Li Sisi blinked without saying a word, just drinking hot porridge and eating side dishes

Picking up the connection, Li Mubai said with a smile: "Kang Shuai, I finally took two days off. Don't say that you don't invite me to dinner, but to let me work."

"Congratulations, you answered correctly"

Kang Hui's laughing voice came from the microphone, and he instructed: "Come to the news department at 4:[*] pm, I have a task for you"

"Ah, I only took two days off to keep people alive!"

"Why, it's only been a few months since we went out, and the wings are hard."

"Don't dare"

Embarrassingly smiled, Li Mubai asked curiously, "But what mission?"

Satisfied with a 'um', Kang Hui laughed and scolded: "You kid will fill the hole you dug yourself, you will know when you arrive, and you can't say a few words on the phone, and now I'm busy going to the meeting.

Don't talk anymore, I'm at the door of the conference room, hang up first"

I dug the pit by myself, and I was puzzled where I dug the pit. Li Mubai nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll talk about it in the afternoon."

He hung up the phone, looked at his wife and said, "I dug a hole, what kind of hole have I dug? I went to the news department for filming recently."

"How do I know what Kang Shuai said?"

"Let me go to Taili at four in the afternoon"

"At that time"

After thinking about today's itinerary, Li Sisi tilted his head and said, "At that time, I should have an appointment with the publishing house, and I will invite Cui Wa and his wife to dinner at night."

Chewing lightly and swallowing slowly, Li Mubai nodded and said, "It shouldn't take long, and it should be fine to go later."


With a sound, Li Si Si stroked the hair in front of his forehead, put his hands on his cheeks, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Then husband, where shall we go to play later?"

"You'll know when you go, it's a secret now"


After being flattened, Li Sisi laughed in her heart: "Idiot husband, you told me about it last night and kept it a secret. It made me giggle to death."

But looking at the face that you have carefully designed a unique wedding dress for me, you are also the cutest idiot in the world! Sweetly thinking about the beautiful scene last night, thinking about it, I couldn't help rubbing my cheeks again , twisted

Li Mubai asked concerned: "What, do you have a toothache?"

Hearing the sound, Li Sisi almost laughed out loud, but also blushed and said solemnly: "No, what's the matter?"

Staring at his wife without blinking, Li Mubai said worriedly: "After waking up, I saw you rubbing your cheeks three times, the first time for seven seconds, the second time for three seconds, and this time for four seconds.

If you feel unwell, we will go to the hospital to see, be careful not to be wrong.”

"You are stunned, don't tell me the time!"

Holding his forehead, Li Sisi couldn't help smiling bitterly: "I'm fine, my teeth don't hurt at all, you can rest assured."


"It's more real than the real thing, I'm the host, and I rely on this to eat"

"Then what did I do wrong last night"

"you take me"

After reacting, Li Sisi put his left hand on his right elbow, sat up and made a face and said, "I won't tell you, but you still want to tell me, there's no way."

Depressed, Li Mubai said with a smile: "Okay, you're amazing, eat quickly, we'll set off when we're done."

Promised to pick up the tableware, Li Sisi said while drinking, "Do you wash the dishes or shovel shit?"

"You said so, I can only take it all"

"Hee hee, correct answer"

Nodding with satisfaction, Li Sisi said with a smile: "Then you should be your shit shovel officer. By the way, replace the cat litter with new ones and feed the two guys full."

"no problem"

In less than an hour, about forty minutes later, the two men in couple's clothes came out of the elevator with their fingers interlocked.

Just as he was talking and laughing, a group of people suddenly gathered around

Then, all kinds of groundless accusations came in

"Young man, you have to be kind, you are so dark and windy, you must be careful not to die"

"Li Mubai, you do one thing in front of you, behind another, you should take all the responsibility for this incident."

"Li Mubai, you are a public figure in vain, and you actually support eating dogs and killing dogs. Your heart is blacker than a nigger."

Well, there's nothing wrong with dog lovers being racist! With contempt in his heart, Li Mubai probably understood what was going on.

It's because of the emoji that winked at the police cymbal captain, because of that... satirical joke, he became the target of all dog lovers.

Mad, it's hard to guard against ghosts! However, I was afraid that you would sigh and take a step forward to block Li Sisi, and said calmly: "I, Li Mubai, are who I am, it's not your turn to comment.

I was a bystander throughout this incident, and you besieged the Xiangnan office in Beijing, the four Wang family and their sons, and now you are besieging me again.

I want to ask you, who gave you the rights"

As the host with the strongest brain, he recognized at a glance that these people were those whom he discussed with his wife before, and were called by netizens as dog slaves of the dog cult

And knowing that the fishing reel was yelling and scolding, knowing that he had more than [*] million fans, he still dared to come to contain the clamor, how could there be no black hands behind the scenes

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged woman with yellow hair in the lead shouted, "Who gave us the right, this is our right as a taxpayer"

Extending a finger, Mu Bai's eyes were bright, and he replied uncompromisingly: "There is no law in our country that allows taxpayers to do what you are doing now.

You have put yourself above the law, you are breaking the law, and knowing the law is breaking the law.”

"Who dictates the law, do you?"


Raising the volume, Li Mubai shouted: "Of course it is stipulated by the state.

I especially look down on you people, you are just a bunch of stupid robbers who take ignorance as your skills

Don't make a fuss for me, just shut me up

When you scumbags who call themselves animal protectionists stop dog carts, cry about dog meat, and magnify curses at the Dog Meat Festival, the real animal protectionists are silently recording the ecology of the Chinese sturgeon by the river for ten years. In the uninhabited forest, I lived with the brown horse chicken and lived in Hoh Xil to protect the Tibetan antelope with my life to prevent them from being hunted by poachers with guns and live ammunition.”

Chapter 620: To Biao a dozen people

"People who really love animals are not going to save those animals that have long since lost their wildness, nor are they going to direct and perform a farce of 'buying dogs at high prices', but they are disregarding their lives, just for the existence and reproduction of those cherished animals.

Discover with eyes, record with lens, show the charm of wild and cherished animals, let people understand the importance of protecting animals and protecting the ecological environment, so as to stop harming cherished wild animals

just "rescue"

Meat dogs raised in captivity are only disgusting, and only destroy public order, can this be called 'protection of animals'?

After all, he is a national-level celebrity. Li Mubai is still not at a disadvantage to the dozens of Biao, who are justified and refuted in a sonorous tone. They are angry and angry.

In fact, some people have already thought of doing it, and they really want to smash this guy who can scold the street better than the Xing Ye in "Nine-Rank Sesame Official" to the ground.

But when a bright CCTV camera was filming next to it, and there were more than a dozen security guards in the community, it was better to think about it.

The price of hitting an ordinary person is completely different from that of hitting a star, let alone the star who still works with a state license

As long as they dare to make a move, they will definitely suffer in the end.

Although they have nothing to do when they are full and have nothing to do, their thoughts are extremely extreme, but it cannot be said that they are stupid

How can a refined selfish person be stupid? The yellow-haired woman in the lead blushed and said with a slick nose: "You are confusing the public. We are members of the Huaxia Small Animal Protection Association, and we have trademarks and licenses."

"Damn Small Animal Protection Association, do you really think I'm stupid and easy to deceive?"

Li Mubai replied without hesitation, and the data flew: "If you don't believe me, then I'll count it for you, the shit you've done.

On April 2, 415, these so-called small animal protection volunteers intercepted and rescued more than 500 stray dogs from the Jingha Expressway.

Later, because the rescue fee for the rescued puppies could not be resolved, 10 pet hospitals sued your Small Animal Protection Association and Haoxun Company in court, claiming more than 50 yuan.

On July 2, 7, the Haidian court notified that it had made a first-instance judgment on the case, ordering the Small Animal Association to pay more than 9 medical expenses.

I won't list the cases from 2 years ago.

But I can tell everyone with certainty that since 201, you have been sued by the veterinary hospital as many as fifteen times

This is your act of stopping the car to save your father, really filial piety touches God!"

Stop the car to save the father, filial piety touches the sky

These eight characters are absolutely perfect, vividly interpreting the image of this group of people in the minds of the public, which can be said to be extremely appropriate.

The melon-eating crowd onlookers couldn't help laughing, and even Li Sisi "puchi"

With a laugh, he hurried to pull his lover to let him relax

In fact, Li Sisi has been thinking too much. Except for the constipation on the face of dog feces, the dog lovers dare not take it.

Because it's true, and people have been involved

Therefore, they were stunned speechless

However, at this time, we must not lose our momentum, and we will really become rats crossing the street and everyone shouting and beating! A middle-aged man in his [*]s said loudly: "That was the first breach of contract by Fengxun, and our volunteers have done their best. We did our best to help, and everyone took out their savings.”

"haha, really"

Li Mubai stared at her with contempt, and asked back: "But as far as I know, at the beginning, Huo Xun promised to help pay for the expenses, but you guys made false accounts and counted all the money you ate and drank. , the news will not pay the money, right?"

The exercise during the live news made Li Mubai's speech extraordinarily imposing.

It took a while for the yellow-haired woman to react.

He came out of the class, stared at Li Mubai and said angrily: "You are talking nonsense, you are slandering, we will sue you"

"Yes, you just wait for the court summons."

"You disgusting executioner"

"People like you don't deserve to sit on the national anchor station, people like you should go to hell when they die"


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