of the car and walked quickly to the unit building following the sound, finally knowing what happened

It turned out that several police cymbal uncles in uniform were holding tools and walking out with the Pan family's three dogs. Behind them were the crying Aunt Pan and the constipated Uncle Pan.

In addition, it is inevitable that more than a dozen people who eat melons are pointing their fingers.

It can be seen from their expressions that they are very supportive of the police cymbal uncle doing this, and they are almost applauded.

Li Mubai also secretly screamed 'the light of the right way', and wanted to shout: justice may be late, but it will never be absent, the people's hearts and minds! "Mubai, Sisi, you must uphold justice for me!"

At this time, Aunt Pan found out about the two of them and rushed up like crazy.

To tell the truth, Li Mubai really wants to run away and stay away from this neighbor whose values ​​are evil

But when I think of my own character, when I look up, I can't see it, I can only watch as my sleeves are grabbed, and my nose and tears are everywhere.

Enduring the nausea, Li Mubai comforted: "Aunt Pan, Aunt Pan, what are you doing, get up!"

"Auntie Pan, get up first and talk about it"

Li Sisi also supported her in a crisp voice, trying her best to rescue her husband.

However, this aunt's strength is too strong, she can't help it and can't break it

Kneeling on the ground, Auntie Pan pointed at the police cymbal, and wailed with tears: "Mubai, you take care of it!!!, they enforce the law brutally, they know the law and break the law.

What's wrong with my dog, they bully the people, woohoo"

Almost rolled his eyes, Li Mubai said speechlessly, "Aunt Pan, I'm the host, I'm not in charge of this matter."

"You expose them on the show!"

Hearing this, Auntie Pan's tearful eyes widened and Li said, "Isn't your TV station asking for orders for the people and exposing their crimes?"

Feeling that it might be inappropriate to talk like this, he cried, "Mu Bai, you must help Auntie!"

You are sure that I am a person with normal three views, I can't wait to treat you "dog lovers" with deformed values

Stamped to death! While murmuring in his heart, Li Mubai smiled bitterly and said, "Auntie Pan, this matter is really out of my control."

While talking, I saw the captain of the police cymbal come over and salute three steps away.

He hurriedly bowed slightly in return, and Li Mubai responded with a particularly bright smile.

The captain of the police cymbal should be afraid of the influence of the state joker, and explained: "Comrade Mu Bai, we have received the alarm from the residents of the community for this operation and verified the situation in detail."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Li Mubai broke free from the dog owner and came up to him, holding his hand and whispering: "Nice job, you are the light of the right path, shining on the earth."


All the words of explanation are stuck in the throat, but a heart is completely let go, and there is a strong sense of achievement.

Ordinary citizens compliment him like this, and he will be in the air for a while, let alone a nationally famous star.

When he almost burst out laughing, Li Mubai said loudly and solemnly: "You have the right to enforce the law, and as a media person, I also have the responsibility to supervise.

I hope you can enforce the law fairly and don't be influenced by anything."

After he finished speaking, he blinked

If he heard these words just now, the captain of the police cymbal must have thought that Li Mubai was leaning towards the dog owner. At this moment, he couldn't help but laugh.

Holding back his smile, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely handle this case in accordance with the Civil Law and Pet Management Law."

The civil law was all over. Could it be that he felt Li Mubai's question, and the captain of the police cymbal explained: "That German Shepherd bit a child today, and he is still in the hospital now."

Li Mubai almost scolded, he guessed that this day would come

This German Shepherd's eyes are all scarlet, and the hair all over the body is blown up. At first glance, it looks like a vicious dog. No wonder people don't bite! Hearing the sound, Aunt Pan, who held Li Sisi's hand, hissed and shouted: " It was that kid who smashed my dog ​​with a stone, if he doesn't smash it, how could my dog ​​bite him, how can you both be good and bad?"

The voice fell, and a female voice scolded: "If your dog almost bit Xiaochen, how could Xiaobei hit your dog?"

Looking at the prestige, I found that it was the property eldest sister who helped the child's mother last time, and she should befriend her. At this time, I couldn't help but complain.

"It's been a long time. We apologized and paid the courtesy. How can you pay it back?"

Aunt Pan was so angry that she couldn't speak, and she shivered while pointing at the property eldest sister.

"Are you apologizing?"

The property owner had sharp teeth and cursed: "It's ridiculous, don't show us the spectrum of your official wife, how old are you, people like you treat pets as treasures, parents as burdens, and have money to keep pets, I have no money to keep my parents-in-law and pets on fire, my parents have no overnight food, I bathe my pets every day, and never wash my parents’ feet.

Damn it, eldest sister, make your debut! Li Mubai expresses his admiration, this is more tricky than he is, and it's a pity to not be the host and rely on crickets to eat

Especially the last sentence, not only scolding the Pan family for being inferior to animals, but also pointing out that the in-laws are not as good as dogs. The double metaphor is a Buddha! When I admired the situation, and saw that the situation was about to get out of control, even Uncle Pan was a little embarrassed and turned into anger, so he hurriedly whispered. Said: "Comrade, you take it back to the bureau to deal with it.

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