This is the 6th time she has called her lover! The whole process lasted at least 20 minutes, plus the previous ten minutes, I don't know what I'm talking about taking so long

As for the danger of her lover, she is not too worried about it, after all, the phone is always on: on

It took so long to talk to someone on the phone before she watched the group chat. Kang Hui was posting the next task of bringing goods in the group. Her parents-in-law and Mu Qing had also been bubbling ten minutes ago. Her parents sent a message and replied immediately. she

So, could it be Wang Jianing, Song Zuer, Gu Li, who was thinking about it, Xin Yue, who was on the side, said, "Sisi, still haven't made a call?"

When he came back to his senses, Li Sisi said a little embarrassedly, "No, I'm still on the phone."


She wanted to say something but hesitated at the end, Xin Yue suggested: "Then let's rest for a while, everyone eats first, how about we take pictures in the afternoon?"

After thinking for a while, Li Sisi nodded lightly and said, "It seems that this is the only way to go."

After a pause, he said apologetically: "That..., I'm sorry to trouble you, sorry!"

"No trouble, no trouble"

Xin Yue shook her head with a smile, and said politely, "By the way, Sisi, what do you want to eat, let's order takeout to help you together"

"No need for Xinyue, I've eaten earlier, and I'm not hungry now. I'll wait for my husband to come back and eat together."


After being polite and watching Xin Yue and the others leave, Li Sisi finally couldn't help rolling his eyes while heaving a sigh of relief.

Understand to understand, care to care

But at such an important moment as a wedding photo shoot, she would be embarrassed to be stared at by the staff with her doves at such an important moment.

Not to mention that the names of the three women were stuck in her throat, which made her feel inexplicably inferior and worried.

It is said that the day before yesterday, I swiped my mobile phone and accidentally turned to Gu Linaza's Douyin video. It is a daily work of the other party.

Open the comment area, and the hot comment on the top is that fans feel that they are "childhood sweethearts"

is perfect, she is a heretic

There are naturally no shortage of her fans in the comments below, but that... tens of thousands of likes are really dazzling enough

To tell the truth, she is not as beautiful as Naza, she has no advantage over her age, and she is even more appalling than the number of fans. If she hadn't felt the love of her lover, her dignified daughter might be autistic!" If you don't explain clearly, I'm not finished with you."

For the resentment and tenderness of his sweet wife, Li Mubai, who is driving with all his heart, can't take care of it for the time being.

Even amateur racers think he can imagine how fast and how fast he is driving

If it weren't for the command and coordination of the alarm center, he would lead the way, and the traffic police in the whole city would definitely be surrounded, chased and intercepted, and a scene of police and bandits chasing was properly set up.

Fortunately, there were public servants who went to the green life channel for him. Although the horns sounded one after another, it was: there was never a traffic accident.

In this case, the car keeps approaching the city courtyard

"The green light is a little longer, I haven't crossed the intersection yet, a little longer"

"Thank you, I have passed Kampar Street, thank you"

"Let me see, this should be Chaoyangmen Inner Street, Yongdingmen East Street. There is no car in front of me, so I broke through."


Another 7 minutes passed, and it was only one street away from the central hospital. Li Mubai's sigh of relief was finally relieved.

He stepped on the accelerator to the end to overtake a car, and comforted the crying woman by the way: "It will be here soon, don't worry, child."

The words are not finished, the rest of the words are stuck in the throat

Looking up at the long line of cars in front of him with wide eyes, Li Mubai's face was full of shock.

At the same time, the policewoman who only saw the situation because of the delay in the screen made a squeak.

"God! Master, you turned early, this is the way to the main entrance"

"Oops! You should turn at the next intersection, we are on the street where the back door of the hospital is!"


Listening to the annoyed voice in the bluetooth headset, Li Mubai hurriedly turned his head and looked back.

If he didn't expect it, the dense traffic flow in the imperial capital blocked his back road in an instant, and there was no possibility of turning.

I didn't have time to regret it, I heard the sound of the rear door being opened, I turned around and saw the woman holding the child and stumbled out of the car

He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and chased after him. Li Mubai grabbed the woman who was about to go crazy, and comforted him: "Sister, wait, don't worry, the traffic police should be here soon."

Along with his persuasive voice, the policewoman in the bluetooth headset is also directing the arrangement.

Holding the child tightly, the woman roared with tears: "No, I want to save my son, I want to save my son"

"Big sister, big sister, don't do this, you've gone too far"

"What else can I do if I don't run? It's blocked here. What can I do if I don't run?"

The woman's cry was hysterical, and the passers-by stopped to watch when she stood on the street with tears streaming down her face.

Not caring about being recognized, Li Mubai tried his best to persuade him: "Eldest sister, don't be in a hurry, you must not be in a hurry at this time, the child's life is at your fingertips.

The doctor said that the child can't be bumpy, it's too bumpy to run over

We are here waiting for the traffic police, we are waiting for the motorcycles of the traffic police, okay?"

The woman finally calmed down, but when she saw her son, who had fallen into a coma, she knelt on the ground weakly and cried, "Big brother, big brother, my son is dying, my son is really dying! Please, please! Please take him to the hospital"

Half-kneeling and supporting the woman, just as he was about to persuade him, Li Mubai saw a long line of cars in front of him spontaneously giving way.

I saw the cars blocked in front moving to the side of the road one after another, making way for a narrow but sufficient passage of life.

In front of the moving car, there are a few good-hearted people who keep running and telling each other

With their kind help, the car owners who didn't know the situation in front also followed suit.

Suppressing the feeling of falling tears, Li Mubai said excitedly: "Big sister, please get on the bus, get on the bus, let's get on the bus"

"thanks, thanks"

Supported by the big brother wearing a mask, looking at the heartwarming scene in front of her, the woman murmured an uncontrollable "wow"

howled out

Only this time, her cry is no longer desperate

The two quickly got into the car, and Li Mubai started the car and rushed forward.

Accompanying him was the deafening sound of horns and cheers on both sides of the road.

This scene is not as ups and downs as in the movie, but this scene is equally touching

Squeezing his sweaty eyes, Li Mubai said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Eldest sister, the child will be fine, definitely."

Woman tears strong "um"

With a sound, there was a choking sound from the bluetooth headset.

With a grin, he said, "Comrade, my driver's license won't deduct points, right?"

The voice that broke into laughter soon sounded in her ears, and the policewoman said solemnly: "Master, please rest assured, as my idol Li Mubai said, justice may be absent, but it will never be late, no, no, no, the law is nothing but human. How can we punish good-hearted people who are brave and righteous!"

Chapter 666: Isn't the star above the top?


In the information age of the Internet, the dissemination of news is simply unimaginable

Li Mubai sent the woman and child to the door of the allergy department building, and related videos were already circulating on Douyin

The content is the picture of the car giving way automatically, and the voice of Li Mubai and the child's mother talking

The first comment on the top of the comment area is still the official account of the Imperial City Traffic Police Center

[Today, Mr. Li was parking, and a female passenger got on the bus anxiously with her child in her arms

The child has just turned one year old, and the whole body is red and swollen due to allergies, shortness of breath, and even shock.

In order to send the patient to the doctor as soon as possible, Mr. Li dialed 110 immediately and transferred it to the traffic police command center. With the help of the police, he passed through multiple intersections smoothly.

At that time, there were three 3 intersections too late to change the lights. Mr. Li ran three red lights in a row. It took only 3 minutes for the one and a half hour journey to reach the hospital. The child's mother quickly sent the child to the emergency room for medical treatment.

】Under the real hammer of this official account, there are hundreds of comments from netizens, and the words are full of praise.

"The Light of the Right Way"

"The driver who saves lives, the police cymbal who knows how to work around, everyone is a good person"

"Good people have a safe life"

"Like, I wish you a happy family, as blessed as Donghai Shoubinan Mountain"

"This is the positive energy of society"

"When it comes to positive energy, some flies are quiet, the world is still cruel, and they silently comfort their distorted three views"

"This may be Huaxia, and the core values ​​are still very positive"

"The more I look at it, the more I feel that the driver is like Li Mubai who is lost in thought."

"I remember a movie about a child getting stuck in a bone. It's also a movie about going to the hospital to save people. Does anyone know what it is?"


With the passage of time, the comment area has gradually become more and more lively, and countless people have actively spoken and participated in it.

Facts have proved that for this kind of right light, fishing reels are generally very supportive

The materialized society has indeed become: more and more cold and impetuous, but the sun has never forgotten to illuminate people's hearts

Especially with the succession of the post-90s and 00s, the whole country has become: more and more confident and more youthful

like a lot of "wolf warriors"

Firmly believe that these young people headed by Li Mubai are just like the well-known gravediggers.

Of course, Li Mubai didn't know about this for the time being.

After sending the poor mother and son, they didn't care to stay and wait for the news, so they hurriedly returned to the artisan photography company to complete the momentous moment for the couple today.

During the process, I saw that there were seven 7 missed calls, and I just suddenly realized that I called my wife's number.

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