"Did it come from another mouth?"

"But I saw them parked there"


Li Mubai didn't know this at all. He opened the door with the key card and walked in with the little girl who was a little timid.

Hearing the sound of Li Sisi closing the door, he squatted down to support the little girl's shoulders, and said warmly, "Wait a minute: let my sister take a bath and put on beautiful clothes for you."


The timid little girl hunched her back: squinting her eyes and clapping her hands happily

Even if she has some problems with her intelligence, at this time she knows that she has new clothes to wear! Looking at her distressed rubbing the top of her head, Li Mubai stood up

Li Sisi also put up his mobile phone at this time, walked into the camera, and led the little girl into the bathroom

Chapter 631: Lucky War

"What's the matter, don't you want to eat?"

Looking at the girl who kept curling up and backing away from the door of the store, ordering a good meal, Li Mubai came over with a plate and asked with concern.

Li Sisi took the little girl's hand and said helplessly, "She doesn't want to eat here at all."

“Don't want to eat here”

Wen Yan glanced at the dense crowd in the store, and found that some people were looking at this place. Li Mubai, who understood something, nodded.

Walking closer, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, my brother will pack it for you, let's go out to eat"


The little girl Jun Hei's face burst into a happy smile, and she jumped up and down happily again.

"Slow down, why are you so afraid of life!"

Li Sisi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but also pulled her in distress, her eyes filled with tears involuntarily.

She can't see her child like this. A few days ago, because Xiao Ni's child was critically ill, she had to accompany her, and her best friend Pasha cried together.

Li Mubai was also soft-hearted, smiled and said, "Then you take her out, I'll go find you after I pack it up."


When all this is done, when they go downstairs, they sign autographs for the three shop assistants who have been waiting for a long time and take a group photo. The young couple drove the little girl to the block where she often lived.

Parking at the intersection, saying goodbye to the reluctant little guy, Li Sisi parked the car in the parking space across the road

Immediately took out the mobile phone for filming, silently recording the little girl carrying the food

The little guy stopped from time to time to open the bag, intoxicated by the smell inside, and looked like he was drooling.

But she never took a bite. She always swallowed her saliva and closed the convenience bag again, walking slowly towards her mother's stall.

"Why doesn't she eat?"

"Maybe I'm looking for a place where no one is there"


The young couple were discussing, until they saw the little girl crouching on the ground with her mother to share, Li Sisi's tears could not be restrained again.

Stop filming and use the back of both hands: keep wiping away tears and choking

Taking a few pieces of table paper and wiping it gently, Li Mubai comforted: "What's there to cry about, isn't it the best for a little girl to be filial!"

"Humph, people just don't live!"

Listening to his wife's whimper, Li Mubai raised his arms and put his arms around her shoulders. Li Mubai smiled and said, "I know that my wife has a good heart. I just show you the value beyond being touched."

"I'm moved when I'm moved, what value do I need?"

Muttering, Li Sisi's crying stopped, and she said, "It's a slap in the face."

"Why is it worthless"

Li Mubai turned around and argued with reason: "There is a chapter in the Analects: "Zilu helped his family with good deeds, and people thanked him with a cow, but Zilu refused, and everyone praised him for his kindness, kindness, and righteousness."

When he got home, Confucius yelled at Zi Lu, saying that he corrupted the social atmosphere.

If good deeds can’t be rewarded well, then good deeds will be done.”

Li Sisi cried and laughed: "You are vulgar!"

"Hey, I'm not bad, you don't know yet"

"Insufferable, vulgar"


"So, you mean you don't mind sending this one out"

Nodding lightly, looking at the mother and daughter with deep eyes, Li Mubai whispered: "We met by chance today, helped her buy a suit of clothes, and bought her a delicious meal.

But this is a drop in the bucket after all, it cannot hide the cruelest nature of the matter

It is impossible and incapable of Xingyi Yaji to do this kind of charity, so it is better to expose it through our influence.

At least, our fans will notice her, notice this part of the crowd

Even if it is very little, it makes sense to do so.”

The chicken nodded as if pecking at the rice, Li Sisi heard it very agree, and felt that her lover was thinking of the long-term, not as simple as her sensibility.

Of course, if both of them have a long-term vision, and their discerning eyes are like torches, then they will not be able to survive.

Complement each other: Supporting each other is the prerequisite for the white head to grow old together for a lifetime

The reason why she has such a loving relationship with her lover is that in addition to the short time, the part that can make up for each other's shortcomings is also very important.

On the carousel on Newyo Island, she was deeply aware of this.

Then she was lucky enough to catch this happiness, and the magic weapon fell from heaven to kill Wang Jianing and Song Zuer, or Gu Linaza

These three women, a comrade in adversity, a hero to save the beauty, and a childhood sweetheart, have never had a direct relationship with their lover, but she can feel that all three of them have a good impression of their lover

Fortunately, she is lucky enough! For this, she would like to thank the president of the Greater China region of the Mercedes-Benz Group who has forgotten his name

Without his big roses array, how could Li Mubai easily calm down, how could she win this battle of rivals Jing Yan "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

When I was in a trance, I heard the voice of my lover, I also saw his shaking hands in front of my eyes, and the confused eyes.

When he came back to his senses, Li Sisi blinked his eyes and looked at him, with a cute expression: "What do you want to eat later, so far I haven't eaten rice yet, so I'm so hungry!"

Holding his chin and thinking for a while, Li Mubai doubted that he had his suggestion and said, "Otherwise, how about my husband and I cook by myself?"


Shaking his head, Li Sisi said with disgust, "It's not delicious"

"Eat if you don't want to"

"It's better for me to cook, you can't do anything except scrambled eggs with tomatoes"

"Please, give me a chance to express, then I'll scramble tomatoes, scrambled eggs and shredded potatoes in vinegar, you do the rest."

"Okay, let's go shopping first, let's go with the bamboo shoots frozen"

"Eat often, don't you get tired?"


The next day, Li Sisi updated a video on his Douyin account

This is a video of 12 minutes, [*], [*] seconds. It is the whole process of her and her lover meeting the little girl, all condensed into more than two minutes.

With more than five million fans

The video topped the homepage as soon as it was uploaded, and then went viral

Because this video not only has a goddess, but also a male god with more fans

"I was moved, good people live a safe life"

"I cried when the child asked for a bottle, the parents' education is so good, tears in my eyes"

"I hope there will be more good people like Li Mubai in the world. Even if it's a show, I hope there will be more such shows."

"Brother, your three views are too upright, give you a thumbs up, cake"

"You can call on more people to help when you take a photo. It's good. Like it"

"In the face of cruelty, I will be more cruel, and in the face of beauty, I will protect with my heart"

"To be successful is to help the world, and to be poor is to be alone

Li Mubai's show 'behaviour should be worth learning'


Chapter 632:

"Hello Life" starts again

Bilibili, "Xiucaikan Entertainment" "Welcome to "Xucaikan Entertainment", I am the Zhao call beast who supported this show by his looks"

"I'm Feng Meng beast who has broken his heart for the entertainment industry"

After introducing himself as usual, Zhao Calle said with a serious expression: "In this issue, the two callers want to talk about CCTV anchor Li Mubai, and talk about whether his kind deeds are posing for a show."

The voice fell, and the barrage suddenly became denser

"The wind is roaring, the horse is roaring, and CCTV is roaring"

"I was thrilled when I first saw it, but I was also stunned after a long time, and I became a fan of Li Mubai"

"Come on, Mubai, time will not let down every hard-working and kind-hearted person"

"See Bai Jin"

"I will always believe in Li Mubai because I am a sign language teacher"


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