On the evening of August 31, Cao Gong took a plane back to his home in Shanghai.

What can I say about Cao Gong's house in Shanghai?

It's not bad, after all, it's a house he bought himself.

After making money from stock trading last year, Cao Gong bought himself a river view mansion in Shanghai.

It's not a villa or anything, just a high-end mansion in Shanghai.

Last year, he felt that he lived alone and there was no need to live in such a big house.

Cao Gong, who made money last year, bought two houses in Shanghai.

One is for his own convenience, and the other is a manor villa for his future residence.

He bought a house last year to avoid the difficulty of buying a house in Shanghai when the housing prices in Shanghai went up a few years later.

You know, the most expensive community in Shanghai last year had a housing price of more than 60,000 yuan per square meter.

But in 2019, this community was more than 100,000 yuan.

Just like Shanghai's OCT Suhewan.

The housing price was about 70,000 yuan last year, but in 2019, the housing price was 180,000 yuan per square meter.

The house where Cao Gong lives is the best river view house in Zhabei, Shanghai, OCT Suhewan.

Cao Gong spent more than 20 million to buy this house.

But he was willing to do so. After all, the money earned from stock speculation is kept or invested.

Buying a house is also an investment.

What's more, he also needs to live in it, so he won't be stingy.

After buying this house, Cao Gong lives comfortably.

The most important thing is that the river view of this house is particularly good. It can be said to be the best river view house in Shanghai.

When I just arrived in Shanghai and turned on my mobile phone, the call came in.

"Finally I got through to you. I thought you didn't turn on your phone."

The caller was none other than his father Liu Dehua.

After Cao Gong, wearing a mask, got into the taxi, he said to the driver,"OCT Suhewan." The taxi driver looked at Cao Gong in the back seat and was surprised where the boy was going.

That's a luxury house. It seems that he is a rich second-generation.

But it's a bit strange that a rich second-generation takes a taxi.

"I just got off the plane and arrived in Shanghai. What happened? Cao Gong answered his father's question.

"I'm just worried that you forgot that school starts tomorrow, so I called to ask you"

"I couldn't get through just now, but I couldn't get through to you."

"If I can’t get in touch with you before 12 o’clock today, I will ask my agent to contact the production team to find you."

Cao Gong knew that Liu Dehua was so anxious.

He was going to college, and as a father, of course he was more concerned.

Liu Dehua didn’t worry so much before because his mother was still alive.

But after his mother got into trouble, Cao Gong’s only guardian in the world was him, his father.

He didn’t need to worry as a father before, but now he has to worry even if he doesn’t want to.

Of course, he is also happy to worry because his son is very sensible.

Since his mother passed away, Cao Gong seemed to have matured overnight.

He understood his job as a father and didn’t see them often, which was also for the good of them.

"It's okay, I remember everything, and I can go out often."

"How could I know you?" Liu Dehua said to his son angrily,"I thought you were in love with that beautiful tutor and forgot that you still had to go to school."

"Ha~" Cao Gong did not explain much about this.

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you, the audition for this show will end next month."

"I have to go abroad, to South Africa. Cao Gong said

"No, why are you going to such a dangerous place?"When Liu Dehua heard that he was going to South Africa, he became nervous.

"Uncle Wu is filming a movie there, waiting for me to go over there."

"He plays a rich second generation; so he has to go there for about a month."

Knowing that his son was going to work and film a movie, Liu Dehua was also helpless.

This kid just debuted, and he's going to film a movie?

"You can write songs, sing and dance well, but can you act?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, the point is that you haven't learned it either."

Liu Dehua spoke in Cantonese, which made Cao Gong helpless.

Cantonese was definitely understandable, but Liu Dehua didn't believe that he could act.

But there was nothing wrong with not believing it, after all, he really had never acted in a play.

He couldn't say, my acting skills are good, right?

After all, his acting skills were copied, so there was no need to worry at all.

"I don’t know, that’s why I’m going to learn from Wu Jing and the others this time."

"I just played a rich second-generation, which is considered to be a true portrayal of myself."

"Uncle Wu said that as long as he can act cool and talk well, he doesn't need to worry about other things."

Since his son said so, Liu Dehua didn't want to say more.

The main thing is that his son is an adult and he has the right to make his own choices. (To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As a father, he certainly can't influence his thoughts or stop his choices.

"All right, then go ahead."

"But when do you have time, take some time to have a meal in Xiangjiang?"

"Your sister is clamoring to see you, saying that you are a big star now and don’t want her anymore."

Regarding this half-sister, Cao Gong is also quite helpless.

He was an only child in his previous life, and now he has a half-sister.

To be honest, his sister-con attribute has been activated.

"I don't have time for now, at least not before October."

"The final of the show will be in mid-September, and if nothing goes wrong, they will be able to debut."

"Then, after the finals, I have to fly to South Africa to film."

"Uncle Wu told me that if the filming is fast, I can go back in a month."

"Knowing that I have to go to school, they will focus on filming my scenes"

"If there is anything inappropriate, I can go over and reshoot it.

Cao Gong said this to let Liu Dehua know his current work status.

Liu Dehua cares about him, and as a son, of course, he also needs to reassure his father.[]

"OK, let's talk about it when you're done. I'm also filming a movie during this period."

"I won't say more to you. Have a good rest tonight and don't forget tomorrow.���Go sign up."

After Cao Gong hung up the phone, the car stopped.

The driver also learned from Cao Gong's conversation on the phone that he seemed to be a star.

The driver also asked Cao Gong to help him sign an autograph.

"Thank you."After signing, Cao Gong gave the money to the driver.

He took off his mask when he went downstairs to his mansion.

Cao Gong took off his mask and went upstairs.

Cao Gong didn't want to say much, so he took a shower and had a good sleep.

He had to report to school early tomorrow morning, so he had to rest and sleep early.

After taking a bath, Cao Gong threw himself on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

He hadn't slept in his own soft bed for a long time and missed it very much.

That's why he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.


The next morning, Cao Gong got up early and drove to school to report.

"Is this Cao Gong? He is really handsome."

"Yes, yes, are we going to be in the same class?"

When Cao Gong arrived at the new student registration area, he saw some classmates queuing up to sign in, so he also lined up.

After waiting for a while, it was his turn to report.

"Teacher, can I stay overnight?" Cao Gong asked the teacher at the sign-in area.

"You can live outside, but you still have to pay for accommodation."

After the teacher said that, Cao Gong nodded.

After learning about it, I learned that the tuition fee for their acting department is 13,000 yuan a year, plus the student accommodation fee of 1,200 yuan, campus card and other things, which adds up to about 15,000 yuan.

After the teacher swiped the card with the POS machine, he planned to give the POS machine to Cao Gong to enter the password.

"Teacher, are you our class teacher?" Cao Gong put down the POS machine and asked the teacher at the registration desk

"I am not, but you will see your class teacher at the class meeting tonight."

"What, do you want to ask for leave?"The teacher who signed in asked Cao Gong,

"Well, as you know, I am participating in a talent show recently, and the finals are coming soon."

"So I have to take some time off. Cao Gong has no other choice now.

"It's okay. Now all the teachers and students in the school know that you are participating in"Idol Producer""

"And the song"Loyalty to the Country" is very nice, heroic and full of positive energy. Keep it up."

The teacher's praise made Cao Gong smile and nod to say thank you.

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