Guan Yu replied: Don't drink when you ride a horse, don't ride a horse when you drink.

Although this is a joke, the warning is the danger of drunk driving 26. "

The audience was very smart and pinpointed the word "drinking and driving" accurately, and at the same time, they also looked forward to Li Mubai's high-energy jokes.

Li Mubai said solemnly: "Recently, in Heperylene Baoding, a man encountered danger and fright because he did not listen to Guan Yu's words. He was both a car and a horse."

The words fell, and the news material was cut out on the big screen——

The content is that Bao Ding, a man riding a horse, ran wildly on the road, attracting crowds to watch.

It is understood that the man ran wild on horseback, and the speed of the waist and horse was so fast that he even left several BMW cars behind.

It may be due to improper operation, and as a result, he fell off the horse's back, was injured and fainted, and was unable to get up after being shaken by onlookers.

Fortunately, the brown horse the man was riding stood by and did not move after it fell to the ground, otherwise the man with the reins still wrapped around his waist may have suffered secondary injuries.

After investigation by the traffic police, the man was arrested for drunk driving just three hours before the horse riding, and he was sentenced to 12 deductions and a fine of 1000 yuan.

This VCR period is quite long, and the barrage is very lively for a while.

"It's great, I'm Da Baodi, there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts!"

"No horses are allowed on the road, what kind of road is it?"

"Because we are walking on the road of the main ceremony of the Marcus Society (squint smile)"

"Synonym IX, you are very beautiful!"

"I also want to complain. It's been 6102 years, and I'm still talking about Ma Lu. I usually talk about Ma Lu when I make a report, I always talk about the road!"

"Hahaha, I was at the scene, this guy was so handsome and fell a dog and ate shit on the spot (haha)"

"Let us be companions of the world and live unrestrained and unrestrained"

"Li Mubai, you are the king of ten thousand words in the CCTV hosting industry, and the joker of Yan Zhi Online, when can you drive a sign language host crazy?"


The barrage was buzzing, and the ratings skyrocketed.

Facts have proved that the audience is obviously more interested in the livelihood news of the sand sculpture, and the choice of the program group is not wrong.

The camera switched at this moment, and Li Mubai's handsome figure came into everyone's eyes again.

"This news tells us again; it is not necessarily a prince who rides a white horse, it may be an alcoholic, and it is not necessarily a car or an animal who drives after drinking, but it will definitely end in tragedy."

This rhyming paragraph was broadcasted by Song Wen who knew it in advance, so her translation went smoothly.

But after all, it was the first time I came into contact with this kind of passage translation, and some inevitable pauses were still seen by the 'critical' audience.

The barrage burst into laughter, and the words "Sign language teacher died on the spot" smashed the screen.

Li Mubai has not stopped broadcasting his jokes, and his voice is magnetic and gushing: "The traffic police just had a long talk with him because of drunk driving, and he was deducted and fined [*] points.

After parting, he should have cherished and cherished, and he once again rode the horse and whipped the whip.

Fortunately, no passers-by or horses were injured, but his arm was fractured first.

The true companion of the world is unrestrained and unrestrained. It is not riding a horse and drinking to the end of the world, but abiding by the law and returning home safely and sharing the prosperity of the world with relatives. "

After finishing this episode in one breath, Li Mubai's bearing was still calm, and the hand of the sign language teacher could not keep up with the rhythm.

Without giving the audience a chance to post the barrage, he glanced down at the press release, and Li Mubai immediately started the second broadcast.

"Let's pay attention to the weather. Let's read a letter to everyone about weather changes."

Sign language teacher Song Wen hurriedly sat upright, staring at the camera like a formidable enemy!

Three minutes is only enough time to write down the first news piece, and this guy will improvise later...

Not understanding the sadness of the "enemy of life", Li Mubai said solemnly: "Hello, I am the cold air of the eastward path.

I've been thinking about everyone recently, so I couldn't wait to come in from the northeast this morning!

One couldn't hold back, and brought Jilin Changchun the first snowfall since the fall of this year, although it was a little later than in previous years. "

The audience laughed, and the mood was completely hilarious!

The two consecutive jokes are connected together, and I love them to the limit. It is really heart-warming that CCTV's tyrants are close to the people.

Of course, the heart of a sign language teacher who translates seriously may be cold!

I am afraid she is thinking at this time: his hands are cold, his smile is cold, cold, cold, all cold~

Li Mubai didn't smile at all, and read the channel seriously: "My planned itinerary in the next few days is as follows:

On the 6th, I want to cry in the cobalt area of ​​Inner Mongolia in northeast China; on the 7th, I will freeze the Xinzang area of ​​​​Xinzang.

In large areas, the cooling rate will be 3 to 6 degrees Celsius, and local areas will exceed 8 degrees Celsius.

So, hurry up, you should add clothes and clothes, don't wait for me to knock on the door! "

After a two-second pause, he continued: "Look, there was snow and rain outside the window, and you were waiting to knock on the door downstairs. We had to prepare an umbrella with a diameter of two meters."

The words fell, and the screen cut into the VCR——

The sign language teacher Song Wen also breathed a sigh of relief and stopped, slightly tired and turned her head to look at Li Mubai on the side screen.

It is not difficult to translate this paragraph, but when I think of the various ridicule of netizens, I feel uncomfortable.

Song Wen's guess is good, and netizens are laughing crazy at this time!

"The official joker is awesome, a joker who was delayed by news broadcasts..."

"Li Mubai, are you an undercover agent arranged by Deyun Society on CCTV?"

"When the sign language teacher translated this passage, it was so cute (haha)"

"This paragraph is a ghost, and it was bombed continuously at the beginning!"

"Sign language teacher: When a sign language teacher of Duanzi Shou, you can only stop and move your hands silently on the screen."

"Guangxi Nanning people enjoy the warm sunshine of 28 degrees, but also look at their compatriots in the northeast with caring eyes (squint smile)"

"Sign Language Anchor: Ever since CCTV began to be serious, I have wanted to kill the anchor more than once in my life.".

Chapter 136

Imperial City Conference Center, "National Drama Festival" program group.

At this time, the red carpet catwalk of the grand ceremony has kicked off, and Anji Satellite TV also started live broadcast at the same time.

After confirming that everything was running as planned, Zhang Alin, consul of the organizing committee and director of the Dolphin Channel, walked into the background.

All the way to the technical department area, I met Yu Qi, the person in charge of the backstage of the ceremony.

Seeing Yu Qi, Zhang Alin asked with a smile, "Old Yu, did the ratings for the first time period come out?"

Yu Qi nodded, stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Director, according to the news from Soffrey, the current audience rating of the festival ranks first in the country at the same time, and the audience share is also the first."

Zhang Alin smiled with satisfaction, this was the same result he expected.

State-owned enterprises, performance first.

"National Drama Festival" is his biggest source of political achievements, and it is also one of the few highlights of the Dolphin Stage in the past year.

Today's TV field is still dominated by the Yangba family, and then Mango TV firmly occupies the top spot in the entertainment field.

After that, the troika composed of Dragon TV, Sky Blue and Jiangsu Satellite TV formed a chasing trend for Mango TV.

The Dolphin Stage belongs to the fourth gear, and it shivered under the shadow of several Brother Stages.

Their most glorious moment is probably the period when Guo Degang signed a contract as a host!


Zhang Alin was still happy, and Yu Qi said solemnly: "Director, although we are still number one in the ratings, there is a program behind us that is chasing very closely, and we will only be able to catch up with us!"

A heart suddenly rose, and Zhang Alin said solemnly: "Which program? What trump card programs can threaten us during this time period?"

With a sigh, Yu Qi explained: "Tonight's news anchor for CCTV's "Common Concern" is Li Mubai, and many people have gone to listen to him talk about the news!"

Zhang Alin must have known about Li Mubai, after all, this is the arrogant son of the sky that they came out of.

During the "Host Contest", he also had contact with Li Mubai's father, and wanted to go through the back door to sign the talented man under his command.

It's a pity that Dad Li's attitude is very firm. No matter how hard he and Wenhua's leaders persuade him, he is always determined to let his son stay on CCTV.

When the fire of "Wonderful Flowers" and "Everyday Upwards" made him decide to spend a lot of money, CCTV had officially announced that he had signed Li Mubai.

Afterwards, he also witnessed Li Mubai's glorious moments one by one. Naturally, it is impossible not to know about the "Common Concern" that detonated the Internet.

It's just that the audience rating of the first episode was less than 1%, so why is the second episode so fierce?

You must know that the stars of Kung Fu on the red carpet include Li Yifeng, Tang Yan, Luo Jin, Wu Qilong, Huang Xuan, Yang Zi, and Song Cuer.

Which one is not top stream?

Which one is not a fan of millions?

Why did he lose to Li Mubai, who has more than [*] million fans, and a people's livelihood news program?

Zhang Alin is full of heartbreak and puzzlement!

In his opinion, the fact that so many popular superstars are forced to be like this by Li Mubai is an unquestionable failure!

After thinking about it, he hurried to the nearest office and opened the "Common Concern" live broadcast by Li Mubai.

After the CCTV video was refreshed, a series of barrages appeared.

"Duanzi wears Li Mubai's hand, and the old driver wears Sa Baining'"!"

"As long as it's a holiday now, I'll think of Li Mubai's famous joke: "The earth doesn't explode, we don't have a holiday, the universe doesn't restart, we don't rest."

"Tell me a joke - it turns out that CCTV only has one sign language interpreter, and it held a sign language class for Li Mubai (squint smile)"

"I remember one time Aunt Sign Language gave up..."

"I saw it too! I also told my mother why that aunt didn't move hahahahahahahaha"


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