In June 2016, in this summer season, the mainland Internet platform 271 held a talent show"Idol Producer".

The program model is based on the"PRODUCE101" that became popular in the cold country in January this year. It is a loyal version of the idol group talent show.

Now, the 101 selected trainees have come to the Dachang Film and Television Town in Langcheng, Hebei Province.

"I'm so nervous! Oh my god! I'm so nervous!"

"It hasn't even started yet and you're already nervous?!"

"Nonsense, there are so many opponents coming tonight, how can I not be nervous?"

"You haven't seen the world."

Some trainees came in groups, and some came alone.

Among them, there was a handsome boy with a good figure who quietly walked into the backstage.

As soon as the boy came in, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

As a boy, everyone thought he was handsome, but this kind of handsomeness was different.

His facial features were very three-dimensional, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he exuded male hormones all over his body. His temperament gave people the feeling of a noble gentleman, but he had a faint smile on his face, giving people a feeling of being bad.

The boy's name was Cao Gong, born on May 20, 1996, with a height of 185 and a weight of 150.

After Cao Gong came in, he looked at the several grade labels placed on the table.

They were A、B、C、D、

The purpose is to let them rate themselves and see their own scores.

"Oh, this little boy is so handsome."In the conference room, several teachers were watching this scene.

"Yes, this boy is very handsome, and his temperament is very unique"

"Sister, are you attracted to him?" A female teacher smiled and teased the beauty next to her.

"Hehe~" Several male instructors just smiled and said nothing.

"This guy is quite handsome, but I don't know how strong he is."

"But I feel that this boy is not simple, and I always feel that he is very capable."

The female teacher sitting in the middle pointed at Cao Gong in the picture with confidence.

"Yes, I think so too. Looking at his confident eyes, I feel that he has something."

What the two female instructors said made the male instructor couldn't help but laugh and said,"You guys are not saying that because you think he is handsome, are you?"

"No, it really feels that way."The female instructor was a little shy.

But on the other side, after choosing a grade for himself, Cao Gong went in first.

In the gathering place, the big screen also displayed Cao Gong's basic information

"Personal trainee, thief!"

"What the hell? Cao Zei?"When the trainees saw the name, they were stunned.

"Haha~ Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh, it's very rude, but this name haha~"

One trainee couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

There was nothing they could do, mainly because this name was really, really too unique.

Cao Zei? Can you believe someone would use such a name?

"This shouldn’t be a real name, right? It should be a stage name, hahaha~" All the trainees present laughed

"I think so too. It should be a stage name, not a real name."

"But this stage name is too, too unique, isn't it, Cao Zei?"

"You bastard Cao, stop being so arrogant!"

"Cao thief, you will not die well, haha~ Why do I feel like watching the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

"But no matter what, just for this name, I remember him."

The situation here has also happened to the mentors in the conference room.

A few minutes ago, when the mentors got the information, they couldn't help laughing.

The main reason is that this name is really too unique.

Who would have thought that there are people who use the word"thief" in their names?

It may also be because Cao Gong's name is too domineering.

When he came to the assembly hall along the corridor from the self-assessment room.

Cao Gong, who was strolling leisurely in the corridor, exuded a very domineering aura.

In the later stage of the program, when editing, the classic BGM of"Pacific Rim" was used as the background music for it, in order to set off Cao Gong's domineering momentum.

The aura exuded by Cao Gong is indeed very appropriate to his stage name Cao Zei.

""Wow!!!" When Cao Gong came out of the passage, all the trainees present were surprised.

"This aura is even stronger than Cai Xukun's."

"Yes, Cai Xukun is the strongest individual trainee, but this Cao Zei hahaha~ Why can't I help laughing when I mention Cao Zei?"

Not only them, but also the audience watching the show couldn't help laughing when they heard the name Cao Zei.

There is no way, whether it is a real name or a stage name, it is too unique and hard for people to forget.

"What an awesome name! No matter how capable you are, I have to vote for you today!"

"How can this be called Cao Zei? He is simply too handsome. Isn't it better to call him Cao Shuai? Cao Shuai? Sloppy? Not good either."

"Without mentioning anything else, just for your name, sister must give you a vote today."

The audience watching the show all left comments, saying that they must leave comments for Cao Zei.

But after arriving at the scene, Cao Zei looked at the many seats on the scene.

He was a trainee on the scene, and simply introduced himself, and then went to sit in the seat.

Not No. 1, but the most marginal position.

The main thing is that No. 1 is too damn high, and you have to walk up, and then you have to come down when you perform. It's very troublesome to go back and forth, and it's also very eye-catching. I don't like it. It's better to sit at the most marginal position.

The rightmost position in the first row is not eye-catching, which is good.

After he sat down, other trainees came over one after another.

After all the trainees arrived, the mentors in the conference room came out.

Cao Zei, who had been waiting for a long time, was really sleepy, so he fell asleep in his seat.

There was no way, you have to know what time it is now?

It's already past 9 o'clock in the evening, okay, tell me, are you sleepy?

"Oh~" At this time, 100 trainees looked at the information displayed on the big screen.

Debuted, 100 million fans

"More than 100 million fans worldwide? That's too much."

"Have you held 100 concerts? Is there any need to compare? Just debut directly."

These trainees didn't know that the people being introduced were not trainees, but mentors.

After the introduction, and in the expectant eyes of all the trainees, the six mentors collectively appeared.


When the six instructors came on stage, the trainees present were extremely excited.

The six instructors who came out of the aisle were both handsome and beautiful.

The first one to walk in was a big beauty, and she attracted the attention of all the trainees as soon as she appeared.

"Dilireba! Dilireba!!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Dilraba! It’s really Dilraba!"

"Wow! Is Dilireba our PD?"

"This is too happy, Dilraba! A great beauty, a super goddess!"

Except for Cao Zei, who squinted his eyes and slept because it was too late, too tired and too sleepy, all the trainees in the audience were completely boiling, just because of Dilraba's appearance. Dilraba's outfit today was particularly beautiful.

The clothes were very fresh and bright, the mint green V-neck belly-exposing long-sleeved top was fresh and sexy, and matched with a beautiful denim skirt, highlighting her perfect body proportions.

Wearing bright clothes, she is more youthful and energetic, and her long legs are very eye-catching. Especially when she stepped on high heels, her two beautiful legs were straight and slender, and the girlish Dilraba suddenly became a young lady.

The exaggerated big earrings gave people a very fashionable sense of déjà vu, advanced and outstanding.

Dilraba's outfit, coupled with her beautiful face and proud perfect proportions, can it not make the hormones of these adolescent boys present run wild?

"Cheng Xiao! Cheng Xiao! Cheng Xiao from Lehua!"

"Yes, Cheng Xiao from Lehua! So pretty, wow!~"

"Goddesses, you two are my goddesses!"

"It's worth it! Even if I can't make it through the first round and get eliminated, it's still worth it."

"I think I saw Dilraba Dilmurat and Cheng Xiao? So beautiful, my goddess!"

"Isn't your goddess Yang Mi? How come it became Dilireba and Cheng Xiao?"

"You're the only one with a mouth!"

"Hehe~ But she is really beautiful, prettier than my sister"

"Fan Chengcheng, are you blind? Isn't your sister pretty?"

"My sister is so beautiful? She is so ugly that it is almost out of this world." Fan Chengcheng complained about his sister without any hesitation.

But Cao Zei was completely unaware of all this.

He fell asleep in his seat because he was too tired and sleepy. It was not that he was impolite, but he was really too sleepy.

You know, this program is recorded at night, not during the day, and he was really sleepy.

When all the trainees saw the mentors appear on the stage, they all stood up and applauded, cheered, and praised the mentors.

But where was Cao Zei? He just sat on the chair and slept soundly.

This made the trainees sitting next to him helpless, but he was too embarrassed to call him.

After all, he didn't know Cao Zei, and he was too embarrassed to wake him up.

The six mentors stood on the stage, watching the trainees in front of them carefully.

Finally, a very discordant figure attracted the attention of the six mentors.

The first one to discover it was Dilireba, and her eyes subconsciously looked at the position of Cao Zei.

"Damn, this little guy, as soon as my sister appeared, all the trainees fixed their eyes on me, either in amazement or in amazement, either in exclamation or in admiration."

"You, Cao Zei, are the only one who didn't even look at me and was sleeping soundly?"

Dilraba's look at Cao Zei made countless trainees envious.

They all wanted Dilireba to look at them, but they didn't have the ability.

When everyone followed Dilireba's gaze, they realized that this famous Cao Zei was actually sleeping?

Wasn't he nervous? He was going to perform on stage soon, but he was so careless and was sleeping?

"Hahaha~ I am dying of laughter. This Cao thief is really arrogant."

"My Fat Di amazed everyone, but you were sleeping? That's too much, haha~"

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