Li Muqing was jealous, standing on the spot and patting her brother's hand, the two brothers and sisters quarreled as before.

At this time, a selected clip of "Domestic Lingling Paint" was playing on the TV. The appearance of Xing Ye chopping the wires with a kitchen knife gave countless people fond memories of the past.


"On May 5 this year, Zhou Xingchi's name appeared on the list of members of the Guangdong Zheng Association, when he was immersed in the post-production of the movie "The Mermaid".

For an actor who has only starred in comedy films for more than 20 years, the serious assignment was a bit sudden. "

Switching to the interview room, which was laid out as a study, Li Mubai's handsome face came into view.

On TV, his complexion is fair, with a touch of handsomeness in his delicate facial features, and a touch of gentleness in his handsomeness.

The temperament exuded from him is also very complicated, like a mixture of various temperaments, but among those gentleness and handsomeness, he also has his own unique ethereal and handsome.

Li Mubai's voice sounded warmer than that of the host competition, as if he said straight to the heart: "Before you received this notice, did you have such a desire to participate in government affairs?"

Zhou Xingchi's aged face came into view, he shook his head and said, "No, no."

Li Mubai: "In your understanding at the time, what was this member of the Zheng Association doing?"

"Member of the Zheng Association!"

Zhou Xingchi pondered for a moment, and then explained seriously: "It should be that I can communicate some of my experience with you to see what can be done to help the film culture."

This serious explanation amused a lot of people who happened to watch the live broadcast, and even Dad Li couldn't help laughing.

He knew it after working in the system for many years.

The Zheng Association does not discuss the affairs of the entertainment industry. In the eyes of these bigwigs, people in the entertainment industry only need to obey their arrangements obediently.

Li Mubai on the TV smiled slightly and asked this question on behalf of everyone:

"However, others have some ideas.

They feel that this meeting of the Zhengzhou Association is not a meeting of a film troupe, but a very serious social responsibility, and he will say that you are not well prepared?"

Zhou Xingchi kept nodding, admitting: "Yes, yes, I didn't prepare enough, because the timing was not well coordinated."

Nonsensical movie tidbits, narrated by Li Mubai——

"As a person who lives on Hong Kong Island and has never participated in the Zhengzhou affairs, Zhou Xingchi is not clear about the concept of the Zheng Association.

Ten days later, on October 10, at the opening meeting of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, Zhou Xingchi was 16 minutes late.

In the afternoon, he again missed the panel discussion.

The meeting attracted a lot of media, and soon it was published under the title "Zheng Association member Zhou Xingchi arrives late and leaves early for soy sauce", which caused heated discussions.

When Zhou Xingchi talked about it, he was also very annoyed. "

[Tidbits - Zhou Xingchi was interviewed at the same time]

Zhou Xingchi: It's really rude for the driver to go the wrong way, get stuck in traffic, and be late.

Reporter: To avoid this situation, you should have been there a day earlier and stayed in a hotel, so that the driver will not go the wrong way, just inexperienced.

Li Mubai watched with relish, Li Mubai, who had ended his daily fight with his sister, picked up the remote control, raised his hand and pressed the pause button...  

Dad turned to look.

What he watched was a little unfulfilled, after all, it was the first show hosted by his son in his life, and it looked pretty good.

Li Mubai smiled and said, "The TV has a recording function. It's not too late for us to come back and watch it. Dad, let's go out to eat. I have already ordered."

For a while, Dad nodded without expressing any opinion.

After booking a car online, the family of four got on a Didi taxi within five minutes and drove to their destination.

The driver is a middle-aged man. He recognized CCTV's new star Li Mubai, and he sincerely praised the old couple along the way.

At the same time, "Seeing" is gradually entering the public's field of vision all over the country.

After all, it is an era of information explosion, even if the broadcast time is during work, even without any publicity.

But the influence of Zhou Xingchi, the king of comedy, is unparalleled, and the popularity of Li Mubai, a new host, cannot be underestimated, and the program is still a classic program of CCTV.

Many people are bored and press the remote control to change the channel to see the star, [*]% will choose to stop and watch, and then sink in.

The influence of the king of comedy is by no means the paper data that the traffic stars pursue, it can be explained in one sentence!

No, Li Mubai's family of four just sat down in the private room, and the newsgroup group chat became lively:

Wang Jianing: @李Mubai; said that they would become a dog together, but why did you endure it? (Sadness draws a circle)

Zou Yun: It’s amazing. I just watched your reporter interview on the front foot, and then saw the show you hosted on the back foot.

Wang Jianing: I envy me to death. Mu Bai has become the host of "Seeing". At this time, I was still eating and waiting to die on the Jiangsu morning news.

Bai Ying: envy envy

Liu Miaoran: Lord Xing, I really envy me!

Feng Shuo: @李Mubai; why so early?Is it because of the cancellation of the press conference?

Wang Jianing: Yes, yes, the competition is not over yet, you are a bit hateful for doing this

Li Mubai: @fengshuo@王嘉宁; (covering his face) It was indeed temporarily used for emergency use. Now it's up to the audience to buy it or not?

Wang Jianing: What do you mean?

Li Mubai: This is my chance and my test. .

Chapter 85. Word of mouth begins to ferment T

 "Call for Master Xing, call for Li Mubai!!"

"After hearing the news, the three words Zhou Xingchi are already glittering enough."

"Li Mubai is really good. From the interview with Master Star, we can see that he is a very good host and a very good listener!"

"Indeed, I feel that Li Mubai's quality is very high, not only professional, but also the way he asks people is very touching."

"Yes, just like a heart-to-heart talk, sincere and serious, it makes people very comfortable!"

"CCTV's tyrants are still powerful, and talents like Li Mubai must be supported."

"Zhou Xingchi, tragic his own life, but achieved the joy of millions of people"

"Among the young people, Li Mubai is a very conscientious host."


With the appeal of one plus one greater than two, a few minutes after "Seeing" was broadcast, a group of people gathered on the CCTV video network that was broadcast live simultaneously.

Influenced by the current Internet culture, many people always feel that something is missing when watching programs on TV. It is far less impressive than discussing and watching with their friends.

Here, they can call friends and talk about the world.

There were only a few tens of thousands of people who saw the live channel 26, and many enthusiastic netizens began to shout everywhere, shouting under the official Weibo of Xingye and Li Mubai.

The number of people is more powerful, and the number of clicks on the live channel begins to grow linearly and slowly.

At this time, the interview has already reached the second paragraph.

A fragment about the outside world's doubts about Zhou Xingchi's autocraticism, ego, and greed for money.


"Zhou Xingchi confessed that he didn't understand Zhengzhi, but he was driven by his enthusiasm to promote the development of the film and did not think carefully.

He said that he usually doesn't eat and drink, he doesn't care about current affairs, and he rarely travels. He focuses his entire life on movies, and almost all the praise and controversy he has received over the years stem from this.

In the past ten years, Zhou Xingchi has not often appeared in the public eye. Except for film promotions that average once every three to four years, he is usually an image made up by other people's comments. "

[Video, everyone's evaluation of Zhou Xingchi]

Chen Jiashang: Zhou Xingchi, a genius.

Luo Jiaying: The separation between a genius and an idiot is a fine line.

Yuanhua: A lot of people say that he is often very temperamental.

Huang Yifei: He takes the price very seriously.

Lin Zicong: I keep asking for higher and higher, better and better.

Wang Ping: It is to dominate everyone.

Seeing this, many fans of Xingye expressed their dissatisfaction, and the barrage became dense.

"What do you mean by Luo Jiaying's words? Zhou Xingchi is sometimes a genius and sometimes an idiot? Without Xing Ye, you are just a Cantonese opera singer."

"That's right, after frying Tang Seng's cold rice for a lifetime, you have the nerve to accuse Master Xing?"

"Isn't Lin Zicong directing movies by himself now? He doesn't even have the basic directorial qualities! What J8 stuff he made!"

"Jealousy is the best compliment to a genius!"

The barrage was buzzing, and Li Mubai's Cirou's voice never stopped.

"You can hear people who know him have mixed reviews of this comedic character, with some calling him a genius and some calling him a tyrant.

On the one hand, he is constantly discovering new films and new collaborators.

On the other hand, the contracted artists who used to cooperate have terminated their contracts continuously, the former partners no longer cooperate, and there are also business partners who go to court. "

【Conversation and interview】

Li Mubai: "There is a common description among these people, that you think you have some ego?"

Zhou Xingchi: "Myself? Of course I am a serious person at work, but sometimes you know that when you are serious, some people will be unhappy."

Li Mubai: "Why does being serious make you unhappy?"

Zhou Xingchi: "For example, if you are filming, you will NG a hundred times in one shot. See if anyone is unhappy about this!

Of course some people will be unhappy, right?

That is to say, what are you doing, you have a problem, you are so troublesome. "

Seeing this, many people smiled and understood the difficult mandarin recitation of Master Xing.

He said a big truth, without arbitrariness, how can there be a classic?

It is precisely because his films are so popular that the collaborators have been given the title of golden supporting roles one by one, and one by one, they have become overly demanding.

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