"The strongest joker on the surface, my little Li Bai, mighty in the world"

"The sign language teacher said: "With him without me, with me without him is funny"

"This piece is too stupid!"

"Too strong, too strong, smile, this man is really getting better and better!"

"Children of Nian, please recite and write down Li Mubai's passages"

"Bring your own copy, recite the full text"


Li Mubai's Weibo comment area is overflowing with praise, the energy of hundreds of millions of people watching is shocking, and countless brokerage companies who watch it are coveted

Such an appealing 'star' is actually a host, and he is also a CCTV anchor, how much pain is really needed

If there is no CCTV's rules and regulations, with such terrifying traffic, the speed of making money must be faster than the money printing machine.

Capital seeks profit. In the past two years, it is not that there have been no brokerage companies poaching ideas, and there are not a few who have personally implemented it.

It's just that Li Mubai rejected him as soon as he opened his mouth, and he didn't even have the conditions to continue talking.

This guy also expressed his intentions on Weibo, saying that he hopes to be a "success"

Host of

The success with double quotation marks, I don't know what level of success it belongs to, but they feel that the achievements shown now are enough to shine! At a young age, a host who can rival him in China can do it with two hands. It can be counted, how to succeed, and how people live to correspond to it. The brokerage company's move has also made CCTV pay more and more attention to Li Mubai's influence.

Originally, he was suddenly in charge of "Between the Cities" and many people still criticized him. They felt that he was too young and lacked sufficient experience.

Under the background of this menacing momentum, many people suddenly closed the cricket

Because for media people, topics that easily create hundreds of millions of traffic are the most powerful proof

Coupled with Xu Qiang's disgusting words, it makes people who have a heart even more miserable.

"If you feel that Li Mubai is not qualified, then you should also come to a topic with hundreds of millions of traffic and promote the learning enthusiasm of the whole people"

Look, is this what people say

There was a lot of uproar on the Internet, and the inside of CCTV was turbulent. Li Mubai's words really stirred up the situation and wrote a chapter of the times:

But for the master, the impact is not that big.

He has been busy with his work for the past two days, rarely has time to pay attention to the Internet, and is quite indifferent to such praise

Now he devotes himself to the operation of "Between the Cities", promoting and appointing a large number of cronies, and quite a few of them have the posture of ascending to heaven.

Some people are happy and some people are sad. Li Xi's victory is destined to make Zhang Xi feel sad, and the real power figures have withdrawn from the film crew one after another.

Maybe it's good luck, maybe the three TV stations in Europe and America are paper tigers

After Zhang Bin and others withdrew from the crew, Li Mubai's stern words and resolute attitude achieved miraculous results

The three TV stations in Europe and America are not as tough as they say, advancing and retreating together

Before the crew could re-invite other countries, Maozi National TV [*] took the lead in revolting. I hope that Director Li will stay calm and not be so irritable. Everything can be discussed.

Then the Gallic roosters lowered their proud heads

Because he can't keep his head down, Huaxia Li is notorious in the European and American journalist circles, notorious, hated and admired

It's okay for them to have a strong attitude towards other Chinese people, but if you dare to hate this guy, he will definitely hate you and you can't take care of your own life.

This is a lesson that many colleagues and speakers have summed up with blood and tears, and they still remember it to this day.

Chapter 651: So you are such a straight boy

CCTV Sports Department, Conference Room 00

Since ancient times, Huaxia has always respected the left, and the seat is arranged, and the person with high moral character will be arranged to sit on the left.

Since Li Mubai joined CCTV for three years, this was the first time he sat on the top left, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

With both hands on the desk, three fingers fluently turned the pen, but his deep eyes looked at the subordinate who spoke.

"Boss, latest call result"

Looking through the documents, Zuo Qiu, who was about [*] years old, smiled and said: "Maozi National TV Station sent a telegram, hoping to continue to cooperate with our station.

It is said that the relationship between our two TV stations is like the relationship between our two strategic alliances, we should watch and help each other, and we should not be deadlocked because of one point of view."

Fart strategic alliance! When he stopped turning his pen, Li Mubai despised one sentence in his heart.

When Zhang Bin and the others treated Mr. Yang respectfully before, these bastards turned their faces and advocated the supremacy of the West. Now he, a hard-liner who is famous in the Western media world, has come to power, and he immediately came over to talk about feelings and how to help each other.

If you give sincerity to such a guy, it will be difficult to sleep and eat! Also, who said that Maozi has muscles in his brain, this is so insidious and shameless.

Confused in his heart and staring at his subordinates without showing anything on his face, Li Mubai asked, "Did they have any opinions?"


Zuo Qiu shook his head and kept thinking about something and said, "But Gaul State TV [*] has put forward an opinion, I hope we can adopt it."

"Oh, let's hear it"

"They want the venue to rotate between cities, just like major sporting events, which is more in line with the show's core values."

After speaking, looking at the thoughtful Li Mubai, Zuo Qiu said in a small voice: "Boss, I think this proposal is quite pertinent, and it is also in line with the international orientation of this program.

After all, it is a competition in [*] cities of Shikoku, and all the weight is in the hands of our family, which can easily lead to resentment and suspicion, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the program.

don't know you"

"Of course I know fairness and justice are the core values ​​of this show"

When he came back to his senses, Li Mubai laughed and explained, "The reason why I didn't bring it up before was because I was afraid that these guys would have to make an inch, so that they could stay as a negotiator."

The voice fell, the audience applauded

"Director Li is awesome!"

"Director Li is mighty!"


Pressing his hands, he signaled to these 'flattering people' to stay calm, and Li Mubai asked, "What about Eagle sauce, what's their attitude?"


Shrugging, Zuo Qiu sneered: "It's very tough, saying that they must participate in the dominance, not freedom or death.

Hehe, of course, in the end they were relatively relieved, typical duplicity."

"Old Zuo, after you finish speaking in one breath, don't make people lose their appetite, okay?"

"Yeah, what's the point of being so arrogant?"

Laughing and pausing deliberately, Zuo Qiu explained: "They told me that they can accept the co-production of China and the United States, and together make "Between the Cities" a world-renowned international program"

When the voice fell, some high-level officials objected: "The production rights can only be reserved by CCTV."

Seeing that Mr. Li did not agree, he quickly said, "Mu Bai, what's your opinion?"

"My opinion"

After a pause, Li Mubai said seriously: "My opinion is to make "Between the Cities" an international famous brand, so any broad and deep cooperation can be accepted.

Including rotating the production rights of one family every year, they edit their own domestic version, and it is no problem to rotate between forty cities

There are only two, which must be guaranteed”

"You say"

Everyone subconsciously sat upright, looking at the big guy with a somewhat inexplicable expression

Li Mubai said eloquently: "First of all, in the first year, the film crew must be contracted by CCTV, and the international version must also be produced by us. They can send supervisors to cooperate.

In addition, in the referee organizing committee, we must have enough right to speak, to achieve absolute fairness and justice

It is an entertainment competition program, and in the public eye, I don't want the organizing committee to favor us at all, I just need to do not favor any party.

Therefore, the review of the referee committee must be strictly

This is my bottom line and a concession to the longevity of the show

As Zuo Qiu said, in a multi-national competitive program, a single family will not last long. We must make concessions, as long as we keep the bottom line.

This is my attitude, and you can say whatever you want."

Looking at Li Mubai who was so talkative, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

Boss, what about your arrogant attitude before? Didn't you look like 'you don't leave your father here, you have your own place'? So, your old face is that of Sichuan Opera. The deputy fights to lose part of the initial investment, and also has people fighting to get a stick of incense in one breath, so as to kick the competitor clean.

I kicked it cleanly, all of you who are well versed in palace fighting suddenly understood, and for the first time, you were afraid of patriotic and upright tactics.

Don't look at this guy's giggling all day long, it turns out that he is also a duplicitous old silver coin! Just after re-enriching the image of a great talent in his heart, Li Mubai said again: "Of course, the United TV Network's appetite is still too great, and their conditions have touched our bottom line

Also, this incident is actually the

So, let's find a new partner"

Even though their emotions were tumultuous, everyone nodded and agreed when they heard the words.

Once the emperor and the courtier, don't care how deep Li Mubai's scheming is, they only need to assist this big man now, it's useless to think too much

After discussion for a while, Neon, Germany, Basie, Nanfei waiting options were listed, and the topic extended to sponsors

I have to admit that capitalists have a better sense of smell than a dog's nose! Li Mubai just got a promotion and a raise on his front foot and back foot, and a company threw an olive branch on his back foot, expressing that he is very optimistic about the program "Between Cities"

In other words, they are very optimistic about patriotism and uprightness. The companies that want to sponsor include Tmall, Kaidong, and Huawei. Currently, the most willing companies in China are to spend money.

These three companies all intend to open up foreign markets, and the blueprint shown in "Between Cities" is tantamount to the best expansion platform for them.

"This phone has the most sincerity, but because of the sanctions imposed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, we choose it will have some more shackles, which is not conducive to the spread of the program"

After thinking for a while, Li Mubai tapped his finger on the table and said, "We will discuss this matter later, and see if there are any other companies with higher bids."


Nodding his head, Li Mubai instructed: "Let's talk about it for the time being. I hope that before May arrives, the dust can be settled."

Chapter 652: Li Mubai, who has gone solo

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