Chapter 1020: Don’t live in the present!!

“What I say is that you should think it over for yourselves; if you want to create better music, don’t care about the opinions of fans and try to have a serious relationship. And you are not young either, you are around 25 years old.”

“Or, if you don’t want to disappoint fans, don’t fall in love; at the same time, don’t get too entangled in your music creation; it would be better to just let nature take its course.”

“But you have to understand that no idol has ever been popular for 20 years.”

Luo Shao reminded them

“Aren’t Liu Dehua and the others idols? It has been popular for more than 30 years.”

Wu Lei said

“Then you have to understand that Liu Dehua is not an idol, he is an actor by definition; he started out as an actor, and he only sang after a few years of debut.”

“What’s more, there are two definitions of idols. One is the idol defined by the company internally; this category belongs to you; the other is the idol that fans automatically think of him as an idol. Liu Dehua and others are this category.”

“Have you ever seen Liu Dehua not fall in love for the sake of career or popularity?”

“Liu Dehua debuted in 1985, met his wife in 1986, and got married in 2008”

“They have been in love for 22 years, not to mention that they have been in love for 22 years, but at least it has been more than ten years, right?”

“Therefore, if you give up dating for the sake of popularity and fans, this kind of idol is just overdrawing your potential and future; of course, I am not instigating you to give up fans and fall in love.”

“I just remind you that if you really want to create good music, you cannot do without your emotional life; at this time, you have to make a choice, whether to ask yourself to further improve yourself, or to retain the current top level. Flow value, after consuming as much of your top flow value as possible, you will be eliminated by the market”

“You yourselves know it well. You think Korean stalkers were top-notch when they returned to China, but what about now? They have been covered up by you latecomers; this means that in the future, there will also be fresh talents, and the younger generations can become top-notch and can replace you.”

“And if you don’t want to be replaced, then you need to transform, transform into a real musician, or transform into an actor. These are all fine.”

“Look at the Korean guy, isn’t he on the road to transforming into an actor these years?”

“You have to look at the market trend. The idols of those born in the 70s are Liu Dehua and others; the idols of those born in the 80s are Han Geng, Hu He, Liu Yifei and others; the idols of those born in the 90s are Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, me, Reba, etc. people”

“You are the idols of those born in 2000; but what about those born in 1000? Their idols are Yi Yang Qianxi and others”

“What about those born in the 20s? What about those born in their 30s? Will they still like you now?”

“Liu Dehua can become the idol of many people born in the 70s, 80s and 90s”

“Hu Hu can also become the idol of many people born in the 80s, 90s and 00s”

“And I can also become the idol of many people born in the 90s, 00s, and even the 10s.”

“In the final analysis, these are always real actors and singers, not so-called idol singers.”

“Do you just think that your career will only last ten years? These ten years are only one tenth of your life; you have to think clearly about what you want to do in the future.”

“You have to understand that a loyal man can’t just live in the present, he has to think about the future.”

“Zhongguo people are different from people in other countries. Many people abroad live in the present; but we Zhongguo people think about the future and the next generation.”

Luo Shao’s words were broadcast on the program, and many people fell into deep thought after watching it.

Many people who are older than Luo Shao may not be able to imagine this. However, Luo Shao can do it at a young age.


After arriving at the destination, there was a hotel.

After entering the hotel, the director directed the members of the two teams and said:”Which side just won?”


Wu Lei raised his hand to indicate that they had won.

“This is the winner’s lunch, this is the loser’s lunch.”

The director pointed to the two tables next to him.

There was nothing to eat on them yet, it was just an empty table. But as soon as he sat down, someone served him the food immediately.

First there was lunch for the victorious side, which was very luxurious and tasted like all the delicious food in Hangzhou. Come on, put them all on the dining table


Looking at the rich lunch of the fresh meat group, the bacon group was very envious

“What about ours?”

Deng Chao couldn’t help but ask the director what their lunch was.

As a result, the hotel staff brought a tray of steamed buns. Seeing the steamed buns, they looked towards the door, looking forward to the next dish.

But they waited for a long time. No, Chen He was shocked:”No, no?”


The director’s answer made all the running men quit.

“I won’t record anymore.”

Zheng Da said that she would not record any more.

“Yes, you are making too serious a distinction. Are they so luxurious and we are so simple?”

Deng Chao pointed at the buns and was very unhappy.

The director said:”As we said in the relay competition just now, the winner can take an air-conditioned car and high-end ingredients; you lost it and it has nothing to do with us.”


The six running men were all speechless.


The happiest people were Wang Jiaer and the others, who laughed and laughed at the running men’s team.

Before using his chopsticks, Luo Shao reminded:”I told you, don’t eat them out of kindness; this is the rule of the game, and it is very likely that we After giving them food, we had no chance to continue eating.”

“Yes, that’s it.”

Reba agreed very much and asked them not to give


The bacon team of Running Man looks enviously at other people’s big fish and meat, and they can only gnaw and bury their heads in it

“Mr. Luo, really, it would be nice if you gave me some soup. Look, it’s just a steamed bun, but it doesn’t have any flavor.”

Deng Chao pointed at the steamed buns and asked Luo Shao for some soup or something.

“Then you wait first. When we are full and we are sure that we don’t need to eat anymore, we will give it to you.”

“do not!”

Chen He was very anxious and came over to plead for mercy:”You are all full, is there anything left?”

“Yes, just give me a little, not much.”

Li Chen also came over to ask for food.

“No no no.”

Huang Zitao refused happily.

“Let’s eat first, eat some before giving it away, otherwise it will be taken away later and we won’t even be able to eat.”

Zhang Yixing is also very smart. After participating in the extreme challenge, he understood many of the program’s routines.

Luo Shao took a look at the food on the table and picked up the food for Reba.


The bacon group looked very envious. They wanted to eat but couldn’t.

“In the next round of the game, you have to win even if you die. I tell you, give it your all.”

“This is not only related to the issue of air-conditioned vehicles, but also the issue of food.”

Chen He said seriously

“Take care of yourself first.”

Deng Chao, Li Chen, and Zheng Gao all complained about Chen He.

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