After 10 o'clock, Dilraba brought him clothes.

But they were very serious in rehearsal, and Dilraba did not disturb them. Dilraba did not disturb him from practicing, and just watched him practice.

In the afternoon, after they had lunch, it was time to get ready.

Cao Gong even took a shower and changed his clothes before going. They were preparing all afternoon, and the audience who came to watch the performance entered the venue one after another.

Outside the venue, several people were wearing masks and sneaking around.

"How is it? Can I get in?"Zhao Liying asked her agent nervously.

"You can go in, but they said there is a limit on the number of people you can enter. The main reason is that it is too small and can't accommodate many people.

"However, we can't go any further and stand as far back as possible."

"Otherwise, if someone finds out, it will be very troublesome and will also increase the popularity of the show."

After Zhao Liying's agent said it, she knew it herself. She had put on a mask and a hat, so she shouldn't be recognized.

What's more, it was so dark inside, and it was obviously not so easy to be recognized.

After Zhao Liying, her agent and assistant went in, they picked up their phones to send WeChat.

But what made her helpless was that Cao Gong didn't reply to her. She could also understand it"two two three". Cao Gong had said before that his phone was often turned off for fear of disturbing practice.

In the dressing room, all the trainees were busy doing their hair and makeup.

Only Cao Gong was sitting in the corner, listening to music and sleeping.

He was too sleepy these days because he had to perform on stage with four mentors except Zhang Yixing.

He had to rehearse four stages by himself, how could he not be tired?

So, he slept as soon as he had time.

But after hearing the WeChat message on his phone, he woke up subconsciously.

Cao Gong, who woke up, opened the WeChat on his phone in a daze and took a look.

Many people sent WeChat messages, but Cao Gong never had time to reply.

But when he saw the first one in the WeChat message list, he immediately came to life.

"I came to see your performance."

Just this sentence surprised Cao Gong, but he also understood.

Their"Idol Producer" was originally recorded in Langfang City.

Zhao Liying's family is in Langfang, and she seems to be taking a break during this period, so it seems that it is not impossible for her to come and see his performance. After all, they met by chance some time ago.

"You came to see the performance, aren't you afraid of being recognized?"

This WeChat message was sent by Zhao Liying a few minutes later.

Zhao Liying, who had already entered the venue, was very surprised when she saw this WeChat message.

"Is your phone on?"This is something Zhao Liying didn't expect.

"Well, I turned on the camera today, and because I was too sleepy, I listened to music and went to sleep."

After seeing it, Zhao Liying replied with a smile:"So I woke you up?"

"No, you are waking me up. Cao Gong's ability to speak made Zhao Liying smile.

"You really know how to choose the time to watch the performance. There are more performances tonight."

"Huh? Really? How many performances will you have? I saw you perform a lot of songs in the first and second performances, three or four stages, right?"Zhao Liying is looking forward to it.

"Well, I have four stage performances tonight, and I will be working with four mentors, Li Ronghao, Ouyang Jin, Wang Jiaer and Cheng Xiao. Cao Gong's advance disclosure made Zhao Liying particularly happy.

"Oh, and you're working with Cheng Xiao?" This made Zhao Liying feel a little uncomfortable.

She didn't want to admit it, but the fact was that she was jealous.

"Yes, I will also dance with my arms around her waist."

"Goodbye, I'm going back to sleep." Zhao Liying angrily sent a message to Cao Gong

"Hehe~" Cao Gong replied, which made Zhao Liying even more angry:"Just a hehe?"

""Want to listen to some music?" Cao Gong asked Zhao Liying with a smile.

Zhao Liying, who was originally jealous, became interested now.

What does it mean?

"Could it be that among the songs you collaborated with these four mentors, there are also songs written for me?"

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Zhao Liying thought this was impossible.

"You will know in a moment."He didn't answer yes, but he also kept the mystery.

After seeing it, Zhao Liying became more excited.

On the other side, everyone was ready, and the performance of the teacher-student collaboration tonight was about to begin.

Dilireba was dressed in a beautiful and fashionable outfit, and she went on stage with all the instructors.

"The cooperation between the mentors and trainees today is really wonderful."

Dilireba, holding the script, smiled mysteriously and said to the audience:"Tonight, it can be said that we have a big welfare show."

"Yes, that's right." Cheng Xiao, who was standing next to Dilireba, also agreed.

"Cao Gong!!!!!!!!!!!!" A large number of audiences in the audience shouted Cao Gong's name.

"Yes, it is Cao Gong. You can look forward to his performance tonight."

Dilraba playfully winked at the audience.

But it was this cute wink that made the audience scream and cheer.

"Then we won't say much, let's get the atmosphere going tonight."

Zhang Yixing couldn't wait any longer, so he asked everyone to start

"So who is the first teacher to perform on stage?" Dilireba asked, holding the script.

"Me?"Cheng Xiao, who was wearing short shorts, took the initiative to say that she would go first.

Originally a short skirt stage costume, Cheng Xiao finally changed it and changed it into the current black leather short shorts.

Her beautiful legs were stepped on a pair of leather long over-the-knee high-heeled boots.

Cheng Xiao is so sexy and queen, she doesn't look like an 18-year-old girl at all.

"Oh? Cheng Xiao, do you want to start first?"

"Who are your team members?"Dilreba asked knowingly.

"How should I put it? The youngest is on our team, the most complete combination is also on our team, and the most talented is also on our team, haha~" After saying this, Cheng Xiao himself couldn't help but feel happy.

"It seems that you have been very happy practicing with the most talented one during this period of time?"

Dilireba teased Cheng Xiao in the tone of a jealous rival.

Cheng Xiao smiled shyly and admitted:"Indeed, it was only after we really worked together that I felt his excellence, charm and ability. It's really an honor."

"What are you waiting for? Let's get started."Zhang Yixing couldn't wait any longer.

Just like that, the stage started (to read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the side of the stage, Cao Gong and the six members of Lehua were ready.

When the time came, the seven of them came on stage one after another. When they came to the stage, they greeted the audience and started to prepare.

"Oh oh oh~"

The audience cheered and shouted excitedly.

On the stage, eight people stood in their positions, waiting for the sound teacher to play the accompaniment........

Cheng Xiao, standing in the center of the team, is ready.

Song: Agent C

Lyrics: Cao Gong

Composer: Cao Gong

Performers: Cheng Xiao, Cao Gong, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao...

After the accompaniment was played, in the prelude of this song, the eight teachers and students on the stage began to dance.

In the first second of the accompaniment, they began to get into the state, with Cheng Xiao as the center. They began to dance around her, making Cheng Xiao, who was standing in the middle, create a feeling of queen.

In the fairy tale, Snow White and her seven dwarfs[]

But on this stage, it was Queen Naixiao and her seven students.

Their dance performance on the stage amazed the audience

""Screams cut through the long night, and perfume reveals your location"

Cheng Xiao sang the song, and she started with the first line of the lyrics.

After he started, Fan Chengcheng, who was diagonally in front of him, continued to sing.

The performance went smoothly without any mistakes.

But at the climax of the song, Cheng Xiao moved to the front of the team to lead the dance and singing.

"The perfect spy C, freezing the focus of the audience, freezing you in the blind spot of love~"

The climax of the song came as soon as it was said. The strong melody and rhythm, coupled with the eight people on the stage dancing in unison, ignited the atmosphere of the whole scene.

The climax of the song was not sung by Cheng Xiao alone.

It was a collective chorus of eight people.

"The perfect agent C, who is the best at playing the role, loves without realizing it, but can never fulfill it..."

The first climax of the performance ended, and the audience was attracted by the song.

Cheng Xiao's performance in this song can be said to be very eye-catching.

As the core of the song, whenever there is a group dance, she must stand in the middle to lead the dance.

Because this song was originally written for her by Cao Gong

, the first live performance of this song was not her personal live.

So in order to declare sovereignty, Cao Gong decided to let Cheng Xiao be the leader of this song.

Let the audience see Cheng Xiao and remember Cheng Xiao, which is also to tell the audience that

Cheng Xiao is the original singer of this song.

5.9"Wow, it's really much better than yesterday's rehearsal."

"Yes, that kind of aura just came out, it was much better than during the rehearsal."

Zhang Yixing and Wang Jiaer sighed as they watched the stage performance.

The audience watching the show were, of course, attracted by the stage performance.

But what surprised the audience was that in the stage performance of this song, Cao Gong was as if invisible.

If there were not many shots on him, the audience would not have heard Cao Gong's voice in this song.

Cao Gong's voice is very explosive and penetrating, and it is easy for the audience to hear it.

But in this collaboration, Cao Gong's voice seemed to be invisible.

Even in the chorus of the climax of the song, it is difficult to hear Cao Gong's voice if you don't listen carefully.

The whole song seems to be only Cheng Xiao's voice, and the others are also very small.

It was the audience watching the show who saw Cao Gong say in the show that this song was for Cheng Xiao, and all the collaborations this time, whether dance or vocal music, must highlight Cheng Xiao, so that the audience can remember that it was Cheng Xiao.

This is the plan of their team, and it was defined long ago, and no one has any objections..

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