Chapter 983: Mr. Han treats guests to ice cream!!

Han Haolin, who was doing his homework, stood up, approached Luo Shao’s ear, and whispered softly:”Brother, let’s go eat ice cream? I’ll treat you to it!””

“ah? Luo

Shao, who was reading the script, looked at this kid with a smile:”Where did you get the money?””

“Deduct it from my salary!”


Han Haolin is so smart, he actually knows the salary? Luo Shao was really amused

“How about it?”

Han Haolin was still very proud, as if I have money, but it’s not in my hands.

“This is not a question of whether to invite or not. The key is, what should you do if you have diarrhea after eating ice cream? Han

Haolin was very clever and whispered to him quietly:”If I get scolded by my mother, you can speak for me. You can’t eat my ice cream for free, right?””


Luo Shao, who was very talkative, didn’t even know how to answer now.

“Where are your parents?”

Luo Shao asked this little guy

“Ignore them, my parents must be out on a date”

“The quarrel they had just now was staged in front of me, but they didn’t even think about it. I was already a young actor after all. How could they deceive me with their poor acting skills?”

“Moreover, I took away their movie tickets and asked them to go to the movie without me.”

After saying that, Han Haolin took out the movie ticket as if showing off.

Looking at the movie ticket in this kid’s hand, Luo Shao was really convinced. This kid is too thief.

“Did you know that this movie ticket is enough for you to eat dozens of ice creams?”

Luo Shao laughed.

As a result, Han Haolin was rich and said:”Brother, I don’t need this money.”


I’m convinced. Luo Shao is really convinced now. This kid is so arrogant.

“Walk! Go eat ice cream. If you have a stomachache tomorrow, your parents will educate you and your brother will support you.”

The two of them made an agreement and trotted away from the set.

After leaving the set, they went to the small supermarket next to the set to buy ice cream.

One big and one small, the two came back to the set licking the ice cream. This scene happened to be seen by the director.

“What are you doing? In this kind of weather, I took Haolin to eat ice cream.”

Xu Ke was happy

“How bad would it be if I didn’t give you face when Haolin was treating me to a guest?”

“Mr. Han’s face, Director Xu, do you dare not to give it? If Mr. Han’s entertainment is not handled well and Mr. Han doesn’t cooperate when the time comes to act, what will happen if we are stuck in the scene for a day?”

Luo Shao’s sense of humor made the crew happy. Even Mr. Han came out? I also admire his brains.

While eating ice cream, Han Haolin’s parents came back and happened to see their child eating ice cream.

“Haolin, you still eat ice cream. It’s April now. Do you eat ice cream in this weather?”

Han Haolin’s mother came over and asked her son what he was doing.


“You can’t eat ice cream until summer.”

Mother Han said. Han Haolin couldn’t talk to his mother and looked at Luo Shao.

Luo Shao was short-tempered and soft-handed. Han Haolin had already looked at him. Can he not help?

“It’s like, when summer comes, you can give us, Mr. Han, ice cream”

“Haha~ Luo Shao, don’t make trouble, I’m educating the children.”

Mother Han said with a smile

“What is education? Mr. Han doesn’t eat ice cream every day, he just eats one. What can happen?”

What Luo Shao said, Han Haolin gave him a thumbs up.

“Eating ice cream gives him diarrhea.”

Mother Han said

“It’s like Mr. Han won’t go to the toilet if he doesn’t eat.”


Luo Shao’s crooked reasoning made everyone around him laugh out loud.

“Don’t always think that I am pampering my children. Instead, I think you parents born in the 80s and 90s are really too pampered.”

“Ask yourselves when you were young, you rolled in the mud for a long time and drank a lot of mud water, but you didn’t have diarrhea. But your children have diarrhea after eating ice cream. Why is this?”

“It’s not that you have always given your children too much protection; don’t touch this dirty thing and don’t touch that dirty thing.”

“Bacteria are certainly bad, but that doesn’t mean they are all bad, okay?”

“It’s because you are too pampered that your children’s immunity is so poor that they get diarrhea even after eating ice cream. Do you think this is a kind of protection for your children? Instead, it’s a gentle killer.”

Luo Shao didn’t say this just to avoid being scolded by Han Haolin.

He really felt that today’s children are too spoiled and pampered. They all look very clean, but they are very easy to get sick, and they get sick easily. It’s particularly difficult to get better

“However, children’s physical constitution is not good and they are really prone to getting sick.”

Han Haolin’s mother said helplessly

“Nonsense, is it possible to get sick easily?”

“Think about it for yourself, does Han Haolin usually do any exercise? When you are not filming, do you spend all your time studying? Does studying mean sitting in a classroom or room and reading without moving?”

“Without exercise and physical fitness, children will naturally become sick easily if their immunity and physical fitness are not good! On the one hand, you have to arrange various interest classes, cram schools and specialty classes for your child, without giving him time to play. On the other hand, you blame the child’s poor physical condition and his tendency to get sick easily.”

“Sister, you have to understand that Haolin is only 8 years old this year! It is a time of innocence that you as parents have deprived you of.”

“Haolin has to study, and he also has to work in movies to make money. Remember, he is only 8 years old. He will have to work hard for decades to come. But you are depriving your children of the simplest and happiest things in childhood. For a period of time; don’t say anything. This is to prevent the child from losing at the starting line, and it is also for the sake of his future.”

“This is just your self-comfort; or in other words, you put all the dreams that you could not achieve on an 8-year-old child.”

“Another point, you have to remember that your son is already very good, because he is now 8 years old. He can earn 2,000 yuan by filming an episode of TV series, and tens of thousands of yuan by filming an advertisement.”

“What else do you want from him? What’s wrong with eating ice cream? Is it too much to let him play for a day now and then?”

Luo Shao’s words left Han Haolin’s parents speechless.

In fact, Han Haolin’s father always felt that Luo Shao’s three views were very upright, including his treatment of children.

But he had no choice because it was his wife who had the final say at home., and his wife was doing it for the sake of their children, so he didn’t say anything.

What Luo Shao said now was what Han’s father wanted to say to his wife the most, but he didn’t have the courage to say it.

Because he knew, Even if I say it, my wife won’t listen.

“So what I did was wrong?”

Mother Han asked Luo Shao.

Luo Shao’s answer was:”If you think the idea in your head is right, then why don’t you get what you want?”

Luo Shao’s words immediately shocked everyone.

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