Chapter 842 Today’s martial arts dramas!!

While cooking dinner, it is inevitable to chat.

He Jiong’s position in the mushroom house is to entertain guests and chat with them

“Peng Peng has been practicing his martial arts moves very seriously recently, Luo Shao, do you know?”

“I know.”

Luo Shao was preparing other things and chatting with He Jiong about this matter.

“If you don’t practice, it will be very difficult to perform when the time comes.”

Peng Yuchang himself said it

“We all have to practice too.”

I don’t know where to find something to eat, Reba said while eating.

“It’s rare now.”

Huang Lei also talked about this matter when he was busy.

“Do you know that young people nowadays don’t like watching martial arts dramas?”


He Jiong has really never thought about this question.

“I don’t know if you have noticed, but today’s martial arts dramas have lost their original soul.

In martial arts, first of all, the fighting must be good-looking. However, in today’s martial arts dramas, there are basically no martial arts moves, and the special effects are very fancy; otherwise, they just show some handsome moves.

However, what martial arts requires is the pleasure of punching to the flesh, not posing. Coupled with the frequent use of slow motion, the overall sense of power and impact is lost.

Previous martial arts dramas, from the Taoist and rustic”Knight’s Journey” to the perfect combination of special effects and action, have kept us glued to the TV to watch them every day.

The second is that the filming is unrealistic. Qiao Feng, Guo Jing, Shi Potian, both the protagonists and supporting actors should have traces that match their living habits. Instead of being fair and clean as a whole, they are just a bunch of young faces in the camera, posing poss to add some points. Just special effects.

If you don’t use martial arts, it’s not chivalry, so why is it chivalry? If you don’t have any martial arts moves, how can you be chivalrous??”

Luo Shao pointed out the problems in martial arts dramas, which also made many viewers support

“Maybe it’s because today’s young actors don’t know martial arts. He

Jiong helped organize it, but Luo Shao disagreed:”It’s not that I don’t know how to do it, it’s that I don’t learn!””

“Hu Ge, Liu Shishi, Yuan Hong and others did not learn martial arts moves before their debut; but in order to film”Sword and Sword 1″ well, they》,《Young General Yang》,《For works such as”Sword and Sword 3″, didn’t they also train for several months before starting filming?”

“Besides, for today’s young actors, if you don’t know martial arts, it’s okay, and I understand that you don’t.”

“But you don’t know how, can you not accept this kind of script? Can’t we leave it to newcomers who have studied martial arts? You don’t know martial arts, but you still have to accept it. If you accept it, you don’t train first before joining the group.”

“What’s this? This is no professionalism”

“Look at the young people filming martial arts dramas now. How low is their starting point?”

“Among the older generation of action actors in the past, including Li Lianjie, Zhen Zidan, Wu Jing, and Zhao Wenzhuo, which one has not won a martial arts championship? Let’s talk about Hong Jinbao, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biu, Carrie Lam and others. Which of them didn’t study in a theater troupe for many years and then started working as a bit player before they had the opportunity to be a leading actor?”

“But what about today’s young actors? Has any of the male leads in martial arts dramas studied martial arts? No, not one”

“What does this mean? It shows that the threshold for actors is low. As long as you are handsome and packaged by a company, you can become the protagonist; the threshold for actors is low, which means that the industry is more chaotic and the works performed are even less quality.”

What Luo Shao said, Huang Lei, who is an acting teacher, agreed very much:”I think he is right.”

“Today’s young people really don’t know how to cherish opportunities”

“If they don’t know how to cherish opportunities, it’s because they enter the industry too easily and don’t have the experience of squeezing their scalp to get an opportunity.”

“You see, I have good relationships with young people who often use”

“Ma Ke, Zhang Xincheng, Wu Lei, Peng Yuchang, Li Xian, Guo Qilin, Bai Jinting”

“Which one of them didn’t go to the martial arts training I arranged after they signed the contract with me?”

“I know they won’t, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t. First of all, you have to learn, and secondly, you have to put in the hard work, sweat and attitude in order to make this movie.”

“No, it’s not possible, but you have to practice. You won’t have to take it again without practicing. This is a problem of your attitude and professionalism. Do you understand?”

Luo Shao’s words were recognized by all the audience.

“No wonder Peng Peng works so hard.”

He Jiong said with a smile.

“It’s not hard work, it’s just a necessary part of my job.”

“I don’t make much money from a movie, but I’ll definitely earn two or three million.”

“You can’t take these millions of dollars in salary and pay nothing, right?”

“Besides, what Lao Luo said is right. If I really didn’t want to practice, I wouldn’t have accepted it, but since I accepted it, if I didn’t know martial arts, I would definitely learn it.”

“Learning these things will do no harm to you, only benefits.”

It is because he has known Luo Shao for many years that he was instilled in him with many righteous thoughts by Luo Shao. Only then could Peng Yuchang understand that if he wants to stay in this circle for a long time, he must learn more

“This is great.”

This is what Huang Lei likes about Peng Yuchang, humility and hard work.

“Luo Shao, your fantasy drama also has a lot of action scenes.”

“If I don’t arrange these action scenes in my fantasy dramas, then there will be no real action scenes in today’s martial arts dramas. In addition, young people nowadays prefer fantasy dramas. If there are fantasy dramas, they will not like martial arts dramas. Over time, Yes, in domestic martial arts dramas, action scenes will disappear.”

“Therefore, in my fantasy works, I will add a lot of real martial arts scenes to match the special effects.”

“This effect will be more beautiful and the visual effect will be more shocking.”

This is why Luo Shao can criticize those little fresh meat

“Haha, it seems like your first movie had an action scene.”

Reba remembers it very clearly.

“Yes,”The Little Monk” has a lot of action scenes. Before filming, I had never learned martial arts.”

“But the good thing is that I was young and had a soft body, so I could make a lot of moves.”

“Because as a child, no matter how standard your movements are, because your body is too young, you still don’t have that powerful sense of strike. At that time, you were just learning movements.”

“Later, I filmed more and learned more from the martial arts instructors on the crew, and I gradually understood these things.”

Speaking of this matter, Luo Shao still found it very interesting.

“Oh, by the way, Lao Luo, what did you use to buy the first salary you earned?”

Peng Yuchang asked Luo Shao

“Didn’t buy anything.”

Luo Shao smiled and said that he didn’t buy anything.

“ah? Did your parents take it and not give it to you?”

He Jiong asked

“no. Luo

Shao laughed and said:”The first salary I earned, I had nothing, so I used it to pay for kindergarten tuition, Xiao Tong’s and mine.””

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